'(:relative :up :up "output")
:name name :type type)
- sb!xc:*compile-file-truename*)))
- (let ((character-database
- (with-open-file (stream (file "ucd" "dat")
+ sb!xc:*compile-file-truename*))
+ (read-ub8-vector (pathname)
+ (with-open-file (stream pathname
:direction :input
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(let* ((length (file-length stream))
length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(read-sequence array stream)
+ (let ((character-database (read-ub8-vector (file "ucd" "dat")))
+ (decompositions (read-ub8-vector (file "decomp" "dat")))
+ (long-decompositions (read-ub8-vector (file "ldecomp" "dat"))))
- (declaim (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) **character-database**))
+ (declaim (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) **character-database** **character-decompositions** **character-long-decompositions**))
(defglobal **character-database** ,character-database)
+ (defglobal **character-decompositions** ,decompositions)
+ (defglobal **character-long-decompositions** ,long-decompositions)
(defun !character-database-cold-init ()
(setf **character-database** ,character-database))
,(with-open-file (stream (file "ucd-names" "lisp-expr")
(and (typep weight 'fixnum)
(>= weight 0) (< weight radix) (< weight 36)
(code-char (if (< weight 10) (+ 48 weight) (+ 55 weight)))))
+(defun char-decomposition-info (char)
+ (aref **character-database** (+ 6 (* 8 (ucd-value-0 char)))))
+(defun char-decomposition (char)
+ (let* ((cp (char-code char))
+ (cp-high (ash cp -8))
+ (decompositions **character-decompositions**)
+ (long-decompositions **character-long-decompositions**)
+ (index (+ #x1100
+ (ash (aref decompositions cp-high) 10)
+ (ash (ldb (byte 8 0) cp) 2)))
+ (v0 (aref decompositions index))
+ (v1 (aref decompositions (+ index 1)))
+ (v2 (aref decompositions (+ index 2)))
+ (v3 (aref decompositions (+ index 3)))
+ (length (dpb v0 (byte 8 3) (ldb (byte 3 5) v1)))
+ (entry (dpb (ldb (byte 5 0) v1) (byte 5 16)
+ (dpb v2 (byte 8 8) v3))))
+ (if (= length 1)
+ (string (code-char entry))
+ (let ((result (make-string length))
+ (e (* 4 entry)))
+ (dotimes (i length result)
+ (let ((code (dpb (aref long-decompositions (+ e 1))
+ (byte 8 16)
+ (dpb (aref long-decompositions (+ e 2))
+ (byte 8 8)
+ (aref long-decompositions (+ e 3))))))
+ (setf (char result i) (code-char code)))
+ (incf e 4))))))
+(defun decompose-char (char)
+ (if (= (char-decomposition-info char) 0)
+ (string char)
+ (char-decomposition char)))
(defparameter *misc-table* nil)
(defparameter *misc-mapping* nil)
(defparameter *both-cases* nil)
-(defparameter *decompositions* nil)
-(defparameter *decomposition-length-max* nil)
+(defparameter *long-decompositions* nil)
(defparameter *decomposition-types* nil)
(defparameter *decomposition-base* nil)
(setq *misc-index* -1)
(setq *misc-table* (make-array 2048 :fill-pointer 0))
(setq *both-cases* nil)
- (setq *decompositions* 0)
+ (setq *long-decompositions*
+ (make-array 2048 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))
(setq *decomposition-types*
(let ((array (make-array 256 :initial-element nil :fill-pointer 1)))
(vector-push "" array)
(vector-push "<compat>" array)
- (setq *decomposition-length-max* 0)
(setq *decomposition-base* (make-array (ash #x110000
(- *page-size-exponent*))
:initial-element nil))
- *decompositions*)
+ (length *long-decompositions*))
(defun fixup-hangul-syllables ()
;; "Hangul Syllable Composition, Unicode 5.1 section 3-12"
:initial-element nil)))
(setf (aref (aref *decomposition-base* (cp-high code-point))
(cp-low code-point))
- (mapcar #'(lambda (string)
- (parse-integer string :radix 16))
- split))
- (setq *decomposition-length-max*
- (max *decomposition-length-max* (length split)))
- (incf *decompositions* (length split))))
+ (let ((decomposition
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (string)
+ (parse-integer string :radix 16))
+ split)))
+ (if (= (length decomposition) 1)
+ (cons 1 (car decomposition))
+ (cons (length decomposition)
+ (prog1 (fill-pointer *long-decompositions*)
+ (dolist (code decomposition)
+ (vector-push-extend code *long-decompositions*)))))))))
(when (and (string/= "" simple-uppercase)
(string/= "" simple-lowercase))
(push (list code-point upper-index lower-index) *both-cases*))
(byte 11 21)
(if entry (ucd-transform entry) 0))
+ ;; KLUDGE: this code, to write out decomposition information, is a
+ ;; little bit very similar to the ucd entries above. Try factoring
+ ;; out the common stuff?
+ (let ((hash (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
+ (index 0))
+ (loop for page across *decomposition-base*
+ do (when page
+ (unless (gethash page hash)
+ (setf (gethash page hash)
+ (prog1 index (incf index))))))
+ (let ((array (make-array index)))
+ (maphash #'(lambda (key value)
+ (setf (aref array value) key))
+ hash)
+ (with-open-file (stream (make-pathname :name "decomp" :type "dat"
+ :defaults *output-directory*)
+ :direction :output
+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+ :if-exists :supersede
+ :if-does-not-exist :create)
+ (loop for page across *decomposition-base*
+ do (write-byte (if page (gethash page hash) 0) stream))
+ (loop for page across array
+ do (loop for entry across page
+ do (write-4-byte
+ (dpb (if entry (car entry) 0)
+ (byte 11 21)
+ (if entry (cdr entry) 0))
+ stream))))
+ (with-open-file (stream (make-pathname :name "ldecomp" :type "dat"
+ :defaults *output-directory*)
+ :direction :output
+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+ :if-exists :supersede
+ :if-does-not-exist :create)
+ (loop for code across (copy-seq *long-decompositions*)
+ do (write-4-byte code stream)))))
(with-open-file (f (make-pathname :name "ucd-names" :type "lisp-expr"
:defaults *output-directory*)
:direction :output