3 (def-ir1-translator compiler-let ((bindings &rest forms) start next result)
4 (loop for binding in bindings
6 collect binding into vars
7 and collect nil into values
8 else do (assert (proper-list-of-length-p binding 1 2))
9 and collect (first binding) into vars
10 and collect (eval (second binding)) into values
11 finally (return (progv vars values
12 (sb-c::ir1-convert-progn-body start next result forms)))))
14 (defun walk-compiler-let (form context env)
15 (declare (ignore context))
16 (destructuring-bind (bindings &rest body)
18 (loop for binding in bindings
20 collect binding into vars
21 and collect nil into values
22 else do (assert (proper-list-of-length-p binding 1 2))
23 and collect (first binding) into vars
24 and collect (eval (second binding)) into values
27 (let ((walked-body (sb-walker::walk-repeat-eval body env)))
28 (sb-walker::relist* form
29 'compiler-let bindings walked-body)))))))
31 (sb-walker::define-walker-template compiler-let walk-compiler-let)
34 (setf (getf sb-eval::*eval-dispatch-functions* 'compiler-let)
36 (destructuring-bind (bindings &body body) (cdr form)
37 (loop for binding in bindings
39 collect binding into vars
40 and collect nil into values
41 else do (assert (proper-list-of-length-p binding 1 2))
42 and collect (first binding) into vars
43 and collect (eval (second binding)) into values
45 (let ((new-env (sb-eval::make-env
47 :vars (sb-eval::special-bindings vars env))))
49 (sb-eval::eval-progn body new-env))))))))