;; -*- lisp -*- (in-package :it.bese.FiveAM) ;;;; * Running Tests ;;;; Once the programmer has defined what the tests are these need to ;;;; be run and the expected effects should be compared with the ;;;; actual effects. FiveAM provides the function RUN for this ;;;; purpose, RUN executes a number of tests and collects the results ;;;; of each individual check into a list which is then ;;;; returned. There are three types of test results: passed, failed ;;;; and skipped, these are represented by TEST-RESULT objects. ;;;; Generally running a test will return normally, but there are two ;;;; exceptional situations which can occur: ;;;; - An exception is signaled while running the test. If the ;;;; variable *debug-on-error* is T than FiveAM will enter the ;;;; debugger, otherwise a test failure (of type ;;;; unexpected-test-failure) is returned. When entering the ;;;; debugger two restarts are made available, one simply reruns the ;;;; current test and another signals a test-failure and continues ;;;; with the remaining tests. ;;;; - A circular dependency is detected. An error is signaled and a ;;;; restart is made available which signals a test-skipped and ;;;; continues with the remaining tests. This restart also sets the ;;;; dependency status of the test to nil, so any tests which depend ;;;; on this one (even if the dependency is not circular) will be ;;;; skipped. ;;;; The functions RUN!, !, !! and !!! are convenient wrappers around ;;;; RUN and EXPLAIN. (defparameter *debug-on-error* nil "T if we should drop into a debugger on error, NIL otherwise.") (defun import-testing-symbols (package-designator) (import '(5am::is 5am::is-true 5am::is-false 5am::signals 5am::finishes) package-designator)) (defparameter *run-queue* '() "List of test waiting to be run.") (define-condition circular-dependency (error) ((test-case :initarg :test-case)) (:report (lambda (cd stream) (format stream "A circular dependency wes detected in ~S." (slot-value cd 'test-case)))) (:documentation "Condition signaled when a circular dependency between test-cases has been detected.")) (defgeneric run-resolving-dependencies (test) (:documentation "Given a dependency spec determine if the spec is satisfied or not, this will generally involve running other tests. If the dependency spec can be satisfied the test is alos run.")) (defmethod run-resolving-dependencies ((test test-case)) "Return true if this test, and its dependencies, are satisfied, NIL otherwise." (case (status test) (:unknown (setf (status test) :resolving) (if (or (not (depends-on test)) (resolve-dependencies (depends-on test))) (progn (run-test-lambda test) (status test)) (with-run-state (result-list) (unless (eql :circular (status test)) (push (make-instance 'test-skipped :test-case test :reason "Dependencies not satisfied") result-list) (setf (status test) :depends-not-satisfied))))) (:resolving (restart-case (error 'circular-dependency :test-case test) (skip () :report (lambda (s) (format s "Skip the test ~S and all its dependencies." (name test))) (with-run-state (result-list) (push (make-instance 'test-skipped :reason "Circular dependencies" :test-case test) result-list)) (setf (status test) :circular)))) (t (status test)))) (defmethod resolve-dependencies ((depends-on symbol)) "A test which depends on a symbol is interpreted as `(AND ,DEPENDS-ON)." (run-resolving-dependencies (get-test depends-on))) (defmethod resolve-dependencies ((depends-on list)) "Return true if the dependency spec DEPENDS-ON is satisfied, nil otherwise." (if (null depends-on) t (flet ((satisfies-depends-p (test) (funcall test (lambda (dep) (eql t (resolve-dependencies dep))) (cdr depends-on)))) (ecase (car depends-on) (and (satisfies-depends-p #'every)) (or (satisfies-depends-p #'some)) (not (satisfies-depends-p #'notany)))))) (defun handle-unexpected-error (test error) "Handler for unexpected conditions raised during test execution." (when (not *debug-on-error*) (format *test-dribble* "F") (with-run-state (result-list) (push (make-instance 'unexpected-test-failure :test-case test :reason (format nil "Unexpected Error: ~S." error) :condition test) result-list) (throw 'run-block result-list)))) (defun results-status (result-list) "Given a list of test results (generated while running a test) return true if all of the results are of type TEST-PASSED, faile otherwise." (every (lambda (res) (typep res 'test-passed)) result-list)) (defun return-result-list (test-lambda) "Run the test function TEST-LAMBDA and return a list of all test results generated, does not modify the special environment variable RESULT-LIST." (bind-run-state ((result-list '())) (funcall test-lambda) result-list)) (defmethod run-test-lambda ((test test-case)) (with-run-state (result-list) (catch 'run-block (bind-run-state ((current-test test)) (handler-bind ((error (lambda (e) (handle-unexpected-error test e)))) (restart-case (let ((results (return-result-list (test-lambda test)))) (setf (status test) (results-status results) result-list (nconc result-list results))) (retest () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "~@" test)) (%run test)) (ignore () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "~@" test)) (push (make-instance 'test-failure :test-case test :reason "Failure restart.") result-list)))))))) (defgeneric %run (test-spec) (:documentation "Internal method for running a test. Does not update the status of the tests nor the special vairables !, !!, !!!")) (defmethod %run ((test test-case)) (run-resolving-dependencies test)) (defmethod %run ((suite test-suite)) (let ((suite-results '())) (bind-run-state ((result-list '())) (loop for test being the hash-values of (tests suite) do (%run test) finally (setf suite-results result-list))) (setf (status suite) (every (lambda (res) (typep res 'test-passed)) suite-results)) (with-run-state (result-list) (setf result-list (nconc result-list suite-results))))) (defmethod %run ((test-name symbol)) (when-bind test (get-test test-name) (%run test))) (defvar *initial-!* (lambda () (format t "Haven't run that many tests yet.~%"))) (defvar *!* *initial-!*) (defvar *!!* *initial-!*) (defvar *!!!* *initial-!*) ;;;; ** Public entry points (defun run! (test-spec) "Equivalent to (explain (run TEST-SPEC))." (explain! (run test-spec))) (defun explain! (result-list) "Explain the results of RESULT-LIST using a detailed-text-explainer with output going to *test-dribble*" (explain (make-instance 'detailed-text-explainer) result-list *test-dribble*)) (defun run (test-spec) "Run the test specified by TEST-SPEC. TEST-SPEC can be either a symbol naming a test or test suite, or a testable-object object. This function changes the operations performed by the !, !! and !!! functions." (psetf *!* (lambda () (loop for test being the hash-keys of *test* do (setf (status (get-test test)) :unknown)) (bind-run-state ((result-list '())) (%run test-spec) result-list)) *!!* *!* *!!!* *!!*) (funcall *!*)) (defun ! () "Rerun the most recently run test and explain the results." (explain! (funcall *!*))) (defun !! () "Rerun the second most recently run test and explain the results." (explain! (funcall *!!*))) (defun !!! () "Rerun the third most recently run test and explain the results." (explain! (funcall *!!!*))) ;; Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Edward Marco Baringer ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;; met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ;; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of Edward Marco Baringer, nor BESE, nor the names ;; of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ;; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ;; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ;; OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ;; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;; LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ;; DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ;; THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ;; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ;; OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.