Fix make-array transforms.
[sbcl.git] / contrib / sb-concurrency / tests / test-frlock.lisp
1 ;;;; -*-  Lisp -*-
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package :sb-concurrency-test)
14 (defmacro deftest* ((name &key fails-on) form &rest results)
15   `(progn
16      (when (sb-impl::featurep ',fails-on)
17        (pushnew ',name sb-rt::*expected-failures*))
18      (deftest ,name ,form ,@results)))
20 (defun test-frlocks (&key (reader-count 100) (read-count 1000000)
21                           (outer-read-pause 0) (inner-read-pause 0)
22                           (writer-count 10) (write-count 10000)
23                           (outer-write-pause 0.0001) (inner-write-pause 0))
24     (let ((rw (make-frlock))
25           (a 0)
26           (b 0)
27           (c 0)
28           (run! nil)
29           (w-e! (cons :write-oops nil))
30           (r-e! (cons :read-oops nil)))
31       (flet ((maybe-pause (pause &optional value)
32                (if (eq t pause)
33                    (sb-thread:thread-yield)
34                    (when (> pause 0)
35                      (sleep (random pause))))
36                value))
37         (mapc #'join-thread
38              (nconc
39               (loop repeat reader-count
40                     collect
41                        (make-thread
42                         (lambda ()
43                           (loop until run! do (thread-yield))
44                           (handler-case
45                               (loop repeat read-count
46                                     do (multiple-value-bind (a b c)
47                                            (frlock-read (rw)
48                                              a b (maybe-pause inner-read-pause c))
49                                          (maybe-pause outer-read-pause)
50                                          (unless (eql c (+ a b))
51                                            (sb-ext:atomic-update (cdr r-e!) #'cons
52                                                                  (list a b c)))))
53                             (error (e)
54                               (sb-ext:atomic-update (cdr r-e!) #'cons e))))))
55               (loop repeat writer-count
56                     collect (make-thread
57                              (lambda ()
58                                (loop until run! do (thread-yield))
59                                (handler-case
60                                    (loop repeat write-count
61                                          do (frlock-write (rw)
62                                               (let* ((a_ (random 10000))
63                                                      (b_ (random 10000))
64                                                      (c_ (+ a_ b_)))
65                                                 (setf a a_
66                                                       b b_
67                                                       c (+ a b))
68                                                 (maybe-pause inner-write-pause)
69                                                 (unless (and (eql c c_)
70                                                              (eql b b_)
71                                                              (eql a a_))
72                                                   (sb-ext:atomic-update (cdr w-e!) #'cons
73                                                                         (list a a_ b b_ c c_)))))
74                                             (maybe-pause outer-write-pause))
75                                  (error (e)
76                                    (sb-ext:atomic-update (cdr w-e!) #'cons e))))))
77               (progn
78                 (setf run! t)
79                 nil))))
80       (values (cdr w-e!) (cdr r-e!))))
82 #+sb-thread
83 (deftest* (frlock.1 :fails-on :win32)
84     (handler-case
85         (sb-ext:with-timeout 60 (test-frlocks))
86       (sb-ext:timeout (c)
87         (error "~A" c)))
88   nil
89   nil)