;;; Basics (defstruct xxx yyy) (macrolet ((test (init op) `(with-test (:name (:cas :basics ,op)) (let ((x ,init) (y (list 'foo)) (z (list 'bar))) (assert (eql nil (compare-and-swap (,op x) nil y))) (assert (eql y (compare-and-swap (,op x) nil z))) (assert (eql y (,op x))) (let ((x "foo")) (multiple-value-bind (res err) (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (,op x) nil nil)) (unless (not res) (error "Wanted NIL and type-error, got: ~S" res)) (assert (typep err 'type-error)))))))) (test (cons nil :no) car) (test (cons nil :no) first) (test (cons :no nil) cdr) (test (cons :no nil) rest) (test '.foo. symbol-plist) (test (progn (set '.bar. nil) '.bar.) symbol-value) (test (make-xxx) xxx-yyy)) (defvar *foo*) ;;; thread-local bindings (with-test (:name (:cas :tls)) (let ((*foo* 42)) (let ((*foo* nil)) (assert (eql nil (compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*foo*) nil t))) (assert (eql t (compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*foo*) nil :foo))) (assert (eql t *foo*))) (assert (eql 42 *foo*)))) ;;; unbound symbols + symbol-value (assert (not (boundp '*foo*))) (with-test (:name (:cas :unbound)) (multiple-value-bind (res err) (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*foo*) nil t)) (assert (not res)) (assert (typep err 'unbound-variable)))) (defvar *bar* t) (with-test (:name (:cas :unbound 2)) (let ((*bar* nil)) (makunbound '*bar*) (multiple-value-bind (res err) (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*bar*) nil t)) (assert (not res)) (assert (typep err 'unbound-variable))))) ;;; SVREF (defvar *v* (vector 1)) ;; basics (with-test (:name (:cas :svref)) (assert (eql 1 (compare-and-swap (svref *v* 0) 1 2))) (assert (eql 2 (compare-and-swap (svref *v* 0) 1 3))) (assert (eql 2 (svref *v* 0)))) ;; bounds (with-test (:name (:cas :svref :bounds)) (multiple-value-bind (res err) (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (svref *v* -1) 1 2)) (assert (not res)) (assert (typep err 'type-error))) (multiple-value-bind (res err) (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (svref *v* 1) 1 2)) (assert (not res)) (assert (typep err 'type-error)))) ;; type of the first argument (with-test (:name (:cas :svref :type)) (multiple-value-bind (res err) (ignore-errors (compare-and-swap (svref "foo" 1) 1 2)) (assert (not res)) (assert (typep err 'type-error)))) ;; Check that we don't modify constants (defconstant +a-constant+ 42) (with-test (:name (:cas :symbol-value :constant-modification)) (assert (eq :error (handler-case (sb-ext:compare-and-swap (symbol-value '+a-constant+) 42 13) (error () :error)))) (let ((name '+a-constant+)) (assert (eq :error (handler-case (sb-ext:compare-and-swap (symbol-value name) 42 13) (error () :error)))))) ;; Check that we don't mess declaimed types (declaim (boolean *a-boolean*)) (defparameter *a-boolean* t) (with-test (:name (:cas :symbol-value :type-checking)) (assert (eq :error (handler-case (sb-ext:compare-and-swap (symbol-value '*a-boolean*) t 42) (error () :error)))) (let ((name '*a-boolean*)) (assert (eq :error (handler-case (sb-ext:compare-and-swap (symbol-value name) t 42) (error () :error)))))) ;;;; ATOMIC-INCF and ATOMIC-DECF (we should probably rename this file atomic-ops...) (defstruct box (word 0 :type sb-vm:word)) (defun inc-box (box n) (declare (fixnum n) (box box)) (loop repeat n do (sb-ext:atomic-incf (box-word box)))) (defun dec-box (box n) (declare (fixnum n) (box box)) (loop repeat n do (sb-ext:atomic-decf (box-word box)))) (with-test (:name :atomic-incf/decf) (let ((box (make-box))) (inc-box box 10000) (assert (= 10000 (box-word box))) (dec-box box 10000) (assert (= 0 (box-word box))))) (with-test (:name :atomic-incf-wraparound) (let ((box (make-box :word (1- (ash 1 sb-vm:n-word-bits))))) (sb-ext:atomic-incf (box-word box) 2) (assert (= 1 (box-word box))))) (with-test (:name :atomic-decf-wraparound) (let ((box (make-box :word 0))) (sb-ext:atomic-decf (box-word box) 2) (assert (= (- (ash 1 sb-vm:n-word-bits) 2) (box-word box))))) #+sb-thread (with-test (:name (:atomic-incf/decf :threads)) (let* ((box (make-box)) (threads (loop repeat 64 collect (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (inc-box box 1000) (dec-box box 10000) (inc-box box 10000) (dec-box box 1000)) :name "inc/dec thread")))) (mapc #'sb-thread:join-thread threads) (assert (= 0 (box-word box))))) ;;; STANDARD-INSTANCE-ACCESS, FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-INSTANCE-ACCESS (defclass sia-cas-test () ((a :initarg :a) (b :initarg :b))) (with-test (:name (:cas :standard-instance-access)) (flet ((slot-loc (slot class) (sb-mop:slot-definition-location (find slot (sb-mop:class-slots class) :key #'sb-mop:slot-definition-name)))) (let* ((class (find-class 'sia-cas-test)) (instance (make-instance class :a 'a :b 'b)) (a-loc (slot-loc 'a class)) (b-loc (slot-loc 'b class))) (assert (eq 'a (slot-value instance 'a))) (assert (eq 'a (compare-and-swap (sb-mop:standard-instance-access instance a-loc) 'x 'oops))) (assert (eq 'a (sb-mop:standard-instance-access instance a-loc))) (assert (eq 'a (compare-and-swap (sb-mop:standard-instance-access instance a-loc) 'a 'a2))) (assert (eq 'a2 (sb-mop:standard-instance-access instance a-loc))) (assert (eq 'a2 (slot-value instance 'a))) (assert (eq 'b (slot-value instance 'b))) (assert (eq 'b (sb-mop:standard-instance-access instance b-loc)))))) (defclass fia-cas-test (sb-mop:funcallable-standard-object) ((a :initarg :a) (b :initarg :b)) (:metaclass sb-mop:funcallable-standard-class)) (with-test (:name (:cas :standard-instance-access)) (flet ((slot-loc (slot class) (sb-mop:slot-definition-location (find slot (sb-mop:class-slots class) :key #'sb-mop:slot-definition-name)))) (let* ((class (find-class 'fia-cas-test)) (instance (make-instance class :a 'a :b 'b)) (a-loc (slot-loc 'a class)) (b-loc (slot-loc 'b class))) (sb-mop:set-funcallable-instance-function instance (lambda () :ok)) (eq :ok (funcall instance)) (assert (eq 'a (slot-value instance 'a))) (assert (eq 'a (compare-and-swap (sb-mop:funcallable-standard-instance-access instance a-loc) 'x 'oops))) (assert (eq 'a (sb-mop:funcallable-standard-instance-access instance a-loc))) (assert (eq 'a (compare-and-swap (sb-mop:funcallable-standard-instance-access instance a-loc) 'a 'a2))) (assert (eq 'a2 (sb-mop:funcallable-standard-instance-access instance a-loc))) (assert (eq 'a2 (slot-value instance 'a))) (assert (eq 'b (slot-value instance 'b))) (assert (eq 'b (sb-mop:funcallable-standard-instance-access instance b-loc)))))) ;;; SLOT-VALUE (defclass standard-thing () ((x :initform 42) (y))) (defmethod slot-unbound ((class standard-class) (obj standard-thing) slot) (list :unbound slot)) (defmethod slot-missing ((class standard-class) (obj standard-thing) slot op &optional val) (list :missing slot op val)) (with-test (:name (:cas :slot-value :standard-object)) (let ((x (make-instance 'standard-thing))) (assert (eql 42 (slot-value x 'x))) (assert (eql 42 (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'x) 0 :foo))) (assert (eql 42 (slot-value x 'x))) (assert (eql 42 (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'x) 42 :foo))) (assert (eql :foo (slot-value x 'x))))) (with-test (:name (:cas :slot-value :slot-unbound)) (let ((x (make-instance 'standard-thing))) (assert (equal '(:unbound y) (slot-value x 'y))) (assert (equal '(:unbound y) (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'y) 0 :foo))) (assert (equal '(:unbound y) (slot-value x 'y))) (assert (eq sb-pcl:+slot-unbound+ (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'y) sb-pcl:+slot-unbound+ :foo))) (assert (eq :foo (slot-value x 'y))))) (with-test (:name (:cas :slot-value :slot-missing)) (let ((x (make-instance 'standard-thing))) (assert (equal '(:missing z slot-value nil) (slot-value x 'z))) (assert (equal '(:missing z sb-ext:cas (0 :foo)) (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'z) 0 :foo))) (assert (equal '(:missing z slot-value nil) (slot-value x 'z))))) (defclass non-standard-class (standard-class) ()) (defmethod sb-mop:validate-superclass ((class non-standard-class) (superclass standard-class)) t) (defclass non-standard-thing-0 () ((x :initform 13)) (:metaclass non-standard-class)) (defclass non-standard-thing-1 () ((x :initform 13)) (:metaclass non-standard-class)) (defclass non-standard-thing-2 () ((x :initform 13)) (:metaclass non-standard-class)) (defclass non-standard-thing-3 () ((x :initform 13)) (:metaclass non-standard-class)) (defvar *access-list* nil) (defmethod sb-mop:slot-value-using-class ((class non-standard-class) (obj non-standard-thing-1) slotd) (let ((v (call-next-method))) (push :read *access-list*) v)) (defmethod (setf sb-mop:slot-value-using-class) (value (class non-standard-class) (obj non-standard-thing-2) slotd) (let ((v (call-next-method))) (push :write *access-list*) v)) (defmethod sb-mop:slot-boundp-using-class ((class non-standard-class) (obj non-standard-thing-3) slotd) (let ((v (call-next-method))) (push :boundp *access-list*) v)) (with-test (:name (:cas :slot-value :non-standard-object :standard-access)) (let ((x (make-instance 'non-standard-thing-0))) (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x))) (assert (eql 13 (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'x) 0 :bar))) (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x))) (assert (eql 13 (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'x) 13 :bar))) (assert (eql :bar (slot-value x 'x))))) (with-test (:name (:cas :slot-value :non-standard-object :slot-value-using-class)) (setf *access-list* nil) (let ((x (make-instance 'non-standard-thing-1))) (declare (notinline slot-value)) (assert (null *access-list*)) (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x))) (assert (equal '(:read) *access-list*)) (assert (eq :error (handler-case (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'x) 0 :bar) (error () :error)))) (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x))) (assert (equal '(:read :read) *access-list*)))) (with-test (:name (:cas :slot-value :non-standard-object :setf-slot-value-using-class)) (setf *access-list* nil) (let ((x (make-instance 'non-standard-thing-2))) (assert (equal '(:write) *access-list*)) (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x))) (assert (equal '(:write) *access-list*)) (assert (eq :error (handler-case (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'x) 0 :bar) (error () :error)))) (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x))) (assert (equal '(:write) *access-list*)))) (with-test (:name (:cas :slot-value :non-standard-object :slot-boundp-using-class)) (setf *access-list* nil) (let ((x (make-instance 'non-standard-thing-3))) (assert (equal '(:boundp) *access-list*)) (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x))) (assert (eq :error (handler-case (compare-and-swap (slot-value x 'x) 0 :bar) (error () :error)))) (assert (eql 13 (slot-value x 'x))))) (defvar *foo* nil) (defun foo () *foo*) (defun (cas foo) (old new) (cas (symbol-value '*foo*) old new)) (with-test (:name (:cas :defun)) (assert (null (foo))) (assert (null (cas (foo) nil t))) (assert (eq t (foo))) (assert (eq t (cas (foo) nil :oops))) (assert (eq t (foo)))) (with-test (:name (:cas :flet)) (let (x) (flet (((cas x) (old new) (let ((tmp x)) (when (eq tmp old) (setf x new)) tmp)) (x () x)) (assert (null (x))) (assert (null (cas (x) nil t))) (assert (eq t (x))) (assert (eq t (cas (x) nil :oops))) (assert (eq t (x)))))) (defgeneric (cas thing) (old new thing)) (defmethod (cas thing) (old new (thing cons)) (cas (car thing) old new)) (defmethod (cas thing) (old new (thing symbol)) (cas (symbol-value thing) old new)) (defgeneric thing (thing) (:method ((x cons)) (car x)) (:method ((x symbol)) (symbol-value x))) (with-test (:name (:cas :defgeneric)) (let ((a (list nil)) (b (gensym "X"))) (set b nil) (assert (null (thing a))) (assert (null (thing b))) (assert (null (cas (thing a) nil t))) (assert (null (cas (thing b) nil t))) (assert (eq t (thing a))) (assert (eq t (thing b))) (assert (eq t (cas (thing a) nil :oops))) (assert (eq t (cas (thing b) nil :oops))) (assert (eq t (thing a))) (assert (eq t (thing b))))) ;;; SYMBOL-VALUE with a constant argument used to return a bogus read-form (with-test (:name :symbol-value-cas-expansion) (multiple-value-bind (vars vals old new cas-form read-form) (get-cas-expansion `(symbol-value t)) (assert (not vars)) (assert (not vals)) (assert (eq t (eval read-form)))) (multiple-value-bind (vars vals old new cas-form read-form) (get-cas-expansion `(symbol-value *)) (let ((* :foo)) (assert (eq :foo (eval `(let (,@(mapcar 'list vars vals)) ,read-form))))) (let ((* :bar)) (assert (eq :bar (eval `(let (,@(mapcar 'list vars vals)) ,read-form))))))) (let ((foo (cons :foo nil))) (defun cas-foo (old new) (cas (cdr foo) old new))) (defcas foo () cas-foo) (with-test (:name :cas-and-macroexpansion) (assert (not (cas (foo) nil t))) (assert (eq t (cas (foo) t nil))) (symbol-macrolet ((bar (foo))) (assert (not (cas bar nil :ok))) (assert (eq :ok (cas bar :ok nil))) (assert (not (cas bar nil t))))) (with-test (:name atomic-push :skipped-on '(not :sb-thread)) (let ((store (cons nil nil)) (n 100000)) (symbol-macrolet ((x (car store)) (y (cdr store))) (dotimes (i n) (push i y)) (mapc #'sb-thread:join-thread (loop repeat 1000 collect (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (loop for z = (atomic-pop y) while z do (atomic-push z x) (sleep 0.00001)))))) (assert (not y)) (assert (eql n (length x))))))