;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- (in-package #:rw) (html-file-page ("index") (html (:HEAD (:TITLE "CL-Graph") (generate-shared-headers)) (:BODY (generate-two-line-header "CL-Graph" "Better than sliced mangoes!") ((:DIV :CLASS "contents") (generate-system-sidebar) ((:DIV :CLASS "system-description") (:H3 "What it is") (:P "CL-Graph is a Common Lisp library for manipulating graphs and running graph algorithms. " (rw:link :tinaa) " documentation for CL-Graph is " (rw:link :cl-graph-tinaa :title "available") ".") ((:A :id "mailing-lists")) (:h3 "Mailing Lists") (:ul (:li ((:a :href "http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cl-graph-announce") "cl-graph-announce") ": A low volume, read only list for announcements.") (:li ((:a :href "http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cl-graph-devel") "cl-graph-devel") ": A list for questions, patches, bug reports, and so on; It's for everything other than announcements.")) ((:A :id "downloads")) (:H3 "Where is it") (:P "A " (rw:link :darcs) " repository is available (note that you'll also need to get several other bits and pieces to get CL-Graph to work). The commands are listed below:") (:PRE "darcs get http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-graph/darcs/cl-graph darcs get http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-mathstats/darcs/cl-mathstats darcs get http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-containers/metabang.bind/darcs/metabang.bind darcs get http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-containers/metatilities/darcs/metatilities darcs get http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-containers/moptilities/darcs/moptilities") (:P "CL-Graph (and friends) should also be " (rw:link :asdf-install :title "ASDF installable") ". Its CLiki home is right " (rw:link :cl-graph-cliki :title "where") " you'd expect.") (:P "There's also a handy " (rw:link :cl-graph-package :title "gzipped tar file") ".") ((:A :id "news")) (:H3 "What is happening") ((:TABLE :CLASS "system-news") (:TR (:TH "2 Feb 2006") (:TD "Lots of new " (link :cl-graph-tinaa) " documentation.")) (:TR (:TH "25 Nov 2005") (:TD "Wrote a mini tutorial and published it on " ((:a :href "http://www.metabang.com/unclog/publisha/atinybit.html") "unCLog") ".")) ((:TR :ALIGN "left" :VALIGN "top") (:TH "10 Nov 2005") (:TD "Initial setup."))))) ((:DIV :CLASS "footer") (generate-button-row (format nil "Last updated: ~A" (format-date "%A, %e %B %Y" (get-universal-time))))))))