{include resources/ug-header.md} {set-property title "CL-Graph User's Guide"} {set-property style-sheet user-guide} {set-property docs-package cl-graph} # CL-Graph User's Guide # Table of Contents {table-of-contents :start 2 :depth 3} ## Introduction In Mathematics and Computer Science, a _graph_ is a collection of _vertexes_ connected by _edges_. Edges may be _directed_ or _undirected_ (i.e., sometimes you really can't get there from here). Both edges and vertexes may have additional data associated with them. Graphs are useful because you can use them to represent most anything: food webs, hypertext, the world wide web, protein/protein interactions, language, who publishes with whom, etc. CL-Graph is a general graph library built on [cl-containers][]. It provides an open-ended API for building, examining and manipulating graphs as well as implementations of many of the usual suspects of graph algorithms and measures. ## Using a graph ### Creation and manipulation {include "user-guide-details/manipulation.mmd"} ### Tell me about yourself - introspection {include "user-guide-details/introspection.mmd"} ### Search {include "user-guide-details/search.mmd"} ### Algorithms {include "user-guide-details/algorithms.mmd"} ### Iteration {include "user-guide-details/iteration.mmd"} ### CL-Graph and dotty {include "user-guide-details/dotty.mmd"} ### Random Graphs {include user-guide-details/random-graphs.mmd} ### Miscellaneous {include user-guide-details/miscellaneous.mmd} ### Deprecated - to be removed soon {include user-guide-details/deprecated.mmd} ## Index of Functions {docs-index (function macro) function}
{comment #### Glossary {glossary} #### Footnotes {footnotes} } {include resources/ug-footer.md}