;;;; implementation of CL:DOCUMENTATION ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with absolutely no ;;;; warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more information. (in-package "SB-PCL") ;;; Note some cases are handled by the documentation methods in ;;; std-class.lisp. ;;; FIXME: Those should probably be moved into this file too. ;;; FIXME: Lots of bare calls to INFO here could be handled ;;; more cleanly by calling the FDOCUMENTATION function instead. ;;; FIXME: Neither SBCL nor Debian CMU CL 2.4.17 handles ;;; (DEFUN FOO ()) ;;; (SETF (DOCUMENTATION #'FOO 'FUNCTION) "testing") ;;; They fail with ;;; Can't change the documentation of #. ;;; The coverage of the DOCUMENTATION methods ought to be systematically ;;; compared to the ANSI specification of DOCUMENTATION. ;;; functions, macros, and special forms (defmethod documentation ((x function) (doc-type (eql 't))) (%fun-doc x)) (defmethod documentation ((x function) (doc-type (eql 'function))) (%fun-doc x)) (defmethod documentation ((x list) (doc-type (eql 'function))) (and (legal-fun-name-p x) (fboundp x) (documentation (fdefinition x) t))) (defmethod documentation ((x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'function))) (or (values (info :function :documentation x)) ;; Try the pcl function documentation. (and (fboundp x) (documentation (fdefinition x) t)))) (defmethod documentation ((x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'setf))) (values (info :setf :documentation x))) (defmethod (setf documentation) (new-value (x list) (doc-type (eql 'function))) (setf (info :function :documentation x) new-value)) (defmethod (setf documentation) (new-value (x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'function))) (setf (info :function :documentation x) new-value)) (defmethod (setf documentation) (new-value (x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'setf))) (setf (info :setf :documentation x) new-value)) ;;; packages (defmethod documentation ((x package) (doc-type (eql 't))) (package-doc-string x)) (defmethod (setf documentation) (new-value (x package) (doc-type (eql 't))) (setf (package-doc-string x) new-value)) ;;; KLUDGE: It's nasty having things like this accessor floating around ;;; out in this mostly-unrelated source file. Perhaps it would be ;;; better to support WARM-INIT-FORMS by analogy with the existing ;;; !COLD-INIT-FORMS and have them be EVAL'ed after basic warm load is ;;; done? That way things like this could be defined alongside the ;;; other code which does low-level hacking of packages.. -- WHN 19991203 ;;; types, classes, and structure names (defmethod documentation ((x structure-class) (doc-type (eql 't))) (values (info :type :documentation (class-name x)))) (defmethod documentation ((x structure-class) (doc-type (eql 'type))) (values (info :type :documentation (class-name x)))) (defmethod documentation ((x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'type))) (or (values (info :type :documentation x)) (let ((class (find-class x nil))) (when class (plist-value class 'documentation))))) (defmethod documentation ((x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'structure))) (when (eq (info :type :kind x) :instance) (values (info :type :documentation x)))) (defmethod (setf documentation) (new-value (x structure-class) (doc-type (eql 't))) (setf (info :type :documentation (class-name x)) new-value)) (defmethod (setf documentation) (new-value (x structure-class) (doc-type (eql 'type))) (setf (info :type :documentation (class-name x)) new-value)) (defmethod (setf documentation) (new-value (x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'type))) (if (structure-type-p x) ; Catch structures first. (setf (info :type :documentation x) new-value) (let ((class (find-class x nil))) (if class (setf (plist-value class 'documentation) new-value) (setf (info :type :documentation x) new-value))))) (defmethod (setf documentation) (new-value (x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'structure))) (unless (eq (info :type :kind x) :instance) (error "~S is not the name of a structure type." x)) (setf (info :type :documentation x) new-value)) ;;; variables (defmethod documentation ((x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'variable))) (values (info :variable :documentation x))) (defmethod (setf documentation) (new-value (x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'variable))) (setf (info :variable :documentation x) new-value)) ;;; miscellaneous documentation. Compiler-macro documentation is stored ;;; as random-documentation and handled here. (defmethod documentation ((x symbol) (doc-type symbol)) (cdr (assoc doc-type (values (info :random-documentation :stuff x))))) (defmethod (setf documentation) (new-value (x symbol) (doc-type symbol)) (let ((pair (assoc doc-type (info :random-documentation :stuff x)))) (if pair (setf (cdr pair) new-value) (push (cons doc-type new-value) (info :random-documentation :stuff x)))) new-value) ;;; FIXME: The ((X SYMBOL) (DOC-TYPE SYMBOL)) method and its setf method should ;;; have parallel versions which accept LIST-valued X arguments (for function ;;; names in the (SETF FOO) style). ;;; Now that we have created the machinery for setting documentation, we can ;;; set the documentation for the machinery for setting documentation. #+sb-doc (setf (documentation 'documentation 'function) "Return the documentation string of Doc-Type for X, or NIL if none exists. System doc-types are VARIABLE, FUNCTION, STRUCTURE, TYPE, SETF, and T.")