;;;; This file is for testing debugging functionality, using ;;;; test machinery which might have side effects (e.g. ;;;; executing DEFUN). ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork ;;;; from CMU CL. ;;;; ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for ;;;; more information. (cl:in-package :cl-user) ;;; The debugger doesn't have any native knowledge of the interpreter (when (eq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret) (sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104)) ;;;; Check that we get debug arglists right. ;;; FIXME: This should use some get-argslist like functionality that ;;; we actually export. ;;; ;;; Return the debug arglist of the function object FUN as a list, or ;;; punt with :UNKNOWN. (defun get-arglist (fun) (declare (type function fun)) ;; The Lisp-level type FUNCTION can conceal a multitude of sins.. (case (sb-kernel:widetag-of fun) (#.sb-vm:simple-fun-header-widetag (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-arglist fun)) (#.sb-vm:closure-header-widetag (get-arglist (sb-kernel:%closure-fun fun))) ;; In code/describe.lisp, ll. 227 (%describe-fun), we use a scheme ;; like above, and it seems to work. -- MNA 2001-06-12 ;; ;; (There might be other cases with arglist info also. ;; SIMPLE-FUN-HEADER-WIDETAG and CLOSURE-HEADER-WIDETAG just ;; happen to be the two case that I had my nose rubbed in when ;; debugging a GC problem caused by applying %SIMPLE-FUN-ARGLIST to ;; a closure. -- WHN 2001-06-05) (t #+sb-eval (if (typep fun 'sb-eval::interpreted-function) (sb-eval::interpreted-function-lambda-list fun) :unknown) #-sb-eval :unknown))) (defun zoop (zeep &key beep) blurp) (assert (equal (get-arglist #'zoop) '(zeep &key beep))) ;;; Check some predefined functions too. ;;; ;;; (We don't know exactly what the arguments are, e.g. the first ;;; argument of PRINT might be SB-IMPL::OBJECT or SB-KERNEL::OBJ or ;;; whatever. But we do know the general structure that a correct ;;; answer should have, so we can safely do a lot of checks.) (destructuring-bind (object-sym &optional-sym stream-sym) (get-arglist #'print) (assert (symbolp object-sym)) (assert (eql &optional-sym '&optional)) (assert (symbolp stream-sym))) (destructuring-bind (dest-sym control-sym &rest-sym format-args-sym) (get-arglist #'format) (assert (symbolp dest-sym)) (assert (symbolp control-sym)) (assert (eql &rest-sym '&rest)) (assert (symbolp format-args-sym))) ;;; Check for backtraces generally being correct. Ensure that the ;;; actual backtrace finishes (doesn't signal any errors on its own), ;;; and that it contains the frames we expect, doesn't contain any ;;; "bogus stack frame"s, and contains the appropriate toplevel call ;;; and hasn't been cut off anywhere. (defun verify-backtrace (test-function frame-specs &key (allow-stunted nil)) (labels ((args-equal (want real) (cond ((eq '&rest (car want)) t) ((endp want) (endp real)) ((or (eq '? (car want)) (equal (car want) (car real))) (args-equal (cdr want) (cdr real))) (t nil)))) (let ((result nil)) (block outer-handler (handler-bind ((error (lambda (condition) ;; find the part of the backtrace we're interested in (let* ((full-backtrace (sb-debug:backtrace-as-list)) (backtrace (member (caar frame-specs) full-backtrace :key #'car :test #'equal))) (setf result condition) (unless backtrace (format t "~&//~S not in backtrace:~% ~S~%" (caar frame-specs) full-backtrace) (setf result nil)) ;; check that we have all the frames we wanted (mapcar (lambda (spec frame) (unless (or (not spec) (and (equal (car spec) (car frame)) (args-equal (cdr spec) (cdr frame)))) (print (list :mismatch spec frame)) (setf result nil))) frame-specs backtrace) ;; Make sure the backtrace isn't stunted in ;; any way. (Depends on running in the main ;; thread.) FIXME: On Windows we get two ;; extra foreign frames below regular frames. (let ((end (last backtrace #-win32 2 #+win32 4))) (unless (equal (caar end) 'sb-impl::toplevel-init) (print (list :backtrace-stunted (caar end))) (setf result nil))) (return-from outer-handler))))) (funcall test-function))) result))) (defvar *undefined-function-frame* ;; bug 353 '(#+(or x86 x86-64) "bogus stack frame" #-(or x86 x86-64) "undefined function")) ;;; Test for "undefined function" (undefined_tramp) working properly. ;;; Try it with and without tail call elimination, since they can have ;;; different effects. (Specifically, if undefined_tramp is incorrect ;;; a stunted stack can result from the tail call variant.) (flet ((optimized () (declare (optimize (speed 2) (debug 1))) ; tail call elimination (#:undefined-function 42)) (not-optimized () (declare (optimize (speed 1) (debug 2))) ; no tail call elimination (#:undefined-function 42)) (test (fun) (declare (optimize (speed 1) (debug 2))) ; no tail call elimination (funcall fun))) (with-test (:name (:undefined-function :bug-346) :fails-on '(or :alpha :ppc :sparc :mips (and :x86-64 :freebsd))) (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (test #'optimized)) (list *undefined-function-frame* (list '(flet test) #'optimized))))) ;; bug 353: This test fails at least most of the time for x86/linux ;; ca. -- WHN (with-test (:name (:undefined-function :bug-353) ;; This used to have fewer :fails-on features pre-, ;; but it turns out that the bug was just being masked by ;; the presence of the IR1 stepper instrumentation (and ;; is thus again failing now that the instrumentation is ;; no more). :fails-on '(or :alpha :mips :ppc)) (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (test #'not-optimized)) (list *undefined-function-frame* (list '(flet not-optimized)) (list '(flet test) #'not-optimized)))))) ;;; Division by zero was a common error on PPC. It depended on the ;;; return function either being before INTEGER-/-INTEGER in memory, ;;; or more than MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM bytes ahead. It also depends on ;;; INTEGER-/-INTEGER calling SIGNED-TRUNCATE. I believe Raymond Toy ;;; says that the Sparc backend (at least for CMUCL) inlines this, so ;;; if SBCL does the same this test is probably not good for the ;;; Sparc. ;;; ;;; Disabling tail call elimination on this will probably ensure that ;;; the return value (to the flet or the enclosing top level form) is ;;; more than MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM with the current spaces on OS X. ;;; Enabling it might catch other problems, so do it anyway. (flet ((optimized () (declare (optimize (speed 2) (debug 1))) ; tail call elimination (/ 42 0)) (not-optimized () (declare (optimize (speed 1) (debug 2))) ; no tail call elimination (/ 42 0)) (test (fun) (declare (optimize (speed 1) (debug 2))) ; no tail call elimination (funcall fun))) (with-test (:name (:divide-by-zero :bug-346) :fails-on :alpha) ; bug 346 (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (test #'optimized)) (list '(/ 42 &rest) (list '(flet test) #'optimized))))) (with-test (:name (:divide-by-zero :bug-356) :fails-on :alpha) ; bug 356 (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (test #'not-optimized)) (list '(/ 42 &rest) '((flet not-optimized)) (list '(flet test) #'not-optimized)))))) (with-test (:name (:throw :no-such-tag) :fails-on '(or (and :sparc :linux) :alpha :mips)) (progn (defun throw-test () (throw 'no-such-tag t)) (assert (verify-backtrace #'throw-test '((throw-test)))))) ;;; test entry point handling in backtraces (defun oops () (error "oops")) (defmacro defbt (n ll &body body) `(progn ;; normal debug info (defun ,(intern (format nil "BT.~A.1" n)) ,ll ,@body) ;; no arguments saved (defun ,(intern (format nil "BT.~A.2" n)) ,ll (declare (optimize (debug 1) (speed 3))) ,@body) ;; no lambda-list saved (defun ,(intern (format nil "BT.~A.3" n)) ,ll (declare (optimize (debug 0))) ,@body))) (defbt 1 (&key key) (list key)) (defbt 2 (x) (list x)) (defbt 3 (&key (key (oops))) (list key)) ;;; ERROR instead of OOPS so that tail call elimination doesn't happen (defbt 4 (&optional opt) (list (error "error"))) (defbt 5 (&optional (opt (oops))) (list opt)) (defmacro with-details (bool &body body) `(let ((sb-debug:*show-entry-point-details* ,bool)) ,@body)) (defun bug-354 (x) (error "XEPs in backtraces: ~S" x)) (with-test (:name :bug-354) (with-details t (assert (not (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bug-354 354)) '((bug-354 &rest) ((sb-c::tl-xep bug-354) &rest)))))) (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bug-354 354)) '((bug-354 354))))) ;;; FIXME: This test really should be broken into smaller pieces (with-test (:name (:backtrace :tl-xep) :fails-on '(and :x86 (or :sunos))) (with-details t (assert (verify-backtrace #'namestring '(((sb-c::tl-xep namestring) 0 ?))))) (with-details nil (assert (verify-backtrace #'namestring '((namestring)))))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :more-processor) :fails-on '(and :x86 (or :sunos))) (with-details t (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.1 :key)) '(((sb-c::&more-processor bt.1.1) &rest)))) (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.2 :key)) '(((sb-c::&more-processor bt.1.2) &rest)))) (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.3 :key)) '(((sb-c::&more-processor bt.1.3) &rest))))) (with-details nil (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.1 :key)) '((bt.1.1 :key)))) (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.2 :key)) '((bt.1.2 &rest)))) (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (bt.1.3 :key)) '((bt.1.3 &rest)))))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :xep) :fails-on '(and :x86 (or :sunos))) (with-details t (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.1 '(((sb-c::xep bt.2.1) 0 ?)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.2 '(((sb-c::xep bt.2.2) &rest)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.3 '(((sb-c::xep bt.2.3) &rest))))) (with-details nil (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.1 '((bt.2.1)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.2 '((bt.2.2 &rest)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.2.3 '((bt.2.3 &rest)))))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :varargs-entry) :fails-on '(and :x86 (or :sunos))) (with-details t (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.1 '(((sb-c::varargs-entry bt.3.1) :key nil)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.2 '(((sb-c::varargs-entry bt.3.2) :key ?)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.3 '(((sb-c::varargs-entry bt.3.3) &rest))))) (with-details nil (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.1 '((bt.3.1 :key nil)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.2 '((bt.3.2 :key ?)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.3.3 '((bt.3.3 &rest)))))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :hairy-args-processor) :fails-on '(and :x86 (or :sunos))) (with-details t (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.1 '(((sb-c::hairy-arg-processor bt.4.1) ?)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.2 '(((sb-c::hairy-arg-processor bt.4.2) ?)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.3 '(((sb-c::hairy-arg-processor bt.4.3) &rest))))) (with-details nil (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.1 '((bt.4.1 ?)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.2 '((bt.4.2 ?)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.4.3 '((bt.4.3 &rest)))))) (with-test (:name (:backtrace :optional-processor) :fails-on '(and :x86 (or :sunos))) (with-details t (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.1 '(((sb-c::&optional-processor bt.5.1))))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.2 '(((sb-c::&optional-processor bt.5.2) &rest)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.3 '(((sb-c::&optional-processor bt.5.3) &rest))))) (with-details nil (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.1 '((bt.5.1)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.2 '((bt.5.2 &rest)))) (assert (verify-backtrace #'bt.5.3 '((bt.5.3 &rest)))))) (write-line "//compile nil") (defvar *compile-nil-error* (compile nil '(lambda (x) (cons (when x (error "oops")) nil)))) (defvar *compile-nil-non-tc* (compile nil '(lambda (y) (cons (funcall *compile-nil-error* y) nil)))) (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (funcall *compile-nil-non-tc* 13)) '(((lambda (x)) 13) ((lambda (y)) 13)))) (with-test (:name :clos-slot-typecheckfun-named) (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (eval `(locally (declare (optimize safety)) (defclass clos-typecheck-test () ((slot :type fixnum))) (setf (slot-value (make-instance 'clos-typecheck-test) 'slot) t)))) '(((sb-pcl::slot-typecheck clos-typecheck-test slot) t))))) (with-test (:name :clos-emf-named) (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (eval `(progn (defmethod clos-emf-named-test ((x symbol)) x) (defmethod clos-emf-named-test :before (x) (assert x)) (clos-emf-named-test nil)))) '(((sb-pcl::emf clos-emf-named-test) ? ? nil))))) (with-test (:name :bug-310173) (flet ((make-fun (n) (let* ((names '(a b)) (req (loop repeat n collect (pop names)))) (compile nil `(lambda (,@req &rest rest) (let ((* *)) ; no tail-call (apply '/ ,@req rest))))))) (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (funcall (make-fun 0) 10 11 0)) '((sb-kernel:two-arg-/ 10/11 0) (/ 10 11 0) ((lambda (&rest rest)) 10 11 0)))) (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (funcall (make-fun 1) 10 11 0)) '((sb-kernel:two-arg-/ 10/11 0) (/ 10 11 0) ((lambda (a &rest rest)) 10 11 0)))) (assert (verify-backtrace (lambda () (funcall (make-fun 2) 10 11 0)) '((sb-kernel:two-arg-/ 10/11 0) (/ 10 11 0) ((lambda (a b &rest rest)) 10 11 0)))))) ;;;; test TRACE (defun trace-this () 'ok) (defun trace-fact (n) (if (zerop n) 1 (* n (trace-fact (1- n))))) (let ((out (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*) (trace trace-this) (assert (eq 'ok (trace-this))) (untrace)))) (assert (search "TRACE-THIS" out)) (assert (search "returned OK" out))) ;;; bug 379 ;;; This is not a WITH-TEST :FAILS-ON PPC DARWIN since there are ;;; suspicions that the breakpoint trace might corrupt the whole image ;;; on that platform. #-(and (or ppc x86 x86-64) (or darwin sunos)) (with-test (:name (trace :encapsulate nil) :fails-on '(or (and :ppc (not :linux)) :sparc :mips)) (let ((out (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*) (trace trace-this :encapsulate nil) (assert (eq 'ok (trace-this))) (untrace)))) (assert (search "TRACE-THIS" out)) (assert (search "returned OK" out)))) #-(and (or ppc x86 x86-64) darwin) (with-test (:name (trace-recursive :encapsulate nil) :fails-on '(or (and :ppc (not :linux)) :sparc :mips)) (let ((out (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*) (trace trace-fact :encapsulate nil) (assert (= 120 (trace-fact 5))) (untrace)))) (assert (search "TRACE-FACT" out)) (assert (search "returned 1" out)) (assert (search "returned 120" out)))) (defun trace-and-fmakunbound-this (x) x) (with-test (:name :bug-667657) (trace trace-and-fmakunbound-this) (fmakunbound 'trace-and-fmakunbound-this) (untrace) (assert (not (trace)))) (with-test (:name :bug-414) (handler-bind ((warning #'error)) (load (compile-file "bug-414.lisp")) (disassemble 'bug-414))) (with-test (:name :bug-310175) (let ((dx-arg (cons t t))) (declare (dynamic-extent dx-arg)) (flet ((dx-arg-backtrace (x) (declare (optimize (debug 2))) (prog1 (sb-debug:backtrace-as-list 10) (assert (sb-debug::stack-allocated-p x))))) (declare (notinline dx-arg-backtrace)) (assert (member-if (lambda (frame) (and (consp frame) (equal '(flet dx-arg-backtrace) (car frame)) (notany #'sb-debug::stack-allocated-p (cdr frame)))) (dx-arg-backtrace dx-arg)))))) ;;;; test infinite error protection (defmacro nest-errors (n-levels error-form) (if (< 0 n-levels) `(handler-bind ((error (lambda (condition) (declare (ignore condition)) ,error-form))) (nest-errors ,(1- n-levels) ,error-form)) error-form)) (defun erroring-debugger-hook (condition old-debugger-hook) (let ((*debugger-hook* old-debugger-hook)) (format t "recursive condition: ~A~%" condition) (force-output) (error "recursive condition: ~A" condition))) (defun test-inifinite-error-protection () ;; after 50 successful throws to SB-IMPL::TOPLEVEL-CATCHER sbcl used ;; to halt, it produces so much garbage that's hard to suppress that ;; it is tested only once (write-line "--HARMLESS BUT ALARMING BACKTRACE COMING UP--") (let ((*debugger-hook* #'erroring-debugger-hook)) (loop repeat 1 do (let ((error-counter 0) (*terminal-io* (make-broadcast-stream))) (assert (not (eq :normal-exit (catch 'sb-impl::toplevel-catcher (nest-errors 20 (error "infinite error ~s" (incf error-counter))) :normal-exit))))))) (write-line "--END OF H-B-A-B--")) (enable-debugger) (test-inifinite-error-protection) #+sb-thread (let ((thread (sb-thread:make-thread #'test-inifinite-error-protection))) (loop while (sb-thread:thread-alive-p thread))) (disable-debugger) (write-line "/debug.impure.lisp done")