;;;; tests that dynamic-extent functionality works. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork ;;;; from CMU CL. ;;;; ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for ;;;; more information. (when (eq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret) (sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104)) (load "compiler-test-util.lisp") (use-package :ctu) (setq sb-c::*check-consistency* t sb-ext:*stack-allocate-dynamic-extent* t) (defmacro defun-with-dx (name arglist &body body) `(defun ,name ,arglist ,@body)) (declaim (notinline opaque-identity)) (defun opaque-identity (x) x) ;;; &REST lists (defun-with-dx dxlength (&rest rest) (declare (dynamic-extent rest)) (length rest)) (with-test (:name (:dx-&rest :basics)) (assert (= (dxlength 1 2 3) 3)) (assert (= (dxlength t t t t t t) 6)) (assert (= (dxlength) 0))) (defun callee (list) (destructuring-bind (a b c d e f &rest g) list (+ a b c d e f (length g)))) (defun-with-dx dxcaller (&rest rest) (declare (dynamic-extent rest)) (callee rest)) (with-test (:name (:dx-&rest :pass-down-to-callee :tail-call)) (assert (= (dxcaller 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 22))) (defun-with-dx dxcaller-align-1 (x &rest rest) (declare (dynamic-extent rest)) (+ x (callee rest))) (with-test (:name (:dx-&rest :pass-down-to-callee :non-tail-call)) (assert (= (dxcaller-align-1 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 39)) (assert (= (dxcaller-align-1 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) 40))) ;;; %NIP-VALUES (defun-with-dx test-nip-values () (flet ((bar (x &rest y) (declare (dynamic-extent y)) (if (> x 0) (values x (length y)) (values (car y))))) (multiple-value-call #'values (bar 1 2 3 4 5 6) (bar -1 'a 'b)))) (with-test (:name (:nip-values)) (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (test-nip-values)) '(1 5 a)))) ;;; LET-variable substitution (defun-with-dx test-let-var-subst1 (x) (let ((y (list x (1- x)))) (opaque-identity :foo) (let ((z (the list y))) (declare (dynamic-extent z)) (length z)))) (with-test (:name (:let-variable-substitution)) (assert (eql (test-let-var-subst1 17) 2))) (defun-with-dx test-let-var-subst2 (x) (let ((y (list x (1- x)))) (declare (dynamic-extent y)) (opaque-identity :foo) (let ((z (the list y))) (length z)))) (with-test (:name (:let-variable-substitution-2)) (assert (eql (test-let-var-subst2 17) 2))) ;;; DX propagation through LET-return. (defun-with-dx test-lvar-subst (x) (let ((y (list x (1- x)))) (declare (dynamic-extent y)) (second (let ((z (the list y))) (opaque-identity :foo) z)))) (with-test (:name (:dx-propagation-through-let-return)) (assert (eql (test-lvar-subst 11) 10))) ;;; this code is incorrect, but the compiler should not fail (defun-with-dx test-let-var-subst-incorrect (x) (let ((y (list x (1- x)))) (opaque-identity :foo) (let ((z (the list y))) (declare (dynamic-extent z)) (opaque-identity :bar) z))) ;;; alignment (defvar *x*) (defun-with-dx test-alignment-dx-list (form) (multiple-value-prog1 (eval form) (let ((l (list 1 2 3 4))) (declare (dynamic-extent l)) (setq *x* (copy-list l))))) (with-test (:name (:dx-list :alignment)) (dotimes (n 64) (let* ((res (loop for i below n collect i)) (form `(values ,@res))) (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (test-alignment-dx-list form)) res)) (assert (equal *x* '(1 2 3 4)))))) ;;; closure (declaim (notinline true)) (defun true (x) (declare (ignore x)) t) (defun-with-dx dxclosure (x) (flet ((f (y) (+ y x))) (declare (dynamic-extent #'f)) (true #'f))) (with-test (:name (:dx-closure)) (assert (eq t (dxclosure 13)))) ;;; value-cells (defun-with-dx dx-value-cell (x) ;; Not implemented everywhere, yet. #+(or x86 x86-64 mips hppa) (let ((cell x)) (declare (sb-int:truly-dynamic-extent cell)) (flet ((f () (incf cell))) (declare (dynamic-extent #'f)) (true #'f)))) ;;; CONS (defun-with-dx cons-on-stack (x) (let ((cons (cons x x))) (declare (dynamic-extent cons)) (true cons) nil)) ;;; MAKE-ARRAY (defun force-make-array-on-stack (n) (declare (optimize safety)) (let ((v (make-array (min n 1)))) (declare (sb-int:truly-dynamic-extent v)) (true v) (true v) nil)) (defun-with-dx make-array-on-stack-1 () (let ((v (make-array '(42) :element-type 'single-float))) (declare (dynamic-extent v)) (true v) (true v) nil)) (defun-with-dx make-array-on-stack-2 (n x) (declare (integer n)) (let ((v (make-array n :initial-contents x))) (declare (sb-int:truly-dynamic-extent v)) (true v) (true v) nil)) (defun-with-dx make-array-on-stack-3 (x y z) (let ((v (make-array 3 :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents (list x y z) :element-type t :initial-contents x))) (declare (sb-int:truly-dynamic-extent v)) (true v) (true v) nil)) (defun-with-dx make-array-on-stack-4 () (let ((v (make-array 3 :initial-contents '(1 2 3)))) (declare (sb-int:truly-dynamic-extent v)) (true v) (true v) nil)) (defun-with-dx make-array-on-stack-5 () (let ((v (make-array 3 :initial-element 12 :element-type t))) (declare (sb-int:truly-dynamic-extent v)) (true v) (true v) nil)) (defun-with-dx make-array-on-stack-6 () (let ((v (make-array 3 :initial-element 12 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (declare (sb-int:truly-dynamic-extent v)) (true v) (true v) nil)) (defun-with-dx make-array-on-stack-7 () (let ((v (make-array 3 :initial-element 12 :element-type '(signed-byte 8)))) (declare (sb-int:truly-dynamic-extent v)) (true v) (true v) nil)) (defun-with-dx make-array-on-stack-8 () (let ((v (make-array 3 :initial-element 12 :element-type 'word))) (declare (sb-int:truly-dynamic-extent v)) (true v) (true v) nil)) (defun-with-dx make-array-on-stack-9 () (let ((v (make-array 3 :initial-element 12.0 :element-type 'single-float))) (declare (sb-int:truly-dynamic-extent v)) (true v) (true v) nil)) (defun-with-dx make-array-on-stack-10 () (let ((v (make-array 3 :initial-element 12.0d0 :element-type 'double-float))) (declare (sb-int:truly-dynamic-extent v)) (true v) (true v) nil)) (defun-with-dx vector-on-stack (x y) (let ((v (vector 1 x 2 y 3))) (declare (sb-int:truly-dynamic-extent v)) (true v) nil)) ;;; MAKE-STRUCTURE (declaim (inline make-fp-struct-1)) (defstruct fp-struct-1 (s 0.0 :type single-float) (d 0.0d0 :type double-float)) (defun-with-dx test-fp-struct-1.1 (s d) (let ((fp (make-fp-struct-1 :s s))) (declare (dynamic-extent fp)) (assert (eql s (fp-struct-1-s fp))) (assert (eql 0.0d0 (fp-struct-1-d fp))))) (defun-with-dx test-fp-struct-1.2 (s d) (let ((fp (make-fp-struct-1 :d d))) (declare (dynamic-extent fp)) (assert (eql 0.0 (fp-struct-1-s fp))) (assert (eql d (fp-struct-1-d fp))))) (defun-with-dx test-fp-struct-1.3 (s d) (let ((fp (make-fp-struct-1 :d d :s s))) (declare (dynamic-extent fp)) (assert (eql s (fp-struct-1-s fp))) (assert (eql d (fp-struct-1-d fp))))) (defun-with-dx test-fp-struct-1.4 (s d) (let ((fp (make-fp-struct-1 :s s :d d))) (declare (dynamic-extent fp)) (assert (eql s (fp-struct-1-s fp))) (assert (eql d (fp-struct-1-d fp))))) (with-test (:name (:test-fp-struct-1.1)) (test-fp-struct-1.1 123.456 876.243d0)) (with-test (:name (:test-fp-struct-1.2)) (test-fp-struct-1.2 123.456 876.243d0)) (with-test (:name (:test-fp-struct-1.3)) (test-fp-struct-1.3 123.456 876.243d0)) (with-test (:name (:test-fp-struct-1.4)) (test-fp-struct-1.4 123.456 876.243d0)) (declaim (inline make-fp-struct-2)) (defstruct fp-struct-2 (d 0.0d0 :type double-float) (s 0.0 :type single-float)) (defun-with-dx test-fp-struct-2.1 (s d) (let ((fp (make-fp-struct-2 :s s))) (declare (dynamic-extent fp)) (assert (eql s (fp-struct-2-s fp))) (assert (eql 0.0d0 (fp-struct-2-d fp))))) (defun-with-dx test-fp-struct-2.2 (s d) (let ((fp (make-fp-struct-2 :d d))) (declare (dynamic-extent fp)) (assert (eql 0.0 (fp-struct-2-s fp))) (assert (eql d (fp-struct-2-d fp))))) (defun-with-dx test-fp-struct-2.3 (s d) (let ((fp (make-fp-struct-2 :d d :s s))) (declare (dynamic-extent fp)) (assert (eql s (fp-struct-2-s fp))) (assert (eql d (fp-struct-2-d fp))))) (defun-with-dx test-fp-struct-2.4 (s d) (let ((fp (make-fp-struct-2 :s s :d d))) (declare (dynamic-extent fp)) (assert (eql s (fp-struct-2-s fp))) (assert (eql d (fp-struct-2-d fp))))) (with-test (:name (:test-fp-struct-2.1)) (test-fp-struct-2.1 123.456 876.243d0)) (with-test (:name (:test-fp-struct-2.2)) (test-fp-struct-2.2 123.456 876.243d0)) (with-test (:name (:test-fp-struct-2.3)) (test-fp-struct-2.3 123.456 876.243d0)) (with-test (:name (:test-fp-struct-2.4)) (test-fp-struct-2.4 123.456 876.243d0)) (declaim (inline make-cfp-struct-1)) (defstruct cfp-struct-1 (s (complex 0.0) :type (complex single-float)) (d (complex 0.0d0) :type (complex double-float))) (defun-with-dx test-cfp-struct-1.1 (s d) (let ((cfp (make-cfp-struct-1 :s s))) (declare (dynamic-extent cfp)) (assert (eql s (cfp-struct-1-s cfp))) (assert (eql (complex 0.0d0) (cfp-struct-1-d cfp))))) (defun-with-dx test-cfp-struct-1.2 (s d) (let ((cfp (make-cfp-struct-1 :d d))) (declare (dynamic-extent cfp)) (assert (eql (complex 0.0) (cfp-struct-1-s cfp))) (assert (eql d (cfp-struct-1-d cfp))))) (defun-with-dx test-cfp-struct-1.3 (s d) (let ((cfp (make-cfp-struct-1 :d d :s s))) (declare (dynamic-extent cfp)) (assert (eql s (cfp-struct-1-s cfp))) (assert (eql d (cfp-struct-1-d cfp))))) (defun-with-dx test-cfp-struct-1.4 (s d) (let ((cfp (make-cfp-struct-1 :s s :d d))) (declare (dynamic-extent cfp)) (assert (eql s (cfp-struct-1-s cfp))) (assert (eql d (cfp-struct-1-d cfp))))) (with-test (:name (:test-cfp-struct-1.1)) (test-cfp-struct-1.1 (complex 0.123 123.456) (complex 908132.41d0 876.243d0))) (with-test (:name (:test-cfp-struct-1.2)) (test-cfp-struct-1.2 (complex 0.123 123.456) (complex 908132.41d0 876.243d0))) (with-test (:name (:test-cfp-struct-1.3)) (test-cfp-struct-1.3 (complex 0.123 123.456) (complex 908132.41d0 876.243d0))) (with-test (:name (:test-cfp-struct-1.4)) (test-cfp-struct-1.4 (complex 0.123 123.456) (complex 908132.41d0 876.243d0))) (declaim (inline make-cfp-struct-2)) (defstruct cfp-struct-2 (d (complex 0.0d0) :type (complex double-float)) (s (complex 0.0) :type (complex single-float))) (defun-with-dx test-cfp-struct-2.1 (s d) (let ((cfp (make-cfp-struct-2 :s s))) (declare (dynamic-extent cfp)) (assert (eql s (cfp-struct-2-s cfp))) (assert (eql (complex 0.0d0) (cfp-struct-2-d cfp))))) (defun-with-dx test-cfp-struct-2.2 (s d) (let ((cfp (make-cfp-struct-2 :d d))) (declare (dynamic-extent cfp)) (assert (eql (complex 0.0) (cfp-struct-2-s cfp))) (assert (eql d (cfp-struct-2-d cfp))))) (defun-with-dx test-cfp-struct-2.3 (s d) (let ((cfp (make-cfp-struct-2 :d d :s s))) (declare (dynamic-extent cfp)) (assert (eql s (cfp-struct-2-s cfp))) (assert (eql d (cfp-struct-2-d cfp))))) (defun-with-dx test-cfp-struct-2.4 (s d) (let ((cfp (make-cfp-struct-2 :s s :d d))) (declare (dynamic-extent cfp)) (assert (eql s (cfp-struct-2-s cfp))) (assert (eql d (cfp-struct-2-d cfp))))) (with-test (:name (:test-cfp-struct-2.1)) (test-cfp-struct-2.1 (complex 0.123 123.456) (complex 908132.41d0 876.243d0))) (with-test (:name (:test-cfp-struct-2.2)) (test-cfp-struct-2.2 (complex 0.123 123.456) (complex 908132.41d0 876.243d0))) (with-test (:name (:test-cfp-struct-2.3)) (test-cfp-struct-2.3 (complex 0.123 123.456) (complex 908132.41d0 876.243d0))) (with-test (:name (:test-cfp-struct-2.4)) (test-cfp-struct-2.4 (complex 0.123 123.456) (complex 908132.41d0 876.243d0))) (declaim (inline make-foo1 make-foo2 make-foo3)) (defstruct foo1 x) (defun-with-dx make-foo1-on-stack (x) (let ((foo (make-foo1 :x x))) (declare (dynamic-extent foo)) (assert (eql x (foo1-x foo))))) (defstruct foo2 (x 0.0 :type single-float) (y 0.0d0 :type double-float) a b c) (defun-with-dx make-foo2-on-stack (x y) (let ((foo (make-foo2 :y y :c 'c))) (declare (dynamic-extent foo)) (assert (eql 0.0 (foo2-x foo))) (assert (eql y (foo2-y foo))) (assert (eql 'c (foo2-c foo))) (assert (eql nil (foo2-b foo))))) ;;; Check that constants work out as argument for all relevant ;;; slot types. (defstruct foo3 (a 0 :type t) (b 1 :type fixnum) (c 2 :type sb-vm:word) (d 3.0 :type single-float) (e 4.0d0 :type double-float)) (defun-with-dx make-foo3-on-stack () (let ((foo (make-foo3))) (declare (dynamic-extent foo)) (assert (eql 0 (foo3-a foo))) (assert (eql 1 (foo3-b foo))) (assert (eql 2 (foo3-c foo))) (assert (eql 3.0 (foo3-d foo))) (assert (eql 4.0d0 (foo3-e foo))))) ;;; Nested DX (defun-with-dx nested-dx-lists () (let ((dx (list (list 1 2) (list 3 4)))) (declare (dynamic-extent dx)) (true dx) nil)) (defun-with-dx nested-dx-conses () (let ((dx (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons (cons t t) nil)))))) (declare (dynamic-extent dx)) (true dx) nil)) (defun-with-dx nested-dx-not-used (x) (declare (list x)) (let ((l (setf (car x) (list x x x)))) (declare (dynamic-extent l)) (true l) (true (length l)) nil)) (defun-with-dx nested-evil-dx-used (x) (declare (list x)) (let ((l (list x x x))) (declare (dynamic-extent l)) (unwind-protect (progn (setf (car x) l) (true l)) (setf (car x) nil)) nil)) (defparameter *bar* nil) (declaim (inline make-nested-bad make-nested-good)) (defstruct (nested (:constructor make-nested-bad (&key bar &aux (bar (setf *bar* bar)))) (:constructor make-nested-good (&key bar))) bar) (defun-with-dx nested-good (y) (let ((x (list (list (make-nested-good :bar (list (list (make-nested-good :bar (list y))))))))) (declare (dynamic-extent x)) (true x))) (defun-with-dx nested-bad (y) (let ((x (list (list (make-nested-bad :bar (list (list (make-nested-bad :bar (list y))))))))) (declare (dynamic-extent x)) (unless (equalp (caar x) (make-nested-good :bar *bar*)) (error "got ~S, wanted ~S" (caar x) (make-nested-good :bar *bar*))) (caar x))) (with-test (:name :conservative-nested-dx) ;; NESTED-BAD should not stack-allocate :BAR due to the SETF. (assert (equalp (nested-bad 42) (make-nested-good :bar *bar*))) (assert (equalp *bar* (list (list (make-nested-bad :bar (list 42))))))) ;;; multiple uses for dx lvar (defun-with-dx multiple-dx-uses () (let ((dx (if (true t) (list 1 2 3) (list 2 3 4)))) (declare (dynamic-extent dx)) (true dx) nil)) ;;; handler-case and handler-bind should use DX internally (defun dx-handler-bind (x) (handler-bind ((error #'(lambda (c) (break "OOPS: ~S caused ~S" x c))) ((and serious-condition (not error)) #'(lambda (c) (break "OOPS2: ~S did ~S" x c)))) (/ 2 x))) (defun dx-handler-case (x) (assert (zerop (handler-case (/ 2 x) (error (c) (break "OOPS: ~S caused ~S" x c) -1) (:no-error (res) (1- res)))))) (defvar *a-cons* (cons nil nil)) (with-test (:name (:no-consing :dx-closures) :skipped-on '(not :stack-allocatable-closures)) (assert-no-consing (dxclosure 42))) (with-test (:name (:no-consing :dx-lists) :skipped-on '(not :stack-allocatable-lists)) (assert-no-consing (dxlength 1 2 3)) (assert-no-consing (dxlength t t t t t t)) (assert-no-consing (dxlength)) (assert-no-consing (dxcaller 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)) (assert-no-consing (test-nip-values)) (assert-no-consing (test-let-var-subst2 17)) (assert-no-consing (test-lvar-subst 11)) (assert-no-consing (nested-dx-lists)) (assert-consing (nested-dx-not-used *a-cons*)) (assert-no-consing (nested-evil-dx-used *a-cons*)) (assert-no-consing (multiple-dx-uses))) (with-test (:name (:no-consing :dx-value-cell)) (assert-no-consing (dx-value-cell 13))) (with-test (:name (:no-consing :dx-fixed-objects) :skipped-on '(not :stack-allocatable-fixed-objects)) (assert-no-consing (cons-on-stack 42)) (assert-no-consing (make-foo1-on-stack 123)) (assert-no-consing (nested-good 42)) (assert-no-consing (nested-dx-conses)) (assert-no-consing (dx-handler-bind 2)) (assert-no-consing (dx-handler-case 2))) (with-test (:name (:no-consing :dx-vectors) :skipped-on '(not :stack-allocatable-vectors)) (assert-no-consing (force-make-array-on-stack 128)) (assert-no-consing (make-array-on-stack-1)) (assert-no-consing (make-array-on-stack-2 5 '(1 2.0 3 4.0 5))) (assert-no-consing (make-array-on-stack-3 9 8 7)) (assert-no-consing (make-array-on-stack-4)) (assert-no-consing (make-array-on-stack-5)) (assert-no-consing (vector-on-stack :x :y))) (with-test (:name (:no-consing :specialized-dx-vectors) :fails-on '(and :sunos :x86) :skipped-on `(not (and :stack-allocatable-vectors :c-stack-is-control-stack))) (assert-no-consing (make-array-on-stack-6)) (assert-no-consing (make-array-on-stack-7)) (assert-no-consing (make-array-on-stack-8)) (assert-no-consing (make-array-on-stack-9)) (assert-no-consing (make-array-on-stack-10))) (with-test (:name (:no-consing :dx-raw-instances) :fails-on :ppc :skipped-on '(not :raw-instance-init-vops)) (let (a b) (setf a 1.24 b 1.23d0) (assert-no-consing (make-foo2-on-stack a b))) (assert-no-consing (make-foo3-on-stack))) ;;; not really DX, but GETHASH and (SETF GETHASH) should not cons (defvar *table* (make-hash-table)) (defun test-hash-table () (setf (gethash 5 *table*) 13) (gethash 5 *table*)) ;; This fails on threaded PPC because the hash-table implementation ;; uses recursive system locks, which cons (see below for test ;; (:no-consing :lock), which also fails on threaded PPC). (with-test (:name (:no-consing :hash-tables) :fails-on '(and :ppc :sb-thread)) (assert-no-consing (test-hash-table))) ;;; with-mutex should use DX and not cons (defvar *mutex* (sb-thread::make-mutex :name "mutexlock")) (defun test-mutex () (sb-thread:with-mutex (*mutex*) (true *mutex*))) (with-test (:name (:no-consing :mutex) :fails-on :ppc :skipped-on '(not :sb-thread)) (assert-no-consing (test-mutex))) ;;; Bugs found by Paul F. Dietz (with-test (:name (:dx-bug-misc :pfdietz)) (assert (eq (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (a b) (declare (optimize (speed 2) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 1) (compilation-speed 3))) (let* ((v5 (cons b b))) (declare (dynamic-extent v5)) a))) 'x 'y) 'x))) ;;; bug reported by Svein Ove Aas (defun svein-2005-ii-07 (x y) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 2) (safety 0) (debug 0))) (let ((args (list* y 1 2 x))) (declare (dynamic-extent args)) (apply #'aref args))) (with-test (:name (:dx-bugs-misc :svein-2005-ii-07)) (assert (eql (svein-2005-ii-07 '(0) #3A(((1 1 1) (1 1 1) (1 1 1)) ((1 1 1) (1 1 1) (4 1 1)) ((1 1 1) (1 1 1) (1 1 1)))) 4))) ;;; bug reported by Brian Downing: stack-allocated arrays were not ;;; filled with zeroes. (defun-with-dx bdowning-2005-iv-16 () (let ((a (make-array 11 :initial-element 0))) (declare (dynamic-extent a)) (assert (every (lambda (x) (eql x 0)) a)))) (with-test (:name (:dx-bug-misc :bdowning-2005-iv-16)) #+(or hppa mips x86 x86-64) (assert-no-consing (bdowning-2005-iv-16)) (bdowning-2005-iv-16)) (declaim (inline my-nconc)) (defun-with-dx my-nconc (&rest lists) (declare (dynamic-extent lists)) (apply #'nconc lists)) (defun-with-dx my-nconc-caller (a b c) (let ((l1 (list a b c)) (l2 (list a b c))) (my-nconc l1 l2))) (with-test (:name :rest-stops-the-buck) (let ((list1 (my-nconc-caller 1 2 3)) (list2 (my-nconc-caller 9 8 7))) (assert (equal list1 '(1 2 3 1 2 3))) (assert (equal list2 '(9 8 7 9 8 7))))) (defun-with-dx let-converted-vars-dx-allocated-bug (x y z) (let* ((a (list x y z)) (b (list x y z)) (c (list a b))) (declare (dynamic-extent c)) (values (first c) (second c)))) (with-test (:name :let-converted-vars-dx-allocated-bug) (multiple-value-bind (i j) (let-converted-vars-dx-allocated-bug 1 2 3) (assert (and (equal i j) (equal i (list 1 2 3)))))) ;;; workaround for bug 419 -- real issue remains, but check that the ;;; bandaid holds. (defun-with-dx bug419 (x) (multiple-value-call #'list (eval '(values 1 2 3)) (let ((x x)) (declare (dynamic-extent x)) (flet ((mget (y) (+ x y)) (mset (z) (incf x z))) (declare (dynamic-extent #'mget #'mset)) ((lambda (f g) (eval `(progn ,f ,g (values 4 5 6)))) #'mget #'mset))))) (with-test (:name (:dx-bug-misc :bug419)) (assert (equal (bug419 42) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))) ;;; Multiple DX arguments in a local function call (defun test-dx-flet-test (fun n f1 f2 f3) (let ((res (with-output-to-string (s) (assert (eql n (ignore-errors (funcall fun s))))))) (multiple-value-bind (x pos) (read-from-string res nil) (assert (equalp f1 x)) (multiple-value-bind (y pos2) (read-from-string res nil nil :start pos) (assert (equalp f2 y)) (assert (equalp f3 (read-from-string res nil nil :start pos2)))))) #+(or hppa mips x86 x86-64) (assert-no-consing (assert (eql n (funcall fun nil)))) (assert (eql n (funcall fun nil)))) (macrolet ((def (n f1 f2 f3) (let ((name (sb-pcl::format-symbol :cl-user "DX-FLET-TEST.~A" n))) `(progn (defun-with-dx ,name (s) (flet ((f (x) (declare (dynamic-extent x)) (when s (print x s) (finish-output s)) nil)) (f ,f1) (f ,f2) (f ,f3) ,n)) (with-test (:name (:dx-flet-test ,n)) (test-dx-flet-test #',name ,n ,f1 ,f2 ,f3)))))) (def 0 (list :one) (list :two) (list :three)) (def 1 (make-array 128) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) (list 'list)) (def 2 (list 1) (list 2 3) (list 4 5 6 7))) ;;; Test that unknown-values coming after a DX value won't mess up the ;;; stack analysis (defun test-update-uvl-live-sets (x y z) (declare (optimize speed (safety 0))) (flet ((bar (a b) (declare (dynamic-extent a)) (eval `(list (length ',a) ',b)))) (list (bar x y) (bar (list x y z) ; dx push (list (multiple-value-call 'list (eval '(values 1 2 3)) ; uv push (max y z) ) ; uv pop 14) )))) (with-test (:name (:update-uvl-live-sets)) (assert (equal '((0 4) (3 ((1 2 3 5) 14))) (test-update-uvl-live-sets #() 4 5)))) (with-test (:name :regression- (compile nil '(lambda () (flet ((make (x y) (let ((res (cons x x))) (setf (cdr res) y) res))) (declaim (inline make)) (let ((z (make 1 2))) (declare (dynamic-extent z)) (print z) t)))) (compile nil '(lambda () (flet ((make (x y) (let ((res (cons x x))) (setf (cdr res) y) (if x res y)))) (declaim (inline make)) (let ((z (make 1 2))) (declare (dynamic-extent z)) (print z) t))))) ;;; On x86 and x86-64 upto LENGTH and WORDS argument ;;; tns to ALLOCATE-VECTOR-ON-STACK could be packed in the same ;;; location, leading to all manner of badness. ...reproducing this ;;; reliably is hard, but this it at least used to break on x86-64. (defun length-and-words-packed-in-same-tn (m) (declare (optimize speed (safety 0) (debug 0) (space 0))) (let ((array (make-array (max 1 m) :element-type 'fixnum))) (declare (dynamic-extent array)) (array-total-size array))) (with-test (:name :length-and-words-packed-in-same-tn) (assert (= 1 (length-and-words-packed-in-same-tn -3)))) (with-test (:name :handler-case-bogus-compiler-note :fails-on :ppc) (handler-bind ((compiler-note (lambda (note) (error "compiler issued note ~S during test" note)))) ;; Taken from SWANK, used to signal a bogus stack allocation ;; failure note. (compile nil `(lambda (files fasl-dir load) (let ((needs-recompile nil)) (dolist (src files) (let ((dest (binary-pathname src fasl-dir))) (handler-case (progn (when (or needs-recompile (not (probe-file dest)) (file-newer-p src dest)) (setq needs-recompile t) (ensure-directories-exist dest) (compile-file src :output-file dest :print nil :verbose t)) (when load (load dest :verbose t))) (serious-condition (c) (handle-loadtime-error c dest)))))))))) (declaim (inline foovector barvector)) (defun foovector (x y z) (let ((v (make-array 3))) (setf (aref v 0) x (aref v 1) y (aref v 2) z) v)) (defun barvector (x y z) (make-array 3 :initial-contents (list x y z))) (with-test (:name :dx-compiler-notes :fails-on :ppc) (flet ((assert-notes (j lambda) (let ((n 0)) (handler-bind ((compiler-note (lambda (c) (declare (ignore c)) (incf n)))) (compile nil lambda) (unless (= j n) (error "Wanted ~S notes, got ~S for~% ~S" j n lambda)))))) ;; These ones should complain. (assert-notes 1 `(lambda (x) (let ((v (make-array x))) (declare (dynamic-extent v)) (length v)))) (assert-notes 2 `(lambda (x) (let ((y (if (plusp x) (true x) (true (- x))))) (declare (dynamic-extent y)) (print y) nil))) (assert-notes 1 `(lambda (x) (let ((y (foovector x x x))) (declare (sb-int:truly-dynamic-extent y)) (print y) nil))) ;; These ones should not complain. (assert-notes 0 `(lambda (name) (with-alien ((posix-getenv (function c-string c-string) :EXTERN "getenv")) (values (alien-funcall posix-getenv name))))) (assert-notes 0 `(lambda (x) (let ((y (barvector x x x))) (declare (dynamic-extent y)) (print y) nil))) (assert-notes 0 `(lambda (list) (declare (optimize (space 0))) (sort list #'<))) (assert-notes 0 `(lambda (other) #'(lambda (s c n) (ignore-errors (funcall other s c n))))))) ;;; Stack allocating a value cell in HANDLER-CASE would blow up stack ;;; in an unfortunate loop. (defun handler-case-eating-stack () (let ((sp nil)) (do ((n 0 (logand most-positive-fixnum (1+ n)))) ((>= n 1024)) (multiple-value-bind (value error) (ignore-errors) (when (and value error) nil)) (if sp (assert (= sp (sb-c::%primitive sb-c:current-stack-pointer))) (setf sp (sb-c::%primitive sb-c:current-stack-pointer)))))) (with-test (:name :handler-case-eating-stack :fails-on :ppc) (assert-no-consing (handler-case-eating-stack))) ;;; A nasty bug where RECHECK-DYNAMIC-EXTENT-LVARS thought something was going ;;; to be stack allocated when it was not, leading to a bogus %NIP-VALUES. ;;; Fixed by making RECHECK-DYNAMIC-EXTENT-LVARS deal properly with nested DX. (deftype vec () `(simple-array single-float (3))) (declaim (ftype (function (t t t) vec) vec)) (declaim (inline vec)) (defun vec (a b c) (make-array 3 :element-type 'single-float :initial-contents (list a b c))) (defun bad-boy (vec) (declare (type vec vec)) (lambda (fun) (let ((vec (vec (aref vec 0) (aref vec 1) (aref vec 2)))) (declare (dynamic-extent vec)) (funcall fun vec)))) (with-test (:name :recheck-nested-dx-bug :fails-on :ppc) (assert (funcall (bad-boy (vec 1.0 2.0 3.3)) (lambda (vec) (equalp vec (vec 1.0 2.0 3.3))))) (flet ((foo (x) (declare (ignore x)))) (let ((bad-boy (bad-boy (vec 2.0 3.0 4.0)))) (assert-no-consing (funcall bad-boy #'foo))))) (with-test (:name :bug-497321) (flet ((test (lambda type) (let ((n 0)) (handler-bind ((condition (lambda (c) (incf n) (unless (typep c type) (error "wanted ~S for~% ~S~%got ~S" type lambda (type-of c)))))) (compile nil lambda)) (assert (= n 1))))) (test `(lambda () (declare (dynamic-extent #'bar))) 'style-warning) (test `(lambda () (declare (dynamic-extent bar))) 'style-warning) (test `(lambda (bar) (cons bar (lambda () (declare (dynamic-extent bar))))) 'sb-ext:compiler-note) (test `(lambda () (flet ((bar () t)) (cons #'bar (lambda () (declare (dynamic-extent #'bar)))))) 'sb-ext:compiler-note))) (with-test (:name :bug-586105 :fails-on '(not (and :stack-allocatable-vectors :stack-allocatable-lists))) (flet ((test (x) (let ((vec (make-array 1 :initial-contents (list (list x))))) (declare (dynamic-extent vec)) (assert (eql x (car (aref vec 0))))))) (assert-no-consing (test 42)))) (defun bug-681092 () (declare (optimize speed)) (let ((c 0)) (flet ((bar () c)) (declare (dynamic-extent #'bar)) (do () ((list) (bar)) (setf c 10) (return (bar)))))) (with-test (:name :bug-681092) (assert (= 10 (bug-681092)))) ;;;; &REST lists should stop DX propagation -- not required by ANSI, ;;;; but required by sanity. (declaim (inline rest-stops-dx)) (defun-with-dx rest-stops-dx (&rest args) (declare (dynamic-extent args)) (apply #'opaque-identity args)) (defun-with-dx rest-stops-dx-ok () (equal '(:foo) (rest-stops-dx (list :foo)))) (with-test (:name :rest-stops-dynamic-extent) (assert (rest-stops-dx-ok))) ;;;; These tests aren't strictly speaking DX, but rather &REST -> &MORE ;;;; conversion. (with-test (:name :rest-to-more-conversion) (let ((f1 (compile nil `(lambda (f &rest args) (apply f args))))) (assert-no-consing (assert (eql f1 (funcall f1 #'identity f1))))) (let ((f2 (compile nil `(lambda (f1 f2 &rest args) (values (apply f1 args) (apply f2 args)))))) (assert-no-consing (multiple-value-bind (a b) (funcall f2 (lambda (x y z) (+ x y z)) (lambda (x y z) (- x y z)) 1 2 3) (assert (and (eql 6 a) (eql -4 b)))))) (let ((f3 (compile nil `(lambda (f &optional x &rest args) (when x (apply f x args)))))) (assert-no-consing (assert (eql 42 (funcall f3 (lambda (a b c) (+ a b c)) 11 10 21))))) (let ((f4 (compile nil `(lambda (f &optional x &rest args &key y &allow-other-keys) (apply f y x args))))) (assert-no-consing (funcall f4 (lambda (y x yk y2 b c) (assert (eq y 'y)) (assert (= x 2)) (assert (eq :y yk)) (assert (eq y2 'y)) (assert (eq b 'b)) (assert (eq c 'c))) 2 :y 'y 'b 'c))) (let ((f5 (compile nil `(lambda (a b c &rest args) (apply #'list* a b c args))))) (assert (equal '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (funcall f5 1 2 3 4 5 6 '(7))))) (let ((f6 (compile nil `(lambda (x y) (declare (optimize speed)) (concatenate 'string x y))))) (assert (equal "foobar" (funcall f6 "foo" "bar")))) (let ((f7 (compile nil `(lambda (&rest args) (lambda (f) (apply f args)))))) (assert (equal '(a b c d e f) (funcall (funcall f7 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f) 'list)))) (let ((f8 (compile nil `(lambda (&rest args) (flet ((foo (f) (apply f args))) #'foo))))) (assert (equal '(a b c d e f) (funcall (funcall f8 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f) 'list)))) (let ((f9 (compile nil `(lambda (f &rest args) (flet ((foo (g) (apply g args))) (declare (dynamic-extent #'foo)) (funcall f #'foo)))))) (assert (equal '(a b c d e f) (funcall f9 (lambda (f) (funcall f 'list)) 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f)))) (let ((f10 (compile nil `(lambda (f &rest args) (flet ((foo (g) (apply g args))) (funcall f #'foo)))))) (assert (equal '(a b c d e f) (funcall f10 (lambda (f) (funcall f 'list)) 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f)))) (let ((f11 (compile nil `(lambda (x y z) (block out (labels ((foo (x &rest rest) (apply (lambda (&rest rest2) (return-from out (values-list rest2))) x rest))) (if x (foo x y z) (foo y z x)))))))) (multiple-value-bind (a b c) (funcall f11 1 2 3) (assert (eql a 1)) (assert (eql b 2)) (assert (eql c 3))))) (defun opaque-funcall (function &rest arguments) (apply function arguments)) (with-test (:name :implicit-value-cells) (flet ((test-it (type input output) (let ((f (compile nil `(lambda (x) (declare (type ,type x)) (flet ((inc () (incf x))) (declare (dynamic-extent #'inc)) (list (opaque-funcall #'inc) x)))))) (assert (equal (funcall f input) (list output output)))))) (let ((width sb-vm:n-word-bits)) (test-it t (1- most-positive-fixnum) most-positive-fixnum) (test-it `(unsigned-byte ,(1- width)) (ash 1 (- width 2)) (1+ (ash 1 (- width 2)))) (test-it `(signed-byte ,width) (ash -1 (- width 2)) (1+ (ash -1 (- width 2)))) (test-it `(unsigned-byte ,width) (ash 1 (1- width)) (1+ (ash 1 (1- width)))) (test-it 'single-float 3f0 4f0) (test-it 'double-float 3d0 4d0) (test-it '(complex single-float) #c(3f0 4f0) #c(4f0 4f0)) (test-it '(complex double-float) #c(3d0 4d0) #c(4d0 4d0))))) (with-test (:name :sap-implicit-value-cells) (let ((f (compile nil `(lambda (x) (declare (type system-area-pointer x)) (flet ((inc () (setf x (sb-sys:sap+ x 16)))) (declare (dynamic-extent #'inc)) (list (opaque-funcall #'inc) x))))) (width sb-vm:n-machine-word-bits)) (assert (every (lambda (x) (sb-sys:sap= x (sb-sys:int-sap (+ 16 (ash 1 (1- width)))))) (funcall f (sb-sys:int-sap (ash 1 (1- width))))))))