;;;; miscellaneous side-effectful tests of CLOS and file-compiler ;;;; optimizations ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork ;;;; from CMU CL. ;;;; ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for ;;;; more information. ;;; Fix due to pmai, ported from CMUCL, regarding ;;; MAKE-INSTANCES-OBSOLETE: (defclass mio-test () ((test :initarg :test))) (defun mio-demo () (let ((x (make-instance 'mio-test :test 42))) (incf (slot-value x 'test)))) (defun mio-test () (mio-demo) (make-instances-obsolete 'mio-test) (mio-demo)) (mio-test) ;;; Some tests of bits of optimized MAKE-INSTANCE that were hopelessly ;;; wrong until Gerd's ctor MAKE-INSTANCE optimization was ported. (defvar *d-i-s-e-count* 0) (defclass default-initargs-side-effect () ((x :initarg :x)) (:default-initargs :x (incf *d-i-s-e-count*))) (defun default-initargs-side-effect () (make-instance 'default-initargs-side-effect)) (assert (= *d-i-s-e-count* 0)) (default-initargs-side-effect) (assert (= *d-i-s-e-count* 1)) (make-instance 'default-initargs-side-effect) (assert (= *d-i-s-e-count* 2)) (make-instance 'default-initargs-side-effect :x 3) (assert (= *d-i-s-e-count* 2)) (defclass class-allocation () ((x :allocation :class :initarg :x :initform 3))) (defun class-allocation-reader () (slot-value (make-instance 'class-allocation) 'x)) (defun class-allocation-writer (value) (setf (slot-value (make-instance 'class-allocation) 'x) value)) (assert (= (class-allocation-reader) 3)) (class-allocation-writer 4) (assert (= (class-allocation-reader) 4)) ;;; from James Anderson via Gerd Moellmann: defining methods with ;;; specializers with forward-referenced superclasses used not to ;;; work. (defclass specializer1 () ()) (defclass specializer2 (forward-ref1) ()) (defmethod baz ((x specializer2)) x) (defmethod baz ((x specializer1)) x) (assert (typep (baz (make-instance 'specializer1)) 'specializer1)) ;;; ... and from McCLIM, another test case: (defclass specializer1a (specializer2a specializer2b) ()) (defclass specializer2a () ()) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((obj specializer2a) &key &allow-other-keys) (print obj)) ;;; in a similar vein, we should be able to define methods on classes ;;; that are effectively unknown to the type system: (sb-mop:ensure-class 'unknown-type) (defmethod method-on-unknown ((x unknown-type)) x) ;;; (we can't call it without defining methods on allocate-instance ;;; etc., but we should be able to define it). ;;; the ctor MAKE-INSTANCE optimizer used not to handle duplicate ;;; initargs... (defclass dinitargs-class1 () ((a :initarg :a))) (assert (= (slot-value (make-instance 'dinitargs-class1 :a 1 :a 2) 'a) 1)) (defclass dinitargs-class2 () ((b :initarg :b1 :initarg :b2))) (assert (= (slot-value (make-instance 'dinitargs-class2 :b2 3 :b1 4) 'b) 3)) ;;; ... or default-initargs when the location was already initialized (defvar *definitargs-counter* 0) (defclass definitargs-class () ((a :initarg :a :initarg :a2)) (:default-initargs :a2 (incf *definitargs-counter*))) (assert (= (slot-value (make-instance 'definitargs-class) 'a) 1)) (assert (= (slot-value (make-instance 'definitargs-class :a 0) 'a) 0)) (assert (= *definitargs-counter* 2)) ;;; inherited local -> shared slot initforms ;; (adapted from Paul F. Dietz's test suite DEFCLASS-0211.1) (defclass shared-to-local-initform-super () ((redefined :allocation :instance :initform 'orig-initform))) (defclass shared-to-local-initform-sub (shared-to-local-initform-super) ((redefined :allocation :class))) (assert (slot-boundp (make-instance 'shared-to-local-initform-sub) 'redefined)) (assert (eq 'orig-initform (slot-value (make-instance 'shared-to-local-initform-sub) 'redefined))) (defgeneric no-ignored-warnings (x y)) (handler-case (eval '(defmethod no-ignored-warnings ((x t) (y t)) (declare (ignore x y)) nil)) (style-warning (c) (error c))) (handler-case (eval '(defmethod no-ignored-warnings ((x number) (y t)) (declare (ignore x y)) (setq *print-level* nil))) (style-warning (c) (error c))) (handler-case (eval '(defmethod no-ignored-warnings ((x fixnum) (y t)) (declare (ignore x)) (setq y 'foo))) (style-warning (c) (error c))) ;;; ctor optimization bugs: ;;; ;;; :DEFAULT-INITARGS not checked for validity (defclass invalid-default-initargs () ((foo :initarg :foo)) (:default-initargs :invalid-initarg 2)) (multiple-value-bind (result condition) (ignore-errors (make-instance 'invalid-default-initargs :foo 1)) (assert (null result)) (assert (typep condition 'program-error))) ;;; :DEFAULT-INITARGS not passed to INITIALIZE-INSTANCE or ;;; SHARED-INITIALIZE :BEFORE methods. (defclass default-initargs-with-method () ((foo :initarg :valid-initarg)) (:default-initargs :valid-initarg 2)) (defmethod shared-initialize :before ((thing default-initargs-with-method) slot-names &key valid-initarg) (assert (= valid-initarg 2))) (make-instance 'default-initargs-with-method) ;;; and a test with a non-constant initarg (defvar *d-i-w-m-2* 0) (defclass default-initargs-with-method2 () ((foo :initarg :valid-initarg)) (:default-initargs :valid-initarg (incf *d-i-w-m-2*))) (defmethod shared-initialize :before ((thing default-initargs-with-method2) slot-names &key valid-initarg) (assert (= valid-initarg 1))) (make-instance 'default-initargs-with-method2) (assert (= *d-i-w-m-2* 1)) ;;; from Axel Schairer on cmucl-imp 2004-08-05 (defclass class-with-symbol-initarg () ((slot :initarg slot))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((x class-with-symbol-initarg) &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys) (unless (or (null initargs) (eql (getf initargs 'slot) (slot-value x 'slot))) (error "bad bad bad"))) (defun make-thing (arg) (make-instance 'class-with-symbol-initarg 'slot arg)) (defun make-other-thing (slot arg) (make-instance 'class-with-symbol-initarg slot arg)) (assert (eql (slot-value (make-thing 1) 'slot) 1)) (assert (eql (slot-value (make-other-thing 'slot 2) 'slot) 2))