;;;; FIXME: This should probably move to some separate tests or benchmarks ;;;; directory. (in-package "SB-PCL") (sb-int:file-comment "$Header$") (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0))) (defvar *tests*) (setq *tests* nil) (defvar m (car (generic-function-methods #'shared-initialize))) (defvar gf #'shared-initialize) (defvar c (find-class 'standard-class)) (defclass str () ((slot :initform nil :reader str-slot)) (:metaclass structure-class)) (defvar str (make-instance 'str)) (push (cons "Time unoptimized slot-value. This is case (1) from notes.text. (standard)" '(time-slot-value m 'plist 10000)) *tests*) (push (cons "Time unoptimized slot-value. This is case (1) from notes.text. (standard)" '(time-slot-value m 'generic-function 10000)) *tests*) (push (cons "Time unoptimized slot-value. This is case (1) from notes.text. (structure)" '(time-slot-value str 'slot 10000)) *tests*) (defun time-slot-value (object slot-name n) (time (dotimes-fixnum (i n) (slot-value object slot-name)))) (push (cons "Time optimized slot-value outside of a defmethod. Case (2). (standard)" '(time-slot-value-function m 10000)) *tests*) (defun time-slot-value-function (object n) (time (dotimes-fixnum (i n) (slot-value object 'function)))) (push (cons "Time optimized slot-value outside of a defmethod. Case (2). (structure)" '(time-slot-value-slot str 10000)) *tests*) (defun time-slot-value-slot (object n) (time (dotimes-fixnum (i n) (slot-value object 'slot)))) (push (cons "Time one-class dfun." '(time-generic-function-methods gf 10000)) *tests*) (defun time-generic-function-methods (object n) (time (dotimes-fixnum (i n) (generic-function-methods object)))) (push (cons "Time one-index dfun." '(time-class-precedence-list c 10000)) *tests*) (defun time-class-precedence-list (object n) (time (dotimes-fixnum (i n) (class-precedence-list object)))) (push (cons "Time n-n dfun." '(time-method-function m 10000)) *tests*) (defun time-method-function (object n) (time (dotimes-fixnum (i n) (method-function object)))) (push (cons "Time caching dfun." '(time-class-slots c 10000)) *tests*) (defun time-class-slots (object n) (time (dotimes-fixnum (i n) (class-slots object)))) (push (cons "Time typep for classes." '(time-typep-standard-object m 10000)) *tests*) (defun time-typep-standard-object (object n) (time (dotimes-fixnum (i n) (typep object 'standard-object)))) (push (cons "Time default-initargs." '(time-default-initargs (find-class 'plist-mixin) 1000)) *tests*) (defun time-default-initargs (class n) (time (dotimes-fixnum (i n) (default-initargs class nil)))) (push (cons "Time make-instance." '(time-make-instance (find-class 'plist-mixin) 1000)) *tests*) (defun time-make-instance (class n) (time (dotimes-fixnum (i n) (make-instance class)))) (push (cons "Time constant-keys make-instance." '(time-constant-keys-make-instance 1000)) *tests*) (expanding-make-instance-top-level (defun constant-keys-make-instance (n) (dotimes-fixnum (i n) (make-instance 'plist-mixin)))) (precompile-random-code-segments) (defun time-constant-keys-make-instance (n) (time (constant-keys-make-instance n))) (defun expand-all-macros (form) (walk-form form nil #'(lambda (form context env) (if (and (eq context :eval) (consp form) (symbolp (car form)) (not (special-form-p (car form))) (macro-function (car form))) (values (macroexpand form env)) form)))) (push (cons "Macroexpand meth-structure-slot-value" '(pprint (multiple-value-bind (pgf pm) (prototypes-for-make-method-lambda 'meth-structure-slot-value) (expand-defmethod 'meth-structure-slot-value pgf pm nil '((object str)) '(#'(lambda () (slot-value object 'slot))) nil)))) *tests*) (push (cons "Show code for slot-value inside a defmethod for a structure-class. Case (3)." '(disassemble (meth-structure-slot-value str))) *tests*) (defmethod meth-structure-slot-value ((object str)) #'(lambda () (slot-value object 'slot))) #|| ; interesting, but long. (produces 100 lines of output) (push (cons "Macroexpand meth-standard-slot-value" '(pprint (expand-all-macros (expand-defmethod-internal 'meth-standard-slot-value nil '((object standard-method)) '(#'(lambda () (slot-value object 'function))) nil)))) *tests*) (push (cons "Show code for slot-value inside a defmethod for a standard-class. Case (4)." '(disassemble (meth-standard-slot-value m))) *tests*) (defmethod meth-standard-slot-value ((object standard-method)) #'(lambda () (slot-value object 'function))) ||# (defun do-tests () (dolist (doc+form (reverse *tests*)) (format t "~&~%~A~%" (car doc+form)) (pprint (cdr doc+form)) (eval (cdr doc+form))))