merged the second of the two patches (the one that's not
supposed to work) from Dave McDonald's "patch for CLISP
compilation" message (sbcl-devel 2002-02-03)...
...made reader macro functions BACKQUOTE-MACRO and COMMA-MACRO
return single values, as described by ANSI and enforced
...used SLOT-VALUE instead of DEFSTRUCT-generated slot
setters. (ANSI allows structure slot setters to be
implemented either as SETF functions or as SETF
expanders. Some SBCL code in vm-macs.lisp assumes
they're functions, and forward references them, which
doesn't work in CLISP, which uses SETF expanders.)
...coerced float-tran.lisp float literals to DOUBLE-FLOAT
(since CLISP was defaulting them to LONG-FLOAT and then
getting confused)
...added :ADJUSTABLE T for some MAKE-ARRAYs (where the old
code had unportably relied on :FILL-POINTER T causing
adjustableness to happen)
tweaking the patch...
...went back to using DEFSTRUCT-generated slot setters
(since (1) under ANSI, SLOT-VALUE's behavior for
STRUCTURE-OBJECTs is explicitly unspecified by ANSI,
and (2) in SBCL, SLOT-VALUE is defined in terms of
PCL machinery, and so isn't available in cold init)
and solved the forward reference problem by
rearranging build order instead