;;; jscl.lisp --- ;; Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 David Vazquez ;; Copyright (C) 2012 Raimon Grau ;; JSCL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; JSCL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with JSCL. If not, see . (defpackage :jscl (:use :cl) (:export #:bootstrap #:run-tests-in-host)) (in-package :jscl) (defvar *base-directory* (or #.*load-pathname* *default-pathname-defaults*)) ;;; List of all the source files that need to be compiled, and whether they ;;; are to be compiled just by the host, by the target JSCL, or by both. ;;; All files have a `.lisp' extension, and ;;; are relative to src/ ;;; Subdirectories are indicated by the presence of a list rather than a ;;; keyword in the second element of the list. For example, this list: ;;; (("foo" :target) ;;; ("bar" ;;; ("baz" :host) ;;; ("quux" :both))) ;;; Means that src/foo.lisp and src/bar/quux.lisp need to be compiled in the ;;; target, and that src/bar/baz.lisp and src/bar/quux.lisp need to be ;;; compiled in the host (defvar *source* '(("boot" :target) ("compat" :host) ("utils" :both) ("numbers" :target) ("char" :target) ("list" :target) ("array" :target) ("string" :target) ("sequence" :target) ("stream" :target) ("print" :target) ("documentation" :target) ("misc" :target) ("ffi" :target) ("package" :target) ("read" :both) ("defstruct" :both) ("lambda-list" :both) ("backquote" :both) ("compiler" ("codegen" :both) ("compiler" :both)) ("toplevel" :target))) (defun get-files (file-list type dir) "Traverse FILE-LIST and retrieve a list of the files within which match either TYPE or :BOTH, processing subdirectories." (let ((file (car file-list))) (cond ((null file-list) ()) ((listp (cadr file)) (append (get-files (cdr file) type (append dir (list (car file)))) (get-files (cdr file-list) type dir))) ((member (cadr file) (list type :both)) (cons (source-pathname (car file) :directory dir :type "lisp") (get-files (cdr file-list) type dir))) (t (get-files (cdr file-list) type dir))))) (defmacro do-source (name type &body body) "Iterate over all the source files that need to be compiled in the host or the target, depending on the TYPE argument." (unless (member type '(:host :target)) (error "TYPE must be one of :HOST or :TARGET, not ~S" type)) `(dolist (,name (get-files *source* ,type '(:relative "src"))) ,@body)) (defun source-pathname (filename &key (directory '(:relative "src")) (type nil) (defaults filename)) (merge-pathnames (if type (make-pathname :type type :directory directory :defaults defaults) (make-pathname :directory directory :defaults defaults)) *base-directory*)) ;;; Compile jscl into the host (with-compilation-unit () (do-source input :host (multiple-value-bind (fasl warn fail) (compile-file input) (declare (ignore fasl warn)) (when fail (error "Compilation of ~A failed." input))))) ;;; Load jscl into the host (do-source input :host (load input)) (defun read-whole-file (filename) (with-open-file (in filename) (let ((seq (make-array (file-length in) :element-type 'character))) (read-sequence seq in) seq))) (defun !compile-file (filename out &key print) (let ((*compiling-file* t) (*compile-print-toplevels* print)) (let* ((source (read-whole-file filename)) (in (make-string-stream source))) (format t "Compiling ~a...~%" (enough-namestring filename)) (loop with eof-mark = (gensym) for x = (ls-read in nil eof-mark) until (eq x eof-mark) do (let ((compilation (compile-toplevel x))) (when (plusp (length compilation)) (write-string compilation out))))))) (defun dump-global-environment (stream) (flet ((late-compile (form) (let ((*standard-output* stream)) (write-string (compile-toplevel form))))) ;; We assume that environments have a friendly list representation ;; for the compiler and it can be dumped. (dolist (b (lexenv-function *environment*)) (when (eq (binding-type b) 'macro) (setf (binding-value b) `(,*magic-unquote-marker* ,(binding-value b))))) (late-compile `(setq *environment* ',*environment*)) ;; Set some counter variable properly, so user compiled code will ;; not collide with the compiler itself. (late-compile `(progn (progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (s) `(%intern-symbol (%js-vref ,(string (cdr s))))) (remove-if-not #'symbolp *literal-table* :key #'car))) (setq *literal-table* ',*literal-table*) (setq *variable-counter* ,*variable-counter*) (setq *gensym-counter* ,*gensym-counter*))) (late-compile `(setq *literal-counter* ,*literal-counter*)))) (defun bootstrap () (let ((*features* (cons :jscl *features*)) (*package* (find-package "JSCL"))) (setq *environment* (make-lexenv)) (setq *literal-table* nil) (setq *variable-counter* 0 *gensym-counter* 0 *literal-counter* 0) (with-open-file (out (merge-pathnames "jscl.js" *base-directory*) :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (write-string (read-whole-file (source-pathname "prelude.js")) out) (do-source input :target (!compile-file input out)) (dump-global-environment out)) ;; Tests (with-open-file (out (merge-pathnames "tests.js" *base-directory*) :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (dolist (input (append (directory "tests.lisp") (directory "tests/*.lisp") (directory "tests-report.lisp"))) (!compile-file input out))))) ;;; Run the tests in the host Lisp implementation. It is a quick way ;;; to improve the level of trust of the tests. (defun run-tests-in-host () (let ((*package* (find-package "JSCL"))) (load "tests.lisp") (let ((*use-html-output-p* nil)) (declare (special *use-html-output-p*)) (dolist (input (directory "tests/*.lisp")) (load input))) (load "tests-report.lisp")))