;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more ;;;; information. ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources: ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export ;;;; control laws. ;;;; ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;;; specification. (in-package "SB-PCL") ;;; This file is (almost) functionally equivalent to dlap.lisp, but easier to ;;; read. ;;; Might generate faster code, too, depending on the compiler and whether an ;;; implementation-specific lap assembler was used. (defun emit-one-class-reader (class-slot-p) (emit-reader/writer :reader 1 class-slot-p)) (defun emit-one-class-writer (class-slot-p) (emit-reader/writer :writer 1 class-slot-p)) (defun emit-two-class-reader (class-slot-p) (emit-reader/writer :reader 2 class-slot-p)) (defun emit-two-class-writer (class-slot-p) (emit-reader/writer :writer 2 class-slot-p)) ;;; -------------------------------- (defun emit-one-index-readers (class-slot-p) (emit-one-or-n-index-reader/writer :reader nil class-slot-p)) (defun emit-one-index-writers (class-slot-p) (emit-one-or-n-index-reader/writer :writer nil class-slot-p)) (defun emit-n-n-readers () (emit-one-or-n-index-reader/writer :reader t nil)) (defun emit-n-n-writers () (emit-one-or-n-index-reader/writer :writer t nil)) ;;; -------------------------------- (defun emit-checking (metatypes applyp) (emit-checking-or-caching nil nil metatypes applyp)) (defun emit-caching (metatypes applyp) (emit-checking-or-caching t nil metatypes applyp)) (defun emit-in-checking-cache-p (metatypes) (emit-checking-or-caching nil t metatypes nil)) (defun emit-constant-value (metatypes) (emit-checking-or-caching t t metatypes nil)) ;;; -------------------------------- (defvar *precompiling-lap* nil) (defvar *emit-function-p* t) (defun emit-default-only (metatypes applyp) (when (and (null *precompiling-lap*) *emit-function-p*) (return-from emit-default-only (emit-default-only-function metatypes applyp))) (let* ((dlap-lambda-list (make-dlap-lambda-list metatypes applyp)) (args (remove '&rest dlap-lambda-list)) (restl (when applyp '(.lap-rest-arg.)))) (generating-lisp '(emf) dlap-lambda-list `(invoke-effective-method-function emf ,applyp ,@args ,@restl)))) (defmacro emit-default-only-macro (metatypes applyp) (let ((*emit-function-p* nil) (*precompiling-lap* t)) (values (emit-default-only metatypes applyp)))) ;;; -------------------------------- (defun generating-lisp (closure-variables args form) (let* ((rest (memq '&rest args)) (ldiff (and rest (ldiff args rest))) (args (if rest (append ldiff '(&rest .lap-rest-arg.)) args)) (lambda `(lambda ,closure-variables ,@(when (member 'miss-fn closure-variables) `((declare (type function miss-fn)))) #'(sb-kernel:instance-lambda ,args (let () (declare #.*optimize-speed*) ,form))))) (values (if *precompiling-lap* `#',lambda (compile nil lambda)) nil))) ;;; note on implementation for CMU 17 and later (including SBCL): ;;; Since std-instance-p is weakened, that branch may run on non-pcl ;;; instances (structures). The result will be the non-wrapper layout ;;; for the structure, which will cause a miss. The "slots" will be ;;; whatever the first slot is, but will be ignored. Similarly, ;;; fsc-instance-p returns true on funcallable structures as well as ;;; PCL fins. (defun emit-reader/writer (reader/writer 1-or-2-class class-slot-p) (when (and (null *precompiling-lap*) *emit-function-p*) (return-from emit-reader/writer (emit-reader/writer-function reader/writer 1-or-2-class class-slot-p))) (let ((instance nil) (arglist ()) (closure-variables ()) (field (first-wrapper-cache-number-index)) (readp (eq reader/writer :reader)) (read-form (emit-slot-read-form class-slot-p 'index 'slots))) ;;we need some field to do the fast obsolete check (ecase reader/writer (:reader (setq instance (dfun-arg-symbol 0) arglist (list instance))) (:writer (setq instance (dfun-arg-symbol 1) arglist (list (dfun-arg-symbol 0) instance)))) (ecase 1-or-2-class (1 (setq closure-variables '(wrapper-0 index miss-fn))) (2 (setq closure-variables '(wrapper-0 wrapper-1 index miss-fn)))) (generating-lisp closure-variables arglist `(let* (,@(unless class-slot-p `((slots nil))) (wrapper (cond ((std-instance-p ,instance) ,@(unless class-slot-p `((setq slots (std-instance-slots ,instance)))) (std-instance-wrapper ,instance)) ((fsc-instance-p ,instance) ,@(unless class-slot-p `((setq slots (fsc-instance-slots ,instance)))) (fsc-instance-wrapper ,instance))))) (block access (when (and wrapper (/= (wrapper-cache-number-vector-ref wrapper ,field) 0) ,@(if (eql 1 1-or-2-class) `((eq wrapper wrapper-0)) `((or (eq wrapper wrapper-0) (eq wrapper wrapper-1))))) ,@(if readp `((let ((value ,read-form)) (unless (eq value +slot-unbound+) (return-from access value)))) `((return-from access (setf ,read-form ,(car arglist)))))) (funcall miss-fn ,@arglist)))))) (defun emit-slot-read-form (class-slot-p index slots) (if class-slot-p `(cdr ,index) `(instance-ref ,slots ,index))) (defun emit-slot-write-form (class-slot-p index slots value) (if class-slot-p `(setf (cdr ,index) ,value) `(and ,slots (setf (instance-ref ,slots ,index) ,value)))) (defun emit-boundp-check (value-form miss-fn arglist) `(let ((value ,value-form)) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (funcall ,miss-fn ,@arglist) value))) (defun emit-slot-access (reader/writer class-slot-p slots index miss-fn arglist) (let ((read-form (emit-slot-read-form class-slot-p index slots)) (write-form (emit-slot-write-form class-slot-p index slots (car arglist)))) (ecase reader/writer (:reader (emit-boundp-check read-form miss-fn arglist)) (:writer write-form)))) (defmacro emit-reader/writer-macro (reader/writer 1-or-2-class class-slot-p) (let ((*emit-function-p* nil) (*precompiling-lap* t)) (values (emit-reader/writer reader/writer 1-or-2-class class-slot-p)))) (defun emit-one-or-n-index-reader/writer (reader/writer cached-index-p class-slot-p) (when (and (null *precompiling-lap*) *emit-function-p*) (return-from emit-one-or-n-index-reader/writer (emit-one-or-n-index-reader/writer-function reader/writer cached-index-p class-slot-p))) (multiple-value-bind (arglist metatypes) (ecase reader/writer (:reader (values (list (dfun-arg-symbol 0)) '(standard-instance))) (:writer (values (list (dfun-arg-symbol 0) (dfun-arg-symbol 1)) '(t standard-instance)))) (generating-lisp `(cache ,@(unless cached-index-p '(index)) miss-fn) arglist `(let (,@(unless class-slot-p '(slots)) ,@(when cached-index-p '(index))) ,(emit-dlap arglist metatypes (emit-slot-access reader/writer class-slot-p 'slots 'index 'miss-fn arglist) `(funcall miss-fn ,@arglist) (when cached-index-p 'index) (unless class-slot-p '(slots))))))) (defmacro emit-one-or-n-index-reader/writer-macro (reader/writer cached-index-p class-slot-p) (let ((*emit-function-p* nil) (*precompiling-lap* t)) (values (emit-one-or-n-index-reader/writer reader/writer cached-index-p class-slot-p)))) (defun emit-miss (miss-fn args &optional applyp) (let ((restl (when applyp '(.lap-rest-arg.)))) (if restl `(apply ,miss-fn ,@args ,@restl) `(funcall ,miss-fn ,@args ,@restl)))) (defun emit-checking-or-caching (cached-emf-p return-value-p metatypes applyp) (when (and (null *precompiling-lap*) *emit-function-p*) (return-from emit-checking-or-caching (emit-checking-or-caching-function cached-emf-p return-value-p metatypes applyp))) (let* ((dlap-lambda-list (make-dlap-lambda-list metatypes applyp)) (args (remove '&rest dlap-lambda-list)) (restl (when applyp '(.lap-rest-arg.)))) (generating-lisp `(cache ,@(unless cached-emf-p '(emf)) miss-fn) dlap-lambda-list `(let (,@(when cached-emf-p '(emf))) ,(emit-dlap args metatypes (if return-value-p (if cached-emf-p 'emf t) `(invoke-effective-method-function emf ,applyp ,@args ,@restl)) (emit-miss 'miss-fn args applyp) (when cached-emf-p 'emf)))))) (defmacro emit-checking-or-caching-macro (cached-emf-p return-value-p metatypes applyp) (let ((*emit-function-p* nil) (*precompiling-lap* t)) (values (emit-checking-or-caching cached-emf-p return-value-p metatypes applyp)))) (defun emit-dlap (args metatypes hit miss value-reg &optional slot-regs) (let* ((index -1) (wrapper-bindings (mapcan #'(lambda (arg mt) (unless (eq mt 't) (incf index) `((,(intern (format nil "WRAPPER-~D" index) *pcl-package*) ,(emit-fetch-wrapper mt arg 'miss (pop slot-regs)))))) args metatypes)) (wrappers (mapcar #'car wrapper-bindings))) (declare (fixnum index)) (unless wrappers (error "Every metatype is T.")) `(block dfun (tagbody (let ((field (cache-field cache)) (cache-vector (cache-vector cache)) (mask (cache-mask cache)) (size (cache-size cache)) (overflow (cache-overflow cache)) ,@wrapper-bindings) (declare (fixnum size field mask)) ,(cond ((cdr wrappers) (emit-greater-than-1-dlap wrappers 'miss value-reg)) (value-reg (emit-1-t-dlap (car wrappers) 'miss value-reg)) (t (emit-1-nil-dlap (car wrappers) 'miss))) (return-from dfun ,hit)) miss (return-from dfun ,miss))))) (defun emit-1-nil-dlap (wrapper miss-label) `(let* ((primary ,(emit-1-wrapper-compute-primary-cache-location wrapper miss-label)) (location primary)) (declare (fixnum primary location)) (block search (loop (when (eq ,wrapper (cache-vector-ref cache-vector location)) (return-from search nil)) (setq location (the fixnum (+ location 1))) (when (= location size) (setq location 0)) (when (= location primary) (dolist (entry overflow) (when (eq (car entry) ,wrapper) (return-from search nil))) (go ,miss-label)))))) (defmacro get-cache-vector-lock-count (cache-vector) `(let ((lock-count (cache-vector-lock-count ,cache-vector))) (unless (typep lock-count 'fixnum) (error "My cache got freed somehow.")) (the fixnum lock-count))) (defun emit-1-t-dlap (wrapper miss-label value) `(let ((primary ,(emit-1-wrapper-compute-primary-cache-location wrapper miss-label)) (initial-lock-count (get-cache-vector-lock-count cache-vector))) (declare (fixnum primary initial-lock-count)) (let ((location primary)) (declare (fixnum location)) (block search (loop (when (eq ,wrapper (cache-vector-ref cache-vector location)) (setq ,value (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (1+ location))) (return-from search nil)) (setq location (the fixnum (+ location 2))) (when (= location size) (setq location 0)) (when (= location primary) (dolist (entry overflow) (when (eq (car entry) ,wrapper) (setq ,value (cdr entry)) (return-from search nil))) (go ,miss-label)))) (unless (= initial-lock-count (get-cache-vector-lock-count cache-vector)) (go ,miss-label))))) (defun emit-greater-than-1-dlap (wrappers miss-label value) (declare (type list wrappers)) (let ((cache-line-size (compute-line-size (+ (length wrappers) (if value 1 0))))) `(let ((primary 0) (size-1 (the fixnum (- size 1)))) (declare (fixnum primary size-1)) ,(emit-n-wrapper-compute-primary-cache-location wrappers miss-label) (let ((initial-lock-count (get-cache-vector-lock-count cache-vector))) (declare (fixnum initial-lock-count)) (let ((location primary) (next-location 0)) (declare (fixnum location next-location)) (block search (loop (setq next-location (the fixnum (+ location ,cache-line-size))) (when (and ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (wrapper) `(eq ,wrapper (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (setq location (the fixnum (+ location 1)))))) wrappers)) ,@(when value `((setq location (the fixnum (+ location 1))) (setq ,value (cache-vector-ref cache-vector location)))) (return-from search nil)) (setq location next-location) (when (= location size-1) (setq location 0)) (when (= location primary) (dolist (entry overflow) (let ((entry-wrappers (car entry))) (when (and ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (wrapper) `(eq ,wrapper (pop entry-wrappers))) wrappers)) ,@(when value `((setq ,value (cdr entry)))) (return-from search nil)))) (go ,miss-label)))) (unless (= initial-lock-count (get-cache-vector-lock-count cache-vector)) (go ,miss-label))))))) (defun emit-1-wrapper-compute-primary-cache-location (wrapper miss-label) `(let ((wrapper-cache-no (wrapper-cache-number-vector-ref ,wrapper field))) (declare (fixnum wrapper-cache-no)) (when (zerop wrapper-cache-no) (go ,miss-label)) ,(let ((form `(logand mask wrapper-cache-no))) `(the fixnum ,form)))) (defun emit-n-wrapper-compute-primary-cache-location (wrappers miss-label) (declare (type list wrappers)) ;; This returns 1 less that the actual location. `(progn ,@(let ((adds 0) (len (length wrappers))) (declare (fixnum adds len)) (mapcar #'(lambda (wrapper) `(let ((wrapper-cache-no (wrapper-cache-number-vector-ref ,wrapper field))) (declare (fixnum wrapper-cache-no)) (when (zerop wrapper-cache-no) (go ,miss-label)) (setq primary (the fixnum (+ primary wrapper-cache-no))) ,@(progn (incf adds) (when (or (zerop (mod adds wrapper-cache-number-adds-ok)) (eql adds len)) `((setq primary ,(let ((form `(logand primary mask))) `(the fixnum ,form)))))))) wrappers)))) ;;; CMU17 (and SBCL) note: Since STD-INSTANCE-P is weakened in the CMU/SBCL ;;; approach of using funcallable instances, that branch may run ;;; on non-pcl instances (structures). The result will be the ;;; non-wrapper layout for the structure, which will cause a miss. The "slots" ;;; will be whatever the first slot is, but will be ignored. Similarly, ;;; fsc-instance-p returns true on funcallable structures as well as PCL fins. (defun emit-fetch-wrapper (metatype argument miss-label &optional slot) (ecase metatype ((standard-instance) `(cond ((std-instance-p ,argument) ,@(when slot `((setq ,slot (std-instance-slots ,argument)))) (std-instance-wrapper ,argument)) ((fsc-instance-p ,argument) ,@(when slot `((setq ,slot (fsc-instance-slots ,argument)))) (fsc-instance-wrapper ,argument)) (t (go ,miss-label)))) (class (when slot (error "can't do a slot reg for this metatype")) `(wrapper-of-macro ,argument)) ((built-in-instance structure-instance) (when slot (error "can't do a slot reg for this metatype")) `(built-in-or-structure-wrapper ,argument))))