;;;; miscellaneous compiler tests with side effects (e.g. DEFUN ;;;; changing FDEFINITIONs and globaldb stuff) ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork ;;;; from CMU CL. ;;;; ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for ;;;; more information. (cl:in-package :cl-user) (declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 2) (space 1))) ;;; Until version 0.6.9 or so, SBCL's version of Python couldn't do ;;; this correctly, due to the bug patched by Rob MacLachlan on the ;;; cmucl-imp list 2000-06-21, and applied to SBCL by Martin Atzmueller. ;;; (The effectiveness of the test also depends on the implicit ;;; function typing of Python (where DEFUN is like DECLAIM FTYPE), ;;; which violates the ANSI spec, and should be fixed. Once that ;;; unrelated bug is fixed, this code will no longer test the type ;;; inference behavior it's intended to test.) (defun emptyvalues (&rest rest) (declare (ignore rest)) (values)) (defstruct foo x y) (defun bar () (let ((res (emptyvalues))) (unless (typep res 'foo) 'expected-value))) (assert (eq (bar) 'expected-value)) (declaim (ftype (function (real) (values integer single-float)) valuesify)) (defun valuesify (x) (values (round x) (coerce x 'single-float))) (defun exercise-valuesify (x) (multiple-value-bind (i f) (valuesify x) (declare (type integer i)) (declare (type single-float f)) (+ i f))) (assert (= (exercise-valuesify 1.25) 2.25)) ;;; Don Geddis reported this test case 25 December 1999 on a CMU CL ;;; mailing list: dumping circular lists caused the compiler to enter ;;; an infinite loop. Douglas Crosher reported a patch 27 Dec 1999. ;;; The patch was tested on SBCL by Martin Atzmueller 2 Nov 2000, and ;;; merged in sbcl- (defun q-dg1999-1 () (dolist (x '#1=("A" "B" . #1#)) x)) (defun q-dg1999-2 () (dolist (x '#1=("C" "D" . #1#)) x)) (defun q-dg1999-3 () (dolist (x '#1=("E" "F" . #1#)) x)) (defun q-dg1999-4 () (dolist (x '#1=("C" "D" . #1#)) x)) (defun useful-dg1999 (keys) (declare (type list keys)) (loop for c in '#1=("Red" "Blue" . #1#) for key in keys )) ;;; An early version (sbcl- of code to check FTYPEs from DEFUN ;;; against DECLAIMed FTYPEs blew up when an FTYPE was DECLAIMed ;;; to be pure FUNCTION, because the internal representation of ;;; FUNCTION itself (as opposed to subtypes of FUNCTION, such as ;;; (FUNCTION () T)) is a BUILT-IN-CLASS object, not a FUN-TYPE ;;; object. (declaim (ftype function i-am-just-a-function)) (defun i-am-just-a-function (x y) (+ x y 1)) ;;; Stig E SandPHI (where PHI is some phi-like character not ;;; representable in ASCII) reported in cclan-Bugs-431263 that SBCL ;;; couldn't compile this. sbcl- died in CIRCULAR-LIST-P with ;;; "The value \"EST\" is not of type LIST." Dan Barlow fixed it. (defvar +time-zones+ '((5 "EDT" . "EST") (6 "CDT" . "CST") (7 "MDT" . "MST") (8 "PDT" . "PST") (0 "GMT" . "GDT") (-2 "MET" . "MET DST")) "*The string representations of the time zones.") ;;; The old CMU CL Python compiler assumed that it was safe to infer ;;; function types (including return types) from function definitions ;;; and then use them to optimize code later. This is of course bad ;;; when functions are redefined. The problem was fixed in ;;; sbcl- (defun foo (x) (if (plusp x) 1.0 0)) (defun bar (x) (typecase (foo x) (fixnum :fixnum) (real :real) (string :string) (t :t))) (assert (eql (bar 11) :real)) (assert (eql (bar -11) :fixnum)) (setf (symbol-function 'foo) #'identity) (assert (eql (bar 11) :fixnum)) (assert (eql (bar -11.0) :real)) (assert (eql (bar "this is a test") :string)) (assert (eql (bar (make-hash-table)) :t)) ;;; bug reported by Brian Spilsbury sbcl-devel 2001-09-30, fixed by ;;; Alexey Dejneka patch sbcl-devel 2001-10-02 (defun pixarray-element-size (pixarray) (let ((eltype (array-element-type pixarray))) (cond ((eq eltype 'bit) 1) ((and (listp eltype) (eq (first eltype) 'unsigned-byte)) (second eltype)) (t (error "Invalid pixarray: ~S." pixarray))))) (assert (eql 1 (pixarray-element-size #*110))) (sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104) ; success