:rest rest)
+(defun compare-key-args (type1 type2)
+ (let ((keys1 (args-type-keywords type1))
+ (keys2 (args-type-keywords type2)))
+ (and (= (length keys1) (length keys2))
+ (eq (args-type-allowp type1)
+ (args-type-allowp type2))
+ (loop for key1 in keys1
+ for match = (find (key-info-name key1)
+ keys2 :key #'key-info-name)
+ always (and match
+ (type= (key-info-type key1)
+ (key-info-type match)))))))
(defun type=-args (type1 type2)
(macrolet ((compare (comparator field)
(let ((reader (symbolicate '#:args-type- field)))
(and/type (and/type (compare type=-list required)
(compare type=-list optional))
(if (or (args-type-keyp type1) (args-type-keyp type2))
- (values nil nil)
+ (values (compare-key-args type1 type2) t)
(values t t))))))
;;; Do a union or intersection operation on types that might be values