;;;; initialisation and stuff
+(defun read-new-value (&optional (stream *query-io*))
+ "READs a value from the STREAM and returns it (wrapped in a list)."
+ (format stream "Enter a new value: ~%")
+ (list (read *query-io*)))
(defun init-endian ()
- "Initialises endianess for the BINARY-TYPES library."
+ "Initialises the endianess for the BINARY-TYPES library. Is automatically
+called when the library is loaded."
(setf binary-types:*endian*
- #+little-endian :little-endian
- #+big-endian :big-endian
- #-(or little-endian big-endian) (error "unknown endianess")))
-;; um, in what evel-when should this be wrapped?
+ (restart-case #+little-endian :little-endian
+ #+big-endian :big-endian
+ #-(or little-endian big-endian) (error "unknown endianess")
+ (use-value (value)
+ :report "Enter a correct value (either :LITTLE-ENDIAN or :BIG-ENDIAN)."
+ :interactive read-new-value
+ ;; TODO: better way to test for correct value/retry values?
+ (case value
+ ((:little-endian :big-endian) value)
+ (T (error "wrong value supplied (not :LITTLE-ENDIAN or :BIG-ENDIAN)")))))))
+;; initialise the endianess
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (init-endian))
;;;; basic wrapping of the API
(defun set-nonblocking (fd nonblocking)
+ "Enables or disables NONBLOCKING mode on a file descriptor FD."
(let ((flags (sb-posix:fcntl fd sb-posix:f-getfl)))
;; an error is raised if this fails, so we don't have to do it ourselves
(sb-posix:fcntl fd sb-posix:f-setfl
(funcall (if nonblocking #'logior #'logxor)
- flags sb-posix:o-nonblock))))
+ flags sb-posix:o-nonblock)))
+ (values))
(defun init-unregistered-notify (notify &optional (nonblocking T))
"Creates a new inotify event queue. If NONBLOCKING is set (default),
(defun make-unregistered-notify ()
+ "Creates a new unregistered NOTIFY instance."
(init-unregistered-notify (make-inotify-instance)))
(defun close-notify (notify)
(defun watch-raw (notify pathname flags)
"Adds PATHNAME (either pathname or string) to be watched. FLAGS
determines how exactly (see inotify(7) for detailed information).
-Returns a handle which can be used with UNWATCH."
+Returns a handle which can be used with UNWATCH-RAW."
(let ((path (princ-to-string pathname))
(setf result (c-inotify-add-watch
(defun make-notify (&optional (nonblocking T))
+ "Creates a new registered NOTIFY instance. In NONBLOCKING mode, the file
+descriptor is set to non-blocking mode."
(let ((result (make-registered-inotify-instance)))
(init-unregistered-notify result nonblocking)
(with-slots (watched) result
;; TODO: handle additional flags, save only list of flags
(defun watch (notify pathname flags)
+ "Adds PATHNAME (either pathname or string) to be watched and records the
+watched paths. FLAGS determines how exactly (see inotify(7) for detailed
+information). Returns a handle which can be used with UNWATCH."
(let ((handle (watch-raw notify pathname flags)))
(with-slots (watched) notify
(setf (gethash pathname watched) (cons handle flags)))
(defun unwatch (notify &key pathname handle)
+ "Disables watching the path associated with the supplied HANDLE or PATHNAME."
(unless (or pathname handle)
(error "either PATHNAME or HANDLE has to be specified"))
(if handle
(defun unix-eagainp (fd-stream)
- "Returns T on a FD-STREAM, if trying to read raised a EAGAIN error."
+ "Returns T on a FD-STREAM if trying to read from the stream raised a EAGAIN
(multiple-value-bind (result error)
(sb-unix:unix-read (sb-sys:fd-stream-fd fd-stream) NIL 0)
(declare (ignore result))