;;;; macros, global variable definitions, and other miscellaneous support stuff ;;;; used by the rest of the PCL subsystem ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more ;;;; information. ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources: ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export ;;;; control laws. ;;;; ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;;; specification. (in-package "SB-PCL") (declaim (declaration ;; These three nonstandard declarations seem to be used ;; privately within PCL itself to pass information around, ;; so we can't just delete them. %class %method-name %method-lambda-list ;; This declaration may also be used within PCL to pass ;; information around, I'm not sure. -- WHN 2000-12-30 %variable-rebinding)) (defmacro name-get-fdefinition (name) (sb-int:once-only ((name name)) `(if (symbolp ,name) ; take care of "setf "'s (symbol-function ,name) (fdefinition ,name)))) (defmacro name-set-fdefinition (name new-definition) (sb-int:once-only ((name name)) `(if (symbolp ,name) ; take care of "setf "'s (setf (symbol-function ,name) ,new-definition) (setf (fdefinition ,name) ,new-definition)))) ;;; FIXME: CONSTANTLY-FOO should be boosted up to SB-INT too. (macrolet ((def-constantly-fun (name constant-expr) `(setf (symbol-function ',name) (constantly ,constant-expr)))) (def-constantly-fun constantly-t t) (def-constantly-fun constantly-nil nil) (def-constantly-fun constantly-0 0)) ;;; FIXME: This looks like SBCL's PARSE-BODY, and should be shared. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun extract-declarations (body &optional environment) ;;(declare (values documentation declarations body)) (let (documentation declarations form) (when (and (stringp (car body)) (cdr body)) (setq documentation (pop body))) (block outer (loop (when (null body) (return-from outer nil)) (setq form (car body)) (when (block inner (loop (cond ((not (listp form)) (return-from outer nil)) ((eq (car form) 'declare) (return-from inner 't)) (t (multiple-value-bind (newform macrop) (macroexpand-1 form environment) (if (or (not (eq newform form)) macrop) (setq form newform) (return-from outer nil))))))) (pop body) (dolist (declaration (cdr form)) (push declaration declarations))))) (values documentation (and declarations `((declare ,.(nreverse declarations)))) body))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN (defun get-declaration (name declarations &optional default) (dolist (d declarations default) (dolist (form (cdr d)) (when (and (consp form) (eq (car form) name)) (return-from get-declaration (cdr form)))))) (defmacro collecting-once (&key initial-value) `(let* ((head ,initial-value) (tail ,(and initial-value `(last head)))) (values #'(lambda (value) (if (null head) (setq head (setq tail (list value))) (unless (memq value head) (setq tail (cdr (rplacd tail (list value))))))) #'(lambda nil head)))) (defmacro doplist ((key val) plist &body body &environment env) (multiple-value-bind (doc decls bod) (extract-declarations body env) (declare (ignore doc)) `(let ((.plist-tail. ,plist) ,key ,val) ,@decls (loop (when (null .plist-tail.) (return nil)) (setq ,key (pop .plist-tail.)) (when (null .plist-tail.) (error "malformed plist, odd number of elements")) (setq ,val (pop .plist-tail.)) (progn ,@bod))))) (defmacro dolist-carefully ((var list improper-list-handler) &body body) `(let ((,var nil) (.dolist-carefully. ,list)) (loop (when (null .dolist-carefully.) (return nil)) (if (consp .dolist-carefully.) (progn (setq ,var (pop .dolist-carefully.)) ,@body) (,improper-list-handler))))) ;;;; FIND-CLASS ;;;; ;;;; This is documented in the CLOS specification. FIXME: Except that ;;;; SBCL deviates from the spec by having CL:FIND-CLASS distinct from ;;;; PCL:FIND-CLASS, alas. (defvar *find-class* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (defmacro find-class-cell-class (cell) `(car ,cell)) (defmacro find-class-cell-predicate (cell) `(cadr ,cell)) (defmacro find-class-cell-make-instance-function-keys (cell) `(cddr ,cell)) (defmacro make-find-class-cell (class-name) (declare (ignore class-name)) '(list* nil #'constantly-nil nil)) (defun find-class-cell (symbol &optional dont-create-p) (or (gethash symbol *find-class*) (unless dont-create-p (unless (legal-class-name-p symbol) (error "~S is not a legal class name." symbol)) (setf (gethash symbol *find-class*) (make-find-class-cell symbol))))) (defvar *create-classes-from-internal-structure-definitions-p* t) (defun find-class-from-cell (symbol cell &optional (errorp t)) (or (find-class-cell-class cell) (and *create-classes-from-internal-structure-definitions-p* (structure-type-p symbol) (find-structure-class symbol)) (cond ((null errorp) nil) ((legal-class-name-p symbol) (error "There is no class named ~S." symbol)) (t (error "~S is not a legal class name." symbol))))) (defun find-class-predicate-from-cell (symbol cell &optional (errorp t)) (unless (find-class-cell-class cell) (find-class-from-cell symbol cell errorp)) (find-class-cell-predicate cell)) (defun legal-class-name-p (x) (and (symbolp x) (not (keywordp x)))) (defun find-class (symbol &optional (errorp t) environment) (declare (ignore environment)) (find-class-from-cell symbol (find-class-cell symbol errorp) errorp)) (defun find-class-predicate (symbol &optional (errorp t) environment) (declare (ignore environment)) (find-class-predicate-from-cell symbol (find-class-cell symbol errorp) errorp)) ;;; This DEFVAR was originally in defs.lisp, now moved here. ;;; ;;; Possible values are NIL, EARLY, BRAID, or COMPLETE. ;;; ;;; KLUDGE: This should probably become ;;; (DECLAIM (TYPE (MEMBER NIL :EARLY :BRAID :COMPLETE) *BOOT-STATE*)) (defvar *boot-state* nil) ;;; Note that in SBCL as in CMU CL, ;;; COMMON-LISP:FIND-CLASS /= SB-PCL:FIND-CLASS. ;;; (Yes, this is a KLUDGE!) (define-compiler-macro find-class (&whole form symbol &optional (errorp t) environment) (declare (ignore environment)) (if (and (constantp symbol) (legal-class-name-p (eval symbol)) (constantp errorp) (member *boot-state* '(braid complete))) (let ((symbol (eval symbol)) (errorp (not (null (eval errorp)))) (class-cell (make-symbol "CLASS-CELL"))) `(let ((,class-cell (load-time-value (find-class-cell ',symbol)))) (or (find-class-cell-class ,class-cell) ,(if errorp `(find-class-from-cell ',symbol ,class-cell t) `(and (sb-kernel:class-cell-class ',(sb-kernel:find-class-cell symbol)) (find-class-from-cell ',symbol ,class-cell nil)))))) form)) (defun (setf find-class) (new-value symbol) (if (legal-class-name-p symbol) (let ((cell (find-class-cell symbol))) (setf (find-class-cell-class cell) new-value) (when (or (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (eq *boot-state* 'braid)) (when (and new-value (class-wrapper new-value)) (setf (find-class-cell-predicate cell) (name-get-fdefinition (class-predicate-name new-value)))) (when (and new-value (not (forward-referenced-class-p new-value))) (dolist (keys+aok (find-class-cell-make-instance-function-keys cell)) (update-initialize-info-internal (initialize-info new-value (car keys+aok) nil (cdr keys+aok)) 'make-instance-function)))) new-value) (error "~S is not a legal class name." symbol))) (defun (setf find-class-predicate) (new-value symbol) (if (legal-class-name-p symbol) (setf (find-class-cell-predicate (find-class-cell symbol)) new-value) (error "~S is not a legal class name." symbol))) (defun find-wrapper (symbol) (class-wrapper (find-class symbol))) (defmacro gathering1 (gatherer &body body) `(gathering ((.gathering1. ,gatherer)) (macrolet ((gather1 (x) `(gather ,x .gathering1.))) ,@body))) (defmacro vectorizing (&key (size 0)) `(let* ((limit ,size) (result (make-array limit)) (index 0)) (values #'(lambda (value) (if (= index limit) (error "vectorizing more elements than promised") (progn (setf (svref result index) value) (incf index) value))) #'(lambda () result)))) ;;; These are augmented definitions of list-elements and list-tails from ;;; iterate.lisp. These versions provide the extra :by keyword which can ;;; be used to specify the step function through the list. (defmacro *list-elements (list &key (by #'cdr)) `(let ((tail ,list)) #'(lambda (finish) (if (endp tail) (funcall finish) (prog1 (car tail) (setq tail (funcall ,by tail))))))) (defmacro *list-tails (list &key (by #'cdr)) `(let ((tail ,list)) #'(lambda (finish) (prog1 (if (endp tail) (funcall finish) tail) (setq tail (funcall ,by tail)))))) (defmacro function-funcall (form &rest args) `(funcall (the function ,form) ,@args)) (defmacro function-apply (form &rest args) `(apply (the function ,form) ,@args)) (defun get-setf-function-name (name) `(setf ,name)) (defsetf slot-value set-slot-value)