;;;; various compiler tests without side effects ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork ;;;; from CMU CL. ;;;; ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for ;;;; more information. (cl:in-package :cl-user) ;;; Exercise a compiler bug (by crashing the compiler). ;;; ;;; This test code is from Douglas Crosher's simplified TICKLE-BUG ;;; (2000-09-06 on cmucl-imp). ;;; ;;; The bug was fixed by Douglas Crosher's patch, massaged for SBCL by ;;; Martin Atzmueller (2000-09-13 on sbcl-devel). (funcall (compile nil '(lambda () (labels ((fun1 () (fun2)) (fun2 () (when nil (tagbody tag (fun2) (go tag))) (when nil (tagbody tag (fun1) (go tag))))) (fun1) nil)))) ;;; Exercise a compiler bug (by crashing the compiler). ;;; ;;; Tim Moore gave a patch for this bug in CMU CL 2000-05-24 on ;;; cmucl-imp, and Martin Atzmueller applied it to SBCL. (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (x) (or (integerp x) (block used-by-some-y? (flet ((frob (stk) (dolist (y stk) (unless (rejected? y) (return-from used-by-some-y? t))))) (declare (inline frob)) (frob (rstk x)) (frob (mrstk x))) nil)))) 13) ;;; bug 112, reported by Martin Atzmueller 2001-06-25 (originally ;;; from Bruno Haible in CMU CL bugs collection), fixed by ;;; Alexey Dejneka 2002-01-27 (assert (= 1 ; (used to give 0 under bug 112) (let ((x 0)) (declare (special x)) (let ((x 1)) (let ((y x)) (declare (special x)) y))))) (assert (= 1 ; (used to give 1 even under bug 112, still works after fix) (let ((x 0)) (declare (special x)) (let ((x 1)) (let ((y x) (x 5)) (declare (special x)) y))))) ;;; another LET-related bug fixed by Alexey Dejneka at the same ;;; time as bug 112 (multiple-value-bind (value error) (ignore-errors ;; should complain about duplicate variable names in LET binding (compile nil '(lambda () (let (x (x 1)) (list x))))) (assert (null value)) (assert (typep error 'error))) ;;; bug 169 (reported by Alexey Dejneka 2002-05-12, fixed by David ;;; Lichteblau 2002-05-21) (progn (multiple-value-bind (fun warnings-p failure-p) (compile nil ;; Compiling this code should cause a STYLE-WARNING ;; about *X* looking like a special variable but not ;; being one. '(lambda (n) (let ((*x* n)) (funcall (symbol-function 'x-getter)) (print *x*)))) (assert (functionp fun)) (assert warnings-p) (assert (not failure-p))) (multiple-value-bind (fun warnings-p failure-p) (compile nil ;; Compiling this code should not cause a warning ;; (because the DECLARE turns *X* into a special ;; variable as its name suggests it should be). '(lambda (n) (let ((*x* n)) (declare (special *x*)) (funcall (symbol-function 'x-getter)) (print *x*)))) (assert (functionp fun)) (assert (not warnings-p)) (assert (not failure-p)))) ;;; a bug in (dolist (i '(a b 1 2 "x" "y")) ;; In sbcl-, the compiler tried to source-transform the ;; TYPEP here but got confused and died, doing ;; (ASSOC '(AND INTEGERP (SATISFIES PLUSP))) ;; *BACKEND-TYPE-PREDICATES* ;; :TEST #'TYPE=) ;; and blowing up because TYPE= tried to call PLUSP on the ;; characters of the MEMBER-TYPE representing STANDARD-CHAR. (when (typep i '(and integer (satisfies oddp))) (print i))) (dotimes (i 14) (when (typep i '(and integer (satisfies oddp))) (print i))) ;;; bug 156 (reported by APD sbcl-devel 2002-04-12, fixed by CSR patch ;;; sbcl-devel 2002-07-02): FUNCTION-LAMBDA-EXPRESSION of ;;; interactively-compiled functions was broken by sleaziness and ;;; confusion in the assault on 0.7.0, so this expression used to ;;; signal TYPE-ERROR when it found NIL instead of a DEBUG-SOURCE. (eval '(function-lambda-expression #'(lambda (x) x))) ;;; bug caught and fixed by Raymond Toy cmucl-imp 2002-07-10: &REST ;;; variable is not optional. (assert (null (ignore-errors (eval '(funcall (lambda (&rest) 12)))))) ;;; on the PPC, we got the magic numbers in undefined_tramp wrong for ;;; a while; fixed by CSR 2002-07-18 (multiple-value-bind (value error) (ignore-errors (some-undefined-function)) (assert (null value)) (assert (eq (cell-error-name error) 'some-undefined-function))) ;;; Non-symbols shouldn't be allowed as VARs in lambda lists. (Where VAR ;;; is a variable name, as in section 3.4.1 of the ANSI spec.) (assert (null (ignore-errors (eval '(lambda ("foo") 12))))) (assert (ignore-errors (eval '(lambda (foo) 12)))) (assert (null (ignore-errors (eval '(lambda (&optional 12) "foo"))))) (assert (ignore-errors (eval '(lambda (&optional twelve) "foo")))) (assert (null (ignore-errors (eval '(lambda (&optional (12 12)) "foo"))))) (assert (ignore-errors (eval '(lambda (&optional (twelve 12)) "foo")))) (assert (null (ignore-errors (eval '(lambda (&key #\c) "foo"))))) (assert (ignore-errors (eval '(lambda (&key c) "foo")))) (assert (null (ignore-errors (eval '(lambda (&key (#\c #\c)) "foo"))))) (assert (ignore-errors (eval '(lambda (&key (c #\c)) "foo")))) (assert (null (ignore-errors (eval '(lambda (&key ((#\c #\c) #\c)) "foo"))))) (assert (ignore-errors (eval '(lambda (&key ((:c cbyanyothername) #\c)) "foo")))) ;;; As reported and fixed by Antonio Martinez-Shotton sbcl-devel ;;; 2002-09-12, this failed in sbcl- (with failed AVER ;;; "(LEAF-HAS-SOURCE-NAME-P LEAF)") (assert (= (funcall (eval `(lambda (x) (funcall ,(lambda (y) (+ y 3)) x))) 14) 17)) ;;; bug 181: bad type specifier dropped compiler into debugger (assert (list (compile nil '(lambda (x) (declare (type (0) x)) x)))) (let ((f (compile nil '(lambda (x) (make-array 1 :element-type '(0)))))) (assert (null (ignore-errors (funcall f))))) ;;; the following functions must not be flushable (dolist (form '((make-sequence 'fixnum 10) (concatenate 'fixnum nil) (map 'fixnum #'identity nil) (merge 'fixnum nil nil #'<))) (assert (not (eval `(locally (declare (optimize (safety 0))) (ignore-errors (progn ,form t))))))) (dolist (form '(#+nil(values-list '(1 . 2)) ; This case still fails (fboundp '(set bet)) (atan #c(1 1) (car (list #c(2 2)))) (nthcdr (car (list (floor (cos 3)))) '(1 2 3 4 5)) (nthcdr (car (list 5)) '(1 2 . 3)))) (assert (not (eval `(locally (declare (optimize (safety 3))) (ignore-errors (progn ,form t)))))))