* Hacking JSCL ** Newbie guide - Load slime from the root directory. - C-c C-l jscl.lisp to load the whole project - =(jscl:bootstrap)= will generate jscl.js - Add tests - Open tests.html in your browser to see your failed tests ** Code organization, style, etc. *** Every definition should include documentation and unit tests. *** Definitions are organized in different files following CLHS chapters. *** Inside every file definition ordering should follow each CLHS dictionary index. This should make easier to find what has already been defined and what has not been defined yet. *** Definitions should follow CLHS naming (e. g., cons definition should be (defun cons (object-1 object-2) ...), not (defun cons (x y)) or (defun cons (obj1 obj2)). *** Tests should follow the same organization as definitions. *** CLHS examples can be used as tests. *** Documentation strings should not be taken from CLHS (due to license issues). It is recommended to take them from SBCL instead of reinventing them.