;;; read.lisp --- ;; Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 David Vazquez ;; Copyright (C) 2012 Raimon Grau ;; JSCL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; JSCL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with JSCL. If not, see . ;;;; Reader ;;; The Lisp reader, parse strings and return Lisp objects. The main ;;; entry points are `ls-read' and `ls-read-from-string'. ;;; #= / ## implementation ;; For now associations label->object are kept in a plist ;; May be it makes sense to use a vector instead if speed ;; is considered a problem with many labelled objects (defvar *labelled-objects* nil) (defun new-labelled-objects-table () (setf *labelled-objects* nil)) (defun find-labelled-object (id) (assoc id *labelled-objects*)) (defun add-labelled-object (id value) (push (cons id value) *labelled-objects*)) ;; A unique value used to mark in the labelled objects ;; table an object that is being constructed ;; (e.g. #1# while reading elements of "#1=(#1# #1# #1#)") (defvar *future-value* (make-symbol "future")) ;; A unique value used to mark temporary values that will ;; be replaced when fixups are run. (defvar *fixup-value* (make-symbol "fixup")) ;; Fixup locations keeps a list of conses where the CAR ;; is a callable to be called with the value of the object ;; associated to label stored in CDR once reading is completed (defvar *fixup-locations* nil) (defun fixup-backrefs () (while *fixup-locations* (let* ((fixup (pop *fixup-locations*)) (callable (car fixup)) (cell (find-labelled-object (cdr fixup)))) (if cell (funcall callable (cdr cell)) (error "Internal error in fixup-backrefs: object #~S# not found" (cdr fixup)))))) ;; A function that will need to return a fixup callback ;; for the object that is being read. The returned callback will ;; be called with the result of reading. (defvar *make-fixup-function* (lambda () (error "Internal error in fixup creation during read"))) (defun make-string-stream (string) (cons string 0)) (defun %peek-char (stream) (and (< (cdr stream) (length (car stream))) (char (car stream) (cdr stream)))) (defun %read-char (stream) (and (< (cdr stream) (length (car stream))) (prog1 (char (car stream) (cdr stream)) (rplacd stream (1+ (cdr stream)))))) (defun whitespacep (ch) (or (char= ch #\space) (char= ch #\newline) (char= ch #\tab))) (defun skip-whitespaces (stream) (let (ch) (setq ch (%peek-char stream)) (while (and ch (whitespacep ch)) (%read-char stream) (setq ch (%peek-char stream))))) (defun terminalp (ch) (or (null ch) (whitespacep ch) (char= #\" ch) (char= #\) ch) (char= #\( ch))) (defun read-until (stream func) (let ((string "") (ch)) (setq ch (%peek-char stream)) (while (and ch (not (funcall func ch))) (setq string (concat string (string ch))) (%read-char stream) (setq ch (%peek-char stream))) string)) (defun read-escaped-until (stream func) (let ((string "") (ch (%peek-char stream)) (multi-escape nil)) (while (and ch (or multi-escape (not (funcall func ch)))) (cond ((char= ch #\|) (if multi-escape (setf multi-escape nil) (setf multi-escape t))) ((char= ch #\\) (%read-char stream) (setf ch (%peek-char stream)) (setf string (concat string "\\" (string ch)))) (t (if multi-escape (setf string (concat string "\\" (string ch))) (setf string (concat string (string ch)))))) (%read-char stream) (setf ch (%peek-char stream))) string)) (defun skip-whitespaces-and-comments (stream) (let (ch) (skip-whitespaces stream) (setq ch (%peek-char stream)) (while (and ch (char= ch #\;)) (read-until stream (lambda (x) (char= x #\newline))) (skip-whitespaces stream) (setq ch (%peek-char stream))))) (defun discard-char (stream expected) (let ((ch (%read-char stream))) (when (null ch) (error "End of file when character ~S was expected." expected)) (unless (char= ch expected) (error "Character ~S was found but ~S was expected." ch expected)))) (defun %read-list (stream &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value) (skip-whitespaces-and-comments stream) (let ((ch (%peek-char stream))) (cond ((null ch) (error "Unspected EOF")) ((char= ch #\)) (discard-char stream #\)) nil) (t (let* ((cell (cons nil nil)) (*make-fixup-function* (lambda () (lambda (obj) (rplaca cell obj)))) (eof (gensym)) (next (ls-read stream nil eof t))) (rplaca cell next) (skip-whitespaces-and-comments stream) (cond ((eq next eof) (discard-char stream #\)) nil) (t (if (char= (%peek-char stream) #\.) (progn (discard-char stream #\.) (if (terminalp (%peek-char stream)) (let ((*make-fixup-function* (lambda () (lambda (obj) (rplacd cell obj))))) ;; Dotted pair notation (rplacd cell (ls-read stream eof-error-p eof-value t)) (skip-whitespaces-and-comments stream) (let ((ch (%peek-char stream))) (if (or (null ch) (char= #\) ch)) (discard-char stream #\)) (error "Multiple objects following . in a list")))) (let ((token (concat "." (read-escaped-until stream #'terminalp)))) (rplacd cell (cons (interpret-token token) (%read-list stream eof-error-p eof-value)))))) (rplacd cell (%read-list stream eof-error-p eof-value))) cell))))))) (defun read-string (stream) (let ((string "") (ch nil)) (setq ch (%read-char stream)) (while (not (eql ch #\")) (when (null ch) (error "Unexpected EOF")) (when (eql ch #\\) (setq ch (%read-char stream))) (setq string (concat string (string ch))) (setq ch (%read-char stream))) string)) (defun read-sharp (stream &optional eof-error-p eof-value) (%read-char stream) (let ((ch (%read-char stream))) (case ch (#\' (list 'function (ls-read stream eof-error-p eof-value t))) (#\( (do ((elements nil) (result nil) (index 0 (1+ index))) ((progn (skip-whitespaces-and-comments stream) (or (null (%peek-char stream)) (char= (%peek-char stream) #\)))) (discard-char stream #\)) (setf result (make-array index)) (dotimes (i index) (aset result (decf index) (pop elements))) result) (let* ((ix index) ; Can't just use index: the same var would be captured in all fixups (*make-fixup-function* (lambda () (lambda (obj) (aset result ix obj)))) (eof (gensym)) (value (ls-read stream nil eof t))) (push value elements)))) (#\: (make-symbol (unescape-token (string-upcase-noescaped (read-escaped-until stream #'terminalp))))) (#\\ (let ((cname (concat (string (%read-char stream)) (read-until stream #'terminalp)))) (cond ((string= cname "space") #\space) ((string= cname "tab") #\tab) ((string= cname "newline") #\newline) (t (char cname 0))))) ((#\+ #\-) (let ((feature (let ((symbol (ls-read stream eof-error-p eof-value t))) (unless (symbolp symbol) (error "Invalid feature ~S" symbol)) (intern (string symbol) "KEYWORD")))) (if (eql (char= ch #\+) (and (find feature *features*) t)) (ls-read stream eof-error-p eof-value t) (prog2 (ls-read stream) (ls-read stream eof-error-p eof-value t))))) (#\J (unless (char= (%peek-char stream) #\:) (error "FFI descriptor must start with a semicolon.")) (let ((descriptor (subseq (read-until stream #'terminalp) 1)) (subdescriptors nil)) (do* ((start 0 (1+ end)) (end (position #\: (subseq descriptor start)) (position #\: (subseq descriptor start)))) ((null end) (push (subseq descriptor start) subdescriptors) `(oget *root* ,@(reverse subdescriptors))) (push (subseq descriptor start end) subdescriptors)))) (otherwise (cond ((and ch (digit-char-p ch)) (let ((id (digit-char-p ch))) (while (and (%peek-char stream) (digit-char-p (%peek-char stream))) (setf id (+ (* id 10) (digit-char-p (%read-char stream))))) (ecase (%peek-char stream) (#\= (%read-char stream) (if (find-labelled-object id) (error "Duplicated label #~S=" id) (progn (add-labelled-object id *future-value*) (let ((obj (ls-read stream eof-error-p eof-value t))) ;; FIXME: somehow the more natural ;; (setf (cdr (find-labelled-object id)) obj) ;; doesn't work (rplacd (find-labelled-object id) obj) obj)))) (#\# (%read-char stream) (let ((cell (find-labelled-object id))) (if cell (if (eq (cdr cell) *future-value*) (progn (push (cons (funcall *make-fixup-function*) id) *fixup-locations*) *fixup-value*) (cdr cell)) (error "Invalid labelled object #~S#" id))))))) (t (error "Invalid dispatch character after #"))))))) (defun unescape-token (x) (let ((result "")) (dotimes (i (length x)) (unless (char= (char x i) #\\) (setq result (concat result (string (char x i)))))) result)) (defun string-upcase-noescaped (s) (let ((result "") (last-escape nil)) (dotimes (i (length s)) (let ((ch (char s i))) (if last-escape (progn (setf last-escape nil) (setf result (concat result (string ch)))) (if (char= ch #\\) (setf last-escape t) (setf result (concat result (string-upcase (string ch)))))))) result)) ;;; Parse a string of the form NAME, PACKAGE:NAME or ;;; PACKAGE::NAME and return the name. If the string is of the ;;; form 1) or 3), but the symbol does not exist, it will be created ;;; and interned in that package. (defun read-symbol (string) (let ((size (length string)) package name internalp index) (setq index 0) (while (and (< index size) (not (char= (char string index) #\:))) (when (char= (char string index) #\\) (incf index)) (incf index)) (cond ;; No package prefix ((= index size) (setq name string) (setq package (package-name *package*)) (setq internalp t)) (t ;; Package prefix (if (zerop index) (setq package "KEYWORD") (setq package (string-upcase-noescaped (subseq string 0 index)))) (incf index) (when (char= (char string index) #\:) (setq internalp t) (incf index)) (setq name (subseq string index)))) ;; Canonalize symbol name and package (setq name (if (string= package "JS") (setq name (unescape-token name)) (setq name (string-upcase-noescaped name)))) (setq package (find-package package)) (if (or internalp (eq package (find-package "KEYWORD")) (eq package (find-package "JS"))) (intern name package) (multiple-value-bind (symbol external) (find-symbol name package) (if (eq external :external) symbol (error "The symbol `~S' is not external in the package ~S." name package)))))) (defun read-integer (string) (let ((sign 1) (number nil) (size (length string))) (dotimes (i size) (let ((elt (char string i))) (cond ((digit-char-p elt) (setq number (+ (* (or number 0) 10) (digit-char-p elt)))) ((zerop i) (case elt (#\+ nil) (#\- (setq sign -1)) (t (return-from read-integer)))) ((and (= i (1- size)) (char= elt #\.)) nil) (t (return-from read-integer))))) (and number (* sign number)))) (defun read-float (string) (block nil (let ((sign 1) (integer-part nil) (fractional-part nil) (number 0) (divisor 1) (exponent-sign 1) (exponent 0) (size (length string)) (index 0)) (when (zerop size) (return)) ;; Optional sign (case (char string index) (#\+ (incf index)) (#\- (setq sign -1) (incf index))) (unless (< index size) (return)) ;; Optional integer part (awhen (digit-char-p (char string index)) (setq integer-part t) (while (and (< index size) (setq it (digit-char-p (char string index)))) (setq number (+ (* number 10) it)) (incf index))) (unless (< index size) (return)) ;; Decimal point is mandatory if there's no integer part (unless (or integer-part (char= #\. (char string index))) (return)) ;; Optional fractional part (when (char= #\. (char string index)) (incf index) (unless (< index size) (return)) (awhen (digit-char-p (char string index)) (setq fractional-part t) (while (and (< index size) (setq it (digit-char-p (char string index)))) (setq number (+ (* number 10) it)) (setq divisor (* divisor 10)) (incf index)))) ;; Either left or right part of the dot must be present (unless (or integer-part fractional-part) (return)) ;; Exponent is mandatory if there is no fractional part (when (and (= index size) (not fractional-part)) (return)) ;; Optional exponent part (when (< index size) ;; Exponent-marker (unless (find (char-upcase (char string index)) "ESFDL") (return)) (incf index) (unless (< index size) (return)) ;; Optional exponent sign (case (char string index) (#\+ (incf index)) (#\- (setq exponent-sign -1) (incf index))) (unless (< index size) (return)) ;; Exponent digits (let ((value (digit-char-p (char string index)))) (unless value (return)) (while (and (< index size) (setq value (digit-char-p (char string index)))) (setq exponent (+ (* exponent 10) value)) (incf index)))) (unless (= index size) (return)) ;; Everything went ok, we have a float ;; XXX: Use FLOAT when implemented. (/ (* sign (expt 10.0 (* exponent-sign exponent)) number) divisor 1.0)))) (defun !parse-integer (string junk-allow) (block nil (let ((value 0) (index 0) (size (length string)) (sign 1)) ;; Leading whitespace (while (and (< index size) (whitespacep (char string index))) (incf index)) (unless (< index size) (return (values nil 0))) ;; Optional sign (case (char string 0) (#\+ (incf index)) (#\- (setq sign -1) (incf index))) ;; First digit (unless (and (< index size) (setq value (digit-char-p (char string index)))) (return (values nil index))) (incf index) ;; Other digits (while (< index size) (let ((digit (digit-char-p (char string index)))) (unless digit (return)) (setq value (+ (* value 10) digit)) (incf index))) ;; Trailing whitespace (do ((i index (1+ i))) ((or (= i size) (not (whitespacep (char string i)))) (and (= i size) (setq index i)))) (if (or junk-allow (= index size)) (values (* sign value) index) (values nil index))))) #+jscl (defun parse-integer (string &key junk-allowed) (multiple-value-bind (num index) (!parse-integer string junk-allowed) (if num (values num index) (error "Junk detected.")))) (defun interpret-token (string) (or (read-integer string) (read-float string) (read-symbol string))) (defun ls-read (stream &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value recursive-p) (let ((save-labelled-objects *labelled-objects*) (save-fixup-locations *fixup-locations*)) (unless recursive-p (setf *fixup-locations* nil) (setf *labelled-objects* (new-labelled-objects-table))) (prog1 (progn (skip-whitespaces-and-comments stream) (let ((ch (%peek-char stream))) (cond ((or (null ch) (char= ch #\))) (if eof-error-p (error "End of file") eof-value)) ((char= ch #\() (%read-char stream) (%read-list stream eof-error-p eof-value)) ((char= ch #\') (%read-char stream) (list 'quote (ls-read stream eof-error-p eof-value t))) ((char= ch #\`) (%read-char stream) (list 'backquote (ls-read stream eof-error-p eof-value t))) ((char= ch #\") (%read-char stream) (read-string stream)) ((char= ch #\,) (%read-char stream) (if (eql (%peek-char stream) #\@) (progn (%read-char stream) (list 'unquote-splicing (ls-read stream eof-error-p eof-value t))) (list 'unquote (ls-read stream eof-error-p eof-value t)))) ((char= ch #\#) (read-sharp stream eof-error-p eof-value)) (t (let ((string (read-escaped-until stream #'terminalp))) (interpret-token string)))))) (unless recursive-p (fixup-backrefs) (setf *labelled-objects* save-labelled-objects) (setf *fixup-locations* save-fixup-locations))))) (defun ls-read-from-string (string &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value) (ls-read (make-string-stream string) eof-error-p eof-value)) #+jscl (defun read-from-string (string &optional (eof-errorp t) eof-value) (ls-read-from-string string eof-errorp eof-value))