;;;; This file contains portable versions of low-level functions and macros ;;;; which are ripe for implementation specific customization. None of the code ;;;; in this file *has* to be customized for a particular Common Lisp ;;;; implementation. Moreover, in some implementations it may not make any ;;;; sense to customize some of this code. ;;;; ;;;; The original version was intended to support portable customization to ;;;; lotso different Lisp implementations. This functionality is gone in the ;;;; current version, and it now runs only under SBCL. (Now that ANSI Common ;;;; Lisp has mixed CLOS into the insides of the system (e.g. error handling ;;;; and printing) so deeply that it's not very meaningful to bootstrap Common ;;;; Lisp without CLOS, the old functionality is of dubious use. -- WHN ;;;; 19981108) ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for more ;;;; information. ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more ;;;; information. ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources: ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export ;;;; control laws. ;;;; ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;;; specification. (in-package "SB-PCL") (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defvar *optimize-speed* '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN (defmacro dotimes-fixnum ((var count &optional (result nil)) &body body) `(dotimes (,var (the fixnum ,count) ,result) (declare (fixnum ,var)) ,@body)) ;;;; PCL's view of funcallable instances (defstruct (pcl-funcallable-instance (:alternate-metaclass sb-kernel:funcallable-instance sb-kernel:random-pcl-class sb-kernel:make-random-pcl-class) (:type sb-kernel:funcallable-structure) (:constructor allocate-funcallable-instance-1 ()) (:copier nil) (:conc-name nil)) ;; Note: The PCL wrapper is in the layout slot. ;; PCL data vector. (pcl-funcallable-instance-slots nil) ;; The debug-name for this function. (funcallable-instance-name nil)) (import 'sb-kernel:funcallable-instance-p) ;;; This "works" on non-PCL FINs, which allows us to weaken ;;; FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE-P to return true for all FINs. This is also ;;; necessary for bootstrapping to work, since the layouts for early ;;; GFs are not initially initialized. (defmacro funcallable-instance-data-1 (fin slot) (ecase (eval slot) (wrapper `(sb-kernel:%funcallable-instance-layout ,fin)) (slots `(sb-kernel:%funcallable-instance-info ,fin 0)))) ;;; FIXME: Now that we no longer try to make our CLOS implementation ;;; portable to other implementations of Common Lisp, all the ;;; funcallable instance wrapper logic here can go away in favor ;;; of direct calls to native SBCL funcallable instance operations. (defun set-funcallable-instance-function (fin new-value) (declare (type function new-value)) (aver (funcallable-instance-p fin)) (setf (sb-kernel:funcallable-instance-function fin) new-value)) (defmacro fsc-instance-p (fin) `(funcallable-instance-p ,fin)) (defmacro fsc-instance-class (fin) `(wrapper-class (funcallable-instance-data-1 ,fin 'wrapper))) (defmacro fsc-instance-wrapper (fin) `(funcallable-instance-data-1 ,fin 'wrapper)) (defmacro fsc-instance-slots (fin) `(funcallable-instance-data-1 ,fin 'slots)) (declaim (inline clos-slots-ref (setf clos-slots-ref))) (declaim (ftype (function (simple-vector index) t) clos-slots-ref)) (defun clos-slots-ref (slots index) (svref slots index)) (declaim (ftype (function (t simple-vector index) t) (setf clos-slots-ref))) (defun (setf clos-slots-ref) (new-value slots index) (setf (svref slots index) new-value)) ;;; Note on implementation under CMU CL >=17 and SBCL: STD-INSTANCE-P ;;; is only used to discriminate between functions (including FINs) ;;; and normal instances, so we can return true on structures also. A ;;; few uses of (OR STD-INSTANCE-P FSC-INSTANCE-P) are changed to ;;; PCL-INSTANCE-P. (defmacro std-instance-p (x) `(sb-kernel:%instancep ,x)) ;; a temporary definition used for debugging the bootstrap #+sb-show (defun print-std-instance (instance stream depth) (declare (ignore depth)) (print-unreadable-object (instance stream :type t :identity t) (let ((class (class-of instance))) (when (or (eq class (find-class 'standard-class nil)) (eq class (find-class 'funcallable-standard-class nil)) (eq class (find-class 'built-in-class nil))) (princ (early-class-name instance) stream))))) ;;; This is the value that we stick into a slot to tell us that it is ;;; unbound. It may seem gross, but for performance reasons, we make ;;; this an interned symbol. That means that the fast check to see ;;; whether a slot is unbound is to say (EQ '..SLOT-UNBOUND..). ;;; That is considerably faster than looking at the value of a special ;;; variable. Be careful, there are places in the code which actually ;;; use ..SLOT-UNBOUND.. rather than this variable. So much for ;;; modularity.. ;;; ;;; FIXME: Now that we're tightly integrated into SBCL, we could use ;;; the SBCL built-in unbound value token instead. Perhaps if we did ;;; so it would be a good idea to define collections of CLOS slots as ;;; a new type of heap object, instead of using bare SIMPLE-VECTOR, in ;;; order to avoid problems (in the debugger if nowhere else) with ;;; SIMPLE-VECTORs some of whose elements are unbound tokens. (defconstant +slot-unbound+ '..slot-unbound..) (defmacro %allocate-static-slot-storage--class (no-of-slots) `(make-array ,no-of-slots :initial-element +slot-unbound+)) (defmacro std-instance-class (instance) `(wrapper-class* (std-instance-wrapper ,instance))) ;;; When given a function should give this function the name ;;; NEW-NAME. Note that NEW-NAME is sometimes a list. Some lisps ;;; get the upset in the tummy when they start thinking about ;;; functions which have lists as names. To deal with that there is ;;; SET-FUNCTION-NAME-INTERN which takes a list spec for a function ;;; name and turns it into a symbol if need be. ;;; ;;; When given a funcallable instance, SET-FUNCTION-NAME *must* ;;; side-effect that FIN to give it the name. When given any other ;;; kind of function SET-FUNCTION-NAME is allowed to return a new ;;; function which is "the same" except that it has the name. ;;; ;;; In all cases, SET-FUNCTION-NAME must return the new (or same) ;;; function. (Unlike other functions to set stuff, it does not return ;;; the new value.) (defun set-function-name (fcn new-name) #+sb-doc "Set the name of a compiled function object. Return the function." (declare (special *boot-state* *the-class-standard-generic-function*)) (cond ((symbolp fcn) (set-function-name (symbol-function fcn) new-name)) ((funcallable-instance-p fcn) (if (if (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (typep fcn 'generic-function) (eq (class-of fcn) *the-class-standard-generic-function*)) (setf (sb-kernel:%funcallable-instance-info fcn 1) new-name) (etypecase fcn (sb-kernel:byte-closure (set-function-name (sb-kernel:byte-closure-function fcn) new-name)) (sb-kernel:byte-function (setf (sb-kernel:byte-function-name fcn) new-name)))) fcn) (t ;; pw-- This seems wrong and causes trouble. Tests show ;; that loading CL-HTTP resulted in ~5400 closures being ;; passed through this code of which ~4000 of them pointed ;; to but 16 closure-functions, including 1015 each of ;; DEFUN MAKE-OPTIMIZED-STD-WRITER-METHOD-FUNCTION ;; DEFUN MAKE-OPTIMIZED-STD-READER-METHOD-FUNCTION ;; DEFUN MAKE-OPTIMIZED-STD-BOUNDP-METHOD-FUNCTION. ;; Since the actual functions have been moved by PURIFY ;; to memory not seen by GC, changing a pointer there ;; not only clobbers the last change but leaves a dangling ;; pointer invalid after the next GC. Comments in low.lisp ;; indicate this code need do nothing. Setting the ;; function-name to NIL loses some info, and not changing ;; it loses some info of potential hacking value. So, ;; lets not do this... #+nil (let ((header (sb-kernel:%closure-function fcn))) (setf (sb-kernel:%function-name header) new-name)) ;; XXX Maybe add better scheme here someday. fcn))) (defun intern-function-name (name) (cond ((symbolp name) name) ((listp name) (intern (let ((*package* *pcl-package*) (*print-case* :upcase) (*print-pretty* nil) (*print-gensym* t)) (format nil "~S" name)) *pcl-package*)))) ;;; FIXME: probably no longer needed after init (defmacro precompile-random-code-segments (&optional system) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (update-dispatch-dfuns) (compile-iis-functions nil)) (precompile-function-generators ,system) (precompile-dfun-constructors ,system) (precompile-iis-functions ,system) (eval-when (:load-toplevel) (compile-iis-functions t)))) ;;; This definition is for interpreted code. (defun pcl-instance-p (x) (typep (sb-kernel:layout-of x) 'wrapper)) ;;; We define this as STANDARD-INSTANCE, since we're going to clobber ;;; the layout with some standard-instance layout as soon as we make ;;; it, and we want the accessor to still be type-correct. (defstruct (standard-instance (:predicate nil) (:constructor %%allocate-instance--class ()) (:copier nil) (:alternate-metaclass sb-kernel:instance cl:standard-class sb-kernel:make-standard-class)) (slots nil)) ;;; Both of these operations "work" on structures, which allows the above ;;; weakening of STD-INSTANCE-P. (defmacro std-instance-slots (x) `(sb-kernel:%instance-ref ,x 1)) (defmacro std-instance-wrapper (x) `(sb-kernel:%instance-layout ,x)) ;;; FIXME: These functions are called every place we do a ;;; CALL-NEXT-METHOD, and probably other places too. It's likely worth ;;; selectively optimizing them with DEFTRANSFORMs and stuff, rather ;;; than just indiscriminately expanding them inline everywhere. (declaim (inline get-slots get-slots-or-nil)) (declaim (ftype (function (t) simple-vector) get-slots)) (declaim (ftype (function (t) (or simple-vector null)) get-slots-or-nil)) (defun get-slots (instance) (if (std-instance-p instance) (std-instance-slots instance) (fsc-instance-slots instance))) (defun get-slots-or-nil (instance) (when (pcl-instance-p instance) (get-slots instance))) (defmacro built-in-or-structure-wrapper (x) `(sb-kernel:layout-of ,x)) (defmacro get-wrapper (inst) (once-only ((wrapper `(wrapper-of ,inst))) `(progn (aver (typep ,wrapper 'wrapper)) ,wrapper))) ;;; FIXME: could be an inline function or ordinary function (like many ;;; other things around here) (defmacro get-instance-wrapper-or-nil (inst) (once-only ((wrapper `(wrapper-of ,inst))) `(if (typep ,wrapper 'wrapper) ,wrapper nil))) ;;;; structure-instance stuff ;;;; ;;;; FIXME: Now that the code is SBCL-only, this extra layer of ;;;; abstraction around our native structure representation doesn't ;;;; seem to add anything useful, and could probably go away. ;;; The definition of STRUCTURE-TYPE-P was moved to early-low.lisp. (defun get-structure-dd (type) (sb-kernel:layout-info (sb-kernel:class-layout (cl:find-class type)))) (defun structure-type-included-type-name (type) (let ((include (sb-kernel::dd-include (get-structure-dd type)))) (if (consp include) (car include) include))) (defun structure-type-slot-description-list (type) (nthcdr (length (let ((include (structure-type-included-type-name type))) (and include (sb-kernel:dd-slots (get-structure-dd include))))) (sb-kernel:dd-slots (get-structure-dd type)))) (defun structure-slotd-name (slotd) (sb-kernel:dsd-name slotd)) (defun structure-slotd-accessor-symbol (slotd) (sb-kernel:dsd-accessor slotd)) (defun structure-slotd-reader-function (slotd) (fdefinition (sb-kernel:dsd-accessor slotd))) (defun structure-slotd-writer-function (slotd) (unless (sb-kernel:dsd-read-only slotd) (fdefinition `(setf ,(sb-kernel:dsd-accessor slotd))))) (defun structure-slotd-type (slotd) (sb-kernel:dsd-type slotd)) (defun structure-slotd-init-form (slotd) (sb-kernel::dsd-default slotd))