--- /dev/null
+;;;; needed-early, or at least meaningful-early, stuff for FASL files
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
+;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
+;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
+;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
+;;;; files for more information.
+(in-package "SB!FASL")
+;;;; various constants and essentially-constants
+;;; a string which appears at the start of a fasl file header
+;;; This value is used to identify fasl files. Even though this is not
+;;; declared as a constant (because ANSI Common Lisp has no facility
+;;; for declaring values which are constant under EQUAL but not EQL),
+;;; obviously you shouldn't mess with it lightly. If you do set a new
+;;; value for some reason, keep these things in mind:
+;;; * To avoid confusion with the similar but incompatible CMU CL
+;;; fasl file format, the value should not be "FASL FILE", which
+;;; is what CMU CL used for the same purpose.
+;;; * Since its presence at the head of a file is used by LOAD to
+;;; decide whether a file is to be fasloaded or just loaded
+;;; ordinarily (as source), the value should be something which
+;;; can't legally appear at the head of a Lisp source file.
+;;; * The value should not contain any line-terminating characters,
+;;; because they're hard to express portably and because the LOAD
+;;; code might reasonably use READ-LINE to get the value to compare
+;;; against.
+(defparameter *fasl-header-string-start-string* "# FASL")
+;;; the code for a character which terminates a fasl file header
+(defconstant +fasl-header-string-stop-char-code+ 255)
+;;; This value should be incremented when the system changes in such
+;;; a way that it will no longer work reliably with old fasl files.
- (defconstant +fasl-file-version+ 13)
++(defconstant +fasl-file-version+ 14)
+;;; 2 = sbcl-0.6.4 uses COMPILE-OR-LOAD-DEFGENERIC.
+;;; 3 = sbcl-0.6.6 uses private symbol, not :EMPTY, for empty HASH-TABLE slot.
+;;; 4 = sbcl-0.6.7 uses HAIRY-DATA-VECTOR-REF and HAIRY-DATA-VECTOR-SET
+;;; when array headers or data element type uncertainty exist, and
+;;; uses DATA-VECTOR-REF and DATA-VECTOR-SET only for VOPs. (Thus,
+;;; full calls to DATA-VECTOR-REF and DATA-VECTOR-SET from older
+;;; fasl files would fail, because there are no DEFUNs for these
+;;; operations any more.)
+;;; 5 = sbcl-0.6.8 has rearranged static symbols.
+;;; 6 = sbcl-0.6.9, got rid of non-ANSI %DEFCONSTANT/%%DEFCONSTANT stuff
+;;; and deleted a slot from DEBUG-SOURCE structure.
+;;; 7 = around sbcl-, merged SB-CONDITIONS package into SB-KERNEL
+;;; 8 = sbcl- revived Gray stream support, changing stream layouts.
+;;; 9 = deleted obsolete CONS-UNIQUE-TAG bytecode in sbcl-
+;;; (somewhere in here also changes to AND and OR CTYPE layouts)
+;;; 10 = new layout for CONDITION in sbcl-
+;;; 11 = (a) new helper functions for MAKE-LOAD-FORM (HASH-TABLE) in
+;;; sbcl-
+;;; (b) new address space constants for OpenBSD in
+;;; (doesn't need separate version from (a) because the
+;;; OpenBSD port was broken from sometime before
+;;; until the address space was changed)
+;;; 12 = sbcl- added new SB-FASL package
- ;;; 13 = sbcl-0.6.12.x removed some elements from *STATIC-SYMBOLS*
++;;; 13 = sbcl- removed some elements from *STATIC-SYMBOLS*
++;;; 14 = sbcl- removed more elements from *STATIC-SYMBOLS*
+;;; the conventional file extension for fasl files on this
+;;; architecture, e.g. "x86f"
+(declaim (type (or simple-string null) *backend-fasl-file-type*))
+(defvar *backend-fasl-file-type* nil)
+;;; This is a sort of pun that we inherited from CMU CL. For ordinary,
+;;; non-byte-coded fasl files, the "implementation" is basically the
+;;; CPU. For byte-coded fasl files, the "implementation" is whether
+;;; the data are stored big-endianly or little-endianly.
+(defun backend-byte-fasl-file-implementation ()
+ *backend-byte-order*)
+;;; information about below-Lisp-level linkage
+;;; Note:
+;;; Assembler routines are named by full Lisp symbols: they
+;;; have packages and that sort of native Lisp stuff associated
+;;; with them. We can compare them with EQ.
+;;; Foreign symbols are named by Lisp strings: the Lisp package
+;;; system doesn't extend out to symbols in languages like C.
+;;; We want to use EQUAL to compare them.
+;;; *STATIC-FOREIGN-SYMBOLS* are static as opposed to "dynamic" (not
+;;; as opposed to "extern"). The table contains symbols known at
+;;; the time that the program was built, but not symbols defined
+;;; in object files which have been loaded dynamically since then.
+(declaim (type hash-table *assembler-routines* *static-foreign-symbols*))
+(defvar *assembler-routines* (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
+(defvar *static-foreign-symbols* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+;;;; the FOP database
+(declaim (simple-vector *fop-names* *fop-functions*))
+;;; a vector indexed by a FaslOP that yields the FOP's name
+(defvar *fop-names* (make-array 256 :initial-element nil))
+;;; a vector indexed by a FaslOP that yields a function of 0 arguments
+;;; which will perform the operation
+(defvar *fop-functions*
+ (make-array 256
+ :initial-element (lambda ()
+ (error "corrupt fasl file: losing FOP"))))
+;;;; other miscellaneous loading-related stuff
+;;;; variables
+(defvar *load-depth* 0
+ #!+sb-doc
+ "the current number of recursive LOADs")
+(declaim (type index *load-depth*))
+;;; the FASL file we're reading from
+(defvar *fasl-input-stream*)
+(declaim (type lisp-stream *fasl-input-stream*))
+(defvar *load-print* nil
+ #!+sb-doc
+ "the default for the :PRINT argument to LOAD")
+(defvar *load-verbose* nil
+ ;; Note that CMU CL's default for this was T, and ANSI says it's
+ ;; implementation-dependent. We choose NIL on the theory that it's
+ ;; a nicer default behavior for Unix programs.
+ #!+sb-doc
+ "the default for the :VERBOSE argument to LOAD")
+(defvar *load-code-verbose* nil)