Front end infrastructure for short vector SIMD packs
* new feature, sb-simd-pack.
* define a new IR1 type for SIMD packs:
- (SB!KERNEL:SIMD-PACK [eltype]), where [eltype] is a subtype
of the plaform-specific SIMD element type universe, or * (default),
the union of all these possibilities;
- Element types are always upgraded to the platform's element type
(small) universe, so we can easily manipulate unions of SIMD-PACK
types by working in terms of the element types.
* immediately specify the universe of SIMD pack element types
(sb!kernel:*simd-pack-element-types*) for x86-64, to ensure
#!+sb-simd-pack buildability.
* declare basic functions to create/manipulate SIMD packs:
- simd-pack-p is the basic type predicate;
- %simd-pack-tag returns a fixnum tag associated with each SIMD-PACK;
currently, we suppose it only encodes the element type, as the
position of the element type in *simd-pack-element-types*;
- %make-simd-pack creates a 128-bit SIMD pack from a tag and two
64 bit integers;
- %make-simd-pack-double creates an appropriately-tagged pack from
two double floats;
- %make-simd-pack-single creates a tagged pack from four single
- %make-simd-pack-ub{32,64} creates a tagged pack from four 32 bit
or two 64 bit integers;
- %simd-pack-{low,high} returns the low/high integer half of a
128 bit pack;
- %simd-pack-ub{32,64}s returns the four integer quarters or two
integer halves of a 128 bit pack;
- %simd-pack-singles returns the four singles in a 128 bit pack;
- %simd-pack-doubles returns the two doubles in a 128 bit pack.
Alexander Gavrilov kept a branch alive for the last couple years. The
creation/manipulation primitives are largely taken from that branch,
or informed by the branch's usage.