;;;; gc tests ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork ;;;; from CMU CL. ;;; ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with ;;;; absoluely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for ;;;; more information. (in-package :cl-user) (defparameter *x* ()) (defun cons-madly () (loop repeat 10000 do (setq *x* (make-string 100000)))) ;; check that WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS doesn't block the gc trigger (sb-sys:without-interrupts (cons-madly)) ;; check that WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS doesn't block SIG_STOP_FOR_GC #+sb-thread (sb-sys:without-interrupts (let ((thread (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (sb-ext:gc))))) (loop while (sb-thread:thread-alive-p thread)))) (let ((gc-happend nil)) (push (lambda () (setq gc-happend t)) sb-ext:*after-gc-hooks*) ;; check that WITHOUT-GCING defers explicit gc (sb-sys:without-gcing (gc) (assert (not gc-happend))) (assert gc-happend) ;; check that WITHOUT-GCING defers SIG_STOP_FOR_GC #+sb-thread (let ((in-without-gcing nil)) (setq gc-happend nil) (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (loop while (not in-without-gcing)) (sb-ext:gc))) (sb-sys:without-gcing (setq in-without-gcing t) (sleep 3) (assert (not gc-happend))) ;; give the hook time to run (sleep 1) (assert gc-happend))) ;;; SB-EXT:GENERATION-* accessors returned bogus values for generation > 0 (with-test (:name :bug-529014 :skipped-on '(not :gencgc)) (loop for i from 0 to sb-vm:+pseudo-static-generation+ do (assert (= (sb-ext:generation-bytes-consed-between-gcs i) (sb-ext:bytes-consed-between-gcs))) ;; FIXME: These parameters are a) tunable in the source and b) ;; duplicated multiple times there and now here. It would be good to ;; OAOO-ify them (probably to src/compiler/generic/params.lisp). (assert (= (sb-ext:generation-minimum-age-before-gc i) 0.75)) (assert (= (sb-ext:generation-number-of-gcs-before-promotion i) 1)))) (defun stress-gc () (let* ((x (make-array (truncate (* 0.2 (dynamic-space-size)) sb-vm:n-word-bytes)))) (elt x 0))) (with-test (:name :bug-936304) (gc :full t) (time (assert (eq :ok (handler-case (progn (loop repeat 50 do (stress-gc)) :ok) (storage-condition () :oom)))))) (with-test (:name :bug-981106) (gc :full t) (time (assert (eq :ok (handler-case (dotimes (runs 100 :ok) (let ((len (length (with-output-to-string (string) (dotimes (i 1000000) (write-sequence "hi there!" string)))))) (assert (eql len (* 1000000 (length "hi there!")))))) (storage-condition () :oom))))))