(I thought I did this in, but it appears that I didn't,
so try again:) made :ENCAPSULATE T the default for
TRACE, since the breakpoint-based version still doesn't
work reliably and since the ANSI description of TRACE
is partial to tracing named things anyway
merged MNA "patch for bug 149" sbcl-devel 2002-02-08
tweaking MNA patch...
...made the :UNDEFINED-DEFCLASS-TYPE not overwrite an
existing ordinary class type (e.g. from previously
LOADing an earlier version of the compiled file)
...removed the old arcane conditionalization on
...moved the definition of PREINFORM-COMPILER-ABOUT-CLASS-TYPE
earlier (since removal of conditionalization above
causes it to be called earlier)
...bumped fasl file version
pedanticated special variable names which're used only within
...(Use DEFVAR instead of DECLARE SPECIAL for them, too.)
deleted unused DEFUN MAKE-PROGN
19 files changed: