;;;; miscellaneous tests of thread stuff ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork ;;;; from CMU CL. ;;; ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with ;;;; absoluely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for ;;;; more information. #-sb-thread (quit :unix-status 104) (in-package "SB-THREAD") ; this is white-box testing, really ;;; For one of the interupt-thread tests, we want a foreign function ;;; that does not make syscalls (setf SB-INT:*REPL-PROMPT-FUN* #'sb-thread::thread-repl-prompt-fun) (with-open-file (o "threads-foreign.c" :direction :output) (format o "void loop_forever() { while(1) ; }~%")) (sb-ext:run-program "cc" (or #+linux '("-shared" "-o" "threads-foreign.so" "threads-foreign.c") (error "Missing shared library compilation options for this platform")) :search t) (sb-alien:load-1-foreign "threads-foreign.so") (sb-alien:define-alien-routine loop-forever sb-alien:void) ;;; elementary "can we get a lock and release it again" (let ((l (make-mutex :name "foo")) (p (current-thread-id))) (assert (eql (mutex-value l) nil)) (assert (eql (mutex-lock l) 0)) (sb-thread:get-mutex l) (assert (eql (mutex-value l) p)) (assert (eql (mutex-lock l) 0)) (sb-thread:release-mutex l) (assert (eql (mutex-value l) nil)) (assert (eql (mutex-lock l) 0))) (let ((queue (make-waitqueue :name "queue")) (lock (make-mutex :name "lock"))) (labels ((in-new-thread () (with-mutex (lock) (assert (eql (mutex-value lock) (current-thread-id))) (format t "~A got mutex~%" (current-thread-id)) ;; now drop it and sleep (condition-wait queue lock) ;; after waking we should have the lock again (assert (eql (mutex-value lock) (current-thread-id)))))) (make-thread #'in-new-thread) (sleep 2) ; give it a chance to start ;; check the lock is free while it's asleep (format t "parent thread ~A~%" (current-thread-id)) (assert (eql (mutex-value lock) nil)) (assert (eql (mutex-lock lock) 0)) (with-mutex (lock) (condition-notify queue)) (sleep 1))) (let ((queue (make-waitqueue :name "queue")) (lock (make-mutex :name "lock"))) (labels ((ours-p (value) (sb-vm:control-stack-pointer-valid-p (sb-sys:int-sap (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address value)))) (in-new-thread () (with-recursive-lock (lock) (assert (ours-p (mutex-value lock))) (format t "~A got mutex~%" (mutex-value lock)) ;; now drop it and sleep (condition-wait queue lock) ;; after waking we should have the lock again (format t "woken, ~A got mutex~%" (mutex-value lock)) (assert (ours-p (mutex-value lock)))))) (make-thread #'in-new-thread) (sleep 2) ; give it a chance to start ;; check the lock is free while it's asleep (format t "parent thread ~A~%" (current-thread-id)) (assert (eql (mutex-value lock) nil)) (assert (eql (mutex-lock lock) 0)) (with-recursive-lock (lock) (condition-notify queue)) (sleep 1))) (defun test-interrupt (function-to-interrupt &optional quit-p) (let ((child (make-thread function-to-interrupt))) ;;(format t "gdb ./src/runtime/sbcl ~A~%attach ~A~%" child child) (sleep 2) (format t "interrupting child ~A~%" child) (interrupt-thread child (lambda () (format t "child pid ~A~%" (current-thread-id)) (when quit-p (sb-ext:quit)))) (sleep 1) child)) ;;; separate tests for (a) interrupting Lisp code, (b) C code, (c) a syscall, ;;; (d) waiting on a lock, (e) some code which we hope is likely to be ;;; in pseudo-atomic (let ((child (test-interrupt (lambda () (loop))))) (terminate-thread child)) (test-interrupt #'loop-forever :quit) (let ((child (test-interrupt (lambda () (loop (sleep 2000)))))) ;; Interrupting a sleep form causes it to return early. Welcome to Unix. ;; Just to be sure our LOOP form works, let's check the child is still ;; there (assert (zerop (sb-unix:unix-kill child 0))) (terminate-thread child)) (let ((lock (make-mutex :name "loctite")) child) (with-mutex (lock) (setf child (test-interrupt (lambda () (with-mutex (lock) (assert (eql (mutex-value lock) (current-thread-id)))) (assert (not (eql (mutex-value lock) (current-thread-id)))) (sleep 60)))) ;;hold onto lock for long enough that child can't get it immediately (sleep 20) (interrupt-thread child (lambda () (format t "l ~A~%" (mutex-value lock)))) (format t "parent releasing lock~%")) (terminate-thread child)) (defun alloc-stuff () (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5))) (let ((c (test-interrupt (lambda () (loop (alloc-stuff)))))) ;; NB this only works on x86: other ports don't have a symbol for ;; pseudo-atomic atomicity (dotimes (i 100) (sleep (random 1d0)) (interrupt-thread c (lambda () (princ ".") (force-output) (assert (zerop SB-KERNEL:*PSEUDO-ATOMIC-ATOMIC*))))) (terminate-thread c)) ;; I'm not sure that this one is always successful. Note race potential: ;; I haven't checked if decf is atomic here (let ((done 2)) (make-thread (lambda () (dotimes (i 100) (sb-ext:gc)) (decf done))) (make-thread (lambda () (dotimes (i 25) (sb-ext:gc :full t)) (decf done))) (loop (when (zerop done) (return)) (sleep 1))) ;; give the other thread time to die before we leave, otherwise the ;; overall exit status is 0, not 104 (sleep 2) ;(sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104)