(in-package :cl-user) (load "assertoid.lisp") (let ((types '(character integer fixnum (integer 0 10) single-float (single-float -1.0 1.0) (single-float 0.1) (real 4 8) (real -1 7) (real 2 11) (member #\a #\b #\c) (member 1 #\a) (member 3.0 3.3)))) (dolist (i types) (format t "type I=~S~%" i) (dolist (j types) (format t " type J=~S~%" j) (assert (subtypep i `(or ,i ,j))) (assert (subtypep i `(or ,j ,i))) (assert (subtypep i `(or ,i ,i ,j))) (assert (subtypep i `(or ,j ,i)))))) (defun type-evidently-= (x y) (and (subtypep x y) (subtypep y x))) (assert (subtypep 'single-float 'float)) (assert (type-evidently-= '(integer 0 10) '(or (integer 0 5) (integer 4 10)))) ;;; sbcl-0.6.10 did (UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE 'SOME-UNDEF-TYPE)=>T ;;; and (UPGRADED-COMPLEX-PART-TYPE 'SOME-UNDEF-TYPE)=>T. (assert (raises-error? (upgraded-array-element-type 'some-undef-type))) (assert (eql (upgraded-array-element-type t) t)) (assert (raises-error? (upgraded-complex-part-type 'some-undef-type))) (assert (subtypep (upgraded-complex-part-type 'fixnum) 'real)) ;;; Do reasonable things with undefined types, and with compound types ;;; built from undefined types. ;;; ;;; part I: TYPEP (assert (typep #(11) '(simple-array t 1))) (assert (typep #(11) '(simple-array (or integer symbol) 1))) (assert (raises-error? (typep #(11) '(simple-array undef-type 1)))) (assert (not (typep 11 '(simple-array undef-type 1)))) ;;; part II: SUBTYPEP (assert (subtypep '(vector some-undef-type) 'vector)) (assert (not (subtypep '(vector some-undef-type) 'integer))) (macrolet ((nilnil (expr) `(assert (equal '(nil nil) (multiple-value-list ,expr))))) (nilnil (subtypep 'utype-1 'utype-2)) (nilnil (subtypep '(vector utype-1) '(vector utype-2))) (nilnil (subtypep '(vector utype-1) '(vector t))) (nilnil (subtypep '(vector t) '(vector utype-2)))) ;;; success (quit :unix-status 104)