;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more ;;;; information. ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources: ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export ;;;; control laws. ;;;; ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;;; specification. (in-package "SB-PCL") (defmacro slot-symbol (slot-name type) `(if (and (symbolp ,slot-name) (symbol-package ,slot-name)) (or (get ,slot-name ',(ecase type (reader 'reader-symbol) (writer 'writer-symbol) (boundp 'boundp-symbol))) (intern (format nil "~A ~A slot ~A" (package-name (symbol-package ,slot-name)) (symbol-name ,slot-name) ,(symbol-name type)) *slot-accessor-name-package*)) (progn (error "Non-symbol and non-interned symbol slot name accessors~ are not yet implemented.") ;;(make-symbol (format nil "~A ~A" ,slot-name ,type)) ))) (defun slot-reader-symbol (slot-name) (slot-symbol slot-name reader)) (defun slot-writer-symbol (slot-name) (slot-symbol slot-name writer)) (defun slot-boundp-symbol (slot-name) (slot-symbol slot-name boundp)) (defmacro asv-funcall (sym slot-name type &rest args) (declare (ignore type)) `(if (fboundp ',sym) (,sym ,@args) (no-slot ',sym ',slot-name))) (defun no-slot (sym slot-name) (error "No class has a slot named ~S (~S has no function binding)." slot-name sym)) (defmacro accessor-slot-value (object slot-name) (unless (constantp slot-name) (error "~S requires its slot-name argument to be a constant" 'accessor-slot-value)) (let* ((slot-name (eval slot-name)) (sym (slot-reader-symbol slot-name))) `(asv-funcall ,sym ,slot-name reader ,object))) (defmacro accessor-set-slot-value (object slot-name new-value &environment env) (unless (constantp slot-name) (error "~S requires its slot-name argument to be a constant" 'accessor-set-slot-value)) (setq object (macroexpand object env)) (setq slot-name (macroexpand slot-name env)) (let* ((slot-name (eval slot-name)) (bindings (unless (or (constantp new-value) (atom new-value)) (let ((object-var (gensym))) (prog1 `((,object-var ,object)) (setq object object-var))))) (sym (slot-writer-symbol slot-name)) (form `(asv-funcall ,sym ,slot-name writer ,new-value ,object))) (if bindings `(let ,bindings ,form) form))) (defmacro accessor-slot-boundp (object slot-name) (unless (constantp slot-name) (error "~S requires its slot-name argument to be a constant" 'accessor-slot-boundp)) (let ((slot-name (eval slot-name))) `(slot-boundp-normal ,object ',slot-name))) (defun structure-slot-boundp (object) (declare (ignore object)) t) (defun make-structure-slot-boundp-function (slotd) (let* ((reader (slot-definition-internal-reader-function slotd)) (fun (lambda (object) (not (eq (funcall reader object) +slot-unbound+))))) (declare (type function reader)) fun)) (defun get-optimized-std-accessor-method-function (class slotd name) (if (structure-class-p class) (ecase name (reader (slot-definition-internal-reader-function slotd)) (writer (slot-definition-internal-writer-function slotd)) (boundp (make-structure-slot-boundp-function slotd))) (let* ((fsc-p (cond ((standard-class-p class) nil) ((funcallable-standard-class-p class) t) ((std-class-p class) ;; Shouldn't be using the optimized-std-accessors ;; in this case. #+nil (format t "* warning: ~S ~S~% ~S~%" name slotd class) nil) (t (error "~S is not a STANDARD-CLASS." class)))) (slot-name (slot-definition-name slotd)) (index (slot-definition-location slotd)) (function (ecase name (reader #'make-optimized-std-reader-method-function) (writer #'make-optimized-std-writer-method-function) (boundp #'make-optimized-std-boundp-method-function))) (value (funcall function fsc-p slot-name index))) (declare (type function function)) (values value index)))) (defun make-optimized-std-reader-method-function (fsc-p slot-name index) (declare #.*optimize-speed*) (set-fun-name (etypecase index (fixnum (if fsc-p (lambda (instance) (let ((value (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance) index))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (slot-unbound (class-of instance) instance slot-name) value))) (lambda (instance) (let ((value (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance) index))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (slot-unbound (class-of instance) instance slot-name) value))))) (cons (lambda (instance) (let ((value (cdr index))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (slot-unbound (class-of instance) instance slot-name) value))))) `(reader ,slot-name))) (defun make-optimized-std-writer-method-function (fsc-p slot-name index) (declare #.*optimize-speed*) (set-fun-name (etypecase index (fixnum (if fsc-p (lambda (nv instance) (setf (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance) index) nv)) (lambda (nv instance) (setf (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance) index) nv)))) (cons (lambda (nv instance) (declare (ignore instance)) (setf (cdr index) nv)))) `(writer ,slot-name))) (defun make-optimized-std-boundp-method-function (fsc-p slot-name index) (declare #.*optimize-speed*) (set-fun-name (etypecase index (fixnum (if fsc-p (lambda (instance) (not (eq (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance) index) +slot-unbound+))) (lambda (instance) (not (eq (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance) index) +slot-unbound+))))) (cons (lambda (instance) (declare (ignore instance)) (not (eq (cdr index) +slot-unbound+))))) `(boundp ,slot-name))) (defun make-optimized-structure-slot-value-using-class-method-function (function) (declare (type function function)) (lambda (class object slotd) (let ((value (funcall function object))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (slot-unbound class object (slot-definition-name slotd)) value)))) (defun make-optimized-structure-setf-slot-value-using-class-method-function (function) (declare (type function function)) (lambda (nv class object slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (funcall function nv object))) (defun make-optimized-structure-slot-boundp-using-class-method-function (function) (declare (type function function)) (lambda (class object slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (not (eq (funcall function object) +slot-unbound+)))) (defun get-optimized-std-slot-value-using-class-method-function (class slotd name) (if (structure-class-p class) (ecase name (reader (make-optimized-structure-slot-value-using-class-method-function (slot-definition-internal-reader-function slotd))) (writer (make-optimized-structure-setf-slot-value-using-class-method-function (slot-definition-internal-writer-function slotd))) (boundp (make-optimized-structure-slot-boundp-using-class-method-function (slot-definition-internal-writer-function slotd)))) (let* ((fsc-p (cond ((standard-class-p class) nil) ((funcallable-standard-class-p class) t) (t (error "~S is not a standard-class" class)))) (slot-name (slot-definition-name slotd)) (index (slot-definition-location slotd)) (function (ecase name (reader #'make-optimized-std-slot-value-using-class-method-function) (writer #'make-optimized-std-setf-slot-value-using-class-method-function) (boundp #'make-optimized-std-slot-boundp-using-class-method-function)))) (declare (type function function)) (values (funcall function fsc-p slot-name index) index)))) (defun make-optimized-std-slot-value-using-class-method-function (fsc-p slot-name index) (declare #.*optimize-speed*) (etypecase index (fixnum (if fsc-p (lambda (class instance slotd) (declare (ignore slotd)) (unless (fsc-instance-p instance) (error "not fsc")) (let ((value (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance) index))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (slot-unbound class instance slot-name) value))) (lambda (class instance slotd) (declare (ignore slotd)) (unless (std-instance-p instance) (error "not std")) (let ((value (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance) index))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (slot-unbound class instance slot-name) value))))) (cons (lambda (class instance slotd) (declare (ignore slotd)) (let ((value (cdr index))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (slot-unbound class instance slot-name) value)))))) (defun make-optimized-std-setf-slot-value-using-class-method-function (fsc-p slot-name index) (declare #.*optimize-speed*) (declare (ignore slot-name)) (etypecase index (fixnum (if fsc-p (lambda (nv class instance slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (setf (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance) index) nv)) (lambda (nv class instance slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (setf (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance) index) nv)))) (cons (lambda (nv class instance slotd) (declare (ignore class instance slotd)) (setf (cdr index) nv))))) (defun make-optimized-std-slot-boundp-using-class-method-function (fsc-p slot-name index) (declare #.*optimize-speed*) (declare (ignore slot-name)) (etypecase index (fixnum (if fsc-p (lambda (class instance slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (not (eq (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance) index) +slot-unbound+))) (lambda (class instance slotd) (declare (ignore class slotd)) (not (eq (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance) index) +slot-unbound+))))) (cons (lambda (class instance slotd) (declare (ignore class instance slotd)) (not (eq (cdr index) +slot-unbound+)))))) (defun get-accessor-from-svuc-method-function (class slotd sdfun name) (macrolet ((emf-funcall (emf &rest args) `(invoke-effective-method-function ,emf nil ,@args))) (set-fun-name (case name (reader (lambda (instance) (emf-funcall sdfun class instance slotd))) (writer (lambda (nv instance) (emf-funcall sdfun nv class instance slotd))) (boundp (lambda (instance) (emf-funcall sdfun class instance slotd)))) `(,name ,(class-name class) ,(slot-definition-name slotd))))) (defun make-internal-reader-method-function (class-name slot-name) (list* ':method-spec `(internal-reader-method ,class-name ,slot-name) (make-method-function (lambda (instance) (let ((wrapper (get-instance-wrapper-or-nil instance))) (if wrapper (let* ((class (wrapper-class* wrapper)) (index (or (instance-slot-index wrapper slot-name) (assq slot-name (wrapper-class-slots wrapper))))) (typecase index (fixnum (let ((value (clos-slots-ref (get-slots instance) index))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (slot-unbound (class-of instance) instance slot-name) value))) (cons (let ((value (cdr index))) (if (eq value +slot-unbound+) (slot-unbound (class-of instance) instance slot-name) value))) (t (error "~@" class slot-name)))) (slot-value instance slot-name))))))) (defun make-std-reader-method-function (class-name slot-name) (let* ((pv-table-symbol (gensym)) (initargs (copy-tree (make-method-function (lambda (instance) (pv-binding1 (.pv. .calls. (symbol-value pv-table-symbol) (instance) (instance-slots)) (instance-read-internal .pv. instance-slots 1 (slot-value instance slot-name)))))))) (setf (getf (getf initargs ':plist) ':slot-name-lists) (list (list nil slot-name))) (setf (getf (getf initargs ':plist) ':pv-table-symbol) pv-table-symbol) (list* ':method-spec `(reader-method ,class-name ,slot-name) initargs))) (defun make-std-writer-method-function (class-name slot-name) (let* ((pv-table-symbol (gensym)) (initargs (copy-tree (make-method-function (lambda (nv instance) (pv-binding1 (.pv. .calls. (symbol-value pv-table-symbol) (instance) (instance-slots)) (instance-write-internal .pv. instance-slots 1 nv (setf (slot-value instance slot-name) nv)))))))) (setf (getf (getf initargs ':plist) ':slot-name-lists) (list nil (list nil slot-name))) (setf (getf (getf initargs ':plist) ':pv-table-symbol) pv-table-symbol) (list* ':method-spec `(writer-method ,class-name ,slot-name) initargs))) (defun make-std-boundp-method-function (class-name slot-name) (let* ((pv-table-symbol (gensym)) (initargs (copy-tree (make-method-function (lambda (instance) (pv-binding1 (.pv. .calls. (symbol-value pv-table-symbol) (instance) (instance-slots)) (instance-boundp-internal .pv. instance-slots 1 (slot-boundp instance slot-name)))))))) (setf (getf (getf initargs ':plist) ':slot-name-lists) (list (list nil slot-name))) (setf (getf (getf initargs ':plist) ':pv-table-symbol) pv-table-symbol) (list* ':method-spec `(boundp-method ,class-name ,slot-name) initargs))) (defun initialize-internal-slot-gfs (slot-name &optional type) (when (or (null type) (eq type 'reader)) (let* ((name (slot-reader-symbol slot-name)) (gf (ensure-generic-function name))) (unless (generic-function-methods gf) (add-reader-method *the-class-slot-object* gf slot-name)))) (when (or (null type) (eq type 'writer)) (let* ((name (slot-writer-symbol slot-name)) (gf (ensure-generic-function name))) (unless (generic-function-methods gf) (add-writer-method *the-class-slot-object* gf slot-name)))) nil) (defun initialize-internal-slot-gfs* (readers writers boundps) (dolist (reader readers) (initialize-internal-slot-gfs reader 'reader)) (dolist (writer writers) (initialize-internal-slot-gfs writer 'writer)) (dolist (boundp boundps) (initialize-internal-slot-gfs boundp 'boundp)))