;;;; This file is for compiler tests which have side effects (e.g. ;;;; executing DEFUN) but which don't need any special side-effecting ;;;; environmental stuff (e.g. DECLAIM of particular optimization ;;;; settings). Similar tests which *do* expect special settings may ;;;; be in files compiler-1.impure.lisp, compiler-2.impure.lisp, etc. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork ;;;; from CMU CL. ;;;; ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for ;;;; more information. (cl:in-package :cl-user) (load "assertoid.lisp") ;;; Old CMU CL code assumed that the names of "keyword" arguments are ;;; necessarily self-evaluating symbols, but ANSI Common Lisp allows ;;; them to be any symbols, not necessarily keywords, and thus not ;;; necessarily self-evaluating. Make sure that this works. (defun newfangled-cons (&key ((left-thing x)) ((right-thing y))) (cons x y)) (assert (equal (cons 1 2) (newfangled-cons 'right-thing 2 'left-thing 1))) ;;; ANSI specifically says that duplicate keys are OK in lambda lists, ;;; with no special exception for macro lambda lists. (As reported by ;;; Pierre Mai on cmucl-imp 2001-03-30, Python didn't think so. The ;;; rest of the thread had some entertainment value, at least for me ;;; (WHN). The unbelievers were besmote and now even CMU CL will ;;; conform to the spec in this regard. Who needs diplomacy when you ;;; have brimstone?:-) (defmacro ayup-duplicate-keys-are-ok-i-see-the-lite (&key k) k) (assert (equal (ayup-duplicate-keys-are-ok-i-see-the-lite :k 112) 112)) (assert (equal (ayup-duplicate-keys-are-ok-i-see-the-lite :k 'x :k 'y) 'x)) ;;; As reported by Alexey Dejneka (sbcl-devel 2002-01-30), in ;;; sbcl-0.7.1 plus his patch (i.e. essentially sbcl-, the ;;; compiler barfed on this, blowing up in FIND-IN-PHYSENV looking for ;;; the LAMBDA-VAR named NUM. That was fixed in sbcl- (defun parse-num (index) (let (num x) (flet ((digs () (setq num index)) (z () (let () (setq x nil)))) (when (and (digs) (digs)) x)))) ;;; Bug 132: The compiler used to fail to compile INTEGER-valued CATCH ;;; tags. This was fixed by Alexey Dejneka in sbcl- (INTEGER ;;; catch tags are still a bad idea because EQ is used to compare ;;; tags, and EQ comparison on INTEGERs is unportable; but now it's a ;;; compiler warning instead of a failure to compile.) (defun foo () (catch 0 (print 1331))) ;;; Bug 150: In sbcl-, compiling this code caused a failure in ;;; SB-C::ADD-TEST-CONSTRAINTS: ;;; The value NIL is not of type SB-C::CONTINUATION. ;;; This bug was fixed by APD in sbcl- (defun bug150-test1 () (let* () (flet ((wufn () (glorp table1 4.9))) (gleep *uustk* #'wufn "#1" (list))) (if (eql (lo foomax 3.2)) (values) (error "not ~S" '(eql (lo foomax 3.2)))) (values))) ;;; A simpler test case for bug 150: The compiler died with the ;;; same type error when trying to compile this. (defun bug150-test2 () (let () (<))) ;;; bug 147, fixed by APD 2002-04-28 ;;; ;;; This test case used to crash the compiler, e.g. with ;;; failed AVER: "(= (LENGTH (BLOCK-SUCC CALL-BLOCK)) 1)" (defun bug147 (string ind) (flet ((digs () (let (old-index) (if (and (< ind ind) (typep (char string ind) '(member #\1))) nil)))))) ;;; bug reported and fixed by Matthias Hoelzl sbcl-devel 2002-05-13 (defmacro foo-2002-05-13 () ''x) (eval '(foo-2002-05-13)) (compile 'foo-2002-05-13) (foo-2002-05-13) ; (The bug caused UNDEFINED-FUNCTION to be signalled here.) ;;; floating point pain on the PPC. ;;; ;;; This test case used to fail to compile on most powerpcs prior to ;;; sbcl-, as floating point traps were being incorrectly ;;; masked. (defun floating-point-pain (x) (declare (single-float x)) (log x)) ;;; bug found and fixed ca. sbcl- The INTERSECTION-TYPE ;;; here satisfies "is a subtype of ARRAY-TYPE", but can't be ;;; accessed with ARRAY-TYPE accessors like ;;; ARRAY-TYPE-SPECIALIZED-ELEMENT-TYPE, so ARRAY-related ;;; DEFTRANSFORMs died with TYPE-ERROR at compile time when ;;; compiling the DEFUN here. (defun stupid-input-to-smart-array-deftransforms-0-7-5-12 (v) (declare (type (and simple-vector fwd-type-ref) v)) (aref v 0)) ;;; Ca. sbcl- the compiler would fail an internal consistency ;;; check on this code because it expected all calls to %INSTANCE-REF ;;; to be transformed away, but its expectations were dashed by perverse ;;; code containing app programmer errors like this. (defstruct something-known-to-be-a-struct x y) (multiple-value-bind (fun warnings-p failure-p) (compile nil '(lambda () (labels ((a1 (a2 a3) (cond (t (a4 a2 a3)))) (a4 (a2 a3 a5 a6) (declare (type (or simple-vector null) a5 a6)) (something-known-to-be-a-struct-x a5)) (a8 (a2 a3) (a9 #'a1 a10 a2 a3)) (a11 (a2 a3) (cond ((and (funcall a12 a2) (funcall a12 a3)) (funcall a13 a2 a3)) (t (when a14 (let ((a15 (a1 a2 a3))) )) a16)))) (values #'a17 #'a11)))) ;; Python sees the structure accessor on the known-not-to-be-a-struct ;; A5 value and is very, very disappointed in you. (But it doesn't ;; signal BUG any more.) (assert failure-p)) ;;; On the SPARC, there was an erroneous definition of some VOPs used ;;; to compile LOGANDs, which would lead to compilation of the ;;; following function giving rise to a compile-time error (bug ;;; spotted and fixed by Raymond Toy for CMUCL) (defun logand-sparc-bogons (a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) a0) (type (signed-byte 32) a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10) ;; to ensure that the call is a candidate for ;; transformation (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0) (debug 0))) (values ;; the call that fails compilation (logand a0 a10) ;; a call to prevent the other arguments from being optimized away (logand a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9))) ;;; bug 192, reported by Einar Floystad Dorum sbcl-devel 2002-08-14, ;;; fixed in sbcl- Compiling this function in 0.7.6 caused ;;; the compiler to try to constant-fold DATA-VECTOR-REF, which is OK, ;;; except that there was no non-VOP definition of DATA-VECTOR-REF, so ;;; it would fail. (defun bug192 () (funcall (LAMBDA (TEXT I L ) (LABELS ((G908 (I) (LET ((INDEX (OR (IF (= I L) NIL (LET ((S TEXT) (E (ELT TEXT I))) (DECLARE (IGNORABLE S E)) (WHEN (EQL #\a E) (G909 (1+ I)))))))) INDEX)) (G909 (I) (OR (IF (= I L) NIL (LET ((S TEXT) (E (ELT TEXT I))) (DECLARE (IGNORABLE S E)) (WHEN (EQL #\b E) (G910 (1+ I))))))) (G910 (I) (LET ((INDEX (OR (IF NIL NIL (LET ((S TEXT)) (DECLARE (IGNORABLE S)) (WHEN T I)))))) INDEX))) (G908 I))) "abcdefg" 0 (length "abcdefg"))) ;;; bugs #65, #70, and #109, closed by APD's patch sbcl-devel 2002-08-17 ;;; ;;; This was "YA code deletion bug" whose symptom was the failure of ;;; the assertion ;;; (EQ (C::LAMBDA-TAIL-SET C::CALLER) ;;; (C::LAMBDA-TAIL-SET (C::LAMBDA-HOME C::CALLEE))) ;;; at compile time. (defun bug65-1 (termx termy) ; from Carl Witty on submit bugs list, debian.org (labels ((alpha-equal-bound-term-lists (listx listy) (or (and (null listx) (null listy)) (and listx listy (let ((bindings-x (bindings-of-bound-term (car listx))) (bindings-y (bindings-of-bound-term (car listy)))) (if (and (null bindings-x) (null bindings-y)) (alpha-equal-terms (term-of-bound-term (car listx)) (term-of-bound-term (car listy))) (and (= (length bindings-x) (length bindings-y)) (prog2 (enter-binding-pairs (bindings-of-bound-term (car listx)) (bindings-of-bound-term (car listy))) (alpha-equal-terms (term-of-bound-term (car listx)) (term-of-bound-term (car listy))) (exit-binding-pairs (bindings-of-bound-term (car listx)) (bindings-of-bound-term (car listy))))))) (alpha-equal-bound-term-lists (cdr listx) (cdr listy))))) (alpha-equal-terms (termx termy) (if (and (variable-p termx) (variable-p termy)) (equal-bindings (id-of-variable-term termx) (id-of-variable-term termy)) (and (equal-operators-p (operator-of-term termx) (operator-of-term termy)) (alpha-equal-bound-term-lists (bound-terms-of-term termx) (bound-terms-of-term termy)))))) (or (eq termx termy) (and termx termy (with-variable-invocation (alpha-equal-terms termx termy)))))) (defun bug65-2 () ; from Bob Rogers cmucl-imp 1999-07-28 ;; Given an FSSP alignment file named by the argument . . . (labels ((get-fssp-char () (get-fssp-char)) (read-fssp-char () (get-fssp-char))) ;; Stub body, enough to tickle the bug. (list (read-fssp-char) (read-fssp-char)))) (defun bug70 ; from David Young cmucl-help 30 Nov 2000 (item sequence &key (test #'eql)) (labels ((find-item (obj seq test &optional (val nil)) (let ((item (first seq))) (cond ((null seq) (values nil nil)) ((funcall test obj item) (values val seq)) (t (find-item obj (rest seq) test (nconc val `(,item)))))))) (find-item item sequence test))) (defun bug109 () ; originally from CMU CL bugs collection, reported as ; SBCL bug by MNA 2001-06-25 (labels ((eff (&key trouble) (eff) ;; nil ;; Uncomment and it works )) (eff))) ;;; bug 192a, fixed by APD "more strict type checking" patch ;;; (sbcl-devel 2002-08-07) (defun bug192a (x) (declare (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3))) ;; Even with bug 192a, this declaration was checked as an assertion. (declare (real x)) (+ x (locally ;; Because of bug 192a, this declaration was trusted without checking. (declare (single-float x)) (sin x)))) (assert (null (ignore-errors (bug192a nil)))) (multiple-value-bind (result error) (ignore-errors (bug192a 100)) (assert (null result)) (assert (equal (type-error-expected-type error) 'single-float))) ;;; bug 194, fixed in part by APD "more strict type checking" patch ;;; (sbcl-devel 2002-08-07) (progn #+nil ; FIXME: still broken in (after patch) (multiple-value-bind (result error) (ignore-errors (multiple-value-prog1 (progn (the real '(1 2 3))))) (assert (null result)) (assert (typep error 'type-error))) #+nil ; FIXME: still broken in (after patch) (multiple-value-bind (result error) (ignore-errors (the real '(1 2 3))) (assert (null result)) (assert (typep error 'type-error)))) ;;; BUG 48a. and b. (symbol-macrolet handling), fixed by Eric Marsden ;;; and Raymond Toy for CMUCL, fix ported for sbcl- (multiple-value-bind (function warnings-p failure-p) (compile nil '(lambda () (symbol-macrolet ((t nil)) t))) (assert failure-p) (assert (raises-error? (funcall function) program-error))) (multiple-value-bind (function warnings-p failure-p) (compile nil '(lambda () (symbol-macrolet ((*standard-input* nil)) *standard-input*))) (assert failure-p) (assert (raises-error? (funcall function) program-error))) #|| BUG 48c, not yet fixed: (multiple-value-bind (function warnings-p failure-p) (compile nil '(lambda () (symbol-macrolet ((s nil)) (declare (special s)) s))) (assert failure-p) (assert (raises-error? (funcall function) program-error))) ||# ;;; bug 120a: Turned out to be constraining code looking like (if foo ;;; ) where was optimized by the compiler to be the exact ;;; same block in both cases, but not turned into (PROGN FOO ). ;;; Fixed by APD in sbcl-, who provided this test: (declaim (inline dont-constrain-if-too-much)) (defun dont-constrain-if-too-much (frame up-frame) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1))) (if (or (not frame) t) frame "bar")) (defun dont-constrain-if-too-much-aux (x y) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1))) (if x t (if y t (dont-constrain-if-too-much x y)))) (assert (null (dont-constrain-if-too-much-aux nil nil))) ;;; TYPE-ERROR confusion ca. sbcl-, reported and fixed by ;;; APD sbcl-devel 2002-09-14 (defun exercise-0-7-7-24-bug (x) (declare (integer x)) (let (y) (setf y (the single-float (if (> x 0) x 3f0))) (list y y))) (multiple-value-bind (v e) (ignore-errors (exercise-0-7-7-24-bug 4)) (assert (null v)) (assert (typep e 'type-error))) (assert (equal (exercise-0-7-7-24-bug -4) '(3f0 3f0))) ;;; non-intersecting type declarations were DWIMing in a confusing ;;; fashion until sbcl-, when APD reported and fixed the ;;; problem. (defun non-intersecting-the (x) (let (y) (setf y (the single-float (the integer x))) (list y y))) (raises-error? (foo 3) type-error) (raises-error? (foo 3f0) type-error) ;;;; tests not in the problem domain, but of the consistency of the ;;;; compiler machinery itself (in-package "SB-C") ;;; Hunt for wrong-looking things in fundamental compiler definitions, ;;; and gripe about them. ;;; ;;; FIXME: It should be possible to (1) repair the things that this ;;; code gripes about, and then (2) make the code signal errors ;;; instead of just printing complaints to standard output, in order ;;; to prevent the code from later falling back into disrepair. (defun grovel-results (function) (dolist (template (fun-info-templates (info :function :info function))) (when (template-more-results-type template) (format t "~&Template ~A has :MORE results, and translates ~A.~%" (template-name template) function) (return nil)) (when (eq (template-result-types template) :conditional) ;; dunno. (return t)) (let ((types (template-result-types template)) (result-type (fun-type-returns (info :function :type function)))) (cond ((values-type-p result-type) (do ((ltypes (append (args-type-required result-type) (args-type-optional result-type)) (rest ltypes)) (types types (rest types))) ((null ltypes) (unless (null types) (format t "~&More types than ltypes in ~A, translating ~A.~%" (template-name template) function) (return nil))) (when (null types) (unless (null ltypes) (format t "~&More ltypes than types in ~A, translating ~A.~%" (template-name template) function) (return nil))))) ((eq result-type (specifier-type nil)) (unless (null types) (format t "~&Template ~A returns values for function ~A with RESULT-TYPE NIL.~%" (template-name template) function) (return nil))) ((/= (length types) 1) (format t "~&Template ~A isn't returning 1 value for ~A.~%" (template-name template) function) (return nil)) (t t))))) (defun identify-suspect-vops (&optional (env (first (last *info-environment*)))) (do-info (env :class class :type type :name name :value value) (when (and (eq class :function) (eq type :type)) ;; OK, so we have an entry in the INFO database. Now, if ... (let* ((info (info :function :info name)) (templates (and info (fun-info-templates info)))) (when templates ;; ... it has translators (grovel-results name)))))) (identify-suspect-vops) ;;; success (quit :unix-status 104)