added a FINISH-OUTPUT before switching streams
[sbcl.git] / src / pcl / slots-boot.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
4 ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox
5 ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications
6 ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with
7 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more
8 ;;;; information.
10 ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources:
11 ;;;;
12 ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation.
13 ;;;; All rights reserved.
14 ;;;;
15 ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based
16 ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or
17 ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export
18 ;;;; control laws.
19 ;;;;
20 ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no
21 ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any
22 ;;;; specification.
24 (in-package "SB-PCL")
25 \f
26 (let ((reader-specializers '(slot-object))
27       (writer-specializers '(t slot-object)))
28   (defun ensure-accessor (type fun-name slot-name)
29     (unless (fboundp fun-name)
30       (multiple-value-bind (lambda-list specializers method-class initargs doc)
31           (ecase type
32             ;; FIXME: change SLOT-OBJECT here to T to get SLOT-MISSING
33             ;; behaviour for non-slot-objects too?
34             (reader
35              (values '(object) reader-specializers 'global-reader-method
36                      (make-std-reader-method-function 'slot-object slot-name)
37                      "automatically-generated reader method"))
38             (writer
39              (values '(new-value object) writer-specializers
40                      'global-writer-method
41                      (make-std-writer-method-function 'slot-object slot-name)
42                      "automatically-generated writer method"))
43             (boundp
44              (values '(object) reader-specializers 'global-boundp-method
45                      (make-std-boundp-method-function 'slot-object slot-name)
46                      "automatically-generated boundp method")))
47         (let ((gf (ensure-generic-function fun-name :lambda-list lambda-list)))
48           (add-method gf (make-a-method method-class
49                                         () lambda-list specializers
50                                         initargs doc :slot-name slot-name)))))
51     t)
52   ;; KLUDGE: this is maybe PCL bootstrap mechanism #6 or #7, invented
53   ;; by CSR in June 2007.  Making the bootstrap sane is getting higher
54   ;; on the "TODO: URGENT" list.
55   (defun !fix-ensure-accessor-specializers ()
56     (setf reader-specializers (mapcar #'find-class reader-specializers))
57     (setf writer-specializers (mapcar #'find-class writer-specializers))))
59 (defmacro accessor-slot-value (object slot-name)
60   (aver (constantp slot-name))
61   (let* ((slot-name (constant-form-value slot-name))
62          (reader-name (slot-reader-name slot-name)))
63     `(let ((.ignore. (load-time-value
64                       (ensure-accessor 'reader ',reader-name ',slot-name))))
65       (declare (ignore .ignore.))
66       (truly-the (values t &optional)
67                  (funcall #',reader-name ,object)))))
69 (defmacro accessor-set-slot-value (object slot-name new-value &environment env)
70   (aver (constantp slot-name))
71   (setq object (macroexpand object env))
72   (setq slot-name (macroexpand slot-name env))
73   (let* ((slot-name (constant-form-value slot-name))
74          (bindings (unless (or (constantp new-value) (atom new-value))
75                      (let ((object-var (gensym)))
76                        (prog1 `((,object-var ,object))
77                          (setq object object-var)))))
78          (writer-name (slot-writer-name slot-name))
79          (form
80           `(let ((.ignore.
81                   (load-time-value
82                    (ensure-accessor 'writer ',writer-name ',slot-name)))
83                  (.new-value. ,new-value))
84             (declare (ignore .ignore.))
85             (funcall #',writer-name .new-value. ,object)
86             .new-value.)))
87     (if bindings
88         `(let ,bindings ,form)
89         form)))
91 (defmacro accessor-slot-boundp (object slot-name)
92   (aver (constantp slot-name))
93   (let* ((slot-name (constant-form-value slot-name))
94          (boundp-name (slot-boundp-name slot-name)))
95     `(let ((.ignore. (load-time-value
96                       (ensure-accessor 'boundp ',boundp-name ',slot-name))))
97       (declare (ignore .ignore.))
98       (funcall #',boundp-name ,object))))
100 (defun make-structure-slot-boundp-function (slotd)
101   (declare (ignore slotd))
102   (lambda (object)
103     (declare (ignore object))
104     t))
106 (define-condition instance-structure-protocol-error
107     (reference-condition error)
108   ((slotd :initarg :slotd :reader instance-structure-protocol-error-slotd)
109    (fun :initarg :fun :reader instance-structure-protocol-error-fun))
110   (:report
111    (lambda (c s)
112      (format s "~@<The slot ~S has neither ~S nor ~S ~
113                 allocation, so it can't be ~A by the default ~
114                 ~S method.~@:>"
115              (instance-structure-protocol-error-slotd c)
116              :instance :class
117              (cond
118                ((member (instance-structure-protocol-error-fun c)
119                         '(slot-value-using-class slot-boundp-using-class))
120                 "read")
121                (t "written"))
122              (instance-structure-protocol-error-fun c)))))
124 (defun instance-structure-protocol-error (slotd fun)
125   (error 'instance-structure-protocol-error
126          :slotd slotd :fun fun
127          :references (list `(:amop :generic-function ,fun)
128                            '(:amop :section (5 5 3)))))
130 (defun get-optimized-std-accessor-method-function (class slotd name)
131   (cond
132     ((structure-class-p class)
133      (ecase name
134        (reader (slot-definition-internal-reader-function slotd))
135        (writer (slot-definition-internal-writer-function slotd))
136        (boundp (make-structure-slot-boundp-function slotd))))
137     ((condition-class-p class)
138      (ecase name
139        (reader (slot-definition-reader-function slotd))
140        (writer (slot-definition-writer-function slotd))
141        (boundp (slot-definition-boundp-function slotd))))
142     (t
143      (let* ((fsc-p (cond ((standard-class-p class) nil)
144                          ((funcallable-standard-class-p class) t)
145                          ((std-class-p class)
146                           ;; Shouldn't be using the optimized-std-accessors
147                           ;; in this case.
148                           #+nil (format t "* warning: ~S ~S~%   ~S~%"
149                                         name slotd class)
150                           nil)
151                          (t (error "~S is not a STANDARD-CLASS." class))))
152             (slot-name (slot-definition-name slotd))
153             (location (slot-definition-location slotd))
154             (function (ecase name
155                         (reader #'make-optimized-std-reader-method-function)
156                         (writer #'make-optimized-std-writer-method-function)
157                         (boundp #'make-optimized-std-boundp-method-function)))
158             ;; KLUDGE: we need this slightly hacky calling convention
159             ;; for these functions for bootstrapping reasons: see
160             ;; !BOOTSTRAP-MAKE-SLOT-DEFINITION in braid.lisp.  -- CSR,
161             ;; 2004-07-12
162             (value (funcall function fsc-p slotd slot-name location)))
163        (declare (type function function))
164        (values value (slot-definition-location slotd))))))
166 (defun make-optimized-std-reader-method-function
167     (fsc-p slotd slot-name location)
168   (declare #.*optimize-speed*)
169   (set-fun-name
170    (etypecase location
171      (fixnum
172       (if fsc-p
173           (lambda (instance)
174             (check-obsolete-instance instance)
175             (let ((value (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance)
176                                          location)))
177               (if (eq value +slot-unbound+)
178                   (values
179                    (slot-unbound (class-of instance) instance slot-name))
180                   value)))
181           (lambda (instance)
182             (check-obsolete-instance instance)
183             (let ((value (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance)
184                                          location)))
185               (if (eq value +slot-unbound+)
186                   (values
187                    (slot-unbound (class-of instance) instance slot-name))
188                   value)))))
189      (cons
190       (lambda (instance)
191         (check-obsolete-instance instance)
192         (let ((value (cdr location)))
193           (if (eq value +slot-unbound+)
194               (values (slot-unbound (class-of instance) instance slot-name))
195               value))))
196      (null
197       (lambda (instance)
198         (instance-structure-protocol-error slotd 'slot-value-using-class))))
199    `(reader ,slot-name)))
201 (defun make-optimized-std-writer-method-function
202     (fsc-p slotd slot-name location)
203   (declare #.*optimize-speed*)
204   (let* ((safe-p (and slotd
205                       (slot-definition-class slotd)
206                       (safe-p (slot-definition-class slotd))))
207          (writer-fun (etypecase location
208                        (fixnum (if fsc-p
209                                    (lambda (nv instance)
210                                      (check-obsolete-instance instance)
211                                      (setf (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance)
212                                                            location)
213                                            nv))
214                                    (lambda (nv instance)
215                                      (check-obsolete-instance instance)
216                                      (setf (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance)
217                                                            location)
218                                            nv))))
219                        (cons (lambda (nv instance)
220                                (check-obsolete-instance instance)
221                                (setf (cdr location) nv)))
222                        (null
223                         (lambda (nv instance)
224                           (declare (ignore nv instance))
225                           (instance-structure-protocol-error
226                            slotd
227                            '(setf slot-value-using-class))))))
228          (checking-fun (lambda (new-value instance)
229                          (check-obsolete-instance instance)
230                          ;; If the SLOTD had a TYPE-CHECK-FUNCTION, call it.
231                          (let* (;; Note that this CLASS is not neccessarily
232                                 ;; the SLOT-DEFINITION-CLASS of the
233                                 ;; SLOTD passed to M-O-S-W-M-F, since it's
234                                 ;; e.g. possible for a subclass to define
235                                 ;; a slot of the same name but with no
236                                 ;; accessors. So we need to fetch the SLOTD
237                                 ;; when CHECKING-FUN is called, instead of
238                                 ;; just closing over it.
239                                 (class (class-of instance))
240                                 (slotd (find-slot-definition class slot-name))
241                                 (type-check-function
242                                  (when slotd
243                                    (slot-definition-type-check-function slotd))))
244                            (when type-check-function
245                              (funcall type-check-function new-value)))
246                          ;; Then call the real writer.
247                          (funcall writer-fun new-value instance))))
248     (set-fun-name (if safe-p
249                       checking-fun
250                       writer-fun)
251                   `(writer ,slot-name))))
253 (defun make-optimized-std-boundp-method-function
254     (fsc-p slotd slot-name location)
255   (declare #.*optimize-speed*)
256   (set-fun-name
257    (etypecase location
258      (fixnum (if fsc-p
259                  (lambda (instance)
260                    (check-obsolete-instance instance)
261                    (not (eq (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance)
262                                             location)
263                             +slot-unbound+)))
264                  (lambda (instance)
265                    (check-obsolete-instance instance)
266                    (not (eq (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance)
267                                             location)
268                             +slot-unbound+)))))
269      (cons (lambda (instance)
270              (check-obsolete-instance instance)
271              (not (eq (cdr location) +slot-unbound+))))
272      (null
273       (lambda (instance)
274         (instance-structure-protocol-error slotd 'slot-boundp-using-class))))
275    `(boundp ,slot-name)))
277 (defun make-optimized-structure-slot-value-using-class-method-function
278     (function)
279   (declare (type function function))
280   (lambda (class object slotd)
281     (declare (ignore class slotd))
282     (funcall function object)))
284 (defun make-optimized-structure-setf-slot-value-using-class-method-function
285     (function)
286   (declare (type function function))
287   (lambda (nv class object slotd)
288     (declare (ignore class slotd))
289     (funcall function nv object)))
291 (defun make-optimized-structure-slot-boundp-using-class-method-function ()
292   (lambda (class object slotd)
293     (declare (ignore class object slotd))
294     t))
296 (defun get-optimized-std-slot-value-using-class-method-function
297     (class slotd name)
298   (cond
299     ((structure-class-p class)
300      (ecase name
301        (reader (make-optimized-structure-slot-value-using-class-method-function
302                 (slot-definition-internal-reader-function slotd)))
303        (writer (make-optimized-structure-setf-slot-value-using-class-method-function
304                 (slot-definition-internal-writer-function slotd)))
305        (boundp (make-optimized-structure-slot-boundp-using-class-method-function))))
306     ((condition-class-p class)
307      (ecase name
308        (reader
309         (let ((fun (slot-definition-reader-function slotd)))
310           (declare (type function fun))
311           (lambda (class object slotd)
312             (declare (ignore class slotd))
313             (funcall fun object))))
314        (writer
315         (let ((fun (slot-definition-writer-function slotd)))
316           (declare (type function fun))
317           (lambda (new-value class object slotd)
318             (declare (ignore class slotd))
319             (funcall fun new-value object))))
320        (boundp
321         (let ((fun (slot-definition-boundp-function slotd)))
322           (declare (type function fun))
323           (lambda (class object slotd)
324             (declare (ignore class slotd))
325             (funcall fun object))))))
326     (t
327      (let* ((fsc-p (cond ((standard-class-p class) nil)
328                          ((funcallable-standard-class-p class) t)
329                          (t (error "~S is not a standard-class" class))))
330             (function
331              (ecase name
332                (reader
333                 #'make-optimized-std-slot-value-using-class-method-function)
334                (writer
335                 #'make-optimized-std-setf-slot-value-using-class-method-function)
336                (boundp
337                 #'make-optimized-std-slot-boundp-using-class-method-function))))
338        (declare (type function function))
339        (values (funcall function fsc-p slotd)
340                (slot-definition-location slotd))))))
342 (defun make-optimized-std-slot-value-using-class-method-function (fsc-p slotd)
343   (declare #.*optimize-speed*)
344   (let ((location (slot-definition-location slotd))
345         (slot-name (slot-definition-name slotd)))
346     (etypecase location
347       (fixnum (if fsc-p
348                   (lambda (class instance slotd)
349                     (declare (ignore slotd))
350                     (check-obsolete-instance instance)
351                     (let ((value (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance)
352                                                  location)))
353                       (if (eq value +slot-unbound+)
354                           (values (slot-unbound class instance slot-name))
355                           value)))
356                   (lambda (class instance slotd)
357                     (declare (ignore slotd))
358                     (check-obsolete-instance instance)
359                     (let ((value (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance)
360                                                  location)))
361                       (if (eq value +slot-unbound+)
362                           (values (slot-unbound class instance slot-name))
363                           value)))))
364       (cons (lambda (class instance slotd)
365               (declare (ignore slotd))
366               (check-obsolete-instance instance)
367               (let ((value (cdr location)))
368                 (if (eq value +slot-unbound+)
369                     (values (slot-unbound class instance slot-name))
370                     value))))
371       (null
372        (lambda (class instance slotd)
373          (declare (ignore class instance))
374          (instance-structure-protocol-error slotd 'slot-value-using-class))))))
376 (defun make-optimized-std-setf-slot-value-using-class-method-function
377     (fsc-p slotd)
378   (declare #.*optimize-speed*)
379   (let ((location (slot-definition-location slotd))
380         (type-check-function
381          (when (and slotd
382                     (slot-definition-class slotd)
383                     (safe-p (slot-definition-class slotd)))
384            (slot-definition-type-check-function slotd))))
385     (macrolet ((make-mf-lambda (&body body)
386                  `(lambda (nv class instance slotd)
387                     (declare (ignore class slotd))
388                     (check-obsolete-instance instance)
389                     ,@body))
390                (make-mf-lambdas (&body body)
391                  ;; Having separate lambdas for the NULL / not-NULL cases of
392                  ;; TYPE-CHECK-FUNCTION is done to avoid runtime overhead
393                  ;; for CLOS typechecking when it's not in use.
394                  `(if type-check-function
395                       (make-mf-lambda
396                        (funcall (the function type-check-function) nv)
397                        ,@body)
398                       (make-mf-lambda
399                        ,@body))))
400       (etypecase location
401         (fixnum
402          (if fsc-p
403              (make-mf-lambdas
404               (setf (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance) location)
405                     nv))
406              (make-mf-lambdas
407               (setf (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance) location)
408                     nv))))
409         (cons
410          (make-mf-lambdas (setf (cdr location) nv)))
411         (null (lambda (nv class instance slotd)
412                 (declare (ignore nv class instance))
413                 (instance-structure-protocol-error
414                  slotd '(setf slot-value-using-class))))))))
416 (defun make-optimized-std-slot-boundp-using-class-method-function
417     (fsc-p slotd)
418   (declare #.*optimize-speed*)
419   (let ((location (slot-definition-location slotd)))
420     (etypecase location
421       (fixnum
422        (if fsc-p
423            (lambda (class instance slotd)
424              (declare (ignore class slotd))
425              (check-obsolete-instance instance)
426              (not (eq (clos-slots-ref (fsc-instance-slots instance) location)
427                       +slot-unbound+)))
428            (lambda (class instance slotd)
429              (declare (ignore class slotd))
430              (check-obsolete-instance instance)
431              (not (eq (clos-slots-ref (std-instance-slots instance) location)
432                       +slot-unbound+)))))
433       (cons (lambda (class instance slotd)
434               (declare (ignore class slotd))
435               (check-obsolete-instance instance)
436               (not (eq (cdr location) +slot-unbound+))))
437       (null
438        (lambda (class instance slotd)
439          (declare (ignore class instance))
440          (instance-structure-protocol-error slotd
441                                             'slot-boundp-using-class))))))
443 (defun get-accessor-from-svuc-method-function (class slotd sdfun name)
444   (macrolet ((emf-funcall (emf &rest args)
445                `(invoke-effective-method-function ,emf nil
446                                                   :required-args ,args)))
447     (set-fun-name
448      (case name
449        (reader (lambda (instance)
450                  (emf-funcall sdfun class instance slotd)))
451        (writer (lambda (nv instance)
452                  (emf-funcall sdfun nv class instance slotd)))
453        (boundp (lambda (instance)
454                  (emf-funcall sdfun class instance slotd))))
455      `(,name ,(class-name class) ,(slot-definition-name slotd)))))
456 \f
457 (defun make-std-reader-method-function (class-or-name slot-name)
458   (declare (ignore class-or-name))
459   (let* ((initargs (copy-tree
460                     (make-method-function
461                      (lambda (instance)
462                        (pv-binding1 (.pv. .calls.
463                                           (bug "Please report this")
464                                           (instance) (instance-slots))
465                          (instance-read-internal
466                           .pv. instance-slots 0
467                           (slot-value instance slot-name))))))))
468     (setf (getf (getf initargs 'plist) :slot-name-lists)
469           (list (list nil slot-name)))
470     initargs))
472 (defun make-std-writer-method-function (class-or-name slot-name)
473   (let* ((class (when (eq *boot-state* 'complete)
474                   (if (typep class-or-name 'class)
475                       class-or-name
476                       (find-class class-or-name nil))))
477          (safe-p (and class
478                       (safe-p class)))
479          (check-fun (lambda (new-value instance)
480                       (let* ((class (class-of instance))
481                              (slotd (find-slot-definition class slot-name))
482                              (type-check-function
483                               (when slotd
484                                 (slot-definition-type-check-function slotd))))
485                         (when type-check-function
486                           (funcall type-check-function new-value)))))
487          (initargs (copy-tree
488                     (if safe-p
489                         (make-method-function
490                          (lambda (nv instance)
491                            (funcall check-fun nv instance)
492                            (pv-binding1 (.pv. .calls.
493                                               (bug "Please report this")
494                                               (instance) (instance-slots))
495                              (instance-write-internal
496                               .pv. instance-slots 0 nv
497                               (setf (slot-value instance slot-name) nv)))))
498                         (make-method-function
499                          (lambda (nv instance)
500                            (pv-binding1 (.pv. .calls.
501                                               (bug "Please report this")
502                                               (instance) (instance-slots))
503                              (instance-write-internal
504                               .pv. instance-slots 0 nv
505                               (setf (slot-value instance slot-name) nv)))))))))
506     (setf (getf (getf initargs 'plist) :slot-name-lists)
507           (list nil (list nil slot-name)))
508     initargs))
510 (defun make-std-boundp-method-function (class-or-name slot-name)
511   (declare (ignore class-or-name))
512   (let* ((initargs (copy-tree
513                     (make-method-function
514                      (lambda (instance)
515                        (pv-binding1 (.pv. .calls.
516                                           (bug "Please report this")
517                                           (instance) (instance-slots))
518                           (instance-boundp-internal
519                            .pv. instance-slots 0
520                            (slot-boundp instance slot-name))))))))
521     (setf (getf (getf initargs 'plist) :slot-name-lists)
522           (list (list nil slot-name)))
523     initargs))