;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more ;;;; information. ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources: ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export ;;;; control laws. ;;;; ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;;; specification. (in-package "SB-PCL") ;;; methods ;;; ;;; Methods themselves are simple inanimate objects. Most properties of ;;; methods are immutable, methods cannot be reinitialized. The following ;;; properties of methods can be changed: ;;; METHOD-GENERIC-FUNCTION ;;; METHOD-FUNCTION ?? (defmethod method-function ((method standard-method)) (or (slot-value method 'function) (let ((fmf (slot-value method 'fast-function))) (unless fmf ; The :BEFORE SHARED-INITIALIZE method prevents this. (error "~S doesn't seem to have a METHOD-FUNCTION." method)) (setf (slot-value method 'function) (method-function-from-fast-function fmf))))) (defmethod accessor-method-class ((method standard-accessor-method)) (car (slot-value method 'specializers))) (defmethod accessor-method-class ((method standard-writer-method)) (cadr (slot-value method 'specializers))) ;;; initialization ;;; ;;; Error checking is done in before methods. Because of the simplicity of ;;; standard method objects the standard primary method can fill the slots. ;;; ;;; Methods are not reinitializable. (defmethod reinitialize-instance ((method standard-method) &rest initargs) (declare (ignore initargs)) (error "An attempt was made to reinitialize the method ~S.~%~ Method objects cannot be reinitialized." method)) (defmethod legal-documentation-p ((object standard-method) x) (if (or (null x) (stringp x)) t "a string or NULL")) (defmethod legal-lambda-list-p ((object standard-method) x) (declare (ignore x)) t) (defmethod legal-method-function-p ((object standard-method) x) (if (functionp x) t "a function")) (defmethod legal-qualifiers-p ((object standard-method) x) (flet ((improper-list () (return-from legal-qualifiers-p "Is not a proper list."))) (dolist-carefully (q x improper-list) (let ((ok (legal-qualifier-p object q))) (unless (eq ok t) (return-from legal-qualifiers-p (format nil "Contains ~S which ~A" q ok))))) t)) (defmethod legal-qualifier-p ((object standard-method) x) (if (and x (atom x)) t "is not a non-null atom")) (defmethod legal-slot-name-p ((object standard-method) x) (cond ((not (symbolp x)) "is not a symbol and so cannot be bound") ((keywordp x) "is a keyword and so cannot be bound") ((memq x '(t nil)) "cannot be bound") ((constantp x) "is a constant and so cannot be bound") (t t))) (defmethod legal-specializers-p ((object standard-method) x) (flet ((improper-list () (return-from legal-specializers-p "Is not a proper list."))) (dolist-carefully (s x improper-list) (let ((ok (legal-specializer-p object s))) (unless (eq ok t) (return-from legal-specializers-p (format nil "Contains ~S which ~A" s ok))))) t)) (defvar *allow-experimental-specializers-p* nil) (defmethod legal-specializer-p ((object standard-method) x) (if (if *allow-experimental-specializers-p* (specializerp x) (or (classp x) (eql-specializer-p x))) t "is neither a class object nor an EQL specializer")) (defmethod shared-initialize :before ((method standard-method) slot-names &key qualifiers lambda-list specializers function fast-function documentation) (declare (ignore slot-names)) (flet ((lose (initarg value string) (error "when initializing the method ~S:~%~ The ~S initialization argument was: ~S.~%~ which ~A." method initarg value string))) (let ((check-qualifiers (legal-qualifiers-p method qualifiers)) (check-lambda-list (legal-lambda-list-p method lambda-list)) (check-specializers (legal-specializers-p method specializers)) (check-fun (legal-method-function-p method (or function fast-function))) (check-documentation (legal-documentation-p method documentation))) (unless (eq check-qualifiers t) (lose :qualifiers qualifiers check-qualifiers)) (unless (eq check-lambda-list t) (lose :lambda-list lambda-list check-lambda-list)) (unless (eq check-specializers t) (lose :specializers specializers check-specializers)) (unless (eq check-fun t) (lose :function function check-fun)) (unless (eq check-documentation t) (lose :documentation documentation check-documentation))))) (defmethod shared-initialize :before ((method standard-accessor-method) slot-names &key slot-name slot-definition) (declare (ignore slot-names)) (unless slot-definition (let ((legalp (legal-slot-name-p method slot-name))) ;; FIXME: nasty convention; should be renamed to ILLEGAL-SLOT-NAME-P and ;; ILLEGALP, and the convention redone to be less twisty (unless (eq legalp t) (error "The value of the :SLOT-NAME initarg ~A." legalp))))) (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((method standard-method) slot-names &rest initargs &key qualifiers method-spec plist) (declare (ignore slot-names method-spec plist)) (initialize-method-function initargs nil method) (setf (plist-value method 'qualifiers) qualifiers) #+ignore (setf (slot-value method 'closure-generator) (method-function-closure-generator (slot-value method 'function)))) (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((method standard-accessor-method) slot-names &key) (declare (ignore slot-names)) (with-slots (slot-name slot-definition) method (unless slot-definition (let ((class (accessor-method-class method))) (when (slot-class-p class) (setq slot-definition (find slot-name (class-direct-slots class) :key #'slot-definition-name))))) (when (and slot-definition (null slot-name)) (setq slot-name (slot-definition-name slot-definition))))) (defmethod method-qualifiers ((method standard-method)) (plist-value method 'qualifiers)) (defvar *the-class-generic-function* (find-class 'generic-function)) (defvar *the-class-standard-generic-function* (find-class 'standard-generic-function)) (defmethod shared-initialize :before ((generic-function standard-generic-function) slot-names &key (name nil namep) (lambda-list () lambda-list-p) argument-precedence-order declarations documentation (method-class nil method-class-supplied-p) (method-combination nil method-combination-supplied-p)) (declare (ignore slot-names declarations argument-precedence-order documentation lambda-list lambda-list-p)) (when namep (set-fun-name generic-function name)) (flet ((initarg-error (initarg value string) (error "when initializing the generic function ~S:~%~ The ~S initialization argument was: ~A.~%~ It must be ~A." generic-function initarg value string))) (cond (method-class-supplied-p (when (symbolp method-class) (setq method-class (find-class method-class))) (unless (and (classp method-class) (*subtypep (class-eq-specializer method-class) *the-class-method*)) (initarg-error :method-class method-class "a subclass of the class METHOD")) (setf (slot-value generic-function 'method-class) method-class)) ((slot-boundp generic-function 'method-class)) (t (initarg-error :method-class "not supplied" "a subclass of the class METHOD"))) (cond (method-combination-supplied-p (unless (method-combination-p method-combination) (initarg-error :method-combination method-combination "a method combination object"))) ((slot-boundp generic-function 'method-combination)) (t (initarg-error :method-combination "not supplied" "a method combination object"))))) #|| (defmethod reinitialize-instance ((generic-function standard-generic-function) &rest initargs &key name lambda-list argument-precedence-order declarations documentation method-class method-combination) (declare (ignore documentation declarations argument-precedence-order lambda-list name method-class method-combination)) (macrolet ((add-initarg (check name slot-name) `(unless ,check (push (slot-value generic-function ,slot-name) initargs) (push ,name initargs)))) ; (add-initarg name :name 'name) ; (add-initarg lambda-list :lambda-list 'lambda-list) ; (add-initarg argument-precedence-order ; :argument-precedence-order ; 'argument-precedence-order) ; (add-initarg declarations :declarations 'declarations) ; (add-initarg documentation :documentation 'documentation) ; (add-initarg method-class :method-class 'method-class) ; (add-initarg method-combination :method-combination 'method-combination) (apply #'call-next-method generic-function initargs))) ||# ;;; These three are scheduled for demolition. (defmethod remove-named-method (generic-function-name argument-specifiers &optional extra) (let ((generic-function ()) (method ())) (cond ((or (null (fboundp generic-function-name)) (not (generic-function-p (setq generic-function (fdefinition generic-function-name))))) (error "~S does not name a generic function." generic-function-name)) ((null (setq method (get-method generic-function extra (parse-specializers argument-specifiers) nil))) (error "There is no method for the generic function ~S~%~ which matches the ARGUMENT-SPECIFIERS ~S." generic-function argument-specifiers)) (t (remove-method generic-function method))))) (defun real-add-named-method (generic-function-name qualifiers specializers lambda-list &rest other-initargs) (unless (and (fboundp generic-function-name) (typep (fdefinition generic-function-name) 'generic-function)) (style-warn "implicitly creating new generic function ~S" generic-function-name)) ;; XXX What about changing the class of the generic function if ;; there is one? Whose job is that, anyway? Do we need something ;; kind of like CLASS-FOR-REDEFINITION? (let* ((generic-function (ensure-generic-function generic-function-name)) (specs (parse-specializers specializers)) (proto (method-prototype-for-gf generic-function-name)) (new (apply #'make-instance (class-of proto) :qualifiers qualifiers :specializers specs :lambda-list lambda-list other-initargs))) (add-method generic-function new))) (defun real-get-method (generic-function qualifiers specializers &optional (errorp t)) (let ((hit (dolist (method (generic-function-methods generic-function)) (let ((mspecializers (method-specializers method))) (when (and (equal qualifiers (method-qualifiers method)) (= (length specializers) (length mspecializers)) (every #'same-specializer-p specializers (method-specializers method))) (return method)))))) (cond (hit hit) ((null errorp) nil) (t (error "no method on ~S with qualifiers ~:S and specializers ~:S" generic-function qualifiers specializers))))) (defmethod find-method ((generic-function standard-generic-function) qualifiers specializers &optional (errorp t)) (real-get-method generic-function qualifiers (parse-specializers specializers) errorp)) ;;; Compute various information about a generic-function's arglist by looking ;;; at the argument lists of the methods. The hair for trying not to use ;;; &REST arguments lives here. ;;; The values returned are: ;;; number-of-required-arguments ;;; the number of required arguments to this generic-function's ;;; discriminating function ;;; &rest-argument-p ;;; whether or not this generic-function's discriminating ;;; function takes an &rest argument. ;;; specialized-argument-positions ;;; a list of the positions of the arguments this generic-function ;;; specializes (e.g. for a classical generic-function this is the ;;; list: (1)). (defmethod compute-discriminating-function-arglist-info ((generic-function standard-generic-function)) ;;(declare (values number-of-required-arguments &rest-argument-p ;; specialized-argument-postions)) (let ((number-required nil) (restp nil) (specialized-positions ()) (methods (generic-function-methods generic-function))) (dolist (method methods) (multiple-value-setq (number-required restp specialized-positions) (compute-discriminating-function-arglist-info-internal generic-function method number-required restp specialized-positions))) (values number-required restp (sort specialized-positions #'<)))) (defun compute-discriminating-function-arglist-info-internal (generic-function method number-of-requireds restp specialized-argument-positions) (declare (ignore generic-function) (type (or null fixnum) number-of-requireds)) (let ((requireds 0)) (declare (fixnum requireds)) ;; Go through this methods arguments seeing how many are required, ;; and whether there is an &rest argument. (dolist (arg (method-lambda-list method)) (cond ((eq arg '&aux) (return)) ((memq arg '(&optional &rest &key)) (return (setq restp t))) ((memq arg lambda-list-keywords)) (t (incf requireds)))) ;; Now go through this method's type specifiers to see which ;; argument positions are type specified. Treat T specially ;; in the usual sort of way. For efficiency don't bother to ;; keep specialized-argument-positions sorted, rather depend ;; on our caller to do that. (let ((pos 0)) (dolist (type-spec (method-specializers method)) (unless (eq type-spec *the-class-t*) (pushnew pos specialized-argument-positions)) (incf pos))) ;; Finally merge the values for this method into the values ;; for the exisiting methods and return them. Note that if ;; num-of-requireds is NIL it means this is the first method ;; and we depend on that. (values (min (or number-of-requireds requireds) requireds) (or restp (and number-of-requireds (/= number-of-requireds requireds))) specialized-argument-positions))) (defun make-discriminating-function-arglist (number-required-arguments restp) (nconc (let ((args nil)) (dotimes (i number-required-arguments) (push (intern (format nil "Discriminating Function Arg ~D" i)) args)) (nreverse args)) (when restp `(&rest ,(intern "Discriminating Function &rest Arg"))))) (defmethod generic-function-argument-precedence-order ((gf standard-generic-function)) (aver (eq *boot-state* 'complete)) (loop with arg-info = (gf-arg-info gf) with lambda-list = (arg-info-lambda-list arg-info) for argument-position in (arg-info-precedence arg-info) collect (nth argument-position lambda-list))) (defmethod generic-function-lambda-list ((gf generic-function)) (gf-lambda-list gf)) (defmethod gf-fast-method-function-p ((gf standard-generic-function)) (gf-info-fast-mf-p (slot-value gf 'arg-info))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((gf standard-generic-function) &key (lambda-list nil lambda-list-p) argument-precedence-order) (with-slots (arg-info) gf (if lambda-list-p (set-arg-info gf :lambda-list lambda-list :argument-precedence-order argument-precedence-order) (set-arg-info gf)) (when (arg-info-valid-p arg-info) (update-dfun gf)))) (defmethod reinitialize-instance :after ((gf standard-generic-function) &rest args &key (lambda-list nil lambda-list-p) (argument-precedence-order nil argument-precedence-order-p)) (with-slots (arg-info) gf (if lambda-list-p (if argument-precedence-order-p (set-arg-info gf :lambda-list lambda-list :argument-precedence-order argument-precedence-order) (set-arg-info gf :lambda-list lambda-list)) (set-arg-info gf)) (when (and (arg-info-valid-p arg-info) args (or lambda-list-p (cddr args))) (update-dfun gf)))) (declaim (special *lazy-dfun-compute-p*)) (defun set-methods (gf methods) (setf (generic-function-methods gf) nil) (loop (when (null methods) (return gf)) (real-add-method gf (pop methods) methods))) (defun real-add-method (generic-function method &optional skip-dfun-update-p) (when (method-generic-function method) (error "The method ~S is already part of the generic~@ function ~S. It can't be added to another generic~@ function until it is removed from the first one." method (method-generic-function method))) (flet ((similar-lambda-lists-p (method-a method-b) (multiple-value-bind (a-nreq a-nopt a-keyp a-restp) (analyze-lambda-list (method-lambda-list method-a)) (multiple-value-bind (b-nreq b-nopt b-keyp b-restp) (analyze-lambda-list (method-lambda-list method-b)) (and (= a-nreq b-nreq) (= a-nopt b-nopt) (eq (or a-keyp a-restp) (or b-keyp b-restp))))))) (let* ((name (generic-function-name generic-function)) (qualifiers (method-qualifiers method)) (specializers (method-specializers method)) (existing (get-method generic-function qualifiers specializers nil))) ;; If there is already a method like this one then we must get ;; rid of it before proceeding. Note that we call the generic ;; function REMOVE-METHOD to remove it rather than doing it in ;; some internal way. (when (and existing (similar-lambda-lists-p existing method)) (remove-method generic-function existing)) (setf (method-generic-function method) generic-function) (pushnew method (generic-function-methods generic-function)) (dolist (specializer specializers) (add-direct-method specializer method)) ;; KLUDGE: SET-ARG-INFO contains the error-detecting logic for ;; detecting attempts to add methods with incongruent lambda ;; lists. However, according to Gerd Moellmann on cmucl-imp, ;; it also depends on the new method already having been added ;; to the generic function. Therefore, we need to remove it ;; again on error: (let ((remove-again-p t)) (unwind-protect (progn (set-arg-info generic-function :new-method method) (setq remove-again-p nil)) (when remove-again-p (remove-method generic-function method)))) (unless skip-dfun-update-p (update-ctors 'add-method :generic-function generic-function :method method) (update-dfun generic-function)) method))) (defun real-remove-method (generic-function method) ;; Note: Error check prohibited by ANSI spec removed. (when (eq generic-function (method-generic-function method)) (let* ((name (generic-function-name generic-function)) (specializers (method-specializers method)) (methods (generic-function-methods generic-function)) (new-methods (remove method methods))) (setf (method-generic-function method) nil) (setf (generic-function-methods generic-function) new-methods) (dolist (specializer (method-specializers method)) (remove-direct-method specializer method)) (set-arg-info generic-function) (update-ctors 'remove-method :generic-function generic-function :method method) (update-dfun generic-function) generic-function))) (defun compute-applicable-methods-function (generic-function arguments) (values (compute-applicable-methods-using-types generic-function (types-from-args generic-function arguments 'eql)))) (defmethod compute-applicable-methods ((generic-function generic-function) arguments) (values (compute-applicable-methods-using-types generic-function (types-from-args generic-function arguments 'eql)))) (defmethod compute-applicable-methods-using-classes ((generic-function generic-function) classes) (compute-applicable-methods-using-types generic-function (types-from-args generic-function classes 'class-eq))) (defun proclaim-incompatible-superclasses (classes) (setq classes (mapcar (lambda (class) (if (symbolp class) (find-class class) class)) classes)) (dolist (class classes) (dolist (other-class classes) (unless (eq class other-class) (pushnew other-class (class-incompatible-superclass-list class)))))) (defun superclasses-compatible-p (class1 class2) (let ((cpl1 (cpl-or-nil class1)) (cpl2 (cpl-or-nil class2))) (dolist (sc1 cpl1 t) (dolist (ic (class-incompatible-superclass-list sc1)) (when (memq ic cpl2) (return-from superclasses-compatible-p nil)))))) (mapc #'proclaim-incompatible-superclasses '(;; superclass class (built-in-class std-class structure-class) ; direct subclasses of pcl-class (standard-class funcallable-standard-class) ;; superclass metaobject (class eql-specializer class-eq-specializer method method-combination generic-function slot-definition) ;; metaclass built-in-class (number sequence character ; direct subclasses of t, but not array standard-object structure-object) ; or symbol (number array character symbol ; direct subclasses of t, but not standard-object structure-object) ; sequence (complex float rational) ; direct subclasses of number (integer ratio) ; direct subclasses of rational (list vector) ; direct subclasses of sequence (cons null) ; direct subclasses of list (string bit-vector) ; direct subclasses of vector )) (defmethod same-specializer-p ((specl1 specializer) (specl2 specializer)) nil) (defmethod same-specializer-p ((specl1 class) (specl2 class)) (eq specl1 specl2)) (defmethod specializer-class ((specializer class)) specializer) (defmethod same-specializer-p ((specl1 class-eq-specializer) (specl2 class-eq-specializer)) (eq (specializer-class specl1) (specializer-class specl2))) (defmethod same-specializer-p ((specl1 eql-specializer) (specl2 eql-specializer)) (eq (specializer-object specl1) (specializer-object specl2))) (defmethod specializer-class ((specializer eql-specializer)) (class-of (slot-value specializer 'object))) (defvar *in-gf-arg-info-p* nil) (setf (gdefinition 'arg-info-reader) (let ((mf (initialize-method-function (make-internal-reader-method-function 'standard-generic-function 'arg-info) t))) (lambda (&rest args) (funcall mf args nil)))) (defun error-need-at-least-n-args (function n) (error "~@" function n)) (defun types-from-args (generic-function arguments &optional type-modifier) (multiple-value-bind (nreq applyp metatypes nkeys arg-info) (get-generic-fun-info generic-function) (declare (ignore applyp metatypes nkeys)) (let ((types-rev nil)) (dotimes-fixnum (i nreq) i (unless arguments (error-need-at-least-n-args (generic-function-name generic-function) nreq)) (let ((arg (pop arguments))) (push (if type-modifier `(,type-modifier ,arg) arg) types-rev))) (values (nreverse types-rev) arg-info)))) (defun get-wrappers-from-classes (nkeys wrappers classes metatypes) (let* ((w wrappers) (w-tail w) (mt-tail metatypes)) (dolist (class (if (listp classes) classes (list classes))) (unless (eq t (car mt-tail)) (let ((c-w (class-wrapper class))) (unless c-w (return-from get-wrappers-from-classes nil)) (if (eql nkeys 1) (setq w c-w) (setf (car w-tail) c-w w-tail (cdr w-tail))))) (setq mt-tail (cdr mt-tail))) w)) (defun sdfun-for-caching (gf classes) (let ((types (mapcar #'class-eq-type classes))) (multiple-value-bind (methods all-applicable-and-sorted-p) (compute-applicable-methods-using-types gf types) (function-funcall (get-secondary-dispatch-function1 gf methods types nil t all-applicable-and-sorted-p) nil (mapcar #'class-wrapper classes))))) (defun value-for-caching (gf classes) (let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods-using-types gf (mapcar #'class-eq-type classes)))) (method-function-get (or (method-fast-function (car methods)) (method-function (car methods))) :constant-value))) (defun default-secondary-dispatch-function (generic-function) (lambda (&rest args) (let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods generic-function args))) (if methods (let ((emf (get-effective-method-function generic-function methods))) (invoke-emf emf args)) (apply #'no-applicable-method generic-function args))))) (defun list-eq (x y) (loop (when (atom x) (return (eq x y))) (when (atom y) (return nil)) (unless (eq (car x) (car y)) (return nil)) (setq x (cdr x) y (cdr y)))) (defvar *std-cam-methods* nil) (defun compute-applicable-methods-emf (generic-function) (if (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (let* ((cam (gdefinition 'compute-applicable-methods)) (cam-methods (compute-applicable-methods-using-types cam (list `(eql ,generic-function) t)))) (values (get-effective-method-function cam cam-methods) (list-eq cam-methods (or *std-cam-methods* (setq *std-cam-methods* (compute-applicable-methods-using-types cam (list `(eql ,cam) t))))))) (values #'compute-applicable-methods-function t))) (defun compute-applicable-methods-emf-std-p (gf) (gf-info-c-a-m-emf-std-p (gf-arg-info gf))) (defvar *old-c-a-m-gf-methods* nil) (defun update-all-c-a-m-gf-info (c-a-m-gf) (let ((methods (generic-function-methods c-a-m-gf))) (if (and *old-c-a-m-gf-methods* (every (lambda (old-method) (member old-method methods)) *old-c-a-m-gf-methods*)) (let ((gfs-to-do nil) (gf-classes-to-do nil)) (dolist (method methods) (unless (member method *old-c-a-m-gf-methods*) (let ((specl (car (method-specializers method)))) (if (eql-specializer-p specl) (pushnew (specializer-object specl) gfs-to-do) (pushnew (specializer-class specl) gf-classes-to-do))))) (map-all-generic-functions (lambda (gf) (when (or (member gf gfs-to-do) (dolist (class gf-classes-to-do nil) (member class (class-precedence-list (class-of gf))))) (update-c-a-m-gf-info gf))))) (map-all-generic-functions #'update-c-a-m-gf-info)) (setq *old-c-a-m-gf-methods* methods))) (defun update-gf-info (gf) (update-c-a-m-gf-info gf) (update-gf-simple-accessor-type gf)) (defun update-c-a-m-gf-info (gf) (unless (early-gf-p gf) (multiple-value-bind (c-a-m-emf std-p) (compute-applicable-methods-emf gf) (let ((arg-info (gf-arg-info gf))) (setf (gf-info-static-c-a-m-emf arg-info) c-a-m-emf) (setf (gf-info-c-a-m-emf-std-p arg-info) std-p))))) (defun update-gf-simple-accessor-type (gf) (let ((arg-info (gf-arg-info gf))) (setf (gf-info-simple-accessor-type arg-info) (let* ((methods (generic-function-methods gf)) (class (and methods (class-of (car methods)))) (type (and class (cond ((eq class *the-class-standard-reader-method*) 'reader) ((eq class *the-class-standard-writer-method*) 'writer) ((eq class *the-class-standard-boundp-method*) 'boundp))))) (when (and (gf-info-c-a-m-emf-std-p arg-info) type (dolist (method (cdr methods) t) (unless (eq class (class-of method)) (return nil))) (eq (generic-function-method-combination gf) *standard-method-combination*)) type))))) ;;; CMUCL (Gerd's PCL, 2002-04-25) comment: ;;; ;;; Return two values. First value is a function to be stored in ;;; effective slot definition SLOTD for reading it with ;;; SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS, setting it with (SETF ;;; SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS) or testing it with ;;; SLOT-BOUNDP-USING-CLASS. GF is one of these generic functions, ;;; TYPE is one of the symbols READER, WRITER, BOUNDP. CLASS is ;;; SLOTD's class. ;;; ;;; Second value is true if the function returned is one of the ;;; optimized standard functions for the purpose, which are used ;;; when only standard methods are applicable. ;;; ;;; FIXME: Change all these wacky function names to something sane. (defun get-accessor-method-function (gf type class slotd) (let* ((std-method (standard-svuc-method type)) (str-method (structure-svuc-method type)) (types1 `((eql ,class) (class-eq ,class) (eql ,slotd))) (types (if (eq type 'writer) `(t ,@types1) types1)) (methods (compute-applicable-methods-using-types gf types)) (std-p (null (cdr methods)))) (values (if std-p (get-optimized-std-accessor-method-function class slotd type) (let* ((optimized-std-fun (get-optimized-std-slot-value-using-class-method-function class slotd type)) (method-alist `((,(car (or (member std-method methods) (member str-method methods) (bug "error in ~S" 'get-accessor-method-function))) ,optimized-std-fun))) (wrappers (let ((wrappers (list (wrapper-of class) (class-wrapper class) (wrapper-of slotd)))) (if (eq type 'writer) (cons (class-wrapper *the-class-t*) wrappers) wrappers))) (sdfun (get-secondary-dispatch-function gf methods types method-alist wrappers))) (get-accessor-from-svuc-method-function class slotd sdfun type))) std-p))) ;;; used by OPTIMIZE-SLOT-VALUE-BY-CLASS-P (vector.lisp) (defun update-slot-value-gf-info (gf type) (unless *new-class* (update-std-or-str-methods gf type)) (when (and (standard-svuc-method type) (structure-svuc-method type)) (flet ((update-class (class) (when (class-finalized-p class) (dolist (slotd (class-slots class)) (compute-slot-accessor-info slotd type gf))))) (if *new-class* (update-class *new-class*) (map-all-classes #'update-class 'slot-object))))) (defvar *standard-slot-value-using-class-method* nil) (defvar *standard-setf-slot-value-using-class-method* nil) (defvar *standard-slot-boundp-using-class-method* nil) (defvar *structure-slot-value-using-class-method* nil) (defvar *structure-setf-slot-value-using-class-method* nil) (defvar *structure-slot-boundp-using-class-method* nil) (defun standard-svuc-method (type) (case type (reader *standard-slot-value-using-class-method*) (writer *standard-setf-slot-value-using-class-method*) (boundp *standard-slot-boundp-using-class-method*))) (defun set-standard-svuc-method (type method) (case type (reader (setq *standard-slot-value-using-class-method* method)) (writer (setq *standard-setf-slot-value-using-class-method* method)) (boundp (setq *standard-slot-boundp-using-class-method* method)))) (defun structure-svuc-method (type) (case type (reader *structure-slot-value-using-class-method*) (writer *structure-setf-slot-value-using-class-method*) (boundp *structure-slot-boundp-using-class-method*))) (defun set-structure-svuc-method (type method) (case type (reader (setq *structure-slot-value-using-class-method* method)) (writer (setq *structure-setf-slot-value-using-class-method* method)) (boundp (setq *structure-slot-boundp-using-class-method* method)))) (defun update-std-or-str-methods (gf type) (dolist (method (generic-function-methods gf)) (let ((specls (method-specializers method))) (when (and (or (not (eq type 'writer)) (eq (pop specls) *the-class-t*)) (every #'classp specls)) (cond ((and (eq (class-name (car specls)) 'std-class) (eq (class-name (cadr specls)) 'std-object) (eq (class-name (caddr specls)) 'standard-effective-slot-definition)) (set-standard-svuc-method type method)) ((and (eq (class-name (car specls)) 'structure-class) (eq (class-name (cadr specls)) 'structure-object) (eq (class-name (caddr specls)) 'structure-effective-slot-definition)) (set-structure-svuc-method type method))))))) (defun mec-all-classes-internal (spec precompute-p) (cons (specializer-class spec) (and (classp spec) precompute-p (not (or (eq spec *the-class-t*) (eq spec *the-class-slot-object*) (eq spec *the-class-std-object*) (eq spec *the-class-standard-object*) (eq spec *the-class-structure-object*))) (let ((sc (class-direct-subclasses spec))) (when sc (mapcan (lambda (class) (mec-all-classes-internal class precompute-p)) sc)))))) (defun mec-all-classes (spec precompute-p) (let ((classes (mec-all-classes-internal spec precompute-p))) (if (null (cdr classes)) classes (let* ((a-classes (cons nil classes)) (tail classes)) (loop (when (null (cdr tail)) (return (cdr a-classes))) (let ((class (cadr tail)) (ttail (cddr tail))) (if (dolist (c ttail nil) (when (eq class c) (return t))) (setf (cdr tail) (cddr tail)) (setf tail (cdr tail))))))))) (defun mec-all-class-lists (spec-list precompute-p) (if (null spec-list) (list nil) (let* ((car-all-classes (mec-all-classes (car spec-list) precompute-p)) (all-class-lists (mec-all-class-lists (cdr spec-list) precompute-p))) (mapcan (lambda (list) (mapcar (lambda (c) (cons c list)) car-all-classes)) all-class-lists)))) (defun make-emf-cache (generic-function valuep cache classes-list new-class) (let* ((arg-info (gf-arg-info generic-function)) (nkeys (arg-info-nkeys arg-info)) (metatypes (arg-info-metatypes arg-info)) (wrappers (unless (eq nkeys 1) (make-list nkeys))) (precompute-p (gf-precompute-dfun-and-emf-p arg-info)) (default '(default))) (flet ((add-class-list (classes) (when (or (null new-class) (memq new-class classes)) (let ((wrappers (get-wrappers-from-classes nkeys wrappers classes metatypes))) (when (and wrappers (eq default (probe-cache cache wrappers default))) (let ((value (cond ((eq valuep t) (sdfun-for-caching generic-function classes)) ((eq valuep :constant-value) (value-for-caching generic-function classes))))) (setq cache (fill-cache cache wrappers value)))))))) (if classes-list (mapc #'add-class-list classes-list) (dolist (method (generic-function-methods generic-function)) (mapc #'add-class-list (mec-all-class-lists (method-specializers method) precompute-p)))) cache))) (defmacro class-test (arg class) (cond ((eq class *the-class-t*) t) ((eq class *the-class-slot-object*) `(not (typep (classoid-of ,arg) 'built-in-classoid))) ((eq class *the-class-std-object*) `(or (std-instance-p ,arg) (fsc-instance-p ,arg))) ((eq class *the-class-standard-object*) `(std-instance-p ,arg)) ((eq class *the-class-funcallable-standard-object*) `(fsc-instance-p ,arg)) (t `(typep ,arg ',(class-name class))))) (defmacro class-eq-test (arg class) `(eq (class-of ,arg) ',class)) (defmacro eql-test (arg object) `(eql ,arg ',object)) (defun dnet-methods-p (form) (and (consp form) (or (eq (car form) 'methods) (eq (car form) 'unordered-methods)))) ;;; This is CASE, but without gensyms. (defmacro scase (arg &rest clauses) `(let ((.case-arg. ,arg)) (cond ,@(mapcar (lambda (clause) (list* (cond ((null (car clause)) nil) ((consp (car clause)) (if (null (cdar clause)) `(eql .case-arg. ',(caar clause)) `(member .case-arg. ',(car clause)))) ((member (car clause) '(t otherwise)) `t) (t `(eql .case-arg. ',(car clause)))) nil (cdr clause))) clauses)))) (defmacro mcase (arg &rest clauses) `(scase ,arg ,@clauses)) (defun generate-discrimination-net (generic-function methods types sorted-p) (let* ((arg-info (gf-arg-info generic-function)) (precedence (arg-info-precedence arg-info))) (generate-discrimination-net-internal generic-function methods types (lambda (methods known-types) (if (or sorted-p (block one-order-p (let ((sorted-methods nil)) (map-all-orders (copy-list methods) precedence (lambda (methods) (when sorted-methods (return-from one-order-p nil)) (setq sorted-methods methods))) (setq methods sorted-methods)) t)) `(methods ,methods ,known-types) `(unordered-methods ,methods ,known-types))) (lambda (position type true-value false-value) (let ((arg (dfun-arg-symbol position))) (if (eq (car type) 'eql) (let* ((false-case-p (and (consp false-value) (or (eq (car false-value) 'scase) (eq (car false-value) 'mcase)) (eq arg (cadr false-value)))) (false-clauses (if false-case-p (cddr false-value) `((t ,false-value)))) (case-sym (if (and (dnet-methods-p true-value) (if false-case-p (eq (car false-value) 'mcase) (dnet-methods-p false-value))) 'mcase 'scase)) (type-sym `(,(cadr type)))) `(,case-sym ,arg (,type-sym ,true-value) ,@false-clauses)) `(if ,(let ((arg (dfun-arg-symbol position))) (case (car type) (class `(class-test ,arg ,(cadr type))) (class-eq `(class-eq-test ,arg ,(cadr type))))) ,true-value ,false-value)))) #'identity))) (defun class-from-type (type) (if (or (atom type) (eq (car type) t)) *the-class-t* (case (car type) (and (dolist (type (cdr type) *the-class-t*) (when (and (consp type) (not (eq (car type) 'not))) (return (class-from-type type))))) (not *the-class-t*) (eql (class-of (cadr type))) (class-eq (cadr type)) (class (cadr type))))) (defun precompute-effective-methods (gf caching-p &optional classes-list-p) (let* ((arg-info (gf-arg-info gf)) (methods (generic-function-methods gf)) (precedence (arg-info-precedence arg-info)) (*in-precompute-effective-methods-p* t) (classes-list nil)) (generate-discrimination-net-internal gf methods nil (lambda (methods known-types) (when methods (when classes-list-p (push (mapcar #'class-from-type known-types) classes-list)) (let ((no-eql-specls-p (not (methods-contain-eql-specializer-p methods)))) (map-all-orders methods precedence (lambda (methods) (get-secondary-dispatch-function1 gf methods known-types nil caching-p no-eql-specls-p)))))) (lambda (position type true-value false-value) (declare (ignore position type true-value false-value)) nil) (lambda (type) (if (and (consp type) (eq (car type) 'eql)) `(class-eq ,(class-of (cadr type))) type))) classes-list)) ;;; We know that known-type implies neither new-type nor `(not ,new-type). (defun augment-type (new-type known-type) (if (or (eq known-type t) (eq (car new-type) 'eql)) new-type (let ((so-far (if (and (consp known-type) (eq (car known-type) 'and)) (cdr known-type) (list known-type)))) (unless (eq (car new-type) 'not) (setq so-far (mapcan (lambda (type) (unless (*subtypep new-type type) (list type))) so-far))) (if (null so-far) new-type `(and ,new-type ,@so-far))))) (defun generate-discrimination-net-internal (gf methods types methods-function test-fun type-function) (let* ((arg-info (gf-arg-info gf)) (precedence (arg-info-precedence arg-info)) (nreq (arg-info-number-required arg-info)) (metatypes (arg-info-metatypes arg-info))) (labels ((do-column (p-tail contenders known-types) (if p-tail (let* ((position (car p-tail)) (known-type (or (nth position types) t))) (if (eq (nth position metatypes) t) (do-column (cdr p-tail) contenders (cons (cons position known-type) known-types)) (do-methods p-tail contenders known-type () known-types))) (funcall methods-function contenders (let ((k-t (make-list nreq))) (dolist (index+type known-types) (setf (nth (car index+type) k-t) (cdr index+type))) k-t)))) (do-methods (p-tail contenders known-type winners known-types) ;; CONTENDERS ;; is a (sorted) list of methods that must be discriminated. ;; KNOWN-TYPE ;; is the type of this argument, constructed from tests ;; already made. ;; WINNERS ;; is a (sorted) list of methods that are potentially ;; applicable after the discrimination has been made. (if (null contenders) (do-column (cdr p-tail) winners (cons (cons (car p-tail) known-type) known-types)) (let* ((position (car p-tail)) (method (car contenders)) (specl (nth position (method-specializers method))) (type (funcall type-function (type-from-specializer specl)))) (multiple-value-bind (app-p maybe-app-p) (specializer-applicable-using-type-p type known-type) (flet ((determined-to-be (truth-value) (if truth-value app-p (not maybe-app-p))) (do-if (truth &optional implied) (let ((ntype (if truth type `(not ,type)))) (do-methods p-tail (cdr contenders) (if implied known-type (augment-type ntype known-type)) (if truth (append winners `(,method)) winners) known-types)))) (cond ((determined-to-be nil) (do-if nil t)) ((determined-to-be t) (do-if t t)) (t (funcall test-fun position type (do-if t) (do-if nil)))))))))) (do-column precedence methods ())))) (defun compute-secondary-dispatch-function (generic-function net &optional method-alist wrappers) (function-funcall (compute-secondary-dispatch-function1 generic-function net) method-alist wrappers)) (defvar *eq-case-table-limit* 15) (defvar *case-table-limit* 10) (defun compute-mcase-parameters (case-list) (unless (eq t (caar (last case-list))) (error "The key for the last case arg to mcase was not T")) (let* ((eq-p (dolist (case case-list t) (unless (or (eq (car case) t) (symbolp (caar case))) (return nil)))) (len (1- (length case-list))) (type (cond ((= len 1) :simple) ((<= len (if eq-p *eq-case-table-limit* *case-table-limit*)) :assoc) (t :hash-table)))) (list eq-p type))) (defmacro mlookup (key info default &optional eq-p type) (unless (or (eq eq-p t) (null eq-p)) (error "Invalid eq-p argument")) (ecase type (:simple `(if (,(if eq-p 'eq 'eql) ,key (car ,info)) (cdr ,info) ,default)) (:assoc `(dolist (e ,info ,default) (when (,(if eq-p 'eq 'eql) (car e) ,key) (return (cdr e))))) (:hash-table `(gethash ,key ,info ,default)))) (defun net-test-converter (form) (if (atom form) (default-test-converter form) (case (car form) ((invoke-effective-method-function invoke-fast-method-call) '.call.) (methods '.methods.) (unordered-methods '.umethods.) (mcase `(mlookup ,(cadr form) nil nil ,@(compute-mcase-parameters (cddr form)))) (t (default-test-converter form))))) (defun net-code-converter (form) (if (atom form) (default-code-converter form) (case (car form) ((methods unordered-methods) (let ((gensym (gensym))) (values gensym (list gensym)))) (mcase (let ((mp (compute-mcase-parameters (cddr form))) (gensym (gensym)) (default (gensym))) (values `(mlookup ,(cadr form) ,gensym ,default ,@mp) (list gensym default)))) (t (default-code-converter form))))) (defun net-constant-converter (form generic-function) (or (let ((c (methods-converter form generic-function))) (when c (list c))) (if (atom form) (default-constant-converter form) (case (car form) (mcase (let* ((mp (compute-mcase-parameters (cddr form))) (list (mapcar (lambda (clause) (let ((key (car clause)) (meth (cadr clause))) (cons (if (consp key) (car key) key) (methods-converter meth generic-function)))) (cddr form))) (default (car (last list)))) (list (list* :mcase mp (nbutlast list)) (cdr default)))) (t (default-constant-converter form)))))) (defun methods-converter (form generic-function) (cond ((and (consp form) (eq (car form) 'methods)) (cons '.methods. (get-effective-method-function1 generic-function (cadr form)))) ((and (consp form) (eq (car form) 'unordered-methods)) (default-secondary-dispatch-function generic-function)))) (defun convert-methods (constant method-alist wrappers) (if (and (consp constant) (eq (car constant) '.methods.)) (funcall (cdr constant) method-alist wrappers) constant)) (defun convert-table (constant method-alist wrappers) (cond ((and (consp constant) (eq (car constant) :mcase)) (let ((alist (mapcar (lambda (k+m) (cons (car k+m) (convert-methods (cdr k+m) method-alist wrappers))) (cddr constant))) (mp (cadr constant))) (ecase (cadr mp) (:simple (car alist)) (:assoc alist) (:hash-table (let ((table (make-hash-table :test (if (car mp) 'eq 'eql)))) (dolist (k+m alist) (setf (gethash (car k+m) table) (cdr k+m))) table))))))) (defun compute-secondary-dispatch-function1 (generic-function net &optional function-p) (cond ((and (eq (car net) 'methods) (not function-p)) (get-effective-method-function1 generic-function (cadr net))) (t (let* ((name (generic-function-name generic-function)) (arg-info (gf-arg-info generic-function)) (metatypes (arg-info-metatypes arg-info)) (applyp (arg-info-applyp arg-info)) (fmc-arg-info (cons (length metatypes) applyp)) (arglist (if function-p (make-dfun-lambda-list metatypes applyp) (make-fast-method-call-lambda-list metatypes applyp)))) (multiple-value-bind (cfunction constants) (get-fun1 `(,(if function-p 'instance-lambda 'lambda) ,arglist ,@(unless function-p `((declare (ignore .pv-cell. .next-method-call.)))) (locally (declare #.*optimize-speed*) (let ((emf ,net)) ,(make-emf-call metatypes applyp 'emf)))) #'net-test-converter #'net-code-converter (lambda (form) (net-constant-converter form generic-function))) (lambda (method-alist wrappers) (let* ((alist (list nil)) (alist-tail alist)) (dolist (constant constants) (let* ((a (or (dolist (a alist nil) (when (eq (car a) constant) (return a))) (cons constant (or (convert-table constant method-alist wrappers) (convert-methods constant method-alist wrappers))))) (new (list a))) (setf (cdr alist-tail) new) (setf alist-tail new))) (let ((function (apply cfunction (mapcar #'cdr (cdr alist))))) (if function-p function (make-fast-method-call :function (set-fun-name function `(sdfun-method ,name)) :arg-info fmc-arg-info)))))))))) (defvar *show-make-unordered-methods-emf-calls* nil) (defun make-unordered-methods-emf (generic-function methods) (when *show-make-unordered-methods-emf-calls* (format t "~&make-unordered-methods-emf ~S~%" (generic-function-name generic-function))) (lambda (&rest args) (let* ((types (types-from-args generic-function args 'eql)) (smethods (sort-applicable-methods generic-function methods types)) (emf (get-effective-method-function generic-function smethods))) (invoke-emf emf args)))) ;;; The value returned by compute-discriminating-function is a function ;;; object. It is called a discriminating function because it is called ;;; when the generic function is called and its role is to discriminate ;;; on the arguments to the generic function and then call appropriate ;;; method functions. ;;; ;;; A discriminating function can only be called when it is installed as ;;; the funcallable instance function of the generic function for which ;;; it was computed. ;;; ;;; More precisely, if compute-discriminating-function is called with ;;; an argument , and returns a result , that result must ;;; not be passed to apply or funcall directly. Rather, must be ;;; stored as the funcallable instance function of the same generic ;;; function (using SET-FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE-FUNCTION). Then the ;;; generic function can be passed to funcall or apply. ;;; ;;; An important exception is that methods on this generic function are ;;; permitted to return a function which itself ends up calling the value ;;; returned by a more specific method. This kind of `encapsulation' of ;;; discriminating function is critical to many uses of the MOP. ;;; ;;; As an example, the following canonical case is legal: ;;; ;;; (defmethod compute-discriminating-function ((gf my-generic-function)) ;;; (let ((std (call-next-method))) ;;; (lambda (arg) ;;; (print (list 'call-to-gf gf arg)) ;;; (funcall std arg)))) ;;; ;;; Because many discriminating functions would like to use a dynamic ;;; strategy in which the precise discriminating function changes with ;;; time it is important to specify how a discriminating function is ;;; permitted itself to change the funcallable instance function of the ;;; generic function. ;;; ;;; Discriminating functions may set the funcallable instance function ;;; of the generic function, but the new value must be generated by making ;;; a call to COMPUTE-DISCRIMINATING-FUNCTION. This is to ensure that any ;;; more specific methods which may have encapsulated the discriminating ;;; function will get a chance to encapsulate the new, inner discriminating ;;; function. ;;; ;;; This implies that if a discriminating function wants to modify itself ;;; it should first store some information in the generic function proper, ;;; and then call compute-discriminating-function. The appropriate method ;;; on compute-discriminating-function will see the information stored in ;;; the generic function and generate a discriminating function accordingly. ;;; ;;; The following is an example of a discriminating function which modifies ;;; itself in accordance with this protocol: ;;; ;;; (defmethod compute-discriminating-function ((gf my-generic-function)) ;;; (lambda (arg) ;;; (cond ( ;;; ;;; (set-funcallable-instance-function ;;; gf ;;; (compute-discriminating-function gf)) ;;; (funcall gf arg)) ;;; (t ;;; )))) ;;; ;;; Whereas this code would not be legal: ;;; ;;; (defmethod compute-discriminating-function ((gf my-generic-function)) ;;; (lambda (arg) ;;; (cond ( ;;; (set-funcallable-instance-function ;;; gf ;;; (lambda (a) ..)) ;;; (funcall gf arg)) ;;; (t ;;; )))) ;;; ;;; NOTE: All the examples above assume that all instances of the class ;;; my-generic-function accept only one argument. (defun slot-value-using-class-dfun (class object slotd) (declare (ignore class)) (function-funcall (slot-definition-reader-function slotd) object)) (defun setf-slot-value-using-class-dfun (new-value class object slotd) (declare (ignore class)) (function-funcall (slot-definition-writer-function slotd) new-value object)) (defun slot-boundp-using-class-dfun (class object slotd) (declare (ignore class)) (function-funcall (slot-definition-boundp-function slotd) object)) (defmethod compute-discriminating-function ((gf standard-generic-function)) (with-slots (dfun-state arg-info) gf (typecase dfun-state (null (let ((name (generic-function-name gf))) (when (eq name 'compute-applicable-methods) (update-all-c-a-m-gf-info gf)) (cond ((eq name 'slot-value-using-class) (update-slot-value-gf-info gf 'reader) #'slot-value-using-class-dfun) ((equal name '(setf slot-value-using-class)) (update-slot-value-gf-info gf 'writer) #'setf-slot-value-using-class-dfun) ((eq name 'slot-boundp-using-class) (update-slot-value-gf-info gf 'boundp) #'slot-boundp-using-class-dfun) ((gf-precompute-dfun-and-emf-p arg-info) (make-final-dfun gf)) (t (make-initial-dfun gf))))) (function dfun-state) (cons (car dfun-state))))) (defmethod update-gf-dfun ((class std-class) gf) (let ((*new-class* class) #|| (name (generic-function-name gf)) ||# (arg-info (gf-arg-info gf))) (cond #|| ((eq name 'slot-value-using-class) (update-slot-value-gf-info gf 'reader)) ((equal name '(setf slot-value-using-class)) (update-slot-value-gf-info gf 'writer)) ((eq name 'slot-boundp-using-class) (update-slot-value-gf-info gf 'boundp)) ||# ((gf-precompute-dfun-and-emf-p arg-info) (multiple-value-bind (dfun cache info) (make-final-dfun-internal gf) (set-dfun gf dfun cache info) ; lest the cache be freed twice (update-dfun gf dfun cache info)))))) (defmethod function-keywords ((method standard-method)) (multiple-value-bind (nreq nopt keysp restp allow-other-keys-p keywords) (analyze-lambda-list (if (consp method) (early-method-lambda-list method) (method-lambda-list method))) (declare (ignore nreq nopt keysp restp)) (values keywords allow-other-keys-p))) (defun method-ll->generic-function-ll (ll) (multiple-value-bind (nreq nopt keysp restp allow-other-keys-p keywords keyword-parameters) (analyze-lambda-list ll) (declare (ignore nreq nopt keysp restp allow-other-keys-p keywords)) (remove-if (lambda (s) (or (memq s keyword-parameters) (eq s '&allow-other-keys))) ll))) ;;; This is based on the rules of method lambda list congruency defined in ;;; the spec. The lambda list it constructs is the pretty union of the ;;; lambda lists of all the methods. It doesn't take method applicability ;;; into account at all yet. (defmethod generic-function-pretty-arglist ((generic-function standard-generic-function)) (let ((methods (generic-function-methods generic-function))) (if methods (let ((arglist ())) ;; arglist is constructed from the GF's methods - maybe with ;; keys and rest stuff added (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest key allow-other-keys) (method-pretty-arglist (car methods)) (dolist (m (cdr methods)) (multiple-value-bind (method-key-keywords method-allow-other-keys method-key) (function-keywords m) ;; we've modified function-keywords to return what we want as ;; the third value, no other change here. (declare (ignore method-key-keywords)) (setq key (union key method-key)) (setq allow-other-keys (or allow-other-keys method-allow-other-keys)))) (when allow-other-keys (setq arglist '(&allow-other-keys))) (when key (setq arglist (nconc (list '&key) key arglist))) (when rest (setq arglist (nconc (list '&rest rest) arglist))) (when optional (setq arglist (nconc (list '&optional) optional arglist))) (nconc required arglist))) ;; otherwise we take the lambda-list from the GF directly, with no ;; other 'keys' added ... (let ((lambda-list (generic-function-lambda-list generic-function))) lambda-list)))) (defmethod method-pretty-arglist ((method standard-method)) (let ((required ()) (optional ()) (rest nil) (key ()) (allow-other-keys nil) (state 'required) (arglist (method-lambda-list method))) (dolist (arg arglist) (cond ((eq arg '&optional) (setq state 'optional)) ((eq arg '&rest) (setq state 'rest)) ((eq arg '&key) (setq state 'key)) ((eq arg '&allow-other-keys) (setq allow-other-keys t)) ((memq arg lambda-list-keywords)) (t (ecase state (required (push arg required)) (optional (push arg optional)) (key (push arg key)) (rest (setq rest arg)))))) (values (nreverse required) (nreverse optional) rest (nreverse key) allow-other-keys)))