3 ;;; **********************************************************************
4 ;;; This code was written by Paul Foley and has been placed in the public
8 ;;; Sbcl port by Rudi Schlatte.
11 ;;; **********************************************************************
13 ;;; Macros needed by the simple-streams implementation
15 (in-package "SB-SIMPLE-STREAMS")
17 (defun file-namestring (pathname)
18 (sb-ext:native-namestring (sb-int:physicalize-pathname pathname) :as-file t))
20 (defmacro def-stream-class (name superclasses slots &rest options)
21 `(defclass ,name ,superclasses ,slots ,@options))
24 ;; All known stream flags. Note that the position in the constant
25 ;; list is significant (cf. %flags below).
26 (sb-int:defconstant-eqx +flag-bits+
27 '(:simple ; instance is valid
28 :input :output ; direction
29 :dual :string ; type of stream
31 :dirty ; output buffer needs write
32 :interactive) ; interactive stream
35 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
37 (loop for flag in flags
38 as pos = (position flag +flag-bits+)
39 when (eq flag :gray) do
40 (error "Gray streams not supported.")
42 sum (ash 1 pos) into bits
44 collect flag into unused
46 (warn "Invalid stream instance flag~P: ~{~S~^, ~}"
47 (length unused) unused))
50 ;;; Setup an environment where sm, funcall-stm-handler and
51 ;;; funcall-stm-handler-2 are valid and efficient for a stream of type
52 ;;; class-name or for the stream argument (in which case the
53 ;;; class-name argument is ignored). In nested with-stream-class
54 ;;; forms, the inner with-stream-class form must specify a stream
55 ;;; argument if the outer one specifies one, or the wrong object will
58 (defmacro with-stream-class ((class-name &optional stream) &body body)
60 (let ((stm (gensym "STREAM"))
62 `(let* ((,stm ,stream)
63 (,slt (sb-kernel:%instance-ref ,stm 1)))
64 (declare (type ,class-name ,stm)
65 (type simple-vector ,slt)
67 (macrolet ((sm (slot-name stream)
68 (declare (ignore stream))
70 `(slot-value ,',stm ',slot-name)
72 `(%sm ',slot-name ,',stm))
73 (add-stream-instance-flags (stream &rest flags)
74 (declare (ignore stream))
75 `(setf (sm %flags ,',stm) (logior (the fixnum (sm %flags ,',stm))
77 (remove-stream-instance-flags (stream &rest flags)
78 (declare (ignore stream))
79 `(setf (sm %flags ,',stm) (logandc2 (the fixnum (sm %flags ,',stm))
81 (any-stream-instance-flags (stream &rest flags)
82 (declare (ignore stream))
83 `(not (zerop (logand (the fixnum (sm %flags ,',stm))
86 `(macrolet ((sm (slot-name stream)
88 `(slot-value ,stream ',slot-name)
90 `(%sm ',slot-name ,stream)))
93 (defmacro sm (slot-name stream)
94 "Access the named slot in Stream."
95 (warn "Using ~S macro outside ~S." 'sm 'with-stream-class)
96 `(slot-value ,stream ',slot-name))
98 (defmacro funcall-stm-handler (slot-name stream &rest args)
99 "Call the strategy function named by Slot-Name on Stream."
102 (funcall (sm ,slot-name ,s) ,s ,@args))))
104 (defmacro funcall-stm-handler-2 (slot-name arg1 stream &rest args)
105 "Call the strategy function named by Slot-Name on Stream."
108 (funcall (sm ,slot-name ,s) ,arg1 ,s ,@args))))
110 (defmacro add-stream-instance-flags (stream &rest flags)
111 "Set the given Flags in Stream."
112 (let ((s (gensym "STREAM")))
114 (with-stream-class (simple-stream ,s)
115 (add-stream-instance-flags ,s ,@flags)))))
117 (defmacro remove-stream-instance-flags (stream &rest flags)
118 "Clear the given Flags in Stream."
119 (let ((s (gensym "STREAM")))
121 (with-stream-class (simple-stream ,s)
122 (remove-stream-instance-flags ,s ,@flags)))))
124 (defmacro any-stream-instance-flags (stream &rest flags)
125 "Determine whether any one of the Flags is set in Stream."
126 (let ((s (gensym "STREAM")))
128 (with-stream-class (simple-stream ,s)
129 (any-stream-instance-flags ,s ,@flags)))))
131 (defmacro simple-stream-dispatch (stream single dual string)
132 (let ((s (gensym "STREAM")))
134 (with-stream-class (simple-stream ,s)
135 (let ((%flags (sm %flags ,s)))
136 (cond ((zerop (logand %flags ,(%flags '(:string :dual))))
138 ((zerop (logand %flags ,(%flags '(:string))))
143 (defmacro simple-stream-dispatch-2 (stream non-string string)
144 (let ((s (gensym "STREAM")))
146 (with-stream-class (simple-stream ,s)
147 (let ((%flags (sm %flags ,s)))
148 (cond ((zerop (logand %flags ,(%flags '(:string))))
154 ;;;; The following two forms are for Franz source-compatibility,
155 ;;;; disabled at the moment.
159 (:use "SB-SIMPLE-STREAMS")
160 (:import-from "SB-SIMPLE-STREAMS"