Minor contrib infrastructure frob:
... don't use :force t to ensure building, because firstly it's
hideously expensive in time, as we have to build base systems
several times; secondly, it won't work if the semantics change
to not propagate the FORCE value to depended systems; and
thirdly it doesn't work anyway in the presence of our current
TEST-OP implementation. Delete suspicious files (including
*.fasl under contrib/) at the start of make-target-contrib.sh
... cvsignore contrib/systems
$(MAKE) -C ../asdf
$(SBCL) --eval '(load "../asdf/asdf")' \
--eval "(setf asdf::*central-registry* '((MERGE-PATHNAMES \"systems/\" (TRUENAME (SB-EXT:POSIX-GETENV \"SBCL_HOME\")))))" \
- --eval "(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :$(SYSTEM) :force t)" \
+ --eval "(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :$(SYSTEM))" \
--eval "(quit)"
test: all
+# deleting things here lets us not worry about interaction with stale
+# fasls. This is not good, but is better than :FORCE on each asdf
+# operation, because that causes multiple builds of base systems such
+# as SB-RT and SB-GROVEL, but FIXME: there's probably a better
+# solution. -- CSR, 2003-05-30
+find contrib/ \( -name '*.fasl' -o -name 'foo.c' -o -name 'a.out' \) \
+ -print | xargs rm -f
mkdir -p contrib/systems
rm -f contrib/systems/*
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)