(defvar *arguments*)
(defun call-previous (&rest args)
+ "Invokes the previous binding either with the current arguments or with
+the given ones. Use *PREVIOUS*/*ARGUMENTS* directly in edge cases."
(apply *previous* (or args *arguments*)))
(defun find-and-invoke-mock (*previous* cases *arguments*)
+ "Looks for a compatible mock (i.e. calls the TEST until one returns true)
+and executes it. If no mock was found, no values are returned instead."
(dolist (case cases (values))
(when (ignore-errors (apply (car case) *arguments*))
(return (apply (cdr case) *arguments*)))))
(defun register-mock (mock-bindings name)
+ "Registers a mocked function under NAME. The mocked function will
+return no values. See IF-CALLED to add some behaviour to it."
(let ((found (member name (mock-bindings-mocks mock-bindings) :key #'car :test #'eq)))
(or (car found)
(let ((binding (list name)))
(defun if-called (mock-bindings name test function &key at-start)
+ "Registers a new binding to be called when the TEST function returns
+true. If AT-START is set, the binding is put at the start of the bindings
+list instead. Calls REGISTER-MOCK automatically."
(let ((binding (register-mock mock-bindings name))
(case (cons test function)))
(if at-start