Remove a workaround in bit-vector consets
[sbcl.git] / src / compiler / generic / early-type-vops.lisp
1 ;;;; generic type testing and checking apparatus
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
11 (in-package "SB!VM")
12 \f
13 (defparameter *immediate-types*
14   (list* unbound-marker-widetag character-widetag
15          (when (= sb!vm::n-word-bits 64)
16            (list single-float-widetag))))
18 (defparameter *fun-header-widetags*
19   (list funcallable-instance-header-widetag
20         simple-fun-header-widetag
21         closure-header-widetag))
23 (defun canonicalize-headers (headers)
24   (collect ((results))
25     (let ((start nil)
26           (prev nil)
27           (delta (- other-immediate-1-lowtag other-immediate-0-lowtag)))
28       (flet ((emit-test ()
29                (results (if (= start prev)
30                             start
31                             (cons start prev)))))
32         (dolist (header (sort headers #'<))
33           (cond ((null start)
34                  (setf start header)
35                  (setf prev header))
36                 ((= header (+ prev delta))
37                  (setf prev header))
38                 (t
39                  (emit-test)
40                  (setf start header)
41                  (setf prev header))))
42         (emit-test)))
43     (results)))
45 (defmacro test-type (value target not-p
46                      (&rest type-codes)
47                      &rest other-args
48                      &key &allow-other-keys)
49   ;; Determine what interesting combinations we need to test for.
50   (let* ((type-codes (mapcar #'eval type-codes))
51          (fixnump (and (every (lambda (lowtag)
52                                 (member lowtag type-codes))
53                               '#.(mapcar #'symbol-value fixnum-lowtags))
54                        t))
55          (lowtags (remove lowtag-limit type-codes :test #'<))
56          (extended (remove lowtag-limit type-codes :test #'>))
57          (immediates (intersection extended *immediate-types* :test #'eql))
58          (headers (set-difference extended *immediate-types* :test #'eql))
59          (function-p (if (intersection headers *fun-header-widetags*)
60                          (if (subsetp headers *fun-header-widetags*)
61                              t
62                              (error "can't test for mix of function subtypes ~
63                                      and normal header types"))
64                          nil)))
65     (unless type-codes
66       (error "At least one type must be supplied for TEST-TYPE."))
67     (cond
68       (fixnump
69        (when (remove-if (lambda (x)
70                           (member x '#.(mapcar #'symbol-value fixnum-lowtags)))
71                         lowtags)
72          (error "can't mix fixnum testing with other lowtags"))
73        (when function-p
74          (error "can't mix fixnum testing with function subtype testing"))
75        (cond
76          ((and (= sb!vm:n-word-bits 64) immediates headers)
77           `(%test-fixnum-immediate-and-headers ,value ,target ,not-p
78                                                ,(car immediates)
79                                                ',(canonicalize-headers
80                                                   headers)
81                                                ,@other-args))
82          (immediates
83           (if (= sb!vm:n-word-bits 64)
84               `(%test-fixnum-and-immediate ,value ,target ,not-p
85                                            ,(car immediates)
86                                            ,@other-args)
87               (error "can't mix fixnum testing with other immediates")))
88          (headers
89           `(%test-fixnum-and-headers ,value ,target ,not-p
90                                      ',(canonicalize-headers headers)
91                                      ,@other-args))
92          (t
93           `(%test-fixnum ,value ,target ,not-p
94                          ,@other-args))))
95       (immediates
96        (cond
97          (headers
98           (if (= sb!vm:n-word-bits 64)
99               `(%test-immediate-and-headers ,value ,target ,not-p
100                                             ,(car immediates)
101                                             ',(canonicalize-headers headers)
102                                             ,@other-args)
103               (error "can't mix testing of immediates with testing of headers")))
104          (lowtags
105           (error "can't mix testing of immediates with testing of lowtags"))
106          ((cdr immediates)
107           (error "can't test multiple immediates at the same time"))
108          (t
109           `(%test-immediate ,value ,target ,not-p ,(car immediates)
110                             ,@other-args))))
111       (lowtags
112        (when (cdr lowtags)
113          (error "can't test multiple lowtags at the same time"))
114        (when headers
115          (error "can't test non-fixnum lowtags and headers at the same time"))
116        `(%test-lowtag ,value ,target ,not-p ,(car lowtags) ,@other-args))
117       (headers
118        `(%test-headers ,value ,target ,not-p ,function-p
119          ',(canonicalize-headers headers)
120          ,@other-args))
121       (t
122        (error "nothing to test?")))))