;;;; package lock tests with side effects ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork ;;;; from CMU CL. ;;;; ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for ;;;; more information. (in-package :cl-user) ;;; callbacks only on a few platforms #-(or (and ppc darwin) x86 x86-64) (quit :unix-status 104) ;;; simple callback for a function (defun thunk () (write-string "hi")) (defvar *thunk* (sb-alien::alien-callback (function c-string) #'thunk)) (assert (equal (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (alien-funcall *thunk*)) "hi")) ;;; simple callback for a symbol (defun add-two-ints (arg1 arg2) (+ arg1 arg2)) (defvar *add-two-ints* (sb-alien::alien-callback (function int int int) 'add-two-ints)) (assert (= (alien-funcall *add-two-ints* 555 444444) 444999)) ;;; actually using a callback with foreign code (define-alien-routine qsort void (base (* t)) (nmemb int) (size int) (compar (function int (* double) (* double)))) (sb-alien::define-alien-callback double*-cmp int ((arg1 (* double)) (arg2 (* double))) (let ((a1 (deref arg1)) (a2 (deref arg2))) (cond ((= a1 a2) 0) ((< a1 a2) -1) (t 1)))) (let* ((vector (coerce '(0.1d0 0.5d0 0.2d0 1.2d0 1.5d0 2.5d0 0.0d0 0.1d0 0.2d0 0.3d0) '(vector double-float))) (sorted (sort (copy-seq vector) #'<))) (gc :full t) (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (vector) (qsort (sb-sys:vector-sap vector) (length vector) (alien-size double :bytes) double*-cmp)) (assert (equalp vector sorted))) ;;; returning floats (sb-alien::define-alien-callback redefined-fun int () 0) (eval '(sb-alien::define-alien-callback redefined-fun int () 42)) (assert (= 42 (alien-funcall redefined-fun))) (sb-alien::define-alien-callback return-single float ((x float)) x) (sb-alien::define-alien-callback return-double double ((x double)) x) (defconstant spi (coerce pi 'single-float)) (assert (= spi (alien-funcall return-single spi))) (assert (= pi (alien-funcall return-double pi))) ;;; invalidation (sb-alien::define-alien-callback to-be-invalidated int () 5) (assert (= 5 (alien-funcall to-be-invalidated))) (multiple-value-bind (p valid) (sb-alien::alien-callback-p to-be-invalidated) (assert p) (assert valid)) (sb-alien::invalidate-alien-callback to-be-invalidated) (multiple-value-bind (p valid) (sb-alien::alien-callback-p to-be-invalidated) (assert p) (assert (not valid))) (multiple-value-bind (res err) (ignore-errors (alien-funcall to-be-invalidated)) (assert (and (not res) (typep err 'error)))) ;;; getting and setting the underlying function (sb-alien::define-alien-callback foo int () 13) (defvar *foo* #'foo) (assert (eq #'foo (sb-alien::alien-callback-function foo))) (defun bar () 26) (setf (sb-alien::alien-callback-function foo) #'bar) (assert (eq #'bar (sb-alien::alien-callback-function foo))) (assert (= 26 (alien-funcall foo))) ;;; callbacks with void return values (with-test (:name void-return) (sb-alien::alien-lambda void () (values))) ;;; tests for a sign extension problem in callback argument handling on x86-64 (with-test (:name sign-extension) (let ((*add-two-ints* (sb-alien::alien-callback (function int int int) #'+))) (assert (= (alien-funcall *add-two-ints* #x-80000000 1) -2147483647)) (assert (= (alien-funcall *add-two-ints* #x-80000000 -1) #x7fffffff))))