;;;; a simple code walker for PCL ;;;; ;;;; The code which implements the macroexpansion environment ;;;; manipulation mechanisms is in the first part of the file, the ;;;; real walker follows it. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more ;;;; information. ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources: ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export ;;;; control laws. ;;;; ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;;; specification. (in-package "SB-WALKER") ;;;; environment frobbing stuff ;;; Here in the original PCL were implementations of the ;;; implementation-specific environment hacking functions for each of ;;; the implementations this walker had been ported to. This ;;; functionality was originally factored out in order to make PCL ;;; portable from one Common Lisp to another. As of 19981107, that ;;; portability was fairly stale and (because of the scarcity of CLTL1 ;;; implementations and the strong interdependence of the rest of ANSI ;;; Common Lisp on the CLOS system) fairly irrelevant. It was fairly ;;; thoroughly put out of its misery by WHN in his quest to clean up ;;; the system enough that it can be built from scratch using any ANSI ;;; Common Lisp. ;;; ;;; This code just hacks 'macroexpansion environments'. That is, it is ;;; only concerned with the function binding of symbols in the ;;; environment. The walker needs to be able to tell if the symbol ;;; names a lexical macro or function, and it needs to be able to ;;; build environments which contain lexical macro or function ;;; bindings. It must be able, when walking a MACROLET, FLET or LABELS ;;; form to construct an environment which reflects the bindings ;;; created by that form. Note that the environment created does NOT ;;; have to be sufficient to evaluate the body, merely to walk its ;;; body. This means that definitions do not have to be supplied for ;;; lexical functions, only the fact that that function is bound is ;;; important. For macros, the macroexpansion function must be ;;; supplied. ;;; ;;; This code is organized in a way that lets it work in ;;; implementations that stack cons their environments. That is ;;; reflected in the fact that the only operation that lets a user ;;; build a new environment is a WITH-BODY macro which executes its ;;; body with the specified symbol bound to the new environment. No ;;; code in this walker or in PCL will hold a pointer to these ;;; environments after the body returns. Other user code is free to do ;;; so in implementations where it works, but that code is not ;;; considered portable. ;;; ;;; There are 3 environment hacking tools. One macro, ;;; WITH-AUGMENTED-ENVIRONMENT, which is used to create new ;;; environments, and two functions, ENVIRONMENT-FUNCTION and ;;; ENVIRONMENT-MACRO, which are used to access the bindings of ;;; existing environments ;;; In SBCL, as in CMU CL before it, the environment is represented ;;; with a structure that holds alists for the functional things, ;;; variables, blocks, etc. Only the c::lexenv-functions slot is ;;; relevant. It holds: Alist (name . what), where What is either a ;;; Functional (a local function) or a list (MACRO . ) (a ;;; local macro, with the specifier expander.) Note that Name may be a ;;; (SETF ) function. (defmacro with-augmented-environment ((new-env old-env &key functions macros) &body body) `(let ((,new-env (with-augmented-environment-internal ,old-env ,functions ,macros))) ,@body)) ;;; KLUDGE: In CMU CL, when X was an arbitrary list, even one which ;;; did not name a function or describe a lambda expression, calling ;;; (EVAL `(FUNCTION ,X)) would still return a FUNCTION object, and no ;;; error would be signalled until/unless you tried to FUNCALL the ;;; resulting FUNCTION object. (This behavior was also present in ;;; (COERCE X 'FUNCTION), which was defined in terms of (EVAL ;;; `(FUNCTION ,X)).) This function provides roughly the same behavior ;;; as the old CMU CL (COERCE X 'FUNCTION), for the benefit of PCL ;;; code which relied on being able to coerce bogus things without ;;; raising errors as long as it never tried to actually call them. (defun bogo-coerce-to-function (x) (or (ignore-errors (coerce x 'function)) (lambda (&rest rest) (declare (ignore rest)) (error "can't FUNCALL bogo-coerced-to-function ~S" x)))) (defun with-augmented-environment-internal (env functions macros) ;; Note: In order to record the correct function definition, we ;; would have to create an interpreted closure, but the ;; with-new-definition macro down below makes no distinction between ;; FLET and LABELS, so we have no idea what to use for the ;; environment. So we just blow it off, 'cause anything real we do ;; would be wrong. We still have to make an entry so we can tell ;; functions from macros. (let ((env (or env (sb-kernel:make-null-lexenv)))) (sb-c::make-lexenv :default env :functions (append (mapcar (lambda (f) (cons (car f) (sb-c::make-functional :lexenv env))) functions) (mapcar (lambda (m) (list* (car m) 'sb-c::macro (bogo-coerce-to-function (cadr m)))) macros))))) (defun environment-function (env fn) (when env (let ((entry (assoc fn (sb-c::lexenv-functions env) :test #'equal))) (and entry (sb-c::functional-p (cdr entry)) (cdr entry))))) (defun environment-macro (env macro) (when env (let ((entry (assoc macro (sb-c::lexenv-functions env) :test #'eq))) (and entry (eq (cadr entry) 'sb-c::macro) (function-lambda-expression (cddr entry)))))) (defmacro with-new-definition-in-environment ((new-env old-env macrolet/flet/labels-form) &body body) (let ((functions (make-symbol "Functions")) (macros (make-symbol "Macros"))) `(let ((,functions ()) (,macros ())) (ecase (car ,macrolet/flet/labels-form) ((flet labels) (dolist (fn (cadr ,macrolet/flet/labels-form)) (push fn ,functions))) ((macrolet) (dolist (mac (cadr ,macrolet/flet/labels-form)) (push (list (car mac) (convert-macro-to-lambda (cadr mac) (cddr mac) (string (car mac)))) ,macros)))) (with-augmented-environment (,new-env ,old-env :functions ,functions :macros ,macros) ,@body)))) (defun convert-macro-to-lambda (llist body &optional (name "dummy macro")) (let ((gensym (make-symbol name))) (eval `(defmacro ,gensym ,llist ,@body)) (macro-function gensym))) ;;; Now comes the real walker. ;;; ;;; As the walker walks over the code, it communicates information to ;;; itself about the walk. This information includes the walk ;;; function, variable bindings, declarations in effect etc. This ;;; information is inherently lexical, so the walker passes it around ;;; in the actual environment the walker passes to macroexpansion ;;; functions. This is what makes the NESTED-WALK-FORM facility work ;;; properly. (defmacro walker-environment-bind ((var env &rest key-args) &body body) `(with-augmented-environment (,var ,env :macros (walker-environment-bind-1 ,env ,.key-args)) .,body)) (defvar *key-to-walker-environment* (gensym)) (defun env-lock (env) (environment-macro env *key-to-walker-environment*)) (defun walker-environment-bind-1 (env &key (walk-function nil wfnp) (walk-form nil wfop) (declarations nil decp) (lexical-variables nil lexp)) (let ((lock (environment-macro env *key-to-walker-environment*))) (list (list *key-to-walker-environment* (list (if wfnp walk-function (car lock)) (if wfop walk-form (cadr lock)) (if decp declarations (caddr lock)) (if lexp lexical-variables (cadddr lock))))))) (defun env-walk-function (env) (car (env-lock env))) (defun env-walk-form (env) (cadr (env-lock env))) (defun env-declarations (env) (caddr (env-lock env))) (defun env-lexical-variables (env) (cadddr (env-lock env))) (defun note-declaration (declaration env) (push declaration (caddr (env-lock env)))) (defun note-lexical-binding (thing env) (push (list thing :lexical-var) (cadddr (env-lock env)))) (defun variable-lexical-p (var env) (let ((entry (member var (env-lexical-variables env) :key #'car))) (when (eq (cadar entry) :lexical-var) entry))) (defun variable-symbol-macro-p (var env) (let ((entry (member var (env-lexical-variables env) :key #'car))) (when (eq (cadar entry) :macro) entry))) (defvar *variable-declarations* '(special)) (defun variable-declaration (declaration var env) (if (not (member declaration *variable-declarations*)) (error "~S is not a recognized variable declaration." declaration) (let ((id (or (variable-lexical-p var env) var))) (dolist (decl (env-declarations env)) (when (and (eq (car decl) declaration) (eq (cadr decl) id)) (return decl)))))) (defun variable-special-p (var env) (or (not (null (variable-declaration 'special var env))) (variable-globally-special-p var))) (defun variable-globally-special-p (symbol) (eq (sb-int:info :variable :kind symbol) :special)) ;;;; handling of special forms ;;; Here are some comments from the original PCL on the difficulty of ;;; doing this portably across different CLTL1 implementations. This ;;; is no longer directly relevant because this code now only runs on ;;; SBCL, but the comments are retained for culture: they might help ;;; explain some of the design decisions which were made in the code. ;;; ;;; and I quote... ;;; ;;; The set of special forms is purposely kept very small because ;;; any program analyzing program (read code walker) must have ;;; special knowledge about every type of special form. Such a ;;; program needs no special knowledge about macros... ;;; ;;; So all we have to do here is a define a way to store and retrieve ;;; templates which describe how to walk the 24 special forms and we ;;; are all set... ;;; ;;; Well, its a nice concept, and I have to admit to being naive ;;; enough that I believed it for a while, but not everyone takes ;;; having only 24 special forms as seriously as might be nice. There ;;; are (at least) 3 ways to lose: ;; ;;; 1 - Implementation x implements a Common Lisp special form as ;;; a macro which expands into a special form which: ;;; - Is a common lisp special form (not likely) ;;; - Is not a common lisp special form (on the 3600 IF --> COND). ;;; ;;; * We can safe ourselves from this case (second subcase really) ;;; by checking to see whether there is a template defined for ;;; something before we check to see whether we can macroexpand it. ;;; ;;; 2 - Implementation x implements a Common Lisp macro as a special form. ;;; ;;; * This is a screw, but not so bad, we save ourselves from it by ;;; defining extra templates for the macros which are *likely* to ;;; be implemented as special forms. [Note: As of sbcl-0.6.9, these ;;; extra templates have been deleted, since this is not a problem ;;; in SBCL and we no longer try to make this walker portable ;;; across other possibly-broken CL implementations.] ;;; ;;; 3 - Implementation x has a special form which is not on the list of ;;; Common Lisp special forms. ;;; ;;; * This is a bad sort of a screw and happens more than I would ;;; like to think, especially in the implementations which provide ;;; more than just Common Lisp (3600, Xerox etc.). ;;; The fix is not terribly satisfactory, but will have to do for ;;; now. There is a hook in get walker-template which can get a ;;; template from the implementation's own walker. That template ;;; has to be converted, and so it may be that the right way to do ;;; this would actually be for that implementation to provide an ;;; interface to its walker which looks like the interface to this ;;; walker. (defmacro get-walker-template-internal (x) `(get ,x 'walker-template)) (defmacro define-walker-template (name &optional (template '(nil repeat (eval)))) `(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) (setf (get-walker-template-internal ',name) ',template))) (defun get-walker-template (x) (cond ((symbolp x) (or (get-walker-template-internal x) (get-implementation-dependent-walker-template x))) ((and (listp x) (eq (car x) 'lambda)) '(lambda repeat (eval))) (t (error "can't get template for ~S" x)))) ;;; FIXME: This can go away in SBCL. (defun get-implementation-dependent-walker-template (x) (declare (ignore x)) ()) ;;;; the actual templates ;;; ANSI special forms (define-walker-template block (nil nil repeat (eval))) (define-walker-template catch (nil eval repeat (eval))) (define-walker-template declare walk-unexpected-declare) (define-walker-template eval-when (nil quote repeat (eval))) (define-walker-template flet walk-flet) (define-walker-template function (nil call)) (define-walker-template go (nil quote)) (define-walker-template if walk-if) (define-walker-template labels walk-labels) (define-walker-template lambda walk-lambda) (define-walker-template let walk-let) (define-walker-template let* walk-let*) (define-walker-template locally walk-locally) (define-walker-template macrolet walk-macrolet) (define-walker-template multiple-value-call (nil eval repeat (eval))) (define-walker-template multiple-value-prog1 (nil return repeat (eval))) (define-walker-template multiple-value-setq walk-multiple-value-setq) (define-walker-template multiple-value-bind walk-multiple-value-bind) (define-walker-template progn (nil repeat (eval))) (define-walker-template progv (nil eval eval repeat (eval))) (define-walker-template quote (nil quote)) (define-walker-template return-from (nil quote repeat (return))) (define-walker-template setq walk-setq) (define-walker-template symbol-macrolet walk-symbol-macrolet) (define-walker-template tagbody walk-tagbody) (define-walker-template the (nil quote eval)) (define-walker-template throw (nil eval eval)) (define-walker-template unwind-protect (nil return repeat (eval))) ;;; SBCL-only special forms (define-walker-template sb-ext:truly-the (nil quote eval)) (defvar *walk-form-expand-macros-p* nil) (defun walk-form (form &optional environment (walk-function #'(lambda (subform context env) (declare (ignore context env)) subform))) (walker-environment-bind (new-env environment :walk-function walk-function) (walk-form-internal form :eval new-env))) ;;; WALK-FORM-INTERNAL is the main driving function for the code ;;; walker. It takes a form and the current context and walks the form ;;; calling itself or the appropriate template recursively. ;;; ;;; "It is recommended that a program-analyzing-program process a form ;;; that is a list whose car is a symbol as follows: ;;; ;;; 1. If the program has particular knowledge about the symbol, ;;; process the form using special-purpose code. All of the ;;; standard special forms should fall into this category. ;;; 2. Otherwise, if MACRO-FUNCTION is true of the symbol apply ;;; either MACROEXPAND or MACROEXPAND-1 and start over. ;;; 3. Otherwise, assume it is a function call. " (defun walk-form-internal (form context env) ;; First apply the walk-function to perform whatever translation ;; the user wants to this form. If the second value returned ;; by walk-function is T then we don't recurse... (catch form (multiple-value-bind (newform walk-no-more-p) (funcall (env-walk-function env) form context env) (catch newform (cond (walk-no-more-p newform) ((not (eq form newform)) (walk-form-internal newform context env)) ((not (consp newform)) (let ((symmac (car (variable-symbol-macro-p newform env)))) (if symmac (let ((newnewform (walk-form-internal (cddr symmac) context env))) (if (eq newnewform (cddr symmac)) (if *walk-form-expand-macros-p* newnewform newform) newnewform)) newform))) (t (let* ((fn (car newform)) (template (get-walker-template fn))) (if template (if (symbolp template) (funcall template newform context env) (walk-template newform template context env)) (multiple-value-bind (newnewform macrop) (walker-environment-bind (new-env env :walk-form newform) (macroexpand-1 newform new-env)) (cond (macrop (let ((newnewnewform (walk-form-internal newnewform context env))) (if (eq newnewnewform newnewform) (if *walk-form-expand-macros-p* newnewform newform) newnewnewform))) ((and (symbolp fn) (not (fboundp fn)) (special-operator-p fn)) ;; This shouldn't happen, since this walker is now ;; maintained as part of SBCL, so it should know ;; about all the special forms that SBCL knows ;; about. (error "unexpected special form ~S" fn)) (t ;; Otherwise, walk the form as if it's just a ;; standard function call using a template for ;; standard function call. (walk-template newnewform '(call repeat (eval)) context env)))))))))))) (defun walk-template (form template context env) (if (atom template) (ecase template ((eval function test effect return) (walk-form-internal form :eval env)) ((quote nil) form) (set (walk-form-internal form :set env)) ((lambda call) (cond ((or (symbolp form) (and (listp form) (= (length form) 2) (eq (car form) 'setf))) form) (t (walk-form-internal form context env))))) (case (car template) (repeat (walk-template-handle-repeat form (cdr template) ;; For the case where nothing ;; happens after the repeat ;; optimize away the call to ;; LENGTH. (if (null (cddr template)) () (nthcdr (- (length form) (length (cddr template))) form)) context env)) (if (walk-template form (if (if (listp (cadr template)) (eval (cadr template)) (funcall (cadr template) form)) (caddr template) (cadddr template)) context env)) (remote (walk-template form (cadr template) context env)) (otherwise (cond ((atom form) form) (t (recons form (walk-template (car form) (car template) context env) (walk-template (cdr form) (cdr template) context env)))))))) (defun walk-template-handle-repeat (form template stop-form context env) (if (eq form stop-form) (walk-template form (cdr template) context env) (walk-template-handle-repeat-1 form template (car template) stop-form context env))) (defun walk-template-handle-repeat-1 (form template repeat-template stop-form context env) (cond ((null form) ()) ((eq form stop-form) (if (null repeat-template) (walk-template stop-form (cdr template) context env) (error "while handling code walker REPEAT: ~%ran into STOP while still in REPEAT template"))) ((null repeat-template) (walk-template-handle-repeat-1 form template (car template) stop-form context env)) (t (recons form (walk-template (car form) (car repeat-template) context env) (walk-template-handle-repeat-1 (cdr form) template (cdr repeat-template) stop-form context env))))) (defun walk-repeat-eval (form env) (and form (recons form (walk-form-internal (car form) :eval env) (walk-repeat-eval (cdr form) env)))) (defun recons (x car cdr) (if (or (not (eq (car x) car)) (not (eq (cdr x) cdr))) (cons car cdr) x)) (defun relist (x &rest args) (if (null args) nil (relist-internal x args nil))) (defun relist* (x &rest args) (relist-internal x args 't)) (defun relist-internal (x args *p) (if (null (cdr args)) (if *p (car args) (recons x (car args) nil)) (recons x (car args) (relist-internal (cdr x) (cdr args) *p)))) ;;;; special walkers (defun walk-declarations (body fn env &optional doc-string-p declarations old-body &aux (form (car body)) macrop new-form) (cond ((and (stringp form) ;might be a doc string (cdr body) ;isn't the returned value (null doc-string-p) ;no doc string yet (null declarations)) ;no declarations yet (recons body form (walk-declarations (cdr body) fn env t))) ((and (listp form) (eq (car form) 'declare)) ;; We got ourselves a real live declaration. Record it, look ;; for more. (dolist (declaration (cdr form)) (let ((type (car declaration)) (name (cadr declaration)) (args (cddr declaration))) (if (member type *variable-declarations*) (note-declaration `(,type ,(or (variable-lexical-p name env) name) ,.args) env) (note-declaration declaration env)) (push declaration declarations))) (recons body form (walk-declarations (cdr body) fn env doc-string-p declarations))) ((and form (listp form) (null (get-walker-template (car form))) (progn (multiple-value-setq (new-form macrop) (macroexpand-1 form env)) macrop)) ;; This form was a call to a macro. Maybe it expanded ;; into a declare? Recurse to find out. (walk-declarations (recons body new-form (cdr body)) fn env doc-string-p declarations (or old-body body))) (t ;; Now that we have walked and recorded the declarations, ;; call the function our caller provided to expand the body. ;; We call that function rather than passing the real-body ;; back, because we are RECONSING up the new body. (funcall fn (or old-body body) env)))) (defun walk-unexpected-declare (form context env) (declare (ignore context env)) (warn "encountered DECLARE ~S in a place where a DECLARE was not expected" form) form) (defun walk-arglist (arglist context env &optional (destructuringp nil) &aux arg) (cond ((null arglist) ()) ((symbolp (setq arg (car arglist))) (or (member arg lambda-list-keywords) (note-lexical-binding arg env)) (recons arglist arg (walk-arglist (cdr arglist) context env (and destructuringp (not (member arg lambda-list-keywords)))))) ((consp arg) (prog1 (recons arglist (if destructuringp (walk-arglist arg context env destructuringp) (relist* arg (car arg) (walk-form-internal (cadr arg) :eval env) (cddr arg))) (walk-arglist (cdr arglist) context env nil)) (if (symbolp (car arg)) (note-lexical-binding (car arg) env) (note-lexical-binding (cadar arg) env)) (or (null (cddr arg)) (not (symbolp (caddr arg))) (note-lexical-binding (caddr arg) env)))) (t (error "Can't understand something in the arglist ~S" arglist)))) (defun walk-let (form context env) (walk-let/let* form context env nil)) (defun walk-let* (form context env) (walk-let/let* form context env t)) (defun walk-prog (form context env) (walk-prog/prog* form context env nil)) (defun walk-prog* (form context env) (walk-prog/prog* form context env t)) (defun walk-do (form context env) (walk-do/do* form context env nil)) (defun walk-do* (form context env) (walk-do/do* form context env t)) (defun walk-let/let* (form context old-env sequentialp) (walker-environment-bind (new-env old-env) (let* ((let/let* (car form)) (bindings (cadr form)) (body (cddr form)) (walked-bindings (walk-bindings-1 bindings old-env new-env context sequentialp)) (walked-body (walk-declarations body #'walk-repeat-eval new-env))) (relist* form let/let* walked-bindings walked-body)))) (defun walk-locally (form context env) (declare (ignore context)) (let* ((locally (car form)) (body (cdr form)) (walked-body (walk-declarations body #'walk-repeat-eval env))) (relist* form locally walked-body))) (defun walk-prog/prog* (form context old-env sequentialp) (walker-environment-bind (new-env old-env) (let* ((possible-block-name (second form)) (blocked-prog (and (symbolp possible-block-name) (not (eq possible-block-name 'nil))))) (multiple-value-bind (let/let* block-name bindings body) (if blocked-prog (values (car form) (cadr form) (caddr form) (cdddr form)) (values (car form) nil (cadr form) (cddr form))) (let* ((walked-bindings (walk-bindings-1 bindings old-env new-env context sequentialp)) (walked-body (walk-declarations body #'(lambda (real-body real-env) (walk-tagbody-1 real-body context real-env)) new-env))) (if block-name (relist* form let/let* block-name walked-bindings walked-body) (relist* form let/let* walked-bindings walked-body))))))) (defun walk-do/do* (form context old-env sequentialp) (walker-environment-bind (new-env old-env) (let* ((do/do* (car form)) (bindings (cadr form)) (end-test (caddr form)) (body (cdddr form)) (walked-bindings (walk-bindings-1 bindings old-env new-env context sequentialp)) (walked-body (walk-declarations body #'walk-repeat-eval new-env))) (relist* form do/do* (walk-bindings-2 bindings walked-bindings context new-env) (walk-template end-test '(test repeat (eval)) context new-env) walked-body)))) (defun walk-let-if (form context env) (let ((test (cadr form)) (bindings (caddr form)) (body (cdddr form))) (walk-form-internal `(let () (declare (special ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (listp x) (car x) x)) bindings))) (flet ((.let-if-dummy. () ,@body)) (if ,test (let ,bindings (.let-if-dummy.)) (.let-if-dummy.)))) context env))) (defun walk-multiple-value-setq (form context env) (let ((vars (cadr form))) (if (some #'(lambda (var) (variable-symbol-macro-p var env)) vars) (let* ((temps (mapcar #'(lambda (var) (declare (ignore var)) (gensym)) vars)) (sets (mapcar #'(lambda (var temp) `(setq ,var ,temp)) vars temps)) (expanded `(multiple-value-bind ,temps ,(caddr form) ,@sets)) (walked (walk-form-internal expanded context env))) (if (eq walked expanded) form walked)) (walk-template form '(nil (repeat (set)) eval) context env)))) (defun walk-multiple-value-bind (form context old-env) (walker-environment-bind (new-env old-env) (let* ((mvb (car form)) (bindings (cadr form)) (mv-form (walk-template (caddr form) 'eval context old-env)) (body (cdddr form)) walked-bindings (walked-body (walk-declarations body #'(lambda (real-body real-env) (setq walked-bindings (walk-bindings-1 bindings old-env new-env context nil)) (walk-repeat-eval real-body real-env)) new-env))) (relist* form mvb walked-bindings mv-form walked-body)))) (defun walk-bindings-1 (bindings old-env new-env context sequentialp) (and bindings (let ((binding (car bindings))) (recons bindings (if (symbolp binding) (prog1 binding (note-lexical-binding binding new-env)) (prog1 (relist* binding (car binding) (walk-form-internal (cadr binding) context (if sequentialp new-env old-env)) ;; Save cddr for DO/DO*; it is ;; the next value form. Don't ;; walk it now, though. (cddr binding)) (note-lexical-binding (car binding) new-env))) (walk-bindings-1 (cdr bindings) old-env new-env context sequentialp))))) (defun walk-bindings-2 (bindings walked-bindings context env) (and bindings (let ((binding (car bindings)) (walked-binding (car walked-bindings))) (recons bindings (if (symbolp binding) binding (relist* binding (car walked-binding) (cadr walked-binding) (walk-template (cddr binding) '(eval) context env))) (walk-bindings-2 (cdr bindings) (cdr walked-bindings) context env))))) (defun walk-lambda (form context old-env) (walker-environment-bind (new-env old-env) (let* ((arglist (cadr form)) (body (cddr form)) (walked-arglist (walk-arglist arglist context new-env)) (walked-body (walk-declarations body #'walk-repeat-eval new-env))) (relist* form (car form) walked-arglist walked-body)))) (defun walk-named-lambda (form context old-env) (walker-environment-bind (new-env old-env) (let* ((name (cadr form)) (arglist (caddr form)) (body (cdddr form)) (walked-arglist (walk-arglist arglist context new-env)) (walked-body (walk-declarations body #'walk-repeat-eval new-env))) (relist* form (car form) name walked-arglist walked-body)))) (defun walk-setq (form context env) (if (cdddr form) (let* ((expanded (let ((rforms nil) (tail (cdr form))) (loop (when (null tail) (return (nreverse rforms))) (let ((var (pop tail)) (val (pop tail))) (push `(setq ,var ,val) rforms))))) (walked (walk-repeat-eval expanded env))) (if (eq expanded walked) form `(progn ,@walked))) (let* ((var (cadr form)) (val (caddr form)) (symmac (car (variable-symbol-macro-p var env)))) (if symmac (let* ((expanded `(setf ,(cddr symmac) ,val)) (walked (walk-form-internal expanded context env))) (if (eq expanded walked) form walked)) (relist form 'setq (walk-form-internal var :set env) (walk-form-internal val :eval env)))))) (defun walk-symbol-macrolet (form context old-env) (declare (ignore context)) (let* ((bindings (cadr form)) (body (cddr form))) (walker-environment-bind (new-env old-env :lexical-variables (append (mapcar #'(lambda (binding) `(,(car binding) :macro . ,(cadr binding))) bindings) (env-lexical-variables old-env))) (relist* form 'symbol-macrolet bindings (walk-declarations body #'walk-repeat-eval new-env))))) (defun walk-tagbody (form context env) (recons form (car form) (walk-tagbody-1 (cdr form) context env))) (defun walk-tagbody-1 (form context env) (and form (recons form (walk-form-internal (car form) (if (symbolp (car form)) 'quote context) env) (walk-tagbody-1 (cdr form) context env)))) (defun walk-macrolet (form context old-env) (walker-environment-bind (macro-env nil :walk-function (env-walk-function old-env)) (labels ((walk-definitions (definitions) (and definitions (let ((definition (car definitions))) (recons definitions (relist* definition (car definition) (walk-arglist (cadr definition) context macro-env t) (walk-declarations (cddr definition) #'walk-repeat-eval macro-env)) (walk-definitions (cdr definitions))))))) (with-new-definition-in-environment (new-env old-env form) (relist* form (car form) (walk-definitions (cadr form)) (walk-declarations (cddr form) #'walk-repeat-eval new-env)))))) (defun walk-flet (form context old-env) (labels ((walk-definitions (definitions) (if (null definitions) () (recons definitions (walk-lambda (car definitions) context old-env) (walk-definitions (cdr definitions)))))) (recons form (car form) (recons (cdr form) (walk-definitions (cadr form)) (with-new-definition-in-environment (new-env old-env form) (walk-declarations (cddr form) #'walk-repeat-eval new-env)))))) (defun walk-labels (form context old-env) (with-new-definition-in-environment (new-env old-env form) (labels ((walk-definitions (definitions) (if (null definitions) () (recons definitions (walk-lambda (car definitions) context new-env) (walk-definitions (cdr definitions)))))) (recons form (car form) (recons (cdr form) (walk-definitions (cadr form)) (walk-declarations (cddr form) #'walk-repeat-eval new-env)))))) (defun walk-if (form context env) (let ((predicate (cadr form)) (arm1 (caddr form)) (arm2 (if (cddddr form) ;; FIXME: This should go away now that we're no longer trying ;; to support any old weird CLTL1. (progn (warn "In the form:~%~S~%~ IF only accepts three arguments, you are using ~D.~%~ It is true that some Common Lisps support this, but ~ it is not~%~ truly legal Common Lisp. For now, this code ~ walker is interpreting ~%~ the extra arguments as extra else clauses. ~ Even if this is what~%~ you intended, you should fix your source code." form (length (cdr form))) (cons 'progn (cdddr form))) (cadddr form)))) (relist form 'if (walk-form-internal predicate context env) (walk-form-internal arm1 context env) (walk-form-internal arm2 context env)))) ;;;; tests tests tests #| ;;; Here are some examples of the kinds of things you should be able ;;; to do with your implementation of the macroexpansion environment ;;; hacking mechanism. ;;; ;;; WITH-LEXICAL-MACROS is kind of like MACROLET, but it only takes ;;; names of the macros and actual macroexpansion functions to use to ;;; macroexpand them. The win about that is that for macros which want ;;; to wrap several MACROLETs around their body, they can do this but ;;; have the macroexpansion functions be compiled. See the WITH-RPUSH ;;; example. ;;; ;;; If the implementation had a special way of communicating the ;;; augmented environment back to the evaluator that would be totally ;;; great. It would mean that we could just augment the environment ;;; then pass control back to the implementations own compiler or ;;; interpreter. We wouldn't have to call the actual walker. That ;;; would make this much faster. Since the principal client of this is ;;; defmethod it would make compiling defmethods faster and that would ;;; certainly be a win. (defmacro with-lexical-macros (macros &body body &environment old-env) (with-augmented-environment (new-env old-env :macros macros) (walk-form (cons 'progn body) :environment new-env))) (defun expand-rpush (form env) `(push ,(caddr form) ,(cadr form))) (defmacro with-rpush (&body body) `(with-lexical-macros ,(list (list 'rpush #'expand-rpush)) ,@body)) ;;; Unfortunately, I don't have an automatic tester for the walker. ;;; Instead there is this set of test cases with a description of ;;; how each one should go. (defmacro take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (form) `(take-it-out-for-a-test-walk-1 ',form)) (defun take-it-out-for-a-test-walk-1 (form) (terpri) (terpri) (let ((copy-of-form (copy-tree form)) (result (walk-form form nil #'(lambda (x y env) (format t "~&Form: ~S ~3T Context: ~A" x y) (when (symbolp x) (let ((lexical (variable-lexical-p x env)) (special (variable-special-p x env))) (when lexical (format t ";~3T") (format t "lexically bound")) (when special (format t ";~3T") (format t "declared special")) (when (boundp x) (format t ";~3T") (format t "bound: ~S " (eval x))))) x)))) (cond ((not (equal result copy-of-form)) (format t "~%Warning: Result not EQUAL to copy of start.")) ((not (eq result form)) (format t "~%Warning: Result not EQ to copy of start."))) (pprint result) result)) (defmacro foo (&rest ignore) ''global-foo) (defmacro bar (&rest ignore) ''global-bar) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (list arg1 arg2 arg3)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (list (cons 1 2) (list 3 4 5))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (progn (foo) (bar 1))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (block block-name a b c)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (block block-name (list a) b c)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (catch catch-tag (list a) b c)) ;;; This is a fairly simple macrolet case. While walking the body of the ;;; macro, x should be lexically bound. In the body of the macrolet form ;;; itself, x should not be bound. (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (macrolet ((foo (x) (list x) ''inner)) x (foo 1))) ;;; A slightly more complex macrolet case. In the body of the macro x ;;; should not be lexically bound. In the body of the macrolet form itself ;;; x should be bound. Note that THIS CASE WILL CAUSE AN ERROR when it ;;; tries to macroexpand the call to foo. (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (let ((x 1)) (macrolet ((foo () (list x) ''inner)) x (foo)))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (flet ((foo (x) (list x y)) (bar (x) (list x y))) (foo 1))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (let ((y 2)) (flet ((foo (x) (list x y)) (bar (x) (list x y))) (foo 1)))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (labels ((foo (x) (bar x)) (bar (x) (foo x))) (foo 1))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (flet ((foo (x) (foo x))) (foo 1))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (flet ((foo (x) (foo x))) (flet ((bar (x) (foo x))) (bar 1)))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (prog () (declare (special a b)))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (let (a b c) (declare (special a b)) (foo a) b c)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (let (a b c) (declare (special a) (special b)) (foo a) b c)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (let (a b c) (declare (special a)) (declare (special b)) (foo a) b c)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (let (a b c) (declare (special a)) (declare (special b)) (let ((a 1)) (foo a) b c))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (eval-when () a (foo a))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (eval-when (eval when load) a (foo a))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (multiple-value-bind (a b) (foo a b) (list a b))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (multiple-value-bind (a b) (foo a b) (declare (special a)) (list a b))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (progn (function foo))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (progn a b (go a))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (if a b c)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (if a b)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk ((lambda (a b) (list a b)) 1 2)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk ((lambda (a b) (declare (special a)) (list a b)) 1 2)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (let ((a a) (b a) (c b)) (list a b c))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (let* ((a a) (b a) (c b)) (list a b c))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (let ((a a) (b a) (c b)) (declare (special a b)) (list a b c))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (let* ((a a) (b a) (c b)) (declare (special a b)) (list a b c))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (let ((a 1) (b 2)) (foo bar) (declare (special a)) (foo a b))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (multiple-value-call #'foo a b c)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (multiple-value-prog1 a b c)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (progn a b c)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (progv vars vals a b c)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (quote a)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (return-from block-name a b c)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (setq a 1)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (setq a (foo 1) b (bar 2) c 3)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (tagbody a b c (go a))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (the foo (foo-form a b c))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (throw tag-form a)) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (unwind-protect (foo a b) d e f)) (defmacro flet-1 (a b) ''outer) (defmacro labels-1 (a b) ''outer) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (flet ((flet-1 (a b) () (flet-1 a b) (list a b))) (flet-1 1 2) (foo 1 2))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (labels ((label-1 (a b) () (label-1 a b)(list a b))) (label-1 1 2) (foo 1 2))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (macrolet ((macrolet-1 (a b) (list a b))) (macrolet-1 a b) (foo 1 2))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (macrolet ((foo (a) `(inner-foo-expanded ,a))) (foo 1))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (progn (bar 1) (macrolet ((bar (a) `(inner-bar-expanded ,a))) (bar 2)))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (progn (bar 1) (macrolet ((bar (s) (bar s) `(inner-bar-expanded ,s))) (bar 2)))) (take-it-out-for-a-test-walk (cond (a b) ((foo bar) a (foo a)))) (let ((the-lexical-variables ())) (walk-form '(let ((a 1) (b 2)) #'(lambda (x) (list a b x y))) () #'(lambda (form context env) (when (and (symbolp form) (variable-lexical-p form env)) (push form the-lexical-variables)) form)) (or (and (= (length the-lexical-variables) 3) (member 'a the-lexical-variables) (member 'b the-lexical-variables) (member 'x the-lexical-variables)) (error "Walker didn't do lexical variables of a closure properly."))) |#