;;; This is code was taken from lisppaste2 and is a quick hack ;;; to colorize lisp examples in the html generated by Texinfo. ;;; It is not general-purpose utility, though it could easily be ;;; turned into one. ;;;; colorize-package.lisp (defpackage :colorize (:use :common-lisp) (:export :scan-string :format-scan :html-colorization :find-coloring-type :autodetect-coloring-type :coloring-types :scan :scan-any :advance :call-parent-formatter :*coloring-css* :make-background-css :*css-background-class* :colorize-file :colorize-file-to-stream :*version-token*)) ;;;; coloring-css.lisp (in-package :colorize) (defparameter *coloring-css* ".symbol { color: #770055; background-color: transparent; border: 0px; margin: 0px;} a.symbol:link { color: #229955; background-color : transparent; text-decoration: none; border: 0px; margin: 0px; } a.symbol:active { color : #229955; background-color : transparent; text-decoration: none; border: 0px; margin: 0px; } a.symbol:visited { color : #229955; background-color : transparent; text-decoration: none; border: 0px; margin: 0px; } a.symbol:hover { color : #229955; background-color : transparent; text-decoration: none; border: 0px; margin: 0px; } .special { color : #FF5000; background-color : inherit; } .keyword { color : #770000; background-color : inherit; } .comment { color : #007777; background-color : inherit; } .string { color : #777777; background-color : inherit; } .character { color : #0055AA; background-color : inherit; } .syntaxerror { color : #FF0000; background-color : inherit; } span.paren1:hover { color : inherit; background-color : #BAFFFF; } span.paren2:hover { color : inherit; background-color : #FFCACA; } span.paren3:hover { color : inherit; background-color : #FFFFBA; } span.paren4:hover { color : inherit; background-color : #CACAFF; } span.paren5:hover { color : inherit; background-color : #CAFFCA; } span.paren6:hover { color : inherit; background-color : #FFBAFF; } ") (defvar *css-background-class* "lisp-bg") (defun for-css (thing) (if (symbolp thing) (string-downcase (symbol-name thing)) thing)) (defun make-background-css (color &key (class *css-background-class*) (extra nil)) (format nil ".~A { background-color: ~A; color: black; ~{~A; ~}}~:*~:*~:* .~A:hover { background-color: ~A; color: black; ~{~A; ~}}~%" class color (mapcar #'(lambda (extra) (format nil "~A : ~{~A ~}" (for-css (first extra)) (mapcar #'for-css (cdr extra)))) extra))) ;;;; colorize.lisp ;(in-package :colorize) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *coloring-types* nil) (defparameter *version-token* (gensym))) (defclass coloring-type () ((modes :initarg :modes :accessor coloring-type-modes) (default-mode :initarg :default-mode :accessor coloring-type-default-mode) (transition-functions :initarg :transition-functions :accessor coloring-type-transition-functions) (fancy-name :initarg :fancy-name :accessor coloring-type-fancy-name) (term-formatter :initarg :term-formatter :accessor coloring-type-term-formatter) (formatter-initial-values :initarg :formatter-initial-values :accessor coloring-type-formatter-initial-values :initform nil) (formatter-after-hook :initarg :formatter-after-hook :accessor coloring-type-formatter-after-hook :initform (constantly "")) (autodetect-function :initarg :autodetect-function :accessor coloring-type-autodetect-function :initform (constantly nil)) (parent-type :initarg :parent-type :accessor coloring-type-parent-type :initform nil) (visible :initarg :visible :accessor coloring-type-visible :initform t))) (defun find-coloring-type (type) (if (typep type 'coloring-type) type (cdr (assoc (symbol-name type) *coloring-types* :test #'string-equal :key #'symbol-name)))) (defun autodetect-coloring-type (name) (car (find name *coloring-types* :key #'cdr :test #'(lambda (name type) (and (coloring-type-visible type) (funcall (coloring-type-autodetect-function type) name)))))) (defun coloring-types () (loop for type-pair in *coloring-types* if (coloring-type-visible (cdr type-pair)) collect (cons (car type-pair) (coloring-type-fancy-name (cdr type-pair))))) (defun (setf find-coloring-type) (new-value type) (if new-value (let ((found (assoc type *coloring-types*))) (if found (setf (cdr found) new-value) (setf *coloring-types* (nconc *coloring-types* (list (cons type new-value)))))) (setf *coloring-types* (remove type *coloring-types* :key #'car)))) (defvar *scan-calls* 0) (defvar *reset-position* nil) (defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest names) &body body) `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (name) (list name `(make-symbol ,(symbol-name name)))) names) ,@body)) (defmacro with-scanning-functions (string-param position-place mode-place mode-wait-place &body body) (with-gensyms (num items position not-preceded-by string item new-mode until advancing) `(labels ((advance (,num) (setf ,position-place (+ ,position-place ,num)) t) (peek-any (,items &key ,not-preceded-by) (incf *scan-calls*) (let* ((,items (if (stringp ,items) (coerce ,items 'list) ,items)) (,not-preceded-by (if (characterp ,not-preceded-by) (string ,not-preceded-by) ,not-preceded-by)) (,position ,position-place) (,string ,string-param)) (let ((,item (and (< ,position (length ,string)) (find ,string ,items :test #'(lambda (,string ,item) #+nil (format t "looking for ~S in ~S starting at ~S~%" ,item ,string ,position) (if (characterp ,item) (char= (elt ,string ,position) ,item) (search ,item ,string :start2 ,position :end2 (min (length ,string) (+ ,position (length ,item)))))))))) (if (characterp ,item) (setf ,item (string ,item))) (if (if ,item (if ,not-preceded-by (if (>= (- ,position (length ,not-preceded-by)) 0) (not (string= (subseq ,string (- ,position (length ,not-preceded-by)) ,position) ,not-preceded-by)) t) t) nil) ,item (progn (and *reset-position* (setf ,position-place *reset-position*)) nil))))) (scan-any (,items &key ,not-preceded-by) (let ((,item (peek-any ,items :not-preceded-by ,not-preceded-by))) (and ,item (advance (length ,item))))) (peek (,item &key ,not-preceded-by) (peek-any (list ,item) :not-preceded-by ,not-preceded-by)) (scan (,item &key ,not-preceded-by) (scan-any (list ,item) :not-preceded-by ,not-preceded-by))) (macrolet ((set-mode (,new-mode &key ,until (,advancing t)) (list 'progn (list 'setf ',mode-place ,new-mode) (list 'setf ',mode-wait-place (list 'lambda (list ',position) (list 'let (list (list '*reset-position* ',position)) (list 'values ,until ,advancing))))))) ,@body)))) (defvar *formatter-local-variables*) (defmacro define-coloring-type (name fancy-name &key modes default-mode transitions formatters autodetect parent formatter-variables (formatter-after-hook '(constantly "")) invisible) (with-gensyms (parent-type term type string current-mode position position-foobage mode-wait new-position advance) `(let ((,parent-type (or (find-coloring-type ,parent) (and ,parent (error "No such coloring type: ~S" ,parent))))) (setf (find-coloring-type ,name) (make-instance 'coloring-type :fancy-name ',fancy-name :modes (append ',modes (if ,parent-type (coloring-type-modes ,parent-type))) :default-mode (or ',default-mode (if ,parent-type (coloring-type-default-mode ,parent-type))) ,@(if autodetect `(:autodetect-function ,autodetect)) :parent-type ,parent-type :visible (not ,invisible) :formatter-initial-values (lambda nil (list* ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (e) `(cons ',(car e) ,(second e))) formatter-variables) (if ,parent-type (funcall (coloring-type-formatter-initial-values ,parent-type)) nil))) :formatter-after-hook (lambda nil (symbol-macrolet ,(mapcar #'(lambda (e) `(,(car e) (cdr (assoc ',(car e) *formatter-local-variables*)))) formatter-variables) (concatenate 'string (funcall ,formatter-after-hook) (if ,parent-type (funcall (coloring-type-formatter-after-hook ,parent-type)) "")))) :term-formatter (symbol-macrolet ,(mapcar #'(lambda (e) `(,(car e) (cdr (assoc ',(car e) *formatter-local-variables*)))) formatter-variables) (lambda (,term) (labels ((call-parent-formatter (&optional (,type (car ,term)) (,string (cdr ,term))) (if ,parent-type (funcall (coloring-type-term-formatter ,parent-type) (cons ,type ,string)))) (call-formatter (&optional (,type (car ,term)) (,string (cdr ,term))) (funcall (case (first ,type) ,@formatters (t (lambda (,type text) (call-parent-formatter ,type text)))) ,type ,string))) (call-formatter)))) :transition-functions (list ,@(loop for transition in transitions collect (destructuring-bind (mode &rest table) transition `(cons ',mode (lambda (,current-mode ,string ,position) (let ((,mode-wait (constantly nil)) (,position-foobage ,position)) (with-scanning-functions ,string ,position-foobage ,current-mode ,mode-wait (let ((*reset-position* ,position)) (cond ,@table)) (values ,position-foobage ,current-mode (lambda (,new-position) (setf ,position-foobage ,new-position) (let ((,advance (nth-value 1 (funcall ,mode-wait ,position-foobage)))) (values ,position-foobage ,advance))))) ))))))))))) (defun full-transition-table (coloring-type-object) (let ((parent (coloring-type-parent-type coloring-type-object))) (if parent (append (coloring-type-transition-functions coloring-type-object) (full-transition-table parent)) (coloring-type-transition-functions coloring-type-object)))) (defun scan-string (coloring-type string) (let* ((coloring-type-object (or (find-coloring-type coloring-type) (error "No such coloring type: ~S" coloring-type))) (transitions (full-transition-table coloring-type-object)) (result nil) (low-bound 0) (current-mode (coloring-type-default-mode coloring-type-object)) (mode-stack nil) (current-wait (constantly nil)) (wait-stack nil) (current-position 0) (*scan-calls* 0)) (flet ((finish-current (new-position new-mode new-wait &key (extend t) push pop) (let ((to (if extend new-position current-position))) (if (> to low-bound) (setf result (nconc result (list (cons (cons current-mode mode-stack) (subseq string low-bound to)))))) (setf low-bound to) (when pop (pop mode-stack) (pop wait-stack)) (when push (push current-mode mode-stack) (push current-wait wait-stack)) (setf current-mode new-mode current-position new-position current-wait new-wait)))) (loop (if (> current-position (length string)) (return-from scan-string (progn #+nil(format *trace-output* "Scan was called ~S times.~%" *scan-calls*) (finish-current (length string) nil (constantly nil)) result)) (or (loop for transition in (mapcar #'cdr (remove current-mode transitions :key #'car :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (or (eql a b) (if (listp b) (member a b)))))) if (and transition (multiple-value-bind (new-position new-mode new-wait) (funcall transition current-mode string current-position) (when (> new-position current-position) (finish-current new-position new-mode new-wait :extend nil :push t) t))) return t) (multiple-value-bind (pos advance) (funcall current-wait current-position) #+nil (format t "current-wait returns ~S ~S (mode is ~S, pos is ~S)~%" pos advance current-mode current-position) (and pos (when (> pos current-position) (finish-current (if advance pos current-position) (car mode-stack) (car wait-stack) :extend advance :pop t) t))) (progn (incf current-position))) ))))) (defun format-scan (coloring-type scan) (let* ((coloring-type-object (or (find-coloring-type coloring-type) (error "No such coloring type: ~S" coloring-type))) (color-formatter (coloring-type-term-formatter coloring-type-object)) (*formatter-local-variables* (funcall (coloring-type-formatter-initial-values coloring-type-object)))) (format nil "~{~A~}~A" (mapcar color-formatter scan) (funcall (coloring-type-formatter-after-hook coloring-type-object))))) (defun encode-for-pre (string) (declare (simple-string string)) (let ((output (make-array (truncate (length string) 2/3) :element-type 'character :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))) (with-output-to-string (out output) (loop for char across string do (case char ((#\&) (write-string "&" out)) ((#\<) (write-string "<" out)) ((#\>) (write-string ">" out)) (t (write-char char out))))) (coerce output 'simple-string))) (defun string-substitute (string substring replacement-string) "String substitute by Larry Hunter. Obtained from Google" (let ((substring-length (length substring)) (last-end 0) (new-string "")) (do ((next-start (search substring string) (search substring string :start2 last-end))) ((null next-start) (concatenate 'string new-string (subseq string last-end))) (setq new-string (concatenate 'string new-string (subseq string last-end next-start) replacement-string)) (setq last-end (+ next-start substring-length))))) (defun decode-from-tt (string) (string-substitute (string-substitute (string-substitute string "&" "&") "<" "<") ">" ">")) (defun html-colorization (coloring-type string) (format-scan coloring-type (mapcar #'(lambda (p) (cons (car p) (let ((tt (encode-for-pre (cdr p)))) (if (and (> (length tt) 0) (char= (elt tt (1- (length tt))) #\>)) (format nil "~A~%" tt) tt)))) (scan-string coloring-type string)))) (defun colorize-file-to-stream (coloring-type input-file-name s2 &key (wrap t) (css-background "default")) (let* ((input-file (if (pathname-type (merge-pathnames input-file-name)) (merge-pathnames input-file-name) (make-pathname :type "lisp" :defaults (merge-pathnames input-file-name)))) (*css-background-class* css-background)) (with-open-file (s input-file :direction :input) (let ((lines nil) (string nil)) (block done (loop (let ((line (read-line s nil nil))) (if line (push line lines) (return-from done))))) (setf string (format nil "~{~A~%~}" (nreverse lines))) (if wrap (format s2 "
" *coloring-css* (make-background-css "white") *css-background-class* (html-colorization coloring-type string)) (write-string (html-colorization coloring-type string) s2)))))) (defun colorize-file (coloring-type input-file-name &optional output-file-name) (let* ((input-file (if (pathname-type (merge-pathnames input-file-name)) (merge-pathnames input-file-name) (make-pathname :type "lisp" :defaults (merge-pathnames input-file-name)))) (output-file (or output-file-name (make-pathname :type "html" :defaults input-file)))) (with-open-file (s2 output-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (colorize-file-to-stream coloring-type input-file-name s2)))) ;; coloring-types.lisp ;(in-package :colorize) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *version-token* (gensym))) (defparameter *symbol-characters* "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ*!%$&+-1234567890") (defparameter *non-constituent* '(#\space #\tab #\newline #\linefeed #\page #\return #\" #\' #\( #\) #\, #\; #\` #\[ #\])) (defparameter *special-forms* '("let" "load-time-value" "quote" "macrolet" "progn" "progv" "go" "flet" "the" "if" "throw" "eval-when" "multiple-value-prog1" "unwind-protect" "let*" "labels" "function" "symbol-macrolet" "block" "tagbody" "catch" "locally" "return-from" "setq" "multiple-value-call")) (defparameter *common-macros* '("loop" "cond" "lambda")) (defparameter *open-parens* '(#\()) (defparameter *close-parens* '(#\))) (define-coloring-type :lisp "Basic Lisp" :modes (:first-char-on-line :normal :symbol :escaped-symbol :keyword :string :comment :multiline :character :single-escaped :in-list :syntax-error) :default-mode :first-char-on-line :transitions (((:in-list) ((or (scan-any *symbol-characters*) (and (scan #\.) (scan-any *symbol-characters*)) (and (scan #\\) (advance 1))) (set-mode :symbol :until (scan-any *non-constituent*) :advancing nil)) ((or (scan #\:) (scan "#:")) (set-mode :keyword :until (scan-any *non-constituent*) :advancing nil)) ((scan "#\\") (let ((count 0)) (set-mode :character :until (progn (incf count) (if (> count 1) (scan-any *non-constituent*))) :advancing nil))) ((scan #\") (set-mode :string :until (scan #\"))) ((scan #\;) (set-mode :comment :until (scan #\newline))) ((scan "#|") (set-mode :multiline :until (scan "|#"))) ((scan #\() (set-mode :in-list :until (scan #\))))) ((:normal :first-char-on-line) ((scan #\() (set-mode :in-list :until (scan #\))))) (:first-char-on-line ((scan #\;) (set-mode :comment :until (scan #\newline))) ((scan "#|") (set-mode :multiline :until (scan "|#"))) ((advance 1) (set-mode :normal :until (scan #\newline)))) (:multiline ((scan "#|") (set-mode :multiline :until (scan "|#")))) ((:symbol :keyword :escaped-symbol :string) ((scan #\\) (let ((count 0)) (set-mode :single-escaped :until (progn (incf count) (if (< count 2) (advance 1)))))))) :formatter-variables ((paren-counter 0)) :formatter-after-hook (lambda nil (format nil "~{~A~}" (loop for i from paren-counter downto 1 collect ""))) :formatters (((:normal :first-char-on-line) (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) s)) ((:in-list) (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (labels ((color-parens (s) (let ((paren-pos (find-if-not #'null (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (position c s)) (append *open-parens* *close-parens*))))) (if paren-pos (let ((before-paren (subseq s 0 paren-pos)) (after-paren (subseq s (1+ paren-pos))) (paren (elt s paren-pos)) (open nil) (count 0)) (when (member paren *open-parens* :test #'char=) (setf count (mod paren-counter 6)) (incf paren-counter) (setf open t)) (when (member paren *close-parens* :test #'char=) (decf paren-counter)) (if open (format nil "~A~C~A" before-paren (1+ count) paren *css-background-class* (color-parens after-paren)) (format nil "~A~C~A" before-paren paren (color-parens after-paren)))) s)))) (color-parens s)))) ((:symbol :escaped-symbol) (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (let* ((colon (position #\: s :from-end t)) (new-s (or (and colon (subseq s (1+ colon))) s))) (cond ((or (member new-s *common-macros* :test #'string-equal) (member new-s *special-forms* :test #'string-equal) (some #'(lambda (e) (and (> (length new-s) (length e)) (string-equal e (subseq new-s 0 (length e))))) '("WITH-" "DEF"))) (format nil "~A" s)) ((and (> (length new-s) 2) (char= (elt new-s 0) #\*) (char= (elt new-s (1- (length new-s))) #\*)) (format nil "~A" s)) (t s))))) (:keyword (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (format nil "~A" s))) ((:comment :multiline) (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (format nil "~A" s))) ((:character) (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (format nil "~A" s))) ((:string) (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (format nil "~A" s))) ((:single-escaped) (lambda (type s) (call-formatter (cdr type) s))) ((:syntax-error) (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (format nil "~A" s))))) (define-coloring-type :scheme "Scheme" :autodetect (lambda (text) (or (search "scheme" text :test #'char-equal) (search "chicken" text :test #'char-equal))) :parent :lisp :transitions (((:normal :in-list) ((scan "...") (set-mode :symbol :until (scan-any *non-constituent*) :advancing nil)) ((scan #\[) (set-mode :in-list :until (scan #\]))))) :formatters (((:in-list) (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type s)) (let ((*open-parens* (cons #\[ *open-parens*)) (*close-parens* (cons #\] *close-parens*))) (call-parent-formatter)))) ((:symbol :escaped-symbol) (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (let ((result (if (find-package :r5rs-lookup) (funcall (symbol-function (intern "SYMBOL-LOOKUP" :r5rs-lookup)) s)))) (if result (format nil "~A" result (call-parent-formatter)) (call-parent-formatter))))))) (define-coloring-type :elisp "Emacs Lisp" :autodetect (lambda (name) (member name '("emacs") :test #'(lambda (name ext) (search ext name :test #'char-equal)))) :parent :lisp :formatters (((:symbol :escaped-symbol) (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (let ((result (if (find-package :elisp-lookup) (funcall (symbol-function (intern "SYMBOL-LOOKUP" :elisp-lookup)) s)))) (if result (format nil "~A" result (call-parent-formatter)) (call-parent-formatter))))))) (define-coloring-type :common-lisp "Common Lisp" :autodetect (lambda (text) (search "lisp" text :test #'char-equal)) :parent :lisp :transitions (((:normal :in-list) ((scan #\|) (set-mode :escaped-symbol :until (scan #\|))))) :formatters (((:symbol :escaped-symbol) (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (let* ((colon (position #\: s :from-end t :test #'char=)) (to-lookup (if colon (subseq s (1+ colon)) s)) (result (if (find-package :clhs-lookup) (funcall (symbol-function (intern "SYMBOL-LOOKUP" :clhs-lookup)) to-lookup)))) (if result (format nil "~A" result (call-parent-formatter)) (call-parent-formatter))))))) (define-coloring-type :common-lisp-file "Common Lisp File" :parent :common-lisp :default-mode :in-list :invisible t) (defvar *c-open-parens* "([{") (defvar *c-close-parens* ")]}") (defvar *c-reserved-words* '("auto" "break" "case" "char" "const" "continue" "default" "do" "double" "else" "enum" "extern" "float" "for" "goto" "if" "int" "long" "register" "return" "short" "signed" "sizeof" "static" "struct" "switch" "typedef" "union" "unsigned" "void" "volatile" "while" "__restrict" "_Bool")) (defparameter *c-begin-word* "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789") (defparameter *c-terminators* '(#\space #\return #\tab #\newline #\. #\/ #\- #\* #\+ #\{ #\} #\( #\) #\' #\" #\[ #\] #\< #\> #\#)) (define-coloring-type :basic-c "Basic C" :modes (:normal :comment :word-ish :paren-ish :string :char :single-escape :preprocessor) :default-mode :normal :invisible t :transitions ((:normal ((scan-any *c-begin-word*) (set-mode :word-ish :until (scan-any *c-terminators*) :advancing nil)) ((scan "/*") (set-mode :comment :until (scan "*/"))) ((or (scan-any *c-open-parens*) (scan-any *c-close-parens*)) (set-mode :paren-ish :until (advance 1) :advancing nil)) ((scan #\") (set-mode :string :until (scan #\"))) ((or (scan "'\\") (scan #\')) (set-mode :character :until (advance 2)))) (:string ((scan #\\) (set-mode :single-escape :until (advance 1))))) :formatter-variables ((paren-counter 0)) :formatter-after-hook (lambda nil (format nil "~{~A~}" (loop for i from paren-counter downto 1 collect ""))) :formatters ((:normal (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) s)) (:comment (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (format nil "~A" s))) (:string (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (format nil "~A" s))) (:character (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (format nil "~A" s))) (:single-escape (lambda (type s) (call-formatter (cdr type) s))) (:paren-ish (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (let ((open nil) (count 0)) (if (eql (length s) 1) (progn (when (member (elt s 0) (coerce *c-open-parens* 'list)) (setf open t) (setf count (mod paren-counter 6)) (incf paren-counter)) (when (member (elt s 0) (coerce *c-close-parens* 'list)) (setf open nil) (decf paren-counter) (setf count (mod paren-counter 6))) (if open (format nil "~A" (1+ count) s *css-background-class*) (format nil "~A" s))) s)))) (:word-ish (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (if (member s *c-reserved-words* :test #'string=) (format nil "~A" s) s))) )) (define-coloring-type :c "C" :parent :basic-c :transitions ((:normal ((scan #\#) (set-mode :preprocessor :until (scan-any '(#\return #\newline)))))) :formatters ((:preprocessor (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (format nil "~A" s))))) (defvar *c++-reserved-words* '("asm" "auto" "bool" "break" "case" "catch" "char" "class" "const" "const_cast" "continue" "default" "delete" "do" "double" "dynamic_cast" "else" "enum" "explicit" "export" "extern" "false" "float" "for" "friend" "goto" "if" "inline" "int" "long" "mutable" "namespace" "new" "operator" "private" "protected" "public" "register" "reinterpret_cast" "return" "short" "signed" "sizeof" "static" "static_cast" "struct" "switch" "template" "this" "throw" "true" "try" "typedef" "typeid" "typename" "union" "unsigned" "using" "virtual" "void" "volatile" "wchar_t" "while")) (define-coloring-type :c++ "C++" :parent :c :transitions ((:normal ((scan "//") (set-mode :comment :until (scan-any '(#\return #\newline)))))) :formatters ((:word-ish (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (if (member s *c++-reserved-words* :test #'string=) (format nil "~A" s) s))))) (defvar *java-reserved-words* '("abstract" "boolean" "break" "byte" "case" "catch" "char" "class" "const" "continue" "default" "do" "double" "else" "extends" "final" "finally" "float" "for" "goto" "if" "implements" "import" "instanceof" "int" "interface" "long" "native" "new" "package" "private" "protected" "public" "return" "short" "static" "strictfp" "super" "switch" "synchronized" "this" "throw" "throws" "transient" "try" "void" "volatile" "while")) (define-coloring-type :java "Java" :parent :c++ :formatters ((:word-ish (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (if (member s *java-reserved-words* :test #'string=) (format nil "~A" s) s))))) (let ((terminate-next nil)) (define-coloring-type :objective-c "Objective C" :autodetect (lambda (text) (search "mac" text :test #'char=)) :modes (:begin-message-send :end-message-send) :transitions ((:normal ((scan #\[) (set-mode :begin-message-send :until (advance 1) :advancing nil)) ((scan #\]) (set-mode :end-message-send :until (advance 1) :advancing nil)) ((scan-any *c-begin-word*) (set-mode :word-ish :until (or (and (peek-any '(#\:)) (setf terminate-next t)) (and terminate-next (progn (setf terminate-next nil) (advance 1))) (scan-any *c-terminators*)) :advancing nil))) (:word-ish #+nil ((scan #\:) (format t "hi~%") (set-mode :word-ish :until (advance 1) :advancing nil) (setf terminate-next t)))) :parent :c++ :formatter-variables ((is-keyword nil) (in-message-send nil)) :formatters ((:begin-message-send (lambda (type s) (setf is-keyword nil) (setf in-message-send t) (call-formatter (cons :paren-ish type) s))) (:end-message-send (lambda (type s) (setf is-keyword nil) (setf in-message-send nil) (call-formatter (cons :paren-ish type) s))) (:word-ish (lambda (type s) (declare (ignore type)) (prog1 (let ((result (if (find-package :cocoa-lookup) (funcall (symbol-function (intern "SYMBOL-LOOKUP" :cocoa-lookup)) s)))) (if result (format nil "~A" result s) (if (member s *c-reserved-words* :test #'string=) (format nil "~A" s) (if in-message-send (if is-keyword (format nil "~A" s) s) s)))) (setf is-keyword (not is-keyword)))))))) ;#!/usr/bin/clisp ;#+sbcl ;(require :asdf) ;(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :colorize) (defmacro with-each-stream-line ((var stream) &body body) (let ((eof (gensym)) (eof-value (gensym)) (strm (gensym))) `(let ((,strm ,stream) (,eof ',eof-value)) (do ((,var (read-line ,strm nil ,eof) (read-line ,strm nil ,eof))) ((eql ,var ,eof)) ,@body)))) (defun system (control-string &rest args) "Interpolate ARGS into CONTROL-STRING as if by FORMAT, and synchronously execute the result using a Bourne-compatible shell, with output to *verbose-out*. Returns the shell's exit code." (let ((command (apply #'format nil control-string args))) (format t "; $ ~A~%" command) #+sbcl (sb-impl::process-exit-code (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/sh" (list "-c" command) :input nil :output *standard-output*)) #+(or cmu scl) (ext:process-exit-code (ext:run-program "/bin/sh" (list "-c" command) :input nil :output *verbose-out*)) #+clisp ;XXX not exactly *verbose-out*, I know (ext:run-shell-command command :output :terminal :wait t) )) (defun strcat (&rest strings) (apply #'concatenate 'string strings)) (defun string-starts-with (start str) (and (>= (length str) (length start)) (string-equal start str :end2 (length start)))) (defmacro string-append (outputstr &rest args) `(setq ,outputstr (concatenate 'string ,outputstr ,@args))) (defconstant +indent+ 2 "Indentation used in the examples.") (defun texinfo->raw-lisp (code) "Answer CODE with spurious Texinfo output removed. For use in preprocessing output in a @lisp block before passing to colorize." (decode-from-tt (with-output-to-string (output) (do* ((last-position 0) (next-position #0=(search #1="" code :start2 last-position :test #'char-equal) #0#)) ((eq nil next-position) (write-string code output :start last-position)) (write-string code output :start last-position :end next-position) (let ((end (search #2="" code :start2 (+ next-position (length #1#)) :test #'char-equal))) (assert (integerp end) () "Missing ~A tag in HTML for @lisp block~%~ HTML contents of block:~%~A" #2# code) (write-string code output :start (+ next-position (length #1#)) :end end) (setf last-position (+ end (length #2#)))))))) (defun process-file (from to) (with-open-file (output to :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (with-open-file (input from :direction :input) (let ((line-processor nil) (piece-of-code '())) (labels ((process-line-inside-pre (line) (cond ((string-starts-with "" line) (with-input-from-string (stream (colorize:html-colorization :common-lisp (texinfo->raw-lisp (apply #'concatenate 'string (nreverse piece-of-code))))) (with-each-stream-line (cline stream) (format output " ~A~%" cline))) (write-line line output) (setq piece-of-code '() line-processor #'process-regular-line)) (t (let ((to-append (subseq line +indent+))) (push (if (string= "" to-append) " " to-append) piece-of-code) (push (string #\Newline) piece-of-code))))) (process-regular-line (line) (let ((len (some (lambda (test-string) (when (string-starts-with test-string line) (length test-string))) '("
                 (cond (len
                         #+nil(format t "processing ~A~%" line)
                         (setq line-processor #'process-line-inside-pre)
                         (write-string "
" output)
                         (push (subseq line (+ len +indent+)) piece-of-code)
                         (push (string #\Newline) piece-of-code))
                       (t (write-line line output))))))
          (setf line-processor #'process-regular-line)
          (with-each-stream-line (line input)
            (funcall line-processor line)))))))

(defun process-dir (dir)
  (dolist (html-file (directory (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory dir)
                                               :type "html"
                                               :name :wild)))
    (let* ((name (namestring html-file))
           (temp-name (strcat name ".temp")))
      (format t "processing ~A~%" name)
      (process-file name temp-name)
      (system "mv ~A ~A" temp-name name))))

;; (go "/tmp/doc/manual/html_node/*.html")

  (assert (first ext:*args*))
  (process-dir (first ext:*args*)))

  (assert (second sb-ext:*posix-argv*))
  (process-dir (second sb-ext:*posix-argv*))