isn't too surprising since there are many differences in stack
implementation and GC conservatism between the X86 and other ports.)
+ (Can't reproduce on x86 linux as of - MGL)
This is probably the same bug as 216
the bad VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND frame causes GC problems, though that may
not be the actual problem. (CMU CL 18c doesn't have problems with this.)
+ (Can't reproduce on x86 linux as of - MGL)
This is probably the same bug as 162
235: "type system and inline expansion"
(open "/dev/zero" :element-type '(unsigned-byte 1025))
gives an error in sbcl-0.8.10.
-325: "CLOSE :ABORT T on supeseding streams"
+325: "CLOSE :ABORT T on superseding streams"
Closing a stream opened with :IF-EXISTS :SUPERSEDE with :ABORT T leaves no
file on disk, even if one existed before opening.
(format nil "~4,1F" 0.001) => "0.00" (should be " 0.0");
(format nil "~4,1@F" 0.001) => "+.00" (should be "+0.0").
+ (format nil "~E" 0.01) => "10.e-3" (should be "1.e-2");
+ (format nil "~G" 0.01) => "10.e-3" (should be "1.e-2");
386: SunOS/x86 stack exhaustion handling broken
According to <>, the
implementation of read circularity, using a symbol as a marker for
the previously-referenced object.
-415: Issues creating large arrays on x86-64/Linux and x86/Darwin
- (make-array (1- array-dimension-limit))
- causes a GC invariant violation on x86-64/Linux, and
- an unhandled SIGILL on x86/Darwin.
416: backtrace confusion
(defun foo (x)
"the exclusive upper bound on the rank of an array")
-(def!constant sb!xc:array-dimension-limit sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum
+;;; - 2 to leave space for the array header
+(def!constant sb!xc:array-dimension-limit (- sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum 2)
"the exclusive upper bound on any given dimension of an array")
-(def!constant sb!xc:array-total-size-limit sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum
+(def!constant sb!xc:array-total-size-limit (- sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum 2)
"the exclusive upper bound on the total number of elements in an array")