various refactorings and tidying..
..redid the hairy remove-ourselves-from-tail-set mess in
MERGE-LETS as a separate function,
..split diagnostic/reporting stuff (starting around
(DECLAIM (SPECIAL *CURRENT-PATH*)) out of ir1util.lisp
into ir1report.lisp
..moved UNIX-HOST stuff around in an effort to get rid
of compiler not-defined-(yet) warnings
..split target-pathname.lisp out of pathname.lisp to support
..moved target-only HOST stuff from pathname.lisp (which is
built both on host and target) to filesys.lisp (which
is flagged as :NOT-HOST in stems-and-flags.lisp-expr)
..Since there's no longer any numbers.lisp or
host-numbers.lisp to contrast to, target-numbers.lisp
really ought to be called numbers.lisp.
..split ir1-translators.lisp out of ir1tran.lisp (as per FIXME)
..moved IDENTITY, COMPLEMENT, and CONSTANTLY out of list.lisp
into funutils.lisp
14 files changed: