under OpenBSD 2.9 on my X86 laptop. Do be patient when you try it:
it took more than two minutes (but less than five) for me.
- (This was once known as IR1-4, but it lived on even after the
- IR1 interpreter went to the big bit bucket in the sky.)
- The system accepts DECLAIM in most places where DECLARE would be
- accepted, without even issuing a warning. ANSI allows this, but since
- it's fairly easy to mistype DECLAIM instead of DECLARE, and the
- meaning is rather different, and it's unlikely that the user
- has a good reason for doing DECLAIM not at top level, it would be
- good to issue a STYLE-WARNING when this happens. A possible
- fix would be to issue STYLE-WARNINGs for DECLAIMs not at top level,
- or perhaps to issue STYLE-WARNINGs for any EVAL-WHEN not at top level.
- [This is considered an IR1-interpreter-related bug because until
- EVAL-WHEN is rewritten, which won't happen until after the IR1
- interpreter is gone, the system's notion of what's a top-level form
- and what's not will remain too confused to fix this problem.]
ANSI allows types `(COMPLEX ,FOO) to use very hairy values for
(due to reordering of the compiler this example is compiled
successfully by 0.7.14, but the bug probably remains)
- (possibly exercised by bug 254 test case)
(reported by Robert E. Brown 2002-04-16)
does not cause a warning. (BTW: old SBCL issued a warning, but for a
function, which was never called!)
-253: "type checking is embedded THEs"
- Compiler cannot perform type checking in
- (let () (list (the fixnum (the unsigned-byte (eval -1)))))
- (fixed in
-254: (possibly bug 148 in a new guise)
- In sbcl-, COMPILE-FILE on
- (cl:in-package :cl-user)
- (declaim (optimize (safety 3) (debug 2) (speed 2) (space 1)))
- (defstruct foo
- (uhw2 nil :type (or package null)))
- (macrolet ((defprojection (variant &key lexpr eexpr)
- (let ()
- `(defmethod uu ((foo foo))
- (let ((uhw2 (foo.uhw2 bar)))
- (let ()
- (u-flunt uhw2
- (baz (funcall ,lexpr south east 1)))))))))
- (defprojection h
- :lexpr (lambda (south east sched)
- (flet ((bd (x) (bref x sched)))
- (let ((avecname (gafp)))
- (declare (type (vector t) avecname))
- (multiple-value-prog1
- (progn
- (setf (avec.count avecname) (length rest))
- (setf (aref avecname 0) (bd (h south)))
- (setf (aref avecname 1) (bd (h east)))
- (stub avecname))
- (paip avecname)))))
- :eexpr (lambda (south east))))
- fails with
- debugger invoked on condition of type TYPE-ERROR:
- The value NIL is not of type SB-C::NODE.
- In sbcl-, COMPILE-FILE on
- (cl:in-package :cl-user)
- (declaim (optimize (safety 3) (debug 2) (speed 2) (space 1)))
- (defvar *1*)
- (defvar *2*)
- (defstruct v a b)
- (defstruct w)
- (defstruct yam (v nil :type (or v null)))
- (defstruct un u)
- (defstruct (bod (:include un)) bo)
- (defstruct (bad (:include bod)) ba)
- (declaim (ftype (function ((or w bad) (or w bad)) (values)) %ufm))
- (defun %ufm (base bound) (froj base bound *1*) (values))
- (declaim (ftype (function ((vector t)) (or w bad)) %pu))
- (defun %pu (pds) *2*)
- (defun uu (yam)
- (let ((v (yam-v az)))
- (%ufm v
- (flet ((project (x) (frob x 0)))
- (let ((avecname *1*))
- (multiple-value-prog1
- (progn (%pu avecname))
- (frob)))))))
- fails with
- failed AVER:
+ (fixed in
--- /dev/null
+;;; bug 254: compiler falure
+(defpackage :bug254 (:use :cl))
+(in-package :bug254)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3) (debug 2) (speed 2) (space 1)))
+(defstruct foo
+ (uhw2 nil :type (or package null)))
+(macrolet ((defprojection (variant &key lexpr eexpr)
+ (let ()
+ `(defmethod uu ((foo foo))
+ (let ((uhw2 (foo.uhw2 bar)))
+ (let ()
+ (u-flunt uhw2
+ (baz (funcall ,lexpr south east 1)))))))))
+ (defprojection h
+ :lexpr (lambda (south east sched)
+ (flet ((bd (x) (bref x sched)))
+ (let ((avecname (gafp)))
+ (declare (type (vector t) avecname))
+ (multiple-value-prog1
+ (progn
+ (setf (avec.count avecname) (length rest))
+ (setf (aref avecname 0) (bd (h south)))
+ (setf (aref avecname 1) (bd (h east)))
+ (stub avecname))
+ (paip avecname)))))
+ :eexpr (lambda (south east))))
+(delete-package :bug254)
+;;; bug 255
+(defpackage :bug255 (:use :cl))
+(in-package :bug255)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3) (debug 2) (speed 2) (space 1)))
+(defvar *1*)
+(defvar *2*)
+(defstruct v a b)
+(defstruct w)
+(defstruct yam (v nil :type (or v null)))
+(defstruct un u)
+(defstruct (bod (:include un)) bo)
+(defstruct (bad (:include bod)) ba)
+(declaim (ftype (function ((or w bad) (or w bad)) (values)) %ufm))
+(defun %ufm (base bound) (froj base bound *1*) (values))
+(declaim (ftype (function ((vector t)) (or w bad)) %pu))
+(defun %pu (pds) *2*)
+(defun uu (yam)
+ (let ((v (yam-v az)))
+ (%ufm v
+ (flet ((project (x) (frob x 0)))
+ (let ((avecname *1*))
+ (multiple-value-prog1
+ (progn (%pu avecname))
+ (frob)))))))
+(delete-package :bug255)
+(sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104)