;;;; basic environmental stuff ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more ;;;; information. ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources: ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export ;;;; control laws. ;;;; ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;;; specification. (in-package "SB-PCL") (sb-int:file-comment "$Header$") ;;; FIXME: This stuff isn't part of the ANSI spec, and isn't even ;;; exported from PCL, but it looks as though it might be useful, ;;; so I don't want to just delete it. Perhaps it should go in ;;; a contrib/ directory eventually? #| ;;; TRACE-METHOD and UNTRACE-METHOD accept method specs as arguments. A ;;; method-spec should be a list like: ;;; ( qualifiers* (specializers*)) ;;; where should be either a symbol or a list ;;; of (SETF ). ;;; ;;; For example, to trace the method defined by: ;;; ;;; (defmethod foo ((x spaceship)) 'ss) ;;; ;;; You should say: ;;; ;;; (trace-method '(foo (spaceship))) ;;; ;;; You can also provide a method object in the place of the method ;;; spec, in which case that method object will be traced. ;;; ;;; For untrace-method, if an argument is given, that method is untraced. ;;; If no argument is given, all traced methods are untraced. (defclass traced-method (method) ((method :initarg :method) (function :initarg :function :reader method-function) (generic-function :initform nil :accessor method-generic-function))) (defmethod method-lambda-list ((m traced-method)) (with-slots (method) m (method-lambda-list method))) (defmethod method-specializers ((m traced-method)) (with-slots (method) m (method-specializers method))) (defmethod method-qualifiers ((m traced-method)) (with-slots (method) m (method-qualifiers method))) (defmethod accessor-method-slot-name ((m traced-method)) (with-slots (method) m (accessor-method-slot-name method))) (defvar *traced-methods* ()) (defun trace-method (spec &rest options) (multiple-value-bind (gf omethod name) (parse-method-or-spec spec) (let* ((tfunction (trace-method-internal (method-function omethod) name options)) (tmethod (make-instance 'traced-method :method omethod :function tfunction))) (remove-method gf omethod) (add-method gf tmethod) (pushnew tmethod *traced-methods*) tmethod))) (defun untrace-method (&optional spec) (flet ((untrace-1 (m) (let ((gf (method-generic-function m))) (when gf (remove-method gf m) (add-method gf (slot-value m 'method)) (setq *traced-methods* (remove m *traced-methods*)))))) (if (not (null spec)) (multiple-value-bind (gf method) (parse-method-or-spec spec) (declare (ignore gf)) (if (memq method *traced-methods*) (untrace-1 method) (error "~S is not a traced method?" method))) (dolist (m *traced-methods*) (untrace-1 m))))) (defun trace-method-internal (ofunction name options) (eval `(untrace ,name)) (setf (symbol-function name) ofunction) (eval `(trace ,name ,@options)) (symbol-function name)) |# ;(defun compile-method (spec) ; (multiple-value-bind (gf method name) ; (parse-method-or-spec spec) ; (declare (ignore gf)) ; (compile name (method-function method)) ; (setf (method-function method) (symbol-function name)))) ;;; not used in SBCL #| (defmacro undefmethod (&rest args) (declare (arglist name {method-qualifier}* specializers)) `(undefmethod-1 ',args)) (defun undefmethod-1 (args) (multiple-value-bind (gf method) (parse-method-or-spec args) (when (and gf method) (remove-method gf method) method))) |# ;;; FIXME: Delete these. #| (pushnew :pcl *features*) (pushnew :portable-commonloops *features*) (pushnew :pcl-structures *features*) |# ;;; FIXME: This was for some unclean bootstrapping thing we don't ;;; need in SBCL, right? So we can delete it, right? ;;; #+cmu ;;; (when (find-package "OLD-PCL") ;;; (setf (symbol-function (find-symbol "PRINT-OBJECT" :old-pcl)) ;;; (symbol-function 'sb-pcl::print-object))) ;;;; MAKE-LOAD-FORM ;; Overwrite the old bootstrap non-generic MAKE-LOAD-FORM function with a ;; shiny new generic function. (fmakunbound 'make-load-form) (defgeneric make-load-form (object &optional environment)) ;; Link bootstrap-time how-to-dump-it information into the shiny new ;; CLOS system. (defmethod make-load-form ((obj sb-sys:structure!object) &optional (env nil env-p)) (if env-p (sb-sys:structure!object-make-load-form obj env) (sb-sys:structure!object-make-load-form obj))) (defmethod make-load-form ((object wrapper) &optional env) (declare (ignore env)) (let ((pname (sb-kernel:class-proper-name (sb-kernel:layout-class object)))) (unless pname (error "can't dump wrapper for anonymous class:~% ~S" (sb-kernel:layout-class object))) `(sb-kernel:class-layout (cl:find-class ',pname)))) ;;;; The following are hacks to deal with CMU CL having two different CLASS ;;;; classes. (defun coerce-to-pcl-class (class) (if (typep class 'cl:class) (or (sb-kernel:class-pcl-class class) (find-structure-class (cl:class-name class))) class)) (defmethod make-instance ((class cl:class) &rest stuff) (apply #'make-instance (coerce-to-pcl-class class) stuff)) (defmethod change-class (instance (class cl:class)) (apply #'change-class instance (coerce-to-pcl-class class))) (macrolet ((frob (&rest names) `(progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (name) `(defmethod ,name ((class cl:class)) (funcall #',name (coerce-to-pcl-class class)))) names)))) (frob class-direct-slots class-prototype class-precedence-list class-direct-default-initargs class-direct-superclasses compute-class-precedence-list class-default-initargs class-finalized-p class-direct-subclasses class-slots make-instances-obsolete))