(defvar *str* "hello world") (defvar *str2* "h") (test (stringp *str*)) (test (not (characterp *str*))) (test (not (integerp *str*))) (test (stringp *str2*)) (test (not (characterp *str2*))) (test (not (integerp *str2*))) (test (= (length "hello world") 11)) (test (arrayp "hello world")) (test (string= "h" (string #\h))) (test (string= "foo" "foo")) (test (not (string= "Foo" "foo"))) (test (not (string= "foo" "foox"))) (test (= (string< "one" "two") 0)) (test (= (string< "oob" "ooc") 2)) (test (null (string< "" ""))) (test (null (string< "a" ""))) (test (= (string< "" "a") 0)) (test (= (string< "aaa" "aaaaa") 3)) ;;; BUG: The compiler will macroexpand the forms below (char str N) ;;; will expand to internal SBCL code instead of our (setf char). It ;;; is because macrodefinitions during bootstrapping are not included ;;; in the host's environment. It should, but we have to think how to ;;; avoid conflicts (package renaming??) ;; (let ((str "hello")) ;; (setf (char str 0) #\X) ;; (setf (char str 4) #\X) ;; (test (string= str "XellX"))) ;; ---------------------------------------- ;; The following tests in this file were derived from the file "must-string.lisp", ;; part of SACLA . ;; The origial copyright notice appears below: ;; Copyright (C) 2002-2004, Yuji Minejima ;; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ;; ;; $Id: must-string.lisp,v 1.7 2004/02/20 07:23:42 yuji Exp $ ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;; are met: ;; ;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;; distribution. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ;; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ;; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ;; OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ;; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;; LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ;; DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ;; THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ;; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ;; OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;; JSCL: no SIMPLE-STRING-P yet, so disabled ;; (test (simple-string-p "")) ;; (test (simple-string-p "abc")) ;; (test (not (simple-string-p 'not-a-string))) ;; (test (let ((str (make-array 3 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer t))) ;; (if (not (simple-vector-p str)) ;; (not (simple-string-p str)) ;; (simple-string-p str)))) (test (char= (char "abc" 0) #\a)) (test (char= (char "abc" 1) #\b)) (test (char= (char "abc" 2) #\c)) ;; JSCL: no SCHAR yet, so disabled ;; (test (char= (schar "abc" 0) #\a)) ;; (test (char= (schar "abc" 1) #\b)) ;; (test (char= (schar "abc" 2) #\c)) ;; JSCL: no :FILL-POINTER yet, so disabled ;; (test (let ((str (make-array 10 ;; :element-type 'character ;; :fill-pointer 3 ;; :initial-contents "0123456789"))) ;; (and (string= str "012") ;; (char= (char str 3) #\3) ;; (char= (char str 4) #\4) ;; (char= (char str 5) #\5) ;; (char= (char str 6) #\6) ;; (char= (char str 7) #\7) ;; (char= (char str 8) #\8) ;; (char= (char str 9) #\9) ;; (char= (vector-pop str) #\2)))) (test (string= (string "") "")) (test (string= (string "abc") "abc")) (test (string= (string "a") "a")) (test (string= (string 'abc) "ABC")) (test (string= (string 'a) "A")) (test (string= (string #\a) "a")) (test (string= (string-upcase "abcde") "ABCDE")) (test (string= (string-upcase "Dr. Livingston, I presume?") "DR. LIVINGSTON, I PRESUME?")) (test (string= (string-upcase "Dr. Livingston, I presume?" :start 6 :end 10) "Dr. LiVINGston, I presume?")) (test (string= (string-upcase 'Kludgy-HASH-Search) "KLUDGY-HASH-SEARCH")) (test (string= (string-upcase "abcde" :start 2 :end nil) "abCDE")) (test (string= (string-downcase "Dr. Livingston, I presume?") "dr. livingston, i presume?")) (test (string= (string-downcase 'Kludgy-HASH-Search) "kludgy-hash-search")) (test (string= (string-downcase "A FOOL" :start 2 :end nil) "A fool")) (test (string= (string-capitalize "elm 13c arthur;fig don't") "Elm 13c Arthur;Fig Don'T")) (test (string= (string-capitalize " hello ") " Hello ")) (test (string= (string-capitalize "occlUDeD cASEmenTs FOreSTAll iNADVertent DEFenestraTION") "Occluded Casements Forestall Inadvertent Defenestration")) (test (string= (string-capitalize 'kludgy-hash-search) "Kludgy-Hash-Search")) (test (string= (string-capitalize "DON'T!") "Don'T!")) ;not "Don't!" (test (string= (string-capitalize "pipe 13a, foo16c") "Pipe 13a, Foo16c")) (test (string= (string-capitalize "a fool" :start 2 :end nil) "a Fool")) ;; JSCL HACK: a simple COPY-SEQ for testing string functions, since we don't have a real one yet (defun copy-seq (string) (let ((copy (make-string (length string)))) (dotimes (i (length string) copy) (aset copy i (char string i))))) (test (let ((str (copy-seq "0123ABCD890a"))) (and (string= (nstring-downcase str :start 5 :end 7) "0123AbcD890a") (string= str "0123AbcD890a")))) (test (let* ((str0 (copy-seq "abcde")) (str (nstring-upcase str0))) (and (eq str0 str) (string= str "ABCDE")))) (test (let* ((str0 (copy-seq "Dr. Livingston, I presume?")) (str (nstring-upcase str0))) (and (eq str0 str) (string= str "DR. LIVINGSTON, I PRESUME?")))) (test (let* ((str0 (copy-seq "Dr. Livingston, I presume?")) (str (nstring-upcase str0 :start 6 :end 10))) (and (eq str0 str) (string= str "Dr. LiVINGston, I presume?")))) (test (let* ((str0 (copy-seq "abcde")) (str (nstring-upcase str0 :start 2 :end nil))) (string= str "abCDE"))) (test (let* ((str0 (copy-seq "Dr. Livingston, I presume?")) (str (nstring-downcase str0))) (and (eq str0 str) (string= str "dr. livingston, i presume?")))) (test (let* ((str0 (copy-seq "ABCDE")) (str (nstring-downcase str0 :start 2 :end nil))) (string= str "ABcde"))) (test (let* ((str0 (copy-seq "elm 13c arthur;fig don't")) (str (nstring-capitalize str0))) (and (eq str0 str) (string= str "Elm 13c Arthur;Fig Don'T")))) (test (let* ((str0 (copy-seq " hello ")) (str (nstring-capitalize str0))) (and (eq str0 str) (string= str " Hello ")))) (test (let* ((str0 (copy-seq "occlUDeD cASEmenTs FOreSTAll iNADVertent DEFenestraTION")) (str (nstring-capitalize str0))) (and (eq str0 str) (string= str "Occluded Casements Forestall Inadvertent Defenestration")))) (test (let* ((str0 (copy-seq "DON'T!")) (str (nstring-capitalize str0))) (and (eq str0 str) (string= str "Don'T!")))) ;not "Don't!" (test (let* ((str0 (copy-seq "pipe 13a, foo16c")) (str (nstring-capitalize str0))) (and (eq str0 str) (string= str "Pipe 13a, Foo16c")))) (test (let* ((str0 (copy-seq "a fool")) (str (nstring-capitalize str0 :start 2 :end nil))) (string= str "a Fool"))) (test (string= (string-trim "abc" "abcaakaaakabcaaa") "kaaak")) ;; (test (string= (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) " garbanzo beans ;; ") "garbanzo beans")) (test (string= (string-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ") "three (silly) words")) (test (string= (string-left-trim "abc" "labcabcabc") "labcabcabc")) (test (string= (string-left-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ") "three (silly) words* ) ")) (test (string= (string-right-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ") " ( *three (silly) words")) (test (string= (string-trim "ABC" "abc") "abc")) (test (string= (string-trim "AABBCC" "abc") "abc")) (test (string= (string-trim "" "abc") "abc")) (test (string= (string-trim "ABC" "") "")) (test (string= (string-trim "cba" "abc") "")) (test (string= (string-trim "cba" "abccba") "")) (test (string= (string-trim "ccbbba" "abccba") "")) (test (string= (string-trim "cba" "abcxabc") "x")) (test (string= (string-trim "xyz" "xxyabcxyyz") "abc")) (test (string= (string-trim "CBA" 'abcxabc) "X")) (test (string= (string-trim "a" #\a) "")) (test (string= (string-left-trim "ABC" "abc") "abc")) (test (string= (string-left-trim "" "abc") "abc")) (test (string= (string-left-trim "ABC" "") "")) (test (string= (string-left-trim "cba" "abc") "")) (test (string= (string-left-trim "cba" "abccba") "")) (test (string= (string-left-trim "cba" "abcxabc") "xabc")) (test (string= (string-left-trim "xyz" "xxyabcxyz") "abcxyz")) (test (string= (string-left-trim "CBA" 'abcxabc) "XABC")) (test (string= (string-left-trim "a" #\a) "")) (test (string= (string-right-trim "ABC" "abc") "abc")) (test (string= (string-right-trim "" "abc") "abc")) (test (string= (string-right-trim "ABC" "") "")) (test (string= (string-right-trim "cba" "abc") "")) (test (string= (string-right-trim "cba" "abccba") "")) (test (string= (string-right-trim "cba" "abcxabc") "abcx")) (test (string= (string-right-trim "xyz" "xxyabcxyz") "xxyabc")) (test (string= (string-right-trim "CBA" 'abcxabc) "ABCX")) (test (string= (string-right-trim "a" #\a) "")) (test (string= (string "already a string") "already a string")) (test (string= (string 'elm) "ELM")) (test (string= (string #\c) "c")) (test (string= "foo" "foo")) (test (not (string= "foo" "Foo"))) (test (not (string= "foo" "bar"))) (test (string= "together" "frog" :start1 1 :end1 3 :start2 2)) (test (string-equal "foo" "Foo")) (test (string= "abcd" "01234abcd9012" :start2 5 :end2 9)) (test (eql (string< "aaaa" "aaab") 3)) ;; JSCL: STRING>= doesn't exist yet, disabled ;; (test (eql (string>= "aaaaa" "aaaa") 4)) ;; JSCL: STRING-NOT-GREATERP doesn't exist yet, disabling: ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "Abcde" "abcdE") 5)) ;; (test (eql (string-lessp "012AAAA789" "01aaab6" ;; :start1 3 :end1 7 ;; :start2 2 :end2 6) 6)) ;; (test (not (string-not-equal "AAAA" "aaaA"))) (test (string= "" "")) ;; JSCL: making an array of BASE-CHAR doesn't make a string, yet ;; (test (string= (make-array 0 :element-type 'character) ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char))) (test (not (string= "abc" ""))) (test (not (string= "" "abc"))) (test (not (string= "A" "a"))) (test (string= "abc" "xyz" :start1 3 :start2 3)) (test (string= "abc" "xyz" :start1 1 :end1 1 :start2 0 :end2 0)) (test (string= "axyza" "xyz" :start1 1 :end1 4)) (test (string= "axyza" "xyz" :start1 1 :end1 4 :start2 0 :end2 nil)) (test (string= "abxyz" "xyabz" :end1 2 :start2 2 :end2 4)) (test (not (string= "love" "hate"))) (test (string= 'love 'love)) (test (not (string= 'love "hate"))) (test (string= #\a #\a)) (test (not (string/= "" ""))) ;; (test (not (string/= (make-array 0 :element-type 'character) ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char)))) (test (eql (string/= "abc" "") 0)) (test (eql (string/= "" "abc") 0)) (test (eql (string/= "A" "a") 0)) (test (not (string/= "abc" "xyz" :start1 3 :start2 3))) (test (not (string/= "abc" "xyz" :start1 1 :end1 1 :start2 0 :end2 0))) (test (not (string/= "axyza" "xyz" :start1 1 :end1 4))) (test (not (string/= "axyza" "xyz" :start1 1 :end1 4 :start2 0 :end2 nil))) (test (not (string/= "abxyz" "xyabz" :end1 2 :start2 2 :end2 4))) (test (eql (string/= "love" "hate") 0)) (test (eql (string/= "love" "loVe") 2)) (test (not (string/= "life" "death" :start1 3 :start2 1 :end2 2))) (test (eql (string/= "abcxyz" "ABCxyZ" :start1 3 :start2 3) 5)) (test (eql (string/= "abcxyz" "ABCxyZ" :start1 3 :end1 nil :start2 3 :end2 nil) 5)) (test (eql (string/= "abcxyz" "ABCxyZ" :end1 nil :start2 3 :end2 3) 0)) (test (eql (string/= "abc" "abcxyz") 3)) (test (eql (string/= "abcxyz" "abc") 3)) (test (eql (string/= "abcxyz" "") 0)) (test (eql (string/= "AbcDef" "cdef" :start1 2) 3)) (test (eql (string/= "cdef" "AbcDef" :start2 2) 1)) (test (= (string/= 'love "hate") 0)) (test (not (string/= 'love 'love))) (test (not (string/= #\a #\a))) (test (= (string/= #\a #\b) 0)) (test (not (string< "" ""))) (test (not (string< "dog" "dog"))) (test (not (string< " " " "))) (test (not (string< "abc" ""))) (test (eql (string< "" "abc") 0)) (test (eql (string< "ab" "abc") 2)) (test (not (string< "abc" "ab"))) (test (eql (string< "aaa" "aba") 1)) (test (not (string< "aba" "aaa"))) (test (not (string< "my cat food" "your dog food" :start1 6 :start2 8))) (test (not (string< "cat food 2 dollars" "dog food 3 dollars" :start1 3 :end1 9 :start2 3 :end2 9))) (test (eql (string< "xyzabc" "abcd" :start1 3) 6)) (test (eql (string< "abc" "abc" :end1 1) 1)) (test (eql (string< "xyzabc" "abc" :start1 3 :end1 5) 5)) (test (eql (string< "xyz" "abcxyzXYZ" :start2 3) 3)) (test (not (string< "abc" "abcxyz" :end2 3))) (test (eql (string< "xyz" "abcxyz" :end1 2 :start2 3) 2)) (test (not (string< "xyzabc" "abcdef" :start1 3 :end2 3))) (test (eql (string< "aaaa" "z") 0)) (test (eql (string< "pppTTTaTTTqqq" "pTTTxTTT" :start1 3 :start2 1) 6)) (test (eql (string< "pppTTTaTTTqqq" "pTTTxTTT" :start1 6 :end1 7 :start2 4 :end2 5) 6)) ;; (test (not (string< (make-array 0 :element-type 'character) ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char)))) (test (not (string< 'love 'hate))) (test (= (string< 'peace 'war) 0)) (test (not (string< 'love 'love))) (test (not (string< #\a #\a))) (test (= (string< #\a #\b) 0)) (test (not (string> "" ""))) (test (not (string> "dog" "dog"))) (test (not (string> " " " "))) (test (eql (string> "abc" "") 0)) (test (not (string> "" "abc"))) (test (not (string> "ab" "abc"))) (test (eql (string> "abc" "ab") 2)) (test (eql (string> "aba" "aaa") 1)) (test (not (string> "aaa" "aba"))) (test (not (string> "my cat food" "your dog food" :start1 6 :start2 8))) (test (not (string> "cat food 2 dollars" "dog food 3 dollars" :start1 3 :end1 9 :start2 3 :end2 9))) (test (eql (string> "xyzabcde" "abcd" :start1 3) 7)) (test (not (string> "abc" "abc" :end1 1))) (test (eql (string> "xyzabc" "a" :start1 3 :end1 5) 4)) (test (eql (string> "xyzXYZ" "abcxyz" :start2 3) 3)) (test (eql (string> "abcxyz" "abcxyz" :end2 3) 3)) (test (not (string> "xyzXYZ" "abcxyz" :end1 2 :start2 3))) (test (not (string> "xyzabc" "abcdef" :start1 3 :end2 3))) (test (eql (string> "z" "aaaa") 0)) (test (eql (string> "pTTTxTTTqqq" "pppTTTaTTT" :start1 1 :start2 3) 4)) (test (eql (string> "pppTTTxTTTqqq" "pTTTaTTT" :start1 6 :end1 7 :start2 4 :end2 5) 6)) ;; (test (not (string> (make-array 0 :element-type 'character) ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char)))) (test (= (string> 'love 'hate) 0)) (test (not (string> 'peace 'war))) (test (not (string> 'love 'love))) (test (not (string> #\a #\a))) (test (not (string> #\a #\b))) (test (= (string> #\z #\a) 0)) ;; (test (eql (string<= "" "") 0)) ;; (test (eql (string<= "dog" "dog") 3)) ;; (test (eql (string<= " " " ") 1)) ;; (test (not (string<= "abc" ""))) ;; (test (eql (string<= "ab" "abc") 2)) ;; (test (eql (string<= "aaa" "aba") 1)) ;; (test (not (string<= "aba" "aaa"))) ;; (test (eql (string<= "my cat food" "your dog food" :start1 6 :start2 8) 11)) ;; (test (eql (string<= "cat food 2 dollars" "dog food 3 dollars" ;; :start1 3 :end1 9 :start2 3 :end2 9) 9)) ;; (test (eql (string<= "xyzabc" "abcd" :start1 3) 6)) ;; (test (eql (string<= "abc" "abc" :end1 1) 1)) ;; (test (eql (string<= "xyzabc" "abc" :start1 3 :end1 5) 5)) ;; (test (eql (string<= "xyz" "abcxyzXYZ" :start2 3) 3)) ;; (test (eql (string<= "abc" "abcxyz" :end2 3) 3)) ;; (test (eql (string<= "xyz" "abcxyz" :end1 2 :start2 3) 2)) ;; (test (eql (string<= "xyzabc" "abcdef" :start1 3 :end2 3) 6)) ;; (test (eql (string<= "aaaa" "z") 0)) ;; (test (eql (string<= "pppTTTaTTTqqq" "pTTTxTTT" :start1 3 :start2 1) 6)) ;; (test (eql (string<= "pppTTTaTTTqqq" "pTTTxTTT" ;; :start1 6 :end1 7 ;; :start2 4 :end2 5) 6)) ;; (test (eql (string<= (make-array 0 :element-type 'character) ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char)) 0)) ;; (test (not (string<= 'love 'hate))) ;; (test (= (string<= 'peace 'war) 0)) ;; (test (= (string<= 'love 'love) 4)) ;; (test (= (string<= #\a #\a) 1)) ;; (test (= (string<= #\a #\b) 0)) ;; (test (not (string<= #\z #\a))) ;; (test (eql (string>= "" "") 0)) ;; (test (eql (string>= "dog" "dog") 3)) ;; (test (eql (string>= " " " ") 1)) ;; (test (eql (string>= "abc" "") 0)) ;; (test (not (string>= "" "abc"))) ;; (test (not (string>= "ab" "abc"))) ;; (test (eql (string>= "abc" "ab") 2)) ;; (test (eql (string>= "aba" "aaa") 1)) ;; (test (not (string>= "aaa" "aba"))) ;; (test (eql (string>= "my cat food" "your dog food" :start1 6 :start2 8) 11)) ;; (test (eql (string>= "cat food 2 dollars" "dog food 3 dollars" ;; :start1 3 :end1 9 :start2 3 :end2 9) 9)) ;; (test (eql (string>= "xyzabcde" "abcd" :start1 3) 7)) ;; (test (not (string>= "abc" "abc" :end1 1))) ;; (test (eql (string>= "xyzabc" "a" :start1 3 :end1 5) 4)) ;; (test (eql (string>= "xyzXYZ" "abcxyz" :start2 3) 3)) ;; (test (eql (string>= "abcxyz" "abcxyz" :end2 3) 3)) ;; (test (not (string>= "xyzXYZ" "abcxyz" :end1 2 :start2 3))) ;; (test (eql (string>= "xyzabc" "abcdef" :start1 3 :end2 3) 6)) ;; (test (eql (string>= "z" "aaaa") 0)) ;; (test (eql (string>= "pTTTxTTTqqq" "pppTTTaTTT" :start1 1 :start2 3) 4)) ;; (test (eql (string>= "pppTTTxTTTqqq" "pTTTaTTT" ;; :start1 6 :end1 7 ;; :start2 4 :end2 5) 6)) ;; (test (eql (string>= (make-array 0 :element-type 'character) ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char)) 0)) ;; (test (= (string>= 'love 'hate) 0)) ;; (test (not (string>= 'peace 'war))) ;; (test (= (string>= 'love 'love) 4)) ;; (test (= (string>= #\a #\a) 1)) ;; (test (not (string>= #\a #\b))) ;; (test (= (string>= #\z #\a) 0)) (test (string-equal "" "")) ;; (test (string-equal (make-array 0 :element-type 'character) ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char))) (test (not (string-equal "abc" ""))) (test (not (string-equal "" "abc"))) (test (string-equal "A" "a")) (test (string-equal "abc" "xyz" :start1 3 :start2 3)) (test (string-equal "abc" "xyz" :start1 1 :end1 1 :start2 0 :end2 0)) (test (string-equal "axyza" "xyz" :start1 1 :end1 4)) (test (string-equal "axyza" "xyz" :start1 1 :end1 4 :start2 0 :end2 nil)) (test (string-equal "abxyz" "xyabz" :end1 2 :start2 2 :end2 4)) (test (not (string-equal "love" "hate"))) (test (string-equal "xyz" "XYZ")) (test (not (string-equal 'love 'hate))) (test (not (string-equal 'peace 'war))) (test (string-equal 'love 'love)) (test (string-equal #\a #\a)) (test (not (string-equal #\a #\b))) (test (not (string-equal #\z #\a))) (test (not (string-not-equal "" ""))) ;; (test (not (string-not-equal (make-array 0 :element-type 'character) ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char)))) (test (eql (string-not-equal "abc" "") 0)) (test (eql (string-not-equal "" "abc") 0)) (test (not (string-not-equal "A" "a"))) (test (not (string-not-equal "abc" "xyz" :start1 3 :start2 3))) (test (not (string-not-equal "abc" "xyz" :start1 1 :end1 1 :start2 0 :end2 0))) (test (not (string-not-equal "axyza" "xyz" :start1 1 :end1 4))) (test (not (string-not-equal "axyza" "xyz" :start1 1 :end1 4 :start2 0 :end2 nil))) (test (not (string-not-equal "abxyz" "xyabz" :end1 2 :start2 2 :end2 4))) (test (eql (string-not-equal "love" "hate") 0)) (test (not (string-not-equal "love" "loVe"))) (test (not (string-not-equal "life" "death" :start1 3 :start2 1 :end2 2))) (test (not (string-not-equal "abcxyz" "ABCxyZ" :start1 3 :start2 3))) (test (not (string-not-equal "abcxyz" "ABCxyZ" :start1 3 :end1 nil :start2 3 :end2 nil))) (test (eql (string-not-equal "abcxyz" "ABCxyZ" :end1 nil :start2 3 :end2 3) 0)) (test (eql (string-not-equal "abc" "abcxyz") 3)) (test (eql (string-not-equal "abcxyz" "abc") 3)) (test (eql (string-not-equal "abcxyz" "") 0)) (test (not (string-not-equal "AbcDef" "cdef" :start1 2))) (test (not (string-not-equal "cdef" "AbcDef" :start2 2))) (test (not (string-not-equal "ABC" "abc"))) (test (= (string-not-equal 'love 'hate) 0)) (test (= (string-not-equal 'peace 'war) 0)) (test (not (string-not-equal 'love 'love))) (test (not (string-not-equal #\a #\a))) (test (= (string-not-equal #\a #\b) 0)) (test (= (string-not-equal #\z #\a) 0)) ;; (test (not (string-lessp "" ""))) ;; (test (not (string-lessp "dog" "dog"))) ;; (test (not (string-lessp " " " "))) ;; (test (not (string-lessp "abc" ""))) ;; (test (eql (string-lessp "" "abc") 0)) ;; (test (eql (string-lessp "ab" "abc") 2)) ;; (test (not (string-lessp "abc" "ab"))) ;; (test (eql (string-lessp "aaa" "aba") 1)) ;; (test (not (string-lessp "aba" "aaa"))) ;; (test (not (string-lessp "my cat food" "your dog food" :start1 6 :start2 8))) ;; (test (not (string-lessp "cat food 2 dollars" "dog food 3 dollars" ;; :start1 3 :end1 9 :start2 3 :end2 9))) ;; (test (eql (string-lessp "xyzabc" "abcd" :start1 3) 6)) ;; (test (eql (string-lessp "abc" "abc" :end1 1) 1)) ;; (test (eql (string-lessp "xyzabc" "abc" :start1 3 :end1 5) 5)) ;; (test (eql (string-lessp "xyz" "abcxyzXYZ" :start2 3) 3)) ;; (test (not (string-lessp "abc" "abcxyz" :end2 3))) ;; (test (eql (string-lessp "xyz" "abcxyz" :end1 2 :start2 3) 2)) ;; (test (not (string-lessp "xyzabc" "abcdef" :start1 3 :end2 3))) ;; (test (eql (string-lessp "aaaa" "z") 0)) ;; (test (eql (string-lessp "pppTTTaTTTqqq" "pTTTxTTT" :start1 3 :start2 1) 6)) ;; (test (eql (string-lessp "pppTTTaTTTqqq" "pTTTxTTT" ;; :start1 6 :end1 7 ;; :start2 4 :end2 5) 6)) ;; (test (not (string-lessp (make-array 0 :element-type 'character) ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char)))) ;; (test (and (not (string-lessp "abc" "ABC")) ;; (not (string-lessp "ABC" "abc")))) ;; (test (not (string-lessp 'love 'hate))) ;; (test (= (string-lessp 'peace 'war) 0)) ;; (test (not (string-lessp 'love 'love))) ;; (test (not (string-lessp #\a #\a))) ;; (test (= (string-lessp #\a #\b) 0)) ;; (test (not (string-lessp #\z #\a))) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp "" ""))) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp "dog" "dog"))) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp " " " "))) ;; (test (eql (string-greaterp "abc" "") 0)) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp "" "abc"))) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp "ab" "abc"))) ;; (test (eql (string-greaterp "abc" "ab") 2)) ;; (test (eql (string-greaterp "aba" "aaa") 1)) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp "aaa" "aba"))) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp "my cat food" "your dog food" :start1 6 :start2 8))) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp "cat food 2 dollars" "dog food 3 dollars" ;; :start1 3 :end1 9 :start2 3 :end2 9))) ;; (test (eql (string-greaterp "xyzabcde" "abcd" :start1 3) 7)) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp "abc" "abc" :end1 1))) ;; (test (eql (string-greaterp "xyzabc" "a" :start1 3 :end1 5) 4)) ;; (test (eql (string-greaterp "xyzXYZ" "abcxyz" :start2 3) 3)) ;; (test (eql (string-greaterp "abcxyz" "abcxyz" :end2 3) 3)) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp "xyzXYZ" "abcxyz" :end1 2 :start2 3))) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp "xyzabc" "abcdef" :start1 3 :end2 3))) ;; (test (eql (string-greaterp "z" "aaaa") 0)) ;; (test (eql (string-greaterp "pTTTxTTTqqq" "pppTTTaTTT" :start1 1 :start2 3) 4)) ;; (test (eql (string-greaterp "pppTTTxTTTqqq" "pTTTaTTT" ;; :start1 6 :end1 7 ;; :start2 4 :end2 5) 6)) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp (make-array 0 :element-type 'character) ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char)))) ;; (test (and (not (string-greaterp "abc" "ABC")) ;; (not (string-greaterp "ABC" "abc")))) ;; (test (= (string-greaterp 'love 'hate) 0)) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp 'peace 'war))) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp 'love 'love))) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp #\a #\a))) ;; (test (not (string-greaterp #\a #\b))) ;; (test (= (string-greaterp #\z #\a) 0)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "" "") 0)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "dog" "dog") 3)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp " " " ") 1)) ;; (test (not (string-not-greaterp "abc" ""))) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "ab" "abc") 2)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "aaa" "aba") 1)) ;; (test (not (string-not-greaterp "aba" "aaa"))) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "my cat food" "your dog food" :start1 6 :start2 8) 11)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "cat food 2 dollars" "dog food 3 dollars" ;; :start1 3 :end1 9 :start2 3 :end2 9) 9)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "xyzabc" "abcd" :start1 3) 6)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "abc" "abc" :end1 1) 1)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "xyzabc" "abc" :start1 3 :end1 5) 5)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "xyz" "abcxyzXYZ" :start2 3) 3)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "abc" "abcxyz" :end2 3) 3)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "xyz" "abcxyz" :end1 2 :start2 3) 2)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "xyzabc" "abcdef" :start1 3 :end2 3) 6)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "aaaa" "z") 0)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "pppTTTaTTTqqq" "pTTTxTTT" :start1 3 :start2 1) 6)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp "pppTTTaTTTqqq" "pTTTxTTT" ;; :start1 6 :end1 7 ;; :start2 4 :end2 5) 6)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-greaterp (make-array 0 :element-type 'character) ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char)) 0)) ;; (test (and (eql (string-not-greaterp "abc" "ABC") 3) ;; (eql (string-not-greaterp "ABC" "abc") 3))) ;; (test (not (string-not-greaterp 'love 'hate))) ;; (test (= (string-not-greaterp 'peace 'war) 0)) ;; (test (= (string-not-greaterp 'love 'love) 4)) ;; (test (= (string-not-greaterp #\a #\a) 1)) ;; (test (= (string-not-greaterp #\a #\b) 0)) ;; (test (not (string-not-greaterp #\z #\a))) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "" "") 0)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "dog" "dog") 3)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp " " " ") 1)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "abc" "") 0)) ;; (test (not (string-not-lessp "" "abc"))) ;; (test (not (string-not-lessp "ab" "abc"))) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "abc" "ab") 2)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "aba" "aaa") 1)) ;; (test (not (string-not-lessp "aaa" "aba"))) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "my cat food" "your dog food" :start1 6 :start2 8) 11)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "cat food 2 dollars" "dog food 3 dollars" ;; :start1 3 :end1 9 :start2 3 :end2 9) 9)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "xyzabcde" "abcd" :start1 3) 7)) ;; (test (not (string-not-lessp "abc" "abc" :end1 1))) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "xyzabc" "a" :start1 3 :end1 5) 4)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "xyzXYZ" "abcxyz" :start2 3) 3)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "abcxyz" "abcxyz" :end2 3) 3)) ;; (test (not (string-not-lessp "xyzXYZ" "abcxyz" :end1 2 :start2 3))) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "xyzabc" "abcdef" :start1 3 :end2 3) 6)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "z" "aaaa") 0)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "pTTTxTTTqqq" "pppTTTaTTT" :start1 1 :start2 3) 4)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp "pppTTTxTTTqqq" "pTTTaTTT" ;; :start1 6 :end1 7 ;; :start2 4 :end2 5) 6)) ;; (test (eql (string-not-lessp (make-array 0 :element-type 'character) ;; (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char)) 0)) ;; (test (and (eql (string-not-lessp "abc" "ABC") 3) ;; (eql (string-not-lessp "ABC" "abc") 3))) ;; (test (= (string-not-lessp 'love 'hate) 0)) ;; (test (not (string-not-lessp 'peace 'war))) ;; (test (= (string-not-lessp 'love 'love) 4)) ;; (test (= (string-not-lessp #\a #\a) 1)) ;; (test (not (string-not-lessp #\a #\b))) ;; (test (= (string-not-lessp #\z #\a) 0)) (test (stringp "aaaaaa")) (test (stringp (make-array 0 :element-type 'character))) ;; (test (stringp (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char))) ;; JSCL: an array of STANDARD-CHAR isn't a STRINGP yet, either ;; (test (stringp (make-array 0 :element-type 'standard-char))) (test (not (stringp #\a))) (test (not (stringp 'a))) (test (not (stringp '(string)))) (test (string= (make-string 3 :initial-element #\a) "aaa")) ;; JSCL: no SCHAR, so disabled ;; (test (let ((str (make-string 3))) ;; (and (simple-string-p str) ;; (setf (schar str 0) #\x) ;; (setf (schar str 1) #\y) ;; (setf (schar str 2) #\z) ;; (string= str "xyz")))) ;; JSCL: #\Space isn't read correctly yet ;; (test (string= (make-string 1 :initial-element #\Space) " ")) (test (string= (make-string 0) "")) ;; JSCL: BUG?: this barfs inside the JS function xstring(), and i don't know why. ;; (test (subtypep (upgraded-array-element-type ;; (array-element-type (make-string 3 :element-type 'standard-char))) ;; 'character))