r5333: Auto commit for Debian build
[puri-unicode.git] / tests.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
2 ;; copyright (c) 1999-2001 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA  - All rights reserved.
3 ;; copyright (c) 2003 Kevin Rosenberg (significant fixes for using
4 ;; tester package)
5 ;;
6 ;; The software, data and information contained herein are proprietary
7 ;; to, and comprise valuable trade secrets of, Franz, Inc.  They are
8 ;; given in confidence by Franz, Inc. pursuant to a written license
9 ;; agreement, and may be stored and used only in accordance with the terms
10 ;; of such license.
11 ;;
12 ;; Restricted Rights Legend
13 ;; ------------------------
14 ;; Use, duplication, and disclosure of the software, data and information
15 ;; contained herein by any agency, department or entity of the U.S.
16 ;; Government are subject to restrictions of Restricted Rights for
17 ;; Commercial Software developed at private expense as specified in
18 ;; DOD FAR Supplement 52.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as applicable.
19 ;;
20 ;; Original version from ACL 6.1:
21 ;; t-uri.cl,v 2001/08/09 17:42:43 layer
22 ;;
23 ;; $Id: tests.lisp,v 1.4 2003/07/18 23:33:53 kevin Exp $
26 (defpackage #:puri-tests (:use #:puri #:cl #:util.test))
27 (in-package #:puri-tests)
29 (unintern-uri t)
31 (defmacro gen-test-forms ()
32   (let ((res '())
33         (base-uri "http://a/b/c/d;p?q"))
35     (dolist (x `(;; (relative-uri result base-uri compare-function)
36 ;;;; RFC Appendix C.1 (normal examples)
37                  ("g:h" "g:h" ,base-uri)
38                  ("g" "http://a/b/c/g" ,base-uri)
39                  ("./g" "http://a/b/c/g" ,base-uri)
40                  ("g/" "http://a/b/c/g/" ,base-uri)
41                  ("/g" "http://a/g" ,base-uri) 
42                  ("//g" "http://g" ,base-uri) 
43                  ("?y" "http://a/b/c/?y" ,base-uri) 
44                  ("g?y" "http://a/b/c/g?y" ,base-uri)
45                  ("#s" "http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s" ,base-uri) 
46                  ("g#s" "http://a/b/c/g#s" ,base-uri) 
47                  ("g?y#s" "http://a/b/c/g?y#s" ,base-uri)
48                  (";x" "http://a/b/c/;x" ,base-uri) 
49                  ("g;x" "http://a/b/c/g;x" ,base-uri) 
50                  ("g;x?y#s" "http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s" ,base-uri)
51                  ("." "http://a/b/c/" ,base-uri) 
52                  ("./" "http://a/b/c/" ,base-uri) 
53                  (".." "http://a/b/" ,base-uri) 
54                  ("../" "http://a/b/" ,base-uri)
55                  ("../g" "http://a/b/g" ,base-uri) 
56                  ("../.." "http://a/" ,base-uri) 
57                  ("../../" "http://a/" ,base-uri)
58                  ("../../g" "http://a/g" ,base-uri)
59 ;;;; RFC Appendix C.2 (abnormal examples)
60                  ("" "http://a/b/c/d;p?q" ,base-uri) 
61                  ("../../../g" "http://a/../g" ,base-uri)
62                  ("../../../../g" "http://a/../../g" ,base-uri) 
63                  ("/./g" "http://a/./g" ,base-uri) 
64                  ("/../g" "http://a/../g" ,base-uri)
65                  ("g." "http://a/b/c/g." ,base-uri) 
66                  (".g" "http://a/b/c/.g" ,base-uri) 
67                  ("g.." "http://a/b/c/g.." ,base-uri)
68                  ("..g" "http://a/b/c/..g" ,base-uri) 
69                  ("./../g" "http://a/b/g" ,base-uri) 
70                  ("./g/." "http://a/b/c/g/" ,base-uri)
71                  ("g/./h" "http://a/b/c/g/h" ,base-uri) 
72                  ("g/../h" "http://a/b/c/h" ,base-uri) 
73                  ("g;x=1/./y" "http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y" ,base-uri)
74                  ("g;x=1/../y" "http://a/b/c/y" ,base-uri) 
75                  ("g?y/./x" "http://a/b/c/g?y/./x" ,base-uri)
76                  ("g?y/../x" "http://a/b/c/g?y/../x" ,base-uri) 
77                  ("g#s/./x" "http://a/b/c/g#s/./x" ,base-uri)
78                  ("g#s/../x" "http://a/b/c/g#s/../x" ,base-uri) 
79                  ("http:g" "http:g" ,base-uri)
81                  ("foo/bar/baz.htm#foo"
82                   "http://a/b/foo/bar/baz.htm#foo"
83                   "http://a/b/c.htm")
84                  ("foo/bar/baz.htm#foo"
85                   "http://a/b/foo/bar/baz.htm#foo"
86                   "http://a/b/")
87                  ("foo/bar/baz.htm#foo"
88                   "http://a/foo/bar/baz.htm#foo"
89                   "http://a/b")
90                  ("foo/bar;x;y/bam.htm"
91                   "http://a/b/c/foo/bar;x;y/bam.htm"
92                   "http://a/b/c/")))
93       (push `(util.test:test (intern-uri ,(second x))
94                              (intern-uri (merge-uris (intern-uri ,(first x))
95                                                      (intern-uri ,(third x))))
96                              :test 'uri=)
97             res))
99 ;;;; intern tests
100     (dolist (x '(;; default port and specifying the default port are
101                  ;; supposed to compare the same:
102                  ("http://www.franz.com:80" "http://www.franz.com")
103                  ("http://www.franz.com:80" "http://www.franz.com" eq)
104                  ;; make sure they're `eq':
105                  ("http://www.franz.com:80" "http://www.franz.com" eq)
106                  ("http://www.franz.com" "http://www.franz.com" eq)
107                  ("http://www.franz.com/foo" "http://www.franz.com/foo" eq)
108                  ("http://www.franz.com/foo?bar"
109                   "http://www.franz.com/foo?bar" eq)
110                  ("http://www.franz.com/foo?bar#baz"
111                   "http://www.franz.com/foo?bar#baz" eq)
112                  ("http://WWW.FRANZ.COM" "http://www.franz.com" eq)
113                  ("http://www.FRANZ.com" "http://www.franz.com" eq)
114                  ("http://www.franz.com" "http://www.franz.com/" eq)
115                  (;; %72 is "r", %2f is "/", %3b is ";"
116                   "http://www.franz.com/ba%72%2f%3b;x;y;z/baz/"
117                   "http://www.franz.com/bar%2f%3b;x;y;z/baz/" eq)))
118       (push `(util.test:test (intern-uri ,(second x))
119                              (intern-uri ,(first x))
120               :test ',(if (third x)
121                           (third x)
122                           'uri=))
123             res))
125 ;;;; parsing and equivalence tests
126     (push `(util.test:test
127             (parse-uri "http://foo+bar?baz=b%26lob+bof")
128             (parse-uri (parse-uri "http://foo+bar?baz=b%26lob+bof"))
129             :test 'uri=)
130           res)
131     (push '(util.test:test
132             (parse-uri "http://www.foo.com")
133             (parse-uri (parse-uri "http://www.foo.com?")) ; allow ? at end
134             :test 'uri=)
135           res)
136     (push `(util.test:test
137             "baz=b%26lob+bof"
138             (uri-query (parse-uri "http://foo+bar?baz=b%26lob+bof"))
139             :test 'string=)
140           res)
141     (push `(util.test:test
142             "baz=b%26lob+bof%3d"
143             (uri-query (parse-uri "http://foo+bar?baz=b%26lob+bof%3d"))
144             :test 'string=)
145           res)
146     (push
147      `(util.test:test (parse-uri "xxx?%41") (parse-uri "xxx?A") :test 'uri=)
148      res)
149     (push
150      `(util.test:test "A" (uri-query (parse-uri "xxx?%41")) :test 'string=)
151      res)
153     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri " ")
154                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
155           res)
156     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "foo ")
157                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
158           res)
159     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri " foo ")
160                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
161           res)
162     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "<foo")
163                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
164           res)
165     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "foo>")
166                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
167           res)
168     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "<foo>")
169                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
170           res)
171     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "%")
172                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
173           res)
174     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "foo%xyr")
175                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
176           res)
177     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "\"foo\"")
178                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
179           res)
180     (push `(util.test:test "%20" (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "%20"))
181                            :test 'string=)
182           res)
183     (push `(util.test:test "&" (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "%26"))
184                            :test 'string=)
185           res)
186     (push
187      `(util.test:test "foo%23bar" (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "foo%23bar"))
188                       :test 'string=)
189      res)
190     (push
191      `(util.test:test "foo%23bar#foobar"
192                       (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "foo%23bar#foobar"))
193                       :test 'string=)
194      res)
195     (push
196      `(util.test:test "foo%23bar#foobar#baz"
197                       (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "foo%23bar#foobar#baz"))
198                       :test 'string=)
199      res)
200     (push
201      `(util.test:test "foo%23bar#foobar#baz"
202                       (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "foo%23bar#foobar%23baz"))
203                       :test 'string=)
204      res)
205     (push
206      `(util.test:test "foo%23bar#foobar/baz"
207                       (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "foo%23bar#foobar%2fbaz"))
208                       :test 'string=)
209      res)
210     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "foobar??")
211                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
212           res)
213     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "foobar?foo?")
214                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
215           res)
216     (push `(util.test:test "foobar?%3f"
217                            (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "foobar?%3f"))
218                            :test 'string=)
219           res)
220     (push `(util.test:test
221             "http://foo/bAr;3/baz?baf=3"
222             (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "http://foo/b%41r;3/baz?baf=3"))
223             :test 'string=)
224           res)
225     (push `(util.test:test
226             '(:absolute ("/bAr" "3") "baz")
227             (uri-parsed-path (parse-uri "http://foo/%2fb%41r;3/baz?baf=3"))
228             :test 'equal)
229           res)
230     (push `(util.test:test
231             "/%2fbAr;3/baz"
232             (let ((u (parse-uri "http://foo/%2fb%41r;3/baz?baf=3")))
233               (setf (uri-parsed-path u) '(:absolute ("/bAr" "3") "baz"))
234               (uri-path u))
235             :test 'string=)
236           res)
237     (push `(util.test:test
238             "http://www.verada.com:8010/kapow?name=foo%3Dbar%25"
239             (format nil "~a"
240                     (parse-uri
241                      "http://www.verada.com:8010/kapow?name=foo%3Dbar%25"))
242             :test 'string=)
243           res)
244     (push `(util.test:test
245             "ftp://parcftp.xerox.com/pub/pcl/mop/"
246             (format nil "~a"
247                     (parse-uri "ftp://parcftp.xerox.com:/pub/pcl/mop/"))
248             :test 'string=)
249           res)
251 ;;;; enough-uri tests
252     (dolist (x `(("http://www.franz.com/foo/bar/baz.htm"
253                   "http://www.franz.com/foo/bar/"
254                   "baz.htm")
255                  ("http://www.franz.com/foo/bar/baz.htm"
256                   "http://www.franz.com/foo/bar"
257                   "baz.htm")
258                  ("http://www.franz.com:80/foo/bar/baz.htm"
259                   "http://www.franz.com:80/foo/bar"
260                   "baz.htm")
261                  ("http:/foo/bar/baz.htm" "http:/foo/bar"  "baz.htm")
262                  ("http:/foo/bar/baz.htm" "http:/foo/bar/" "baz.htm")
263                  ("/foo/bar/baz.htm" "/foo/bar"  "baz.htm")
264                  ("/foo/bar/baz.htm" "/foo/bar/" "baz.htm")
265                  ("/foo/bar/baz.htm#foo" "/foo/bar/" "baz.htm#foo")
266                  ("/foo/bar/baz.htm?bar#foo" "/foo/bar/" "baz.htm?bar#foo")
268                  ("http://www.dnai.com/~layer/foo.htm"
269                   "http://www.known.net"
270                   "http://www.dnai.com/~layer/foo.htm")
271                  ("http://www.dnai.com/~layer/foo.htm"
272                   "http://www.dnai.com:8000/~layer/"
273                   "http://www.dnai.com/~layer/foo.htm")
274                  ("http://www.dnai.com:8000/~layer/foo.htm"
275                   "http://www.dnai.com/~layer/"
276                   "http://www.dnai.com:8000/~layer/foo.htm")
277                  ("http://www.franz.com"
278                   "http://www.franz.com"
279                   "/")))
280       (push `(util.test:test (parse-uri ,(third x))
281                              (enough-uri (parse-uri ,(first x))
282                                          (parse-uri ,(second x)))
283                              :test 'uri=)
284             res))
286 ;;;; urn tests, ideas of which are from rfc2141
287     (let ((urn "urn:com:foo-the-bar"))
288       (push `(util.test:test "com" (urn-nid (parse-uri ,urn))
289                              :test #'string=)
290             res)
291       (push `(util.test:test "foo-the-bar" (urn-nss (parse-uri ,urn))
292                              :test #'string=)
293             res))
294     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "urn:")
295                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
296           res)
297     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "urn:foo")
298                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
299           res)
300     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "urn:foo$")
301                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
302           res)
303     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "urn:foo_")
304                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
305           res)
306     (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "urn:foo:foo&bar")
307                                  :condition-type 'parse-error)
308           res)
309     (push `(util.test:test (parse-uri "URN:foo:a123,456")
310                            (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123,456")
311                            :test #'uri=)
312           res)
313     (push `(util.test:test (parse-uri "URN:foo:a123,456")
314                            (parse-uri "urn:FOO:a123,456")
315                            :test #'uri=)
316           res)
317     (push `(util.test:test (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123,456")
318                            (parse-uri "urn:FOO:a123,456")
319                            :test #'uri=)
320           res)
321     (push `(util.test:test (parse-uri "URN:FOO:a123%2c456")
322                            (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123%2C456")
323                            :test #'uri=)
324           res)
325     (push `(util.test:test
326             nil
327             (uri= (parse-uri "urn:foo:A123,456")
328                   (parse-uri "urn:FOO:a123,456")))
329           res)
330     (push `(util.test:test
331             nil
332             (uri= (parse-uri "urn:foo:A123,456")
333                   (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123,456")))
334           res)
335     (push `(util.test:test
336             nil
337             (uri= (parse-uri "urn:foo:A123,456")
338                   (parse-uri "URN:foo:a123,456")))
339           res)
340     (push `(util.test:test
341             nil
342             (uri= (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123%2C456")
343                   (parse-uri "urn:FOO:a123,456")))
344           res)
345     (push `(util.test:test
346             nil
347             (uri= (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123%2C456")
348                   (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123,456")))
349           res)
350     (push `(util.test:test
351             nil
352             (uri= (parse-uri "URN:FOO:a123%2c456")
353                   (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123,456")))
354           res)
355     (push `(util.test:test
356             nil
357             (uri= (parse-uri "urn:FOO:a123%2c456")
358                   (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123,456")))
359           res)
360     (push `(util.test:test
361             nil
362             (uri= (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123%2c456")
363                   (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123,456")))
364           res)
366     (push `(util.test:test t
367                            (uri= (parse-uri "foo") (parse-uri "foo#")))
368           res)
370     (push
371      '(let ((puri::*strict-parse* nil))
372        (util.test:test-no-error
373         (puri:parse-uri
374          "http://foo.com/bar?a=zip|zop")))
375      res)
376     (push
377      '(util.test:test-error
378        (puri:parse-uri "http://foo.com/bar?a=zip|zop")
379        :condition-type 'parse-error)
380      res)
382     (push
383      '(let ((puri::*strict-parse* nil))
384        (util.test:test-no-error
385         (puri:parse-uri
386          "http://arc3.msn.com/ADSAdClient31.dll?GetAd?PG=NBCSBU?SC=D2?AN=1.0586041")))
387      res)
388     (push
389      '(util.test:test-error
390        (puri:parse-uri
391         "http://arc3.msn.com/ADSAdClient31.dll?GetAd?PG=NBCSBU?SC=D2?AN=1.0586041")
392        :condition-type 'parse-error)
393      res)
395     (push
396      '(let ((puri::*strict-parse* nil))
397        (util.test:test-no-error
398         (puri:parse-uri
399          "http://scbc.booksonline.com/cgi-bin/ndCGI.exe/Develop/pagClubHome.hrfTIOLI_onWebEvent(hrfTIOLI)?selGetClubOffer.TB_OFFER_ID_OFFER=344879%2e0&selGetClubOffer.TB_OFFER_ID_ITEM=34487%2e0&selGetClubOffer.TB_OFFER_ID_OFFER=344879%2e0&^CSpCommand.currRowNumber=5&hrfTIOLI=The+Visual+Basic+6+Programmer%27s+Toolkit&SPIDERSESSION=%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%5f%3f%3f%3f%40%5b%3f%3f%3f%3fBOs%5cH%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3fMMpXO%5f%40JG%7d%40%5c%5f%3f%3f%3fECK%5dt%3fLDT%3fTBD%3fDDTxPEToBS%40%5f%5dBDgXVoKBSDs%7cDT%3fK%3fd%3fTIb%7ceHbkeMfh%60LRpO%5cact%5eUC%7bMu%5fyWUGzLUhP%5ebpdWRka%5dFO%3f%5dBopW%3f%40HMrxbMRd%60LOpuMVga%3fv%3fTS%3fpODT%40O&%5euniqueValue=977933764843")))
400      res)
401     (push
402      '(util.test:test-error
403        (puri:parse-uri
404         "http://scbc.booksonline.com/cgi-bin/ndCGI.exe/Develop/pagClubHome.hrfTIOLI_onWebEvent(hrfTIOLI)?selGetClubOffer.TB_OFFER_ID_OFFER=344879%2e0&selGetClubOffer.TB_OFFER_ID_ITEM=34487%2e0&selGetClubOffer.TB_OFFER_ID_OFFER=344879%2e0&^CSpCommand.currRowNumber=5&hrfTIOLI=The+Visual+Basic+6+Programmer%27s+Toolkit&SPIDERSESSION=%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%5f%3f%3f%3f%40%5b%3f%3f%3f%3fBOs%5cH%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3fMMpXO%5f%40JG%7d%40%5c%5f%3f%3f%3fECK%5dt%3fLDT%3fTBD%3fDDTxPEToBS%40%5f%5dBDgXVoKBSDs%7cDT%3fK%3fd%3fTIb%7ceHbkeMfh%60LRpO%5cact%5eUC%7bMu%5fyWUGzLUhP%5ebpdWRka%5dFO%3f%5dBopW%3f%40HMrxbMRd%60LOpuMVga%3fv%3fTS%3fpODT%40O&%5euniqueValue=977933764843")
405        :condition-type 'parse-error)
406      res)
408     `(progn ,@(nreverse res))))
410 (defun do-tests ()
411   (let ((util.test:*break-on-test-failures* t))
412     (with-tests (:name "puri")
413       (gen-test-forms)))
414   t)