;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more ;;;; information. ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources: ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export ;;;; control laws. ;;;; ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;;; specification. (in-package "SB-PCL") (let ((reader-specializers '(slot-object)) (writer-specializers '(t slot-object))) (defun ensure-accessor (type fun-name slot-name) (unless (fboundp fun-name) (multiple-value-bind (lambda-list specializers method-class initargs doc) (ecase type ;; FIXME: change SLOT-OBJECT here to T to get SLOT-MISSING ;; behaviour for non-slot-objects too? (reader (values '(object) reader-specializers 'global-reader-method (make-std-reader-method-function 'slot-object slot-name) "automatically-generated reader method")) (writer (values '(new-value object) writer-specializers 'global-writer-method (make-std-writer-method-function 'slot-object slot-name) "automatically-generated writer method")) (boundp (values '(object) reader-specializers 'global-boundp-method (make-std-boundp-method-function 'slot-object slot-name) "automatically-generated boundp method"))) (let ((gf (ensure-generic-function fun-name :lambda-list lambda-list))) (add-method gf (make-a-method method-class () lambda-list specializers initargs doc :slot-name slot-name))))) t) ;; KLUDGE: this is maybe PCL bootstrap mechanism #6 or #7, invented ;; by CSR in June 2007. Making the bootstrap sane is getting higher ;; on the "TODO: URGENT" list. (defun !fix-ensure-accessor-specializers () (setf reader-specializers (mapcar #'find-class reader-specializers)) (setf writer-specializers (mapcar #'find-class writer-specializers)))) (defmacro accessor-slot-value (object slot-name &environment env) (aver (constantp slot-name env)) (let* ((slot-name (constant-form-value slot-name env)) (reader-name (slot-reader-name slot-name))) `(let ((.ignore. (load-time-value (ensure-accessor 'reader ',reader-name ',slot-name)))) (declare (ignore .ignore.)) (truly-the (values t &optional) (funcall #',reader-name ,object))))) (defmacro accessor-set-slot-value (object slot-name new-value &environment env) (aver (constantp slot-name env)) (setq object (macroexpand object env)) (let* ((slot-name (constant-form-value slot-name env)) (bind-object (unless (or (constantp new-value env) (atom new-value)) (let* ((object-var (gensym)) (bind `((,object-var ,object)))) (setf object object-var) bind))) (writer-name (slot-writer-name slot-name)) (form `(let ((.ignore. (load-time-value (ensure-accessor 'writer ',writer-name ',slot-name))) (.new-value. ,new-value)) (declare (ignore .ignore.)) (funcall #',writer-name .new-value. ,object) .new-value.))) (if bind-object `(let ,bind-object ,form) form))) (defmacro accessor-slot-boundp (object slot-name &environment env) (aver (constantp slot-name env)) (let* ((slot-name (constant-form-value slot-name env)) (boundp-name (slot-boundp-name slot-name))) `(let ((.ignore. (load-time-value (ensure-accessor 'boundp ',boundp-name ',slot-name)))) (declare (ignore .ignore.)) (funcall #',boundp-name ,object)))) (defun make-structure-slot-boundp-function (slotd) (declare (ignore slotd)) (lambda (object) (declare (ignore object)) t)) (define-condition instance-structure-protocol-error (reference-condition error) ((slotd :initarg :slotd :reader instance-structure-protocol-error-slotd) (fun :initarg :fun :reader instance-structure-protocol-error-fun)) (:report (lambda (c s) (format s "~@" (instance-structure-protocol-error-slotd c) :instance :class (cond ((member (instance-structure-protocol-error-fun c) '(slot-value-using-class slot-boundp-using-class)) "read") (t "written")) (instance-structure-protocol-error-fun c))))) (defun instance-structure-protocol-error (slotd fun) (error 'instance-structure-protocol-error :slotd slotd :fun fun :references (list `(:amop :generic-function ,fun) '(:amop :section (5 5 3))))) (defun get-optimized-std-accessor-method-function (class slotd name) (cond ((structure-class-p class) (ecase name (reader (slot-definition-internal-reader-function slotd)) (writer (slot-definition-internal-writer-function slotd)) (boundp (make-structure-slot-boundp-function slotd)))) ((condition-class-p class) (ecase name (reader (slot-definition-reader-function slotd)) (writer (slot-definition-writer-function slotd)) (boundp (slot-definition-boundp-function slotd)))) (t (let* ((fsc-p (cond ((standard-class-p class) nil) ((funcallable-standard-class-p class) t) ((std-class-p class) ;; Shouldn't be using the optimized-std-accessors ;; in this case. #+nil (format t "* warning: ~S ~S~% ~S~%" name slotd class) nil) (t (error "~S is not a STANDARD-CLASS." class)))) (slot-name (slot-definition-name slotd)) (location (slot-definition-location slotd)) (function (ecase name (reader #'make-optimized-std-reader-method-function) (writer #'make-optimized-std-writer-method-function) (boundp #'make-optimized-std-boundp-method-function))) ;; KLUDGE: we need this slightly hacky calling convention ;; for these functions for bootstrapping reasons: see ;; !BOOTSTRAP-MAKE-SLOT-DEFINITION in braid.lisp. -- CSR, ;; 2004-07-12 (value (funcall function fsc-p slotd slot-name location))) (declare (type function function)) (values value (slot-definition-location slotd)))))) (defun make-optimized-std-reader-method-function (fsc-p slotd slot-name location) (declare #.*optimize-speed*) (set-fun-name (etypecase location (fixnum (if fsc-p (lambda (instance) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (let ((value (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance) location))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (values (slot-unbound (class-of instance) instance slot-name)) value))) (lambda (instance) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (let ((value (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance) location))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (values (slot-unbound (class-of instance) instance slot-name)) value))))) (cons (lambda (instance) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (let ((value (cdr location))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (values (slot-unbound (class-of instance) instance slot-name)) value)))) (null (lambda (instance) (instance-structure-protocol-error slotd 'slot-value-using-class)))) `(reader ,slot-name))) (defun make-optimized-std-writer-method-function (fsc-p slotd slot-name location) (declare #.*optimize-speed*) (let* ((safe-p (and slotd (slot-definition-class slotd) (safe-p (slot-definition-class slotd)))) (writer-fun (etypecase location (fixnum (if fsc-p (lambda (nv instance) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (setf (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance) location) nv)) (lambda (nv instance) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (setf (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance) location) nv)))) (cons (lambda (nv instance) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (setf (cdr location) nv))) (null (lambda (nv instance) (declare (ignore nv instance)) (instance-structure-protocol-error slotd '(setf slot-value-using-class)))))) (checking-fun (lambda (new-value instance) (check-obsolete-instance instance) ;; If the SLOTD had a TYPE-CHECK-FUNCTION, call it. (let* (;; Note that this CLASS is not neccessarily ;; the SLOT-DEFINITION-CLASS of the ;; SLOTD passed to M-O-S-W-M-F, since it's ;; e.g. possible for a subclass to define ;; a slot of the same name but with no ;; accessors. So we need to fetch the SLOTD ;; when CHECKING-FUN is called, instead of ;; just closing over it. (class (class-of instance)) (slotd (find-slot-definition class slot-name)) (type-check-function (when slotd (slot-definition-type-check-function slotd)))) (when type-check-function (funcall type-check-function new-value))) ;; Then call the real writer. (funcall writer-fun new-value instance)))) (set-fun-name (if safe-p checking-fun writer-fun) `(writer ,slot-name)))) (defun make-optimized-std-boundp-method-function (fsc-p slotd slot-name location) (declare #.*optimize-speed*) (set-fun-name (etypecase location (fixnum (if fsc-p (lambda (instance) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (not (eq (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance) location) +slot-unbound+))) (lambda (instance) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (not (eq (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance) location) +slot-unbound+))))) (cons (lambda (instance) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (not (eq (cdr location) +slot-unbound+)))) (null (lambda (instance) (instance-structure-protocol-error slotd 'slot-boundp-using-class)))) `(boundp ,slot-name))) (defun make-optimized-structure-slot-value-using-class-method-function (function) (declare (type function function)) (lambda (class object slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (funcall function object))) (defun make-optimized-structure-setf-slot-value-using-class-method-function (function) (declare (type function function)) (lambda (nv class object slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (funcall function nv object))) (defun make-optimized-structure-slot-boundp-using-class-method-function () (lambda (class object slotd) (declare (ignore class object slotd)) t)) (defun get-optimized-std-slot-value-using-class-method-function (class slotd name) (cond ((structure-class-p class) (ecase name (reader (make-optimized-structure-slot-value-using-class-method-function (slot-definition-internal-reader-function slotd))) (writer (make-optimized-structure-setf-slot-value-using-class-method-function (slot-definition-internal-writer-function slotd))) (boundp (make-optimized-structure-slot-boundp-using-class-method-function)))) ((condition-class-p class) (ecase name (reader (let ((fun (slot-definition-reader-function slotd))) (declare (type function fun)) (lambda (class object slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (funcall fun object)))) (writer (let ((fun (slot-definition-writer-function slotd))) (declare (type function fun)) (lambda (new-value class object slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (funcall fun new-value object)))) (boundp (let ((fun (slot-definition-boundp-function slotd))) (declare (type function fun)) (lambda (class object slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (funcall fun object)))))) (t (let* ((fsc-p (cond ((standard-class-p class) nil) ((funcallable-standard-class-p class) t) (t (error "~S is not a standard-class" class)))) (function (ecase name (reader #'make-optimized-std-slot-value-using-class-method-function) (writer #'make-optimized-std-setf-slot-value-using-class-method-function) (boundp #'make-optimized-std-slot-boundp-using-class-method-function)))) (declare (type function function)) (values (funcall function fsc-p slotd) (slot-definition-location slotd)))))) (defun make-optimized-std-slot-value-using-class-method-function (fsc-p slotd) (declare #.*optimize-speed*) (let ((location (slot-definition-location slotd)) (slot-name (slot-definition-name slotd))) (etypecase location (fixnum (if fsc-p (lambda (class instance slotd) (declare (ignore slotd)) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (let ((value (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance) location))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (values (slot-unbound class instance slot-name)) value))) (lambda (class instance slotd) (declare (ignore slotd)) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (let ((value (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance) location))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (values (slot-unbound class instance slot-name)) value))))) (cons (lambda (class instance slotd) (declare (ignore slotd)) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (let ((value (cdr location))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (values (slot-unbound class instance slot-name)) value)))) (null (lambda (class instance slotd) (declare (ignore class instance)) (instance-structure-protocol-error slotd 'slot-value-using-class)))))) (defun make-optimized-std-setf-slot-value-using-class-method-function (fsc-p slotd) (declare #.*optimize-speed*) (let ((location (slot-definition-location slotd)) (type-check-function (when (and slotd (slot-definition-class slotd) (safe-p (slot-definition-class slotd))) (slot-definition-type-check-function slotd)))) (macrolet ((make-mf-lambda (&body body) `(lambda (nv class instance slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (check-obsolete-instance instance) ,@body)) (make-mf-lambdas (&body body) ;; Having separate lambdas for the NULL / not-NULL cases of ;; TYPE-CHECK-FUNCTION is done to avoid runtime overhead ;; for CLOS typechecking when it's not in use. `(if type-check-function (make-mf-lambda (funcall (the function type-check-function) nv) ,@body) (make-mf-lambda ,@body)))) (etypecase location (fixnum (if fsc-p (make-mf-lambdas (setf (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance) location) nv)) (make-mf-lambdas (setf (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance) location) nv)))) (cons (make-mf-lambdas (setf (cdr location) nv))) (null (lambda (nv class instance slotd) (declare (ignore nv class instance)) (instance-structure-protocol-error slotd '(setf slot-value-using-class)))))))) (defun make-optimized-std-slot-boundp-using-class-method-function (fsc-p slotd) (declare #.*optimize-speed*) (let ((location (slot-definition-location slotd))) (etypecase location (fixnum (if fsc-p (lambda (class instance slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (not (eq (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance) location) +slot-unbound+))) (lambda (class instance slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (not (eq (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance) location) +slot-unbound+))))) (cons (lambda (class instance slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (check-obsolete-instance instance) (not (eq (cdr location) +slot-unbound+)))) (null (lambda (class instance slotd) (declare (ignore class instance)) (instance-structure-protocol-error slotd 'slot-boundp-using-class)))))) (defun get-accessor-from-svuc-method-function (class slotd sdfun name) (macrolet ((emf-funcall (emf &rest args) `(invoke-effective-method-function ,emf nil :required-args ,args))) (set-fun-name (case name (reader (lambda (instance) (emf-funcall sdfun class instance slotd))) (writer (lambda (nv instance) (emf-funcall sdfun nv class instance slotd))) (boundp (lambda (instance) (emf-funcall sdfun class instance slotd)))) `(,name ,(class-name class) ,(slot-definition-name slotd))))) (defun make-std-reader-method-function (class-or-name slot-name) (declare (ignore class-or-name)) (let* ((initargs (copy-tree (make-method-function (lambda (instance) (pv-binding1 (.pv. .calls. (bug "Please report this") (instance) (instance-slots)) (instance-read-internal .pv. instance-slots 0 (slot-value instance slot-name)))))))) (setf (getf (getf initargs 'plist) :slot-name-lists) (list (list nil slot-name))) initargs)) (defun make-std-writer-method-function (class-or-name slot-name) (let* ((class (when (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (if (typep class-or-name 'class) class-or-name (find-class class-or-name nil)))) (safe-p (and class (safe-p class))) (check-fun (lambda (new-value instance) (let* ((class (class-of instance)) (slotd (find-slot-definition class slot-name)) (type-check-function (when slotd (slot-definition-type-check-function slotd)))) (when type-check-function (funcall type-check-function new-value))))) (initargs (copy-tree (if safe-p (make-method-function (lambda (nv instance) (funcall check-fun nv instance) (pv-binding1 (.pv. .calls. (bug "Please report this") (instance) (instance-slots)) (instance-write-internal .pv. instance-slots 0 nv (setf (slot-value instance slot-name) nv))))) (make-method-function (lambda (nv instance) (pv-binding1 (.pv. .calls. (bug "Please report this") (instance) (instance-slots)) (instance-write-internal .pv. instance-slots 0 nv (setf (slot-value instance slot-name) nv))))))))) (setf (getf (getf initargs 'plist) :slot-name-lists) (list nil (list nil slot-name))) initargs)) (defun make-std-boundp-method-function (class-or-name slot-name) (declare (ignore class-or-name)) (let* ((initargs (copy-tree (make-method-function (lambda (instance) (pv-binding1 (.pv. .calls. (bug "Please report this") (instance) (instance-slots)) (instance-boundp-internal .pv. instance-slots 0 (slot-boundp instance slot-name)))))))) (setf (getf (getf initargs 'plist) :slot-name-lists) (list (list nil slot-name))) initargs)) ;;;; FINDING SLOT DEFINITIONS ;;; ;;; Historical PCL found slot definitions by iterating over ;;; CLASS-SLOTS, which is O(N) for number of slots, and moreover ;;; requires a GF call (for SLOT-DEFINITION-NAME) for each slot in ;;; list up to the desired one. ;;; ;;; Current SBCL hashes the effective slot definitions, and some ;;; information pulled out from them into a simple-vector, with bucket ;;; chains made out of plists keyed by the slot names. This fixes ;;; gives O(1) performance, and avoid the GF calls. ;;; ;;; MAKE-SLOT-VECTOR constructs the hashed vector out of a list of ;;; effective slot definitions and the class they pertain to, and ;;; FIND-SLOT-DEFINITION knows how to look up slots in that vector. ;;; ;;; The only bit of cleverness in the implementation is to make the ;;; vectors fairly tight, but always longer then 0 elements: ;;; ;;; -- We don't want to waste huge amounts of space no these vectors, ;;; which are mostly required by things like SLOT-VALUE with a ;;; variable slot name, so a constant extension over the minimum ;;; size seems like a good choise. ;;; ;;; -- As long as the vector always has a length > 0 ;;; FIND-SLOT-DEFINITION doesn't need to handle the rare case of an ;;; empty vector separately: it just returns a NIL. ;;; ;;; In addition to the slot-definition we also store the slot-location ;;; and type-check function for instances of standard metaclasses, so ;;; that SLOT-VALUE &co using variable slot names can get at them ;;; without additional GF calls. ;;; ;;; Notes: ;;; It would be probably better to store the vector in wrapper ;;; instead: one less memory indirection, one less CLOS slot ;;; access to get at it. ;;; ;;; It would also be nice to have STANDARD-INSTANCE-STRUCTURE-P ;;; generic instead of checking versus STANDARD-CLASS and ;;; FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS. (defun find-slot-definition (class slot-name) (dolist (slotd (class-slots class)) (when (eq slot-name (slot-definition-name slotd)) (return slotd)))) (defun find-slot-cell (wrapper slot-name) (declare (symbol slot-name)) (let* ((vector (layout-slot-table wrapper)) (index (rem (sxhash slot-name) (length vector)))) (declare (simple-vector vector) (index index) (optimize (sb-c::insert-array-bounds-checks 0))) (do ((plist (the list (svref vector index)) (cdr plist))) ((not (consp plist))) (let ((key (car plist))) (setf plist (cdr plist)) (when (eq key slot-name) (return (car plist))))))) (defun make-slot-table (class slots) (let* ((n (+ (length slots) 2)) (vector (make-array n :initial-element nil)) (save-slot-location-p (when (eq 'complete *boot-state*) (let ((metaclass (class-of class))) (or (eq metaclass *the-class-standard-class*) (eq metaclass *the-class-funcallable-standard-class*))))) (save-type-check-function-p (and save-slot-location-p (safe-p class)))) (flet ((add-to-vector (name slot) (declare (symbol name) (optimize (sb-c::insert-array-bounds-checks 0))) (let ((index (rem (sxhash name) n))) (setf (svref vector index) (list* name (list* (if save-slot-location-p (slot-definition-location slot) ;; T tells SLOT-VALUE & SET-SLOT-VALUE ;; that this is a non-standard class. t) (when save-type-check-function-p (slot-definition-type-check-function slot)) slot) (svref vector index)))))) (if (eq 'complete *boot-state*) (dolist (slot slots) (add-to-vector (slot-definition-name slot) slot)) (dolist (slot slots) (add-to-vector (early-slot-definition-name slot) slot)))) vector))