;;; -*- mode: common-lisp; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-
-;;; This is ASDF 2.015.3: Another System Definition Facility.
+;;; This is ASDF 2.017: Another System Definition Facility.
;;; Feedback, bug reports, and patches are all welcome:
;;; please mail to <asdf-devel@common-lisp.net>.
(cl:in-package #-genera :common-lisp-user #+genera :future-common-lisp-user)
#-(or abcl allegro clisp clozure cmu cormanlisp ecl gcl genera lispworks mcl sbcl scl xcl)
-(error "ASDF is not supported on your implementation. Please help us with it.")
+(error "ASDF is not supported on your implementation. Please help us port it.")
#+gcl (defpackage :asdf (:use :cl)) ;; GCL treats defpackage magically and needs this
(remove "asdf" excl::*autoload-package-name-alist*
:test 'equalp :key 'car)) ; need that BEFORE any mention of package ASDF as below
#+(and ecl (not ecl-bytecmp)) (require :cmp)
+ #+gcl ;; Debian's GCL 2.7 has bugs with compiling multiple-value stuff, but can run ASDF 2.011
+ (when (or (< system::*gcl-major-version* 2) ;; GCL 2.6 fails to fully compile ASDF at all
+ (and (= system::*gcl-major-version* 2)
+ (< system::*gcl-minor-version* 7)))
+ (pushnew :gcl-pre2.7 *features*))
#+(and (or win32 windows mswindows mingw32) (not cygwin)) (pushnew :asdf-windows *features*)
#+(or unix cygwin) (pushnew :asdf-unix *features*)
;;; make package if it doesn't exist yet.
(defvar *asdf-version* nil)
(defvar *upgraded-p* nil)
(defvar *asdf-verbose* nil) ; was t from 2.000 to 2.014.12.
+ (defun find-symbol* (s p)
+ (find-symbol (string s) p))
;; Strip out formatting that is not supported on Genera.
;; Has to be inside the eval-when to make Lispworks happy (!)
(defmacro compatfmt (format)
- #-genera format
- #+genera
+ #-(or gcl genera) format
+ #+(or gcl genera)
(loop :for (unsupported . replacement) :in
- '(("~@<" . "")
- ("; ~@;" . "; ")
- ("~3i~_" . "")
- ("~@:>" . "")
- ("~:>" . "")) :do
+ `(("~3i~_" . "")
+ #+genera
+ ,@(("~@<" . "")
+ ("; ~@;" . "; ")
+ ("~@:>" . "")
+ ("~:>" . ""))) :do
(loop :for found = (search unsupported format) :while found :do
(setf format
(concatenate 'simple-string
;; "2.345.6" would be a development version in the official upstream
;; "2.345.0.7" would be your seventh local modification of official release 2.345
;; "2.345.6.7" would be your seventh local modification of development version 2.345.6
- (asdf-version "2.015.3")
- (existing-asdf (fboundp 'find-system))
+ (asdf-version "2.017")
+ (existing-asdf (find-class 'component nil))
(existing-version *asdf-version*)
(already-there (equal asdf-version existing-version)))
(unless (and existing-asdf already-there)
existing-version asdf-version))
((present-symbol-p (symbol package)
- (member (nth-value 1 (find-sym symbol package)) '(:internal :external)))
+ (member (nth-value 1 (find-symbol* symbol package)) '(:internal :external)))
(present-symbols (package)
;; #-genera (loop :for s :being :the :present-symbols :in package :collect s) #+genera
(let (l)
(make-package name :nicknames nicknames :use use))))))
- (find-sym (symbol package)
- (find-symbol (string symbol) package))
(intern* (symbol package)
(intern (string symbol) package))
(remove-symbol (symbol package)
- (let ((sym (find-sym symbol package)))
+ (let ((sym (find-symbol* symbol package)))
(when sym
#-cormanlisp (unexport sym package)
(unintern sym package)
:for removed = (remove-symbol sym package)
:when removed :do
(loop :for p :in packages :do
- (when (eq removed (find-sym sym p))
+ (when (eq removed (find-symbol* sym p))
(unintern removed p)))))
(ensure-shadow (package symbols)
(shadow symbols package))
(ensure-use (package use)
(dolist (used (reverse use))
(do-external-symbols (sym used)
- (unless (eq sym (find-sym sym package))
+ (unless (eq sym (find-symbol* sym package))
(remove-symbol sym package)))
(use-package used package)))
(ensure-fmakunbound (package symbols)
(loop :for name :in symbols
- :for sym = (find-sym name package)
+ :for sym = (find-symbol* name package)
:when sym :do (fmakunbound sym)))
(ensure-export (package export)
(let ((formerly-exported-symbols nil)
(loop :for user :in (package-used-by-list package)
:for shadowing = (package-shadowing-symbols user) :do
(loop :for new :in newly-exported-symbols
- :for old = (find-sym new user)
+ :for old = (find-symbol* new user)
:when (and old (not (member old shadowing)))
:do (unintern old user)))
(loop :for x :in newly-exported-symbols :do
(export (intern* x package)))))
- (ensure-package (name &key nicknames use unintern fmakunbound shadow export)
+ (ensure-package (name &key nicknames use unintern fmakunbound
+ shadow export redefined-functions)
(let* ((p (ensure-exists name nicknames use)))
(ensure-unintern p unintern)
(ensure-shadow p shadow)
(ensure-export p export)
- (ensure-fmakunbound p fmakunbound)
+ (ensure-fmakunbound p (append fmakunbound redefined-functions))
((pkgdcl (name &key nicknames use export
',name :nicknames ',nicknames :use ',use :export ',export
:shadow ',shadow
- :unintern ',(append #-(or gcl ecl) redefined-functions unintern)
- :fmakunbound ',(append fmakunbound))))
+ :unintern ',unintern
+ :redefined-functions ',redefined-functions
+ :fmakunbound ',fmakunbound)))
:nicknames (:asdf-utilities) ;; DEPRECATED! Do not use, for backward compatibility only.
;; #:ends-with
- ;; #:get-uid
;; #:length=n-p
;; #:find-symbol*
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; User-visible parameters
-(defun asdf-version ()
- "Exported interface to the version of ASDF currently installed. A string.
-You can compare this string with e.g.:
- *asdf-version*)
(defvar *resolve-symlinks* t
"Determine whether or not ASDF resolves symlinks when defining systems.
condition-arguments condition-form
condition-format condition-location
- #-cormanlisp
+ #-(or cormanlisp gcl-pre2.7)
(ftype (function (t t) t) (setf module-components-by-name)))
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;;;; Compatibility with Corman Lisp
+;;;; Compatibility various implementations
(deftype logical-pathname () nil)
- (defun make-broadcast-stream () *error-output*)
- (defun file-namestring (p)
+ (defun* make-broadcast-stream () *error-output*)
+ (defun* file-namestring (p)
(setf p (pathname p))
- (format nil "~@[~A~]~@[.~A~]" (pathname-name p) (pathname-type p)))
- (defparameter *count* 3)
- (defun dbg (&rest x)
- (format *error-output* "~S~%" x)))
-(defun maybe-break ()
- (decf *count*)
- (unless (plusp *count*)
- (setf *count* 3)
- (break)))
+ (format nil "~@[~A~]~@[.~A~]" (pathname-name p) (pathname-type p))))
+#.(or #+mcl ;; the #$ doesn't work on other lisps, even protected by #+mcl
+ (read-from-string
+ "(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (ccl:define-entry-point (_getenv \"getenv\") ((name :string)) :string)
+ (ccl:define-entry-point (_system \"system\") ((name :string)) :int)
+ ;; Note: ASDF may expect user-homedir-pathname to provide
+ ;; the pathname of the current user's home directory, whereas
+ ;; MCL by default provides the directory from which MCL was started.
+ ;; See http://code.google.com/p/mcl/wiki/Portability
+ (defun current-user-homedir-pathname ()
+ (ccl::findfolder #$kuserdomain #$kCurrentUserFolderType))
+ (defun probe-posix (posix-namestring)
+ \"If a file exists for the posix namestring, return the pathname\"
+ (ccl::with-cstrs ((cpath posix-namestring))
+ (ccl::rlet ((is-dir :boolean)
+ (fsref :fsref))
+ (when (eq #$noerr (#_fspathmakeref cpath fsref is-dir))
+ (ccl::%path-from-fsref fsref is-dir))))))"))
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; General Purpose Utilities
((defdef (def* def)
`(defmacro ,def* (name formals &rest rest)
- #+(or ecl gcl) (fmakunbound ',name)
+ #+(or ecl (and gcl (not gcl-pre2.7))) (fmakunbound ',name)
#-gcl ; gcl 2.7.0 notinline functions lose secondary return values :-(
,(when (and #+ecl (symbolp name)) ; fails for setf functions on ecl
`(declaim (notinline ,name)))
:finally (return (cons defabs (append (reverse defrev) reldir)))))))))))
(defun* merge-pathnames* (specified &optional (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
- "MERGE-PATHNAMES* is like MERGE-PATHNAMES except that if the SPECIFIED pathname
-does not have an absolute directory, then the HOST and DEVICE come from the DEFAULTS.
+if the SPECIFIED pathname does not have an absolute directory,
+then the HOST and DEVICE both come from the DEFAULTS, whereas
+if the SPECIFIED pathname does have an absolute directory,
+then the HOST and DEVICE both come from the SPECIFIED.
Also, if either argument is NIL, then the other argument is returned unmodified."
(when (null specified) (return-from merge-pathnames* defaults))
(when (null defaults) (return-from merge-pathnames* specified))
and NIL NAME, TYPE and VERSION components"
(when pathname
(make-pathname :name nil :type nil :version nil
- :directory (merge-pathname-directory-components '(:relative :back) (pathname-directory pathname))
+ :directory (merge-pathname-directory-components
+ '(:relative :back) (pathname-directory pathname))
:defaults pathname)))
(define-modify-macro appendf (&rest args)
append "Append onto list") ;; only to be used on short lists.
:unless (eq k key)
:append (list k v)))
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (ccl:define-entry-point (_getenv "getenv") ((name :string)) :string))
(defun* getenv (x)
(declare (ignorable x))
#+(or abcl clisp xcl) (ext:getenv x)
(unless (fboundp 'ensure-directories-exist)
- (defun ensure-directories-exist (path)
+ (defun* ensure-directories-exist (path)
(fs:create-directories-recursively (pathname path))))
(defun* absolute-pathname-p (pathspec)
:until (eq form eof)
:collect form)))
- #+ecl #.(cl:and (cl:< ext:+ecl-version-number+ 100601)
- '(ffi:clines "#include <sys/types.h>" "#include <unistd.h>"))
- (defun* get-uid ()
- #+allegro (excl.osi:getuid)
- #+ccl (ccl::getuid)
- #+clisp (loop :for s :in '("posix:uid" "LINUX:getuid")
- :for f = (ignore-errors (read-from-string s))
- :when f :return (funcall f))
- #+(or cmu scl) (unix:unix-getuid)
- #+ecl #.(cl:if (cl:< ext:+ecl-version-number+ 100601)
- '(ffi:c-inline () () :int "getuid()" :one-liner t)
- '(ext::getuid))
- #+sbcl (sb-unix:unix-getuid)
- #-(or allegro ccl clisp cmu ecl sbcl scl)
- (let ((uid-string
- (with-output-to-string (*verbose-out*)
- (run-shell-command "id -ur"))))
- (with-input-from-string (stream uid-string)
- (read-line stream)
- (handler-case (parse-integer (read-line stream))
- (error () (error "Unable to find out user ID")))))))
(defun* pathname-root (pathname)
(make-pathname :directory '(:absolute)
:name nil :type nil :version nil
- :defaults pathname ;; host device, and on scl scheme scheme-specific-part port username password
+ :defaults pathname ;; host device, and on scl, *some*
+ ;; scheme-specific parts: port username password, not others:
. #.(or #+scl '(:parameters nil :query nil :fragment nil))))
-(defun* find-symbol* (s p)
- (find-symbol (string s) p))
(defun* probe-file* (p)
"when given a pathname P, probes the filesystem for a file or directory
with given pathname and if it exists return its truename."
(null nil)
(string (probe-file* (parse-namestring p)))
(pathname (unless (wild-pathname-p p)
- #.(or #+(or allegro clozure cmu cormanlisp ecl sbcl scl) '(probe-file p)
- #+clisp (aif (find-symbol (string '#:probe-pathname) :ext) `(ignore-errors (,it p)))
+ #.(or #+(or allegro clozure cmu cormanlisp ecl lispworks sbcl scl)
+ '(probe-file p)
+ #+clisp (aif (find-symbol* '#:probe-pathname :ext)
+ `(ignore-errors (,it p)))
'(ignore-errors (truename p)))))))
-(defun* truenamize (p)
+(defun* truenamize (pathname &optional (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
"Resolve as much of a pathname as possible"
(block nil
- (when (typep p '(or null logical-pathname)) (return p))
- (let* ((p (merge-pathnames* p))
- (directory (pathname-directory p)))
+ (when (typep pathname '(or null logical-pathname)) (return pathname))
+ (let ((p (merge-pathnames* pathname defaults)))
(when (typep p 'logical-pathname) (return p))
(let ((found (probe-file* p)))
(when found (return found)))
- #-(or cmu sbcl scl) (when (stringp directory) (return p))
- (when (not (eq :absolute (car directory))) (return p))
+ (unless (absolute-pathname-p p)
+ (let ((true-defaults (ignore-errors (truename defaults))))
+ (when true-defaults
+ (setf p (merge-pathnames pathname true-defaults)))))
+ (unless (absolute-pathname-p p) (return p))
(let ((sofar (probe-file* (pathname-root p))))
(unless sofar (return p))
(flet ((solution (directories)
:type (pathname-type p)
:version (pathname-version p))
- (loop :for component :in (cdr directory)
+ (loop :with directory = (normalize-pathname-directory-component
+ (pathname-directory p))
+ :for component :in (cdr directory)
:for rest :on (cdr directory)
:for more = (probe-file*
(and path (resolve-symlinks path))
-(defun ensure-pathname-absolute (path)
+(defun* ensure-pathname-absolute (path)
((absolute-pathname-p path) path)
((stringp path) (ensure-pathname-absolute (pathname path)))
(defparameter *wild* #-cormanlisp :wild #+cormanlisp "*")
(defparameter *wild-file*
- (make-pathname :name *wild* :type *wild* :version *wild* :directory nil))
+ (make-pathname :name *wild* :type *wild*
+ :version (or #-(or abcl xcl) *wild*) :directory nil))
(defparameter *wild-directory*
(make-pathname :directory `(:relative ,*wild*) :name nil :type nil :version nil))
(defparameter *wild-inferiors*
(merge-pathnames* *wild-path* path))
-(defun directory-separator-for-host (&optional (pathname *default-pathname-defaults*))
+(defun* directory-separator-for-host (&optional (pathname *default-pathname-defaults*))
(let ((foo (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "FOO") :defaults pathname)))
(last-char (namestring foo))))
(defgeneric* (setf component-property) (new-value component property))
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+(eval-when (#-gcl :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defgeneric* (setf module-components-by-name) (new-value module)))
(defgeneric* version-satisfies (component version))
(defclass component ()
((name :accessor component-name :initarg :name :type string :documentation
"Component name: designator for a string composed of portable pathname characters")
- (version :accessor component-version :initarg :version) ;; :type (and string (satisfies parse-version)) -- not until we fix all systems that don't use it correctly!
+ ;; We might want to constrain version with
+ ;; :type (and string (satisfies parse-version))
+ ;; but we cannot until we fix all systems that don't use it correctly!
+ (version :accessor component-version :initarg :version)
(description :accessor component-description :initarg :description)
(long-description :accessor component-long-description :initarg :long-description)
;; This one below is used by POIU - http://www.cliki.net/poiu
(slot-value component 'absolute-pathname)
(let ((pathname
- (component-relative-pathname component)
- (pathname-directory-pathname (component-parent-pathname component)))))
+ (component-relative-pathname component)
+ (pathname-directory-pathname (component-parent-pathname component)))))
(unless (or (null pathname) (absolute-pathname-p pathname))
(error (compatfmt "~@<Invalid relative pathname ~S for component ~S~@:>")
pathname (component-find-path component)))
(return-from version-satisfies t))
(version-satisfies (component-version c) version))
-(defun parse-version (string &optional on-error)
+(defun* asdf-version ()
+ "Exported interface to the version of ASDF currently installed. A string.
+You can compare this string with e.g.:
+ *asdf-version*)
+(defun* parse-version (string &optional on-error)
"Parse a version string as a series of natural integers separated by dots.
Return a (non-null) list of integers if the string is valid, NIL otherwise.
If on-error is error, warn, or designates a function of compatible signature,
(defun* probe-asd (name defaults)
(block nil
(when (directory-pathname-p defaults)
- (let ((file
- (make-pathname
- :defaults defaults :version :newest :case :local
- :name name
- :type "asd")))
+ (let ((file (make-pathname
+ :defaults defaults :name name
+ :version :newest :case :local :type "asd")))
(when (probe-file* file)
(return file)))
#+(and asdf-windows (not clisp))
(split-name-type filename)))
(apply 'make-pathname :directory (cons relative path) :name name :type type
- ;; XCL and ABCL 0.25 have a bug, whereby make-pathname merges directories like merge-pathnames when a :defaults is provided. Fixed in the latest XCL.
(when defaults `(:defaults ,defaults))))))))
(defun* merge-component-name-type (name &key type defaults)
(flags :initarg :flags :accessor compile-op-flags
:initform nil)))
-(defun output-file (operation component)
+(defun* output-file (operation component)
"The unique output file of performing OPERATION on COMPONENT"
(let ((files (output-files operation component)))
(assert (length=n-p files 1))
(*compile-file-warnings-behaviour* (operation-on-warnings operation))
(*compile-file-failure-behaviour* (operation-on-failure operation)))
(multiple-value-bind (output warnings-p failure-p)
- (apply *compile-op-compile-file-function* source-file :output-file output-file
- (compile-op-flags operation))
- (when warnings-p
- (case (operation-on-warnings operation)
- (:warn (warn
- (compatfmt "~@<COMPILE-FILE warned while performing ~A on ~A.~@:>")
- operation c))
- (:error (error 'compile-warned :component c :operation operation))
- (:ignore nil)))
+ (apply *compile-op-compile-file-function* source-file
+ :output-file output-file (compile-op-flags operation))
+ (unless output
+ (error 'compile-error :component c :operation operation))
(when failure-p
(case (operation-on-failure operation)
(:warn (warn
operation c))
(:error (error 'compile-failed :component c :operation operation))
(:ignore nil)))
- (unless output
- (error 'compile-error :component c :operation operation)))))
+ (when warnings-p
+ (case (operation-on-warnings operation)
+ (:warn (warn
+ (compatfmt "~@<COMPILE-FILE warned while performing ~A on ~A.~@:>")
+ operation c))
+ (:error (error 'compile-warned :component c :operation operation))
+ (:ignore nil))))))
(defmethod output-files ((operation compile-op) (c cl-source-file))
(declare (ignorable operation))
(declare (ignorable operation c))
-;;; FIXME: we simply copy load-op's dependencies. this is Just Not Right.
+;;; FIXME: We simply copy load-op's dependencies. This is Just Not Right.
(defmethod component-depends-on ((o load-source-op) (c component))
(declare (ignorable o))
(loop :with what-would-load-op-do = (component-depends-on 'load-op c)
(asdf-message (compatfmt "~&~@<; ~@;Changed ASDF from version ~A to incompatible version ~A~@:>~%")
version new-version)))
- (let ((asdf (find-system :asdf)))
+ (let ((asdf (funcall (find-symbol* 'find-system :asdf) :asdf)))
;; invalidate all systems but ASDF itself
(setf *defined-systems* (make-defined-systems-table))
(register-system asdf)
(error 'missing-component-of-version :requires system :version version))
(let ((steps (traverse op system)))
(when (and (not (equal '("asdf") (component-find-path system)))
- (find-if #'(lambda (x) (equal '("asdf")
- (component-find-path (cdr x))))
- steps)
+ (find '("asdf") (mapcar 'cdr steps)
+ :test 'equal :key 'component-find-path)
;; If we needed to upgrade ASDF to achieve our goal,
;; then do it specially as the first thing, then
class (find-class 'component)))
:return class)
(and (eq type :file)
- (or (module-default-component-class parent)
+ (or (and parent (module-default-component-class parent))
(find-class *default-component-class*)))
(sysdef-error "don't recognize component type ~A" type)))
components pathname default-component-class
perform explain output-files operation-done-p
- depends-on serial in-order-to
+ depends-on serial in-order-to do-first
(version nil versionp)
;; list ends
&allow-other-keys) options
`((compile-op (compile-op ,@depends-on))
(load-op (load-op ,@depends-on)))))
- (setf (component-do-first ret) `((compile-op (load-op ,@depends-on))))
+ (setf (component-do-first ret)
+ (union-of-dependencies
+ do-first
+ `((compile-op (load-op ,@depends-on)))))
(%refresh-component-inline-methods ret rest)
(map () 'load-system defsystem-depends-on)
;; We change-class (when necessary) AFTER we load the defsystem-dep's
;; since the class might not be defined as part of those.
- (unless (eq (type-of system) class)
- (change-class system class))
+ (let ((class (class-for-type nil class)))
+ (unless (eq (type-of system) class)
+ (change-class system class)))
nil (list*
:module name
:input nil :output *verbose-out*
:wait t)))
+ #+(or cmu scl)
+ (ext:process-exit-code
+ (ext:run-program
+ "/bin/sh"
+ (list "-c" command)
+ :input nil :output *verbose-out*))
#+ecl ;; courtesy of Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll
(si:system command)
:prefix ""
:output-stream *verbose-out*)
+ #+mcl
+ (ccl::with-cstrs ((%command command)) (_system %command))
(apply 'sb-ext:run-program
:input nil :output *verbose-out*
#+win32 '(:search t) #-win32 nil))
- #+(or cmu scl)
- (ext:process-exit-code
- (ext:run-program
- "/bin/sh"
- (list "-c" command)
- :input nil :output *verbose-out*))
(ext:run-shell-command command)
- #-(or abcl allegro clisp clozure cmu ecl gcl lispworks sbcl scl xcl)
+ #-(or abcl allegro clisp clozure cmu ecl gcl lispworks mcl sbcl scl xcl)
(error "RUN-SHELL-COMMAND not implemented for this Lisp")))
;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Return a pathname object corresponding to the
directory in which the system specification (.asd file) is
- (make-pathname :name nil
- :type nil
- :defaults (system-source-file system-designator)))
+ (pathname-directory-pathname (system-source-file system-designator)))
(defun* relativize-directory (directory)
;;; implementation-identifier
;;; produce a string to identify current implementation.
-;;; Initially stolen from SLIME's SWANK, hacked since.
-(defparameter *implementation-features*
- '((:abcl :armedbear)
- (:acl :allegro)
- (:mcl :digitool) ; before clozure, so it won't get preempted by ccl
- (:ccl :clozure)
- (:corman :cormanlisp)
- (:lw :lispworks)
- :clisp :cmu :ecl :gcl :sbcl :scl :symbolics :xcl))
-(defparameter *os-features*
- '((:win :windows :mswindows :win32 :mingw32) ;; shorten things on windows
- (:solaris :sunos)
- (:linux :linux-target) ;; for GCL at least, must appear before :bsd.
- (:macosx :darwin :darwin-target :apple)
- :freebsd :netbsd :openbsd :bsd
- :unix
- :genera))
-(defparameter *architecture-features*
- '((:amd64 :x86-64 :x86_64 :x8664-target)
- (:x86 :i386 :i486 :i586 :i686 :pentium3 :pentium4 :pc386 :iapx386 :x8632-target)
- :hppa64 :hppa
- (:ppc64 :ppc64-target) (:ppc32 :ppc32-target :ppc :powerpc)
- :sparc64 (:sparc32 :sparc)
- (:arm :arm-target)
- (:java :java-1.4 :java-1.5 :java-1.6 :java-1.7)
- :mipsel :mipseb :mips
- :alpha
- :imach))
-(defun* lisp-version-string ()
+;;; Initially stolen from SLIME's SWANK, rewritten since.
+;;; The (car '(...)) idiom avoids unreachable code warnings.
+(defparameter *implementation-type*
+ (car '(#+abcl :abcl #+allegro :acl
+ #+clozure :ccl #+clisp :clisp #+cormanlisp :corman #+cmu :cmu
+ #+ecl :ecl #+gcl :gcl #+lispworks :lw #+mcl :mcl
+ #+sbcl :sbcl #+scl :scl #+symbolics :symbolic #+xcl :xcl)))
+(defparameter *operating-system*
+ (car '(#+cygwin :cygwin #+(or windows mswindows win32 mingw32) :win
+ #+(or linux linux-target) :linux ;; for GCL at least, must appear before :bsd.
+ #+(or macosx darwin darwin-target apple) :macosx ; also before :bsd
+ #+(or solaris sunos) :solaris
+ #+(or freebsd netbsd openbsd bsd) :bsd
+ #+unix :unix
+ #+genera :genera)))
+(defparameter *architecture*
+ (car '(#+(or amd64 x86-64 x86_64 x8664-target (and word-size=64 pc386)) :x64
+ #+(or x86 i386 i486 i586 i686 pentium3 pentium4 pc386 iapx386 x8632-target) :x86
+ #+hppa64 :hppa64 #+hppa :hppa
+ #+(or ppc64 ppc64-target) :ppc64
+ #+(or ppc32 ppc32-target ppc powerpc) :ppc32
+ #+sparc64 :sparc64 #+(or sparc32 sparc) :sparc32
+ #+(or arm arm-target) :arm
+ #+(or java java-1.4 java-1.5 java-1.6 java-1.7) :java
+ #+mipsel :mispel #+mipseb :mipseb #+mips :mips
+ #+alpha :alpha #+imach :imach)))
+(defparameter *lisp-version-string*
(let ((s (lisp-implementation-version)))
- (declare (ignorable s))
- #+allegro (format nil
- "~A~A~A~A"
- excl::*common-lisp-version-number*
- ;; ANSI vs MoDeRn - thanks to Robert Goldman and Charley Cox
- (if (eq excl:*current-case-mode*
- :case-sensitive-lower) "M" "A")
- ;; Note if not using International ACL
- ;; see http://www.franz.com/support/documentation/8.1/doc/operators/excl/ics-target-case.htm
- (excl:ics-target-case
- (:-ics "8")
- (:+ics ""))
- (if (member :64bit *features*) "-64bit" ""))
- #+armedbear (format nil "~a-fasl~a" s system::*fasl-version*)
- #+clisp (subseq s 0 (position #\space s)) ; strip build information (date, etc.)
- #+clozure (format nil "~d.~d-f~d" ; shorten for windows
- ccl::*openmcl-major-version*
- ccl::*openmcl-minor-version*
- (logand ccl::fasl-version #xFF))
- #+cmu (substitute #\- #\/ s)
- #+ecl (format nil "~A~@[-~A~]" s
- (let ((vcs-id (ext:lisp-implementation-vcs-id)))
- (when (>= (length vcs-id) 8)
- (subseq vcs-id 0 8))))
- #+gcl (subseq s (1+ (position #\space s)))
- #+genera (multiple-value-bind (major minor) (sct:get-system-version "System")
- (format nil "~D.~D" major minor))
- #+lispworks (format nil "~A~@[~A~]" s
- (when (member :lispworks-64bit *features*) "-64bit"))
- ;; #+sbcl (format nil "~a-fasl~d" s sb-fasl:+fasl-file-version+) ; f-f-v redundant w/ version
- #+mcl (subseq s 8) ; strip the leading "Version "
- #+(or cormanlisp sbcl scl) s
- #-(or allegro armedbear clisp clozure cmu cormanlisp
- ecl gcl genera lispworks mcl sbcl scl) s))
-(defun* first-feature (features)
- (labels
- ((fp (thing)
- (etypecase thing
- (symbol
- (let ((feature (find thing *features*)))
- (when feature (return-from fp feature))))
- ;; allows features to be lists of which the first
- ;; member is the "main name", the rest being aliases
- (cons
- (dolist (subf thing)
- (when (find subf *features*) (return-from fp (first thing))))))
- nil))
- (loop :for f :in features
- :when (fp f) :return :it)))
+ (or
+ #+allegro
+ (format nil "~A~A~@[~A~]"
+ excl::*common-lisp-version-number*
+ ;; ANSI vs MoDeRn - thanks to Robert Goldman and Charley Cox
+ (if (eq excl:*current-case-mode* :case-sensitive-lower) "M" "A")
+ ;; Note if not using International ACL
+ ;; see http://www.franz.com/support/documentation/8.1/doc/operators/excl/ics-target-case.htm
+ (excl:ics-target-case (:-ics "8")))
+ #+armedbear (format nil "~a-fasl~a" s system::*fasl-version*)
+ #+clisp
+ (subseq s 0 (position #\space s)) ; strip build information (date, etc.)
+ #+clozure
+ (format nil "~d.~d-f~d" ; shorten for windows
+ ccl::*openmcl-major-version*
+ ccl::*openmcl-minor-version*
+ (logand ccl::fasl-version #xFF))
+ #+cmu (substitute #\- #\/ s)
+ #+ecl (format nil "~A~@[-~A~]" s
+ (let ((vcs-id (ext:lisp-implementation-vcs-id)))
+ (subseq vcs-id 0 (min (length vcs-id) 8))))
+ #+gcl (subseq s (1+ (position #\space s)))
+ #+genera
+ (multiple-value-bind (major minor) (sct:get-system-version "System")
+ (format nil "~D.~D" major minor))
+ #+mcl (subseq s 8) ; strip the leading "Version "
+ s)))
(defun* implementation-type ()
- (first-feature *implementation-features*))
+ *implementation-type*)
(defun* implementation-identifier ()
- (labels
- ((maybe-warn (value fstring &rest args)
- (cond (value)
- (t (apply 'warn fstring args)
- "unknown"))))
- (let ((lisp (maybe-warn (implementation-type)
- (compatfmt "~@<No implementation feature found in ~a.~@:>")
- *implementation-features*))
- (os (maybe-warn (first-feature *os-features*)
- (compatfmt "~@<No OS feature found in ~a.~@:>") *os-features*))
- (arch (or #-clisp
- (maybe-warn (first-feature *architecture-features*)
- (compatfmt "~@<No architecture feature found in ~a.~@:>")
- *architecture-features*)))
- (version (maybe-warn (lisp-version-string)
- "Don't know how to get Lisp implementation version.")))
- (substitute-if
- #\_ #'(lambda (x) (find x " /:\\(){}[]$#`'\""))
- (format nil "~(~a~@{~@[-~a~]~}~)" lisp version os arch)))))
+ (substitute-if
+ #\_ #'(lambda (x) (find x " /:;&^\\|?<>(){}[]$#`'\""))
+ (format nil "~(~a~@{~@[-~a~]~}~)"
+ (or *implementation-type* (lisp-implementation-type))
+ (or *lisp-version-string* (lisp-implementation-version))
+ (or *operating-system* (software-type))
+ (or *architecture* (machine-type)))))
;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#-asdf-unix #\;)
(defun* user-homedir ()
- (truenamize (pathname-directory-pathname (user-homedir-pathname))))
+ (truenamize
+ (pathname-directory-pathname
+ #+mcl (current-user-homedir-pathname)
+ #-mcl (user-homedir-pathname))))
(defun* try-directory-subpath (x sub &key type)
(let* ((p (and x (ensure-directory-pathname x)))
(ts (and sp (probe-file* sp))))
(and ts (values sp ts))))
(defun* user-configuration-directories ()
- (remove-if
- #'null
- (flet ((try (x sub) (try-directory-subpath x sub :type :directory)))
- `(,(try (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME") "common-lisp/")
- ,@(loop :with dirs = (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS")
- :for dir :in (split-string dirs :separator ":")
- :collect (try dir "common-lisp/"))
- #+asdf-windows
- ,@`(#+lispworks ,(try (sys:get-folder-path :common-appdata) "common-lisp/config/")
- ;;; read-windows-registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\AppData
- ,(try (getenv "APPDATA") "common-lisp/config/"))
- ,(try (user-homedir) ".config/common-lisp/")))))
+ (let ((dirs
+ (flet ((try (x sub) (try-directory-subpath x sub)))
+ `(,(try (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME") "common-lisp/")
+ ,@(loop :with dirs = (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS")
+ :for dir :in (split-string dirs :separator ":")
+ :collect (try dir "common-lisp/"))
+ #+asdf-windows
+ ,@`(,(try (or #+lispworks (sys:get-folder-path :local-appdata)
+ (getenv "LOCALAPPDATA"))
+ "common-lisp/config/")
+ ;; read-windows-registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\AppData
+ ,(try (or #+lispworks (sys:get-folder-path :appdata)
+ (getenv "APPDATA"))
+ "common-lisp/config/"))
+ ,(try (user-homedir) ".config/common-lisp/")))))
+ (remove-duplicates (remove-if #'null dirs) :from-end t :test 'equal)))
(defun* system-configuration-directories ()
- (append
- #+asdf-windows
- (flet ((try (x sub) (try-directory-subpath x sub :type :directory)))
- `(,@`(#+lispworks ,(try (sys:get-folder-path :local-appdata) "common-lisp/config/")
- ;;; read-windows-registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\Common AppData
- ,(try (getenv "ALLUSERSPROFILE") "Application Data/common-lisp/config/"))))
- #+asdf-unix
- (list #p"/etc/common-lisp/"))))
+ `(#+asdf-windows
+ ,(flet ((try (x sub) (try-directory-subpath x sub)))
+ ;; read-windows-registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\Common AppData
+ (try (or #+lispworks (sys:get-folder-path :common-appdata)
+ (try (getenv "ALLUSERSPROFILE") "Application Data/"))
+ "common-lisp/config/"))
+ #+asdf-unix #p"/etc/common-lisp/")))
(defun* in-first-directory (dirs x)
(loop :for dir :in dirs
:thereis (and dir (probe-file* (merge-pathnames* x (ensure-directory-pathname dir))))))
#+clozure '(:follow-links nil)
#+clisp '(:circle t :if-does-not-exist :ignore)
#+(or cmu scl) '(:follow-links nil :truenamep nil)
- #+sbcl (when (find-symbol "RESOLVE-SYMLINKS" "SB-IMPL") '(:resolve-symlinks nil))))))
+ #+sbcl (when (find-symbol* :resolve-symlinks '#:sb-impl)
+ '(:resolve-symlinks nil))))))
(defun* validate-configuration-directory (directory tag validator &key invalid-form-reporter)
"Map the VALIDATOR across the .conf files in DIRECTORY, the TAG will
(try (getenv "XDG_CACHE_HOME") "common-lisp" :implementation)
- (try (getenv "APPDATA") "common-lisp" "cache" :implementation)
+ (try (or #+lispworks (sys:get-folder-path :local-appdata)
+ (getenv "LOCALAPPDATA")
+ #+lispworks (sys:get-folder-path :appdata)
+ (getenv "APPDATA"))
+ "common-lisp" "cache" :implementation)
'(:home ".cache" "common-lisp" :implementation))))
-(defvar *system-cache*
- ;; No good default, plus there's a security problem
- ;; with other users messing with such directories.
- *user-cache*)
(defun* output-translations ()
(car *output-translations*))
(values (or null pathname) &optional))
-(defun* resolve-relative-location-component (super x &key directory wilden)
- (let* ((r (etypecase x
- (pathname x)
- (string x)
- (cons
- (return-from resolve-relative-location-component
- (if (null (cdr x))
+(defun* resolve-relative-location-component (x &key directory wilden)
+ (let ((r (etypecase x
+ (pathname x)
+ (string (coerce-pathname x :type (when directory :directory)))
+ (cons
+ (if (null (cdr x))
+ (resolve-relative-location-component
+ (car x) :directory directory :wilden wilden)
+ (let* ((car (resolve-relative-location-component
+ (car x) :directory t :wilden nil)))
+ (merge-pathnames*
- super (car x) :directory directory :wilden wilden)
- (let* ((car (resolve-relative-location-component
- super (car x) :directory t :wilden nil))
- (cdr (resolve-relative-location-component
- (merge-pathnames* car super) (cdr x)
- :directory directory :wilden wilden)))
- (merge-pathnames* cdr car)))))
- ((eql :default-directory)
- (relativize-pathname-directory (default-directory)))
- ((eql :*/) *wild-directory*)
- ((eql :**/) *wild-inferiors*)
- ((eql :*.*.*) *wild-file*)
- ((eql :implementation) (implementation-identifier))
- ((eql :implementation-type) (string-downcase (implementation-type)))
- #+asdf-unix
- ((eql :uid) (princ-to-string (get-uid)))))
- (d (if (or (pathnamep x) (not directory)) r (ensure-directory-pathname r)))
- (s (if (or (pathnamep x) (not wilden)) d (wilden d))))
- (when (and (absolute-pathname-p s) (not (pathname-match-p s (wilden super))))
- (error (compatfmt "~@<Pathname ~S is not relative to ~S~@:>") s super))
- (merge-pathnames* s super)))
+ (cdr x) :directory directory :wilden wilden)
+ car))))
+ ((eql :default-directory)
+ (relativize-pathname-directory (default-directory)))
+ ((eql :*/) *wild-directory*)
+ ((eql :**/) *wild-inferiors*)
+ ((eql :*.*.*) *wild-file*)
+ ((eql :implementation)
+ (coerce-pathname (implementation-identifier) :type :directory))
+ ((eql :implementation-type)
+ (coerce-pathname (string-downcase (implementation-type)) :type :directory)))))
+ (when (absolute-pathname-p r)
+ (error (compatfmt "~@<pathname ~S is not relative~@:>") x))
+ (if (or (pathnamep x) (not wilden)) r (wilden r))))
(defvar *here-directory* nil
"This special variable is bound to the currect directory during calls to
(let* ((r
(etypecase x
(pathname x)
- (string (if directory (ensure-directory-pathname x) (parse-namestring x)))
+ (string (let ((p (#+mcl probe-posix #-mcl parse-namestring x)))
+ #+mcl (unless p (error "POSIX pathname ~S does not exist" x))
+ (if directory (ensure-directory-pathname p) p)))
(return-from resolve-absolute-location-component
(if (null (cdr x))
(car x) :directory directory :wilden wilden)
- (let* ((car (resolve-absolute-location-component
- (car x) :directory t :wilden nil))
- (cdr (resolve-relative-location-component
- car (cdr x) :directory directory :wilden wilden)))
- (merge-pathnames* cdr car))))) ; XXX why is this not just "cdr" ?
+ (merge-pathnames*
+ (resolve-relative-location-component
+ (cdr x) :directory directory :wilden wilden)
+ (resolve-absolute-location-component
+ (car x) :directory t :wilden nil)))))
((eql :root)
;; special magic! we encode such paths as relative pathnames,
;; but it means "relative to the root of the source pathname's host and device".
:directory t :wilden nil))
((eql :user-cache) (resolve-location *user-cache* :directory t :wilden nil))
- ((eql :system-cache) (resolve-location *system-cache* :directory t :wilden nil))
+ ((eql :system-cache)
+ (error "Using the :system-cache is deprecated. ~%~
+Please remove it from your ASDF configuration"))
((eql :default-directory) (default-directory))))
(s (if (and wilden (not (pathnamep x)))
(wilden r)
(unless (absolute-pathname-p s)
- (error (compatfmt "~@<Not an absolute pathname: ~3i~_~S~@:>") s))
+ (error (compatfmt "~@<Invalid designator for an absolute pathname: ~3i~_~S~@:>") x))
(defun* resolve-location (x &key directory wilden)
:for (component . morep) :on (cdr x)
:for dir = (and (or morep directory) t)
:for wild = (and wilden (not morep))
- :do (setf path (resolve-relative-location-component
- path component :directory dir :wilden wild))
+ :do (setf path (merge-pathnames*
+ (resolve-relative-location-component
+ component :directory dir :wilden wild)
+ path))
:finally (return path))))
(defun* location-designator-p (x)
;; so we must disable translations for implementation paths.
#+sbcl ,(let ((h (getenv "SBCL_HOME")))
(when (plusp (length h)) `((,(truenamize h) ,*wild-inferiors*) ())))
- #+ecl (,(translate-logical-pathname "SYS:**;*.*") ()) ; not needed: no precompiled ASDF system
- #+clozure ,(ignore-errors (list (wilden (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* #p"")) (truename #p"ccl:"))) ())) ; not needed: no precompiled ASDF system
+ ;; The below two are not needed: no precompiled ASDF system there
+ ;; #+ecl (,(translate-logical-pathname "SYS:**;*.*") ())
+ ;; #+clozure ,(ignore-errors (list (wilden (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* #p"")) (truename #p"ccl:"))) ()))
;; All-import, here is where we want user stuff to be:
;; These are for convenience, and can be overridden by the user:
((eq dst t)
(funcall collect (list trusrc t)))
- (let* ((trudst (make-pathname
- :defaults (if dst (resolve-location dst :directory t :wilden t) trusrc)))
+ (let* ((trudst (if dst
+ (resolve-location dst :directory t :wilden t)
+ trusrc))
(wilddst (merge-pathnames* *wild-file* trudst)))
(funcall collect (list wilddst t))
(funcall collect (list trusrc trudst)))))))))))
(defun* compile-file-pathname* (input-file &rest keys &key output-file &allow-other-keys)
- (or output-file
+ (if (absolute-pathname-p output-file)
+ ;; what cfp should be doing, w/ mp* instead of mp
+ (let* ((type (pathname-type (apply 'compile-file-pathname "x.lisp" keys)))
+ (defaults (make-pathname
+ :type type :defaults (merge-pathnames* input-file))))
+ (merge-pathnames* output-file defaults))
- (apply 'compile-file-pathname
- (truenamize (lispize-pathname input-file))
- keys))))
+ (apply 'compile-file-pathname input-file keys))))
(defun* tmpize-pathname (x)
(delete-file x)))
(defun* compile-file* (input-file &rest keys &key output-file &allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((output-file (or output-file (apply 'compile-file-pathname* input-file keys)))
+ (let* ((output-file (apply 'compile-file-pathname* input-file :output-file output-file keys))
(tmp-file (tmpize-pathname output-file))
(status :error))
(multiple-value-bind (output-truename warnings-p failure-p)
(error "asdf:enable-asdf-binary-locations-compatibility doesn't support :map-all-source-files nil on ECL and CLISP"))
(let* ((fasl-type (pathname-type (compile-file-pathname "foo.lisp")))
(mapped-files (if map-all-source-files *wild-file*
- (make-pathname :name :wild :version :wild :type fasl-type)))
+ (make-pathname :type fasl-type :defaults *wild-file*)))
(if centralize-lisp-binaries
:do (write-char (code-char code) out))))
(defun* read-little-endian (s &optional (bytes 4))
- (loop
- :for i :from 0 :below bytes
+ (loop :for i :from 0 :below bytes
:sum (ash (read-byte s) (* 8 i))))
(defun* parse-file-location-info (s)
;; "~.dep" "~.dot" "~.nib" "~.plst" ; we don't support ack wildcards
".git" ".hg" ".pc" ".svn" "CVS" "RCS" "SCCS" "_darcs"
"_sgbak" "autom4te.cache" "cover_db" "_build"
- "debian")) ;; debian often build stuff under the debian directory... BAD.
+ "debian")) ;; debian often builds stuff under the debian directory... BAD.
(defvar *source-registry-exclusions* *default-source-registry-exclusions*)
(defparameter *wild-asd*
(make-pathname :directory nil :name *wild* :type "asd" :version :newest))
-(defun directory-asd-files (directory)
- (ignore-errors
- (directory* (merge-pathnames* *wild-asd* directory))))
-(defun subdirectories (directory)
+(defun* filter-logical-directory-results (directory entries merger)
+ (if (typep directory 'logical-pathname)
+ ;; Try hard to not resolve logical-pathname into physical pathnames;
+ ;; otherwise logical-pathname users/lovers will be disappointed.
+ ;; If directory* could use some implementation-dependent magic,
+ ;; we will have logical pathnames already; otherwise,
+ ;; we only keep pathnames for which specifying the name and
+ ;; translating the LPN commute.
+ (loop :for f :in entries
+ :for p = (or (and (typep f 'logical-pathname) f)
+ (let* ((u (ignore-errors (funcall merger f))))
+ (and u (equal (ignore-errors (truename u)) f) u)))
+ :when p :collect p)
+ entries))
+(defun* directory-files (directory &optional (pattern *wild-file*))
+ (when (wild-pathname-p directory)
+ (error "Invalid wild in ~S" directory))
+ (unless (member (pathname-directory pattern) '(() (:relative)) :test 'equal)
+ (error "Invalid file pattern ~S" pattern))
+ (let ((entries (ignore-errors (directory* (merge-pathnames* pattern directory)))))
+ (filter-logical-directory-results
+ directory entries
+ #'(lambda (f)
+ (make-pathname :defaults directory :version (pathname-version f)
+ :name (pathname-name f) :type (pathname-type f))))))
+(defun* directory-asd-files (directory)
+ (directory-files directory *wild-asd*))
+(defun* subdirectories (directory)
(let* ((directory (ensure-directory-pathname directory))
- #-(or cormanlisp genera xcl)
+ #-(or abcl cormanlisp genera xcl)
(wild (merge-pathnames*
#-(or abcl allegro cmu lispworks scl xcl)
#+(or abcl allegro cmu lispworks scl xcl) "*.*"
- #-(or cormanlisp genera xcl)
+ #-(or abcl cormanlisp genera xcl)
(directory* wild . #.(or #+clozure '(:directories t :files nil)
#+mcl '(:directories t))))
+ #+(or abcl xcl) (system:list-directory directory)
#+cormanlisp (cl::directory-subdirs directory)
- #+genera (fs:directory-list directory)
- #+xcl (system:list-directory directory))
+ #+genera (fs:directory-list directory))
#+(or abcl allegro cmu genera lispworks scl xcl)
(dirs (loop :for x :in dirs
:for d = #+(or abcl xcl) (extensions:probe-directory x)
:when d :collect #+(or abcl allegro xcl) d
#+genera (ensure-directory-pathname (first x))
#+(or cmu lispworks scl) x)))
- dirs))
-(defun collect-asds-in-directory (directory collect)
+ (filter-logical-directory-results
+ directory dirs
+ (let ((prefix (normalize-pathname-directory-component
+ (pathname-directory directory))))
+ #'(lambda (d)
+ (let ((dir (normalize-pathname-directory-component
+ (pathname-directory d))))
+ (and (consp dir) (consp (cdr dir))
+ (make-pathname
+ :defaults directory :name nil :type nil :version nil
+ :directory (append prefix (last dir))))))))))
+(defun* collect-asds-in-directory (directory collect)
(map () collect (directory-asd-files directory)))
-(defun collect-sub*directories (directory collectp recursep collector)
+(defun* collect-sub*directories (directory collectp recursep collector)
(when (funcall collectp directory)
(funcall collector directory))
(dolist (subdir (subdirectories directory))
(when (funcall recursep subdir)
(collect-sub*directories subdir collectp recursep collector))))
-(defun collect-sub*directories-asd-files
+(defun* collect-sub*directories-asd-files
(directory &key
(exclude *default-source-registry-exclusions*)
:with end = (length string)
:for pos = (position *inter-directory-separator* string :start start) :do
(let ((s (subseq string start (or pos end))))
- (cond
- ((equal "" s) ; empty element: inherit
- (when inherit
- (error (compatfmt "~@<Only one inherited configuration allowed: ~3i~_~S~@:>")
- string))
- (setf inherit t)
- (push ':inherit-configuration directives))
- ((ends-with s "//")
- (push `(:tree ,(subseq s 0 (1- (length s)))) directives))
- (t
- (push `(:directory ,s) directives)))
+ (flet ((check (dir)
+ (unless (absolute-pathname-p dir)
+ (error (compatfmt "~@<source-registry string must specify absolute pathnames: ~3i~_~S~@:>") string))
+ dir))
+ (cond
+ ((equal "" s) ; empty element: inherit
+ (when inherit
+ (error (compatfmt "~@<Only one inherited configuration allowed: ~3i~_~S~@:>")
+ string))
+ (setf inherit t)
+ (push ':inherit-configuration directives))
+ ((ends-with s "//") ;; TODO: allow for doubling of separator even outside Unix?
+ (push `(:tree ,(check (subseq s 0 (- (length s) 2)))) directives))
+ (t
+ (push `(:directory ,(check s)) directives))))
(setf start (1+ pos)))
#+cmu (:tree #p"modules:")))
(defun* default-source-registry ()
- (flet ((try (x sub) (try-directory-subpath x sub :type :directory)))
+ (flet ((try (x sub) (try-directory-subpath x sub)))
- #+sbcl (:directory ,(merge-pathnames* ".sbcl/systems/" (user-homedir)))
+ #+sbcl (:directory ,(try (user-homedir) ".sbcl/systems/"))
(:directory ,(default-directory))
- ,@(let*
- #+asdf-unix
- ((datahome
- (or (getenv "XDG_DATA_HOME")
- (try (user-homedir) ".local/share/")))
- (datadirs
- (or (getenv "XDG_DATA_DIRS") "/usr/local/share:/usr/share"))
- (dirs (cons datahome (split-string datadirs :separator ":"))))
- #+asdf-windows
- ((datahome (getenv "APPDATA"))
- (datadir
- #+lispworks (sys:get-folder-path :local-appdata)
- #-lispworks (try (getenv "ALLUSERSPROFILE")
- "Application Data"))
- (dirs (list datahome datadir)))
- #-(or asdf-unix asdf-windows)
- ((dirs ()))
- (loop :for dir :in dirs
- :collect `(:directory ,(try dir "common-lisp/systems/"))
- :collect `(:tree ,(try dir "common-lisp/source/"))))
+ ,@(loop :for dir :in
+ `(#+asdf-unix
+ ,@`(,(or (getenv "XDG_DATA_HOME")
+ (try (user-homedir) ".local/share/"))
+ ,@(split-string (or (getenv "XDG_DATA_DIRS")
+ "/usr/local/share:/usr/share")
+ :separator ":"))
+ #+asdf-windows
+ ,@`(,(or #+lispworks (sys:get-folder-path :local-appdata)
+ (getenv "LOCALAPPDATA"))
+ ,(or #+lispworks (sys:get-folder-path :appdata)
+ (getenv "APPDATA"))
+ ,(or #+lispworks (sys:get-folder-path :common-appdata)
+ (try (getenv "ALLUSERSPROFILE") "Application Data/"))))
+ :collect `(:directory ,(try dir "common-lisp/systems/"))
+ :collect `(:tree ,(try dir "common-lisp/source/")))
(defun* user-source-registry ()
(in-user-configuration-directory *source-registry-file*))
(defun* compute-source-registry (&optional parameter (registry *source-registry*))
(dolist (entry (flatten-source-registry parameter))
(destructuring-bind (directory &key recurse exclude) entry
- (let* ((h (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+ (let* ((h (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) ; table to detect duplicates
directory :recurse recurse :exclude exclude :collect
#'(lambda (asd)
- (let ((name (pathname-name asd)))
+ (let* ((name (pathname-name asd))
+ (name (if (typep asd 'logical-pathname)
+ ;; logical pathnames are upper-case,
+ ;; at least in the CLHS and on SBCL,
+ ;; yet (coerce-name :foo) is lower-case.
+ ;; won't work well with (load-system "Foo")
+ ;; instead of (load-system 'foo)
+ (string-downcase name)
+ name)))
((gethash name registry) ; already shadowed by something else
@emph{Nota Bene}:
We have released ASDF 2.000 on May 31st 2010.
Subsequent releases of ASDF 2 have since then been included
-in all actively maintained CL implementations that bundle ASDF,
-and made to work with all actively used CL implementations and a few more.
+in all actively maintained CL implementations that used to bundle ASDF 1,
+plus some implementations that didn't use to,
+and has been made to work with all actively used CL implementations and a few more.
@xref{FAQ,,``What has changed between ASDF 1 and ASDF 2?''}.
Furthermore, it is possible to upgrade from ASDF 1 to ASDF 2 on the fly.
For this reason, we have stopped supporting ASDF 1;
if you are using ASDF 1 and are experiencing any kind of issues or limitations,
we recommend you upgrade to ASDF 2
---- and we explain how to do it. @xref{Loading ASDF}.
+--- and we explain how to do that. @xref{Loading ASDF}.
+Also note that ASDF is not to be confused with ASDF-Install.
+ASDF-Install is not part of ASDF, but a separate piece of software.
+ASDF-Install is also unmaintained and obsolete.
+We recommend you use Quicklisp instead,
+which works great and is being actively maintained.
+If you want to download software from version control instead of tarballs,
+so you may more easily modify it, we recommend clbuild.
@node Loading ASDF, Configuring ASDF, Introduction, Top
You can usually load this copy using Common Lisp's @code{require} function:
-(require :asdf)
+(require "asdf")
@end lisp
As of the writing of this manual,
the following implementations provide ASDF 2 this way:
abcl allegro ccl clisp cmucl ecl sbcl xcl.
-The following implementations don't provide it yet but might in a future release:
+The following implementations don't provide it yet but will in a future release:
lispworks scl.
The following implementations are obsolete and most probably will never bundle it:
cormancl gcl genera mcl.
you may also send a bug report to your Lisp vendor and complain
about their failing to provide ASDF.
+NB: all implementations except clisp also accept
+@code{(require "ASDF")}, @code{(require 'asdf)} and @code{(require :asdf)}.
+For portability's sake, you probably want to use @code{(require "asdf")}.
@section Checking whether ASDF is loaded
and upgrade with:
-(require :asdf)
+(require "asdf")
(asdf:load-system :asdf)
@end lisp
you will require a special configuration step and an old-style loading:
-(require :asdf)
+(require "asdf")
(push #p"@var{/path/to/new/asdf/}" asdf:*central-registry*)
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :asdf)
@end lisp
If you install software there, you don't need further configuration.
If you're installing software yourself at a location that isn't standard,
you have to tell ASDF where you installed it. See below.
-If you're using some tool to install software,
+If you're using some tool to install software (e.g. Quicklisp),
the authors of that tool should already have configured ASDF.
The simplest way to add a path to your search path,
say @file{/home/luser/.asd-link-farm/}
is to create the directory
-and there create a file with any name of your choice but the type @file{conf},
+and there create a file with any name of your choice,
+and with the type @file{conf},
for instance @file{42-asd-link-farm.conf}
containing the line:
and the machine you resume it at the time you resume it.
-@section Configuring ASDF to find your systems -- old style
+@section Configuring ASDF to find your systems --- old style
The old way to configure ASDF to find your systems is by
@code{push}ing directory pathnames onto the variable
For instance, if you wanted ASDF to find the @file{.asd} file
@file{/home/me/src/foo/foo.asd} your initialization script
-could after it loads ASDF with @code{(require :asdf)}
+could after it loads ASDF with @code{(require "asdf")}
configure it with:
to the @code{asdf:*central-registry*}.
ASDF knows how to follow such @emph{symlinks}
to the actual file location when resolving the paths of system components
-(on Windows, you can use Windows shortcuts instead of POSIX symlinks).
+(on Windows, you can use Windows shortcuts instead of POSIX symlinks;
+if you try aliases under MacOS, we are curious to hear about your experience).
For example, if @code{#p"/home/me/cl/systems/"} (note the trailing slash)
is a member of @code{*central-registry*}, you could set up the
Load ASDF itself into your Lisp image, either through
-@code{(require :asdf)} or else through
+@code{(require "asdf")} or else through
@code{(load "/path/to/asdf.lisp")}.
Note however, that @code{#p...} is a shorthand for @code{#.(parse-namestring ...)}
and that the behavior of @code{parse-namestring} is completely non-portable,
unless you are using Common Lisp @code{logical-pathname}s
-(@pxref{The defsystem grammar,,Warning about logical pathnames}, below).
+(@pxref{The defsystem grammar,,Using logical pathnames}, below).
Pathnames made with @code{#.(make-pathname ...)}
can usually be done more easily with the string syntax above.
The only case that you really need a pathname object is to override
@xref{Common attributes of components}.
-@subsection Warning about logical pathnames
+@subsection Using logical pathnames
@cindex logical pathnames
-We recommend that you not use logical pathnames
-in your asdf system definitions at this point,
-but logical pathnames @emph{are} supported.
+We do not generally recommend the use of logical pathnames,
+especially not so to newcomers to Common Lisp.
+However, we do support the use of logical pathnames by old timers,
+when such is their preference.
To use logical pathnames,
you will have to provide a pathname object as a @code{:pathname} specifier
to components that use it, using such syntax as
-You only have to specify such logical pathname for your system or
-some top-level component. Sub-components' relative pathnames, specified
-using the string syntax
-for names, will be properly merged with the pathnames of their parents.
+You only have to specify such logical pathname
+for your system or some top-level component.
+Sub-components' relative pathnames,
+specified using the string syntax for names,
+will be properly merged with the pathnames of their parents.
The specification of a logical pathname host however is @emph{not}
otherwise directly supported in the ASDF syntax
for pathname specifiers as strings.
The @code{asdf-output-translation} layer will
-avoid trying to resolve and translate logical-pathnames.
-The advantage of this is that you can define yourself what translations you want to use
+avoid trying to resolve and translate logical pathnames.
+The advantage of this is that
+you can define yourself what translations you want to use
with the logical pathname facility.
-The disadvantage is that if you do not define such translations, any
-system that uses logical pathnames will behave differently under
+The disadvantage is that if you do not define such translations,
+any system that uses logical pathnames will behave differently under
asdf-output-translations than other systems you use.
If you wish to use logical pathnames you will have to configure the
ASDF currently provides no specific support
for defining logical pathname translations.
+Note that the reasons we do not recommend logical pathnames are that
+(1) there is no portable way to set up logical pathnames before they are used,
+(2) logical pathnames are limited to only portably use
+a single character case, digits and hyphens.
+While you can solve the first issue on your own,
+describing how to do it on each of fifteen implementations supported by ASDF
+is more than we can document.
+As for the second issue, mind that the limitation is notably enforced on SBCL,
+and that you therefore can't portably violate the limitations
+but must instead define some encoding of your own and add individual mappings
+to name physical pathnames that do not fit the restrictions.
+This can notably be a problem when your Lisp files are part of a larger project
+in which it is common to name files or directories in a way that
+includes the version numbers of supported protocols,
+or in which files are shared with software written
+in different programming languages where conventions include the use of
+underscores, dots or CamelCase in pathnames.
@subsection Serial dependencies
@cindex serial dependencies
before it searches in the source registry above.
-@xref{Configuring ASDF,,Configuring ASDF to find your systems -- old style}.
+@xref{Configuring ASDF,,Configuring ASDF to find your systems --- old style}.
By default, @code{asdf:*central-registry*} will be empty.
;; override the defaults for exclusion patterns
- (:exclude PATTERN ...) |
+ (:exclude EXCLUSION-PATTERN ...) |
;; augment the defaults for exclusion patterns
- (:also-exclude PATTERN ...) |
+ (:also-exclude EXCLUSION-PATTERN ...) |
;; Note that the scope of a an exclude pattern specification is
;; the rest of the current configuration expression or file.
- NULL | ;; Special: skip this entry.
+ NIL | ;; Special: skip this entry.
+EXCLUSION-PATTERN := a string without wildcards, that will be matched exactly
+ against the name of a any subdirectory in the directory component
+ of a path. e.g. @code{"_darcs"} will match @file{#p"/foo/bar/_darcs/src/bar.asd"}
+@end example
+Pathnames are designated using another DSL,
+shared with the output-translations configuration DSL below.
+The DSL is resolved by the function @code{asdf::resolve-location},
+to be documented and exported at some point in the future.
- STRING | ;; namestring (better be absolute or bust, directory assumed where applicable)
+ STRING | ;; namestring (better be absolute or bust, directory assumed where applicable).
+ ;; In output-translations, directory is assumed and **/*.*.* added if it's last.
+ ;; On MCL, a MacOSX-style POSIX namestring (for MacOS9 style, use #p"...");
+ ;; Note that none of the above applies to strings used in *central-registry*,
+ ;; which doesn't use this DSL: they are processed as normal namestrings.
+ ;; however, you can compute what you put in the *central-registry*
+ ;; based on the results of say (asdf::resolve-location "/Users/fare/cl/cl-foo/")
PATHNAME | ;; pathname (better be an absolute path, or bust)
+ ;; In output-translations, unless followed by relative components,
+ ;; it better have appropriate wildcards, as in **/*.*.*
:HOME | ;; designates the user-homedir-pathname ~/
:USER-CACHE | ;; designates the default location for the user cache
- :SYSTEM-CACHE | ;; designates the default location for the system cache
- :HERE ;; designates the location of the configuration file
- ;; (or *default-pathname-defaults*, if invoked interactively)
+ :HERE | ;; designates the location of the configuration file
+ ;; (or *default-pathname-defaults*, if invoked interactively)
+ :ROOT ;; magic, for output-translations source only: paths that are relative
+ ;; to the root of the source host and device
+ ;; Not valid anymore: :SYSTEM-CACHE (was a security hazard)
- STRING | ;; namestring (directory assumed where applicable)
- PATHNAME | ;; pathname
- :IMPLEMENTATION | ;; a directory based on implementation, e.g. sbcl-1.0.45-linux-amd64
+ STRING | ;; relative directory pathname as interpreted by coerce-pathname.
+ ;; In output translations, if last component, **/*.*.* is added
+ PATHNAME | ;; pathname; unless last component, directory is assumed.
+ :IMPLEMENTATION | ;; directory based on implementation, e.g. sbcl-1.0.49-linux-x64
:IMPLEMENTATION-TYPE | ;; a directory based on lisp-implementation-type only, e.g. sbcl
- :UID | ;; current UID -- not available on Windows
- :USER ;; current USER name -- NOT IMPLEMENTED(!)
-PATTERN := a string without wildcards, that will be matched exactly
- against the name of a any subdirectory in the directory component
- of a path. e.g. @code{"_darcs"} will match @file{#p"/foo/bar/_darcs/src/bar.asd"}
+ :DEFAULT-DIRECTORY | ;; a relativized version of the default directory
+ :*/ | ;; any direct subdirectory (since ASDF 2.011.4)
+ :**/ | ;; any recursively inferior subdirectory (since ASDF 2.011.4)
+ :*.*.* | ;; any file (since ASDF 2.011.4)
+ ;; Not supported (anymore): :UID and :USERNAME
@end example
For instance, as a simple case, my @file{~/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf},
-which is the default place ASDF looks for this configuration,
-once contained:
+which is the default place ASDF looks for this configuration, once contained:
(:tree (:home "cl")) ;; will expand to e.g. "/home/joeluser/cl/"
+ NIL | ;; As source: skip this entry. As destination: same as source
T | ;; as source matches anything, as destination leaves pathname unmapped.
- NULL | ;; As source: skip this entry. As destination: same as source
- :ROOT | ;; magic: paths that are relative to the root of the source host and device
- STRING | ;; namestring (directory is assumed, better be absolute or bust, ``/**/*.*'' added)
- PATHNAME | ;; pathname (better be an absolute directory or bust)
- :HOME | ;; designates the user-homedir-pathname ~/
- :USER-CACHE | ;; designates the default location for the user cache
- :SYSTEM-CACHE ;; designates the default location for the system cache
- STRING | ;; namestring, directory is assumed. If the last component, /**/*.* is added
- PATHNAME | ;; pathname; unless last component, directory is assumed.
- :IMPLEMENTATION | ;; a directory based on implementation, e.g. sbcl-1.0.45-linux-amd64
- :IMPLEMENTATION-TYPE | ;; a directory based on lisp-implementation-type only, e.g. sbcl
- :*/ | ;; any direct subdirectory (since ASDF 2.011.4)
- :**/ | ;; any recursively inferior subdirectory (since ASDF 2.011.4)
- :*.*.* | ;; any file (since ASDF 2.011.4)
- :UID | ;; current UID -- not available on Windows
- :USER ;; current USER name -- NOT IMPLEMENTED(!)
+ ABSOLUTE-COMPONENT-DESIGNATOR ;; same as in the source-registry language
SYMBOL | ;; symbol of a function that takes two arguments,
With ASDF 2, we provide a new stable set of working features
that everyone can rely on from now on.
Use @code{#+asdf2} to detect presence of ASDF 2,
-@code{(asdf:version-satisfies (asdf:asdf-version) "2.000")}
+@code{(asdf:version-satisfies (asdf:asdf-version) "2.345.67")}
to check the availability of a version no earlier than required.
When an old version of ASDF was loaded,
it was very hard to upgrade ASDF in your current image
without breaking everything.
-Instead you have to exit the Lisp process and
+Instead you had to exit the Lisp process and
somehow arrange to start a new one from a simpler image.
Something that can't be done from within Lisp,
making automation of it difficult,
or shallow @code{:tree} entries.
Or you can fix your implementation to not be quite that slow
when recursing through directories.
+@emph{Update}: performance bug fixed the hard way in 2.010.
On Windows, only LispWorks supports proper default configuration pathnames
based on the Windows registry.
-Other implementations make do with environment variables.
+Other implementations make do with environment variables,
+that you may have to define yourself if you're using an older version of Windows.
Windows support is somewhat less tested than Unix support.
Please help report and fix bugs.
Previously, the pathname for a component was lazily computed when operating on a system,
and you would
@code{(defmethod source-file-type ((component cl-source-file) (system (eql (find-system 'foo))))
- (declare (ignorable component system)) "cl")}.
+ (declare (ignorable component system)) "lis")}.
Now, the pathname for a component is eagerly computed when defining the system,
and instead you will @code{(defclass cl-source-file.lis (cl-source-file) ((type :initform "lis")))}
and use @code{:default-component-class cl-source-file.lis} as argument to @code{defsystem},
-If ASDF isn't loaded yet, then @code{(require :asdf)}
+If ASDF isn't loaded yet, then @code{(require "asdf")}
should load the version of ASDF that is bundled with your system.
You may have it load some other version configured by the user,
if you allow such configuration.