CL-INOTIFY - Interface to the Linux inotify API. Copyright (C) 2011 Olof-Joachim Frahm Released under a Simplified BSD license. Working, but unfinished. Implementations currently running on: SBCL. Uses CFFI, binary-types (from [my Github][1] or see [CLiki][2]) and trivial-utf-8. Doesn't use iolib, because we don't need most of the functionality, although it might gain us some implementation independence (patches which can be conditionally compiled are welcome). # HOWTO After loading the library use `MAKE-INOTIFY` to create a new event queue. The `NONBLOCKING` argument currently determines if we use the standard `CL:LISTEN` function or `SB-UNIX:UNIX-READ` to check for available events. The result of `MAKE-INOTIFY` is used with `WATCH` and `UNWATCH`, the first being used to watch a file or directory, the second to stop watching it. The `FLAGS` parameter of `WATCH` is described in the notify(7) manpage; you can use a combination of the flags (as keywords) to create a suitable bitmask. The types `INOTIFY-ADD/READ-FLAG`, `INOTIFY-READ-FLAG` and `INOTIFY-ADD-FLAG` are also defined and can be examined. For example, to watch for modified or closed files in a directory, call `(WATCH inotify "foo/" '(:modify :close))`. The result of `WATCH` is a handle (currently a `FIXNUM`, but I wouldn't rely on that) which can be fed to `UNWATCH` and can be translated from events with `EVENT-PATHNAME/FLAGS`. To finally get the events from the queue, use `READ-EVENT` (which blocks) or `NEXT-EVENT` (which doesn't block). `EVENT-AVAILABLEP` does what it should do, `NEXT-EVENTS` retrieves all currently available events as a list and `DO-EVENTS` (nonblocking) iterates over available events. The enhanced API registers all watched paths in a hashtable, so you can use `PATHNAME-HANDLE/FLAGS` to check if a pathname (exact match) is being watched and `LIST-WATCHED` to return all watched paths as a list. `EVENT-PATHNAME/FLAGS` may be used to get the pathname and flags for a read event. `UNWATCH` has to be called with the path or the handle of the watched file or directory (a path will be looked up in the same table as with `PATHNAME-HANDLE/FLAGS`). The raw API, which doesn't register watched paths, consists of `READ-RAW-EVENT-FROM-STREAM`, `READ-EVENT-FROM-STREAM`, `WATCH-RAW` and `UNWATCH-RAW`. They are just a thin wrapper around the C functions, but they're exported in case someone doesn't like the upper layers. In case you want to use `epoll` or `select` on the event queue you can access the file descriptor yourself and then use the normal functions afterwards. Currently no such functionality is integrated here. # EXAMPLE > (use-package '#:cl-inotify) > (defvar *tmp*) > (setf *tmp* (make-notify)) > (watch *tmp* "/var/tmp/" :all-events) > (next-events *tmp*) > (close-inotify *tmp*) # TODO - more functionality to examine read events - extend to other APIs? - make things more implementation independent - (maybe) don't use the libc for this, direct syscall - (maybe) add iolib replacement for io functions - easier interface for (e)poll/select maybe using iolib (done, using CL:LISTEN and/or SB-UNIX:UNIX-READ) LINKS [1]: [2]: