(declaim (type index *gc-run-time*))
+(defun print-time (&key real-time-ms user-run-time-us system-run-time-us
+ gc-run-time-ms processor-cycles eval-calls
+ lambda-conversions page-faults bytes-consed
+ aborted)
+ (let ((total-run-time-us (+ user-run-time-us system-run-time-us)))
+ (format *trace-output*
+ "~&Evaluation took:~%~
+ ~@< ~@;~/sb-impl::format-milliseconds/ of real time~%~
+ ~/sb-impl::format-microseconds/ of total run time ~
+ (~@/sb-impl::format-microseconds/ user, ~@/sb-impl::format-microseconds/ system)~%~
+ ~[[ Run times consist of ~/sb-impl::format-milliseconds/ GC time, ~
+ and ~/sb-impl::format-milliseconds/ non-GC time. ]~%~;~2*~]~
+ ~,2F% CPU~%~
+ ~@[~:D form~:P interpreted~%~]~
+ ~@[~:D lambda~:P converted~%~]~
+ ~@[~:D processor cycles~%~]~
+ ~@[~:D page fault~:P~%~]~
+ ~:D bytes consed~%~
+ ~@[~%before it was aborted by a non-local transfer of control.~%~]~:>~%"
+ real-time-ms
+ total-run-time-us
+ user-run-time-us
+ system-run-time-us
+ (if (zerop gc-run-time-ms) 1 0)
+ gc-run-time-ms
+ ;; Round up so we don't mislead by saying 0.0 seconds of non-GC time...
+ (- (ceiling total-run-time-us 1000) gc-run-time-ms)
+ (if (zerop real-time-ms)
+ 100.0
+ (float (* 100 (/ (round total-run-time-us 1000) real-time-ms))))
+ eval-calls
+ lambda-conversions
+ processor-cycles
+ page-faults
+ bytes-consed
+ aborted)))
(defmacro time (form)
"Execute FORM and print timing information on *TRACE-OUTPUT*.
Finally, the counter is cycle counter, incremented by the hardware
even when the process is halted -- which is to say that cycles pass
normally during operations like SLEEP."
- `(%time (lambda () ,form)))
+ `(call-with-timing #'print-time (lambda () ,form)))
;;; Return all the data that we want TIME to report.
(defun time-get-sys-info ()
(multiple-value-bind (user sys faults) (sb!sys:get-system-info)
(values user sys faults (get-bytes-consed))))
(defun elapsed-cycles (h0 l0 h1 l1)
(declare (ignorable h0 l0 h1 l1))
(multiple-value-bind (whole fraction) (floor number scale)
(format stream "~D." whole)
(%fraction fraction))))))
;;; The guts of the TIME macro. Compute overheads, run the (compiled)
;;; function, report the times.
-(defun %time (fun)
- (declare (type function fun))
+(defun call-with-timing (timer function &rest arguments)
+ #!+sb-doc
+ "Calls FUNCTION with ARGUMENTS, and gathers timing infomation about it.
+Then calls TIMER with keyword arguments describing the information collected.
+Calls TIMER even if FUNCTION performs a non-local transfer of control. Finally
+returns values returned by FUNCTION.
+ User run time in microseconds.
+ System run time in microseconds.
+ Real time in milliseconds.
+ GC run time in milliseconds (included in user and system run time.)
+ Approximate number of processor cycles used. (Omitted if not supported on
+ the platform -- currently available on x86 and x86-64 only.)
+ Number of calls to EVAL. (Omitted if zero.)
+ Number of lambdas converted. (Omitted if zero.)
+ Number of page faults. (Omitted if zero.)
+ Approximate number of bytes consed.
+ True if FUNCTION caused a non-local transfer of control. (Omitted if
+ NIL.)
+EXPERIMENTAL: Interface subject to change."
(let (old-run-utime
- cons-overhead)
+ cons-overhead
+ (fun (if (functionp function) function (fdefinition function))))
+ (declare (function fun))
;; Calculate the overhead...
(old-run-utime old-run-stime old-page-faults old-bytes-consed)
(setq old-real-time (get-internal-real-time))
(let ((start-gc-internal-run-time *gc-run-time*)
(*eval-calls* 0)
- (sb!c::*lambda-conversions* 0))
+ (sb!c::*lambda-conversions* 0)
+ (aborted t))
(declare (special *eval-calls* sb!c::*lambda-conversions*))
(multiple-value-bind (h0 l0) (read-cycle-counter)
- (multiple-value-prog1
- ;; Execute the form and return its values.
- (funcall fun)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (multiple-value-prog1 (apply fun arguments)
+ (setf aborted nil))
(multiple-value-bind (h1 l1) (read-cycle-counter)
(let ((stop-gc-internal-run-time *gc-run-time*))
(real-time (max (- new-real-time old-real-time) 0))
(user-run-time (max (- new-run-utime old-run-utime) 0))
(system-run-time (max (- new-run-stime old-run-stime) 0))
- (total-run-time (+ user-run-time system-run-time))
(cycles (elapsed-cycles h0 l0 h1 l1))
(page-faults (max (- new-page-faults old-page-faults) 0)))
- (format *trace-output*
- "~&Evaluation took:~%~
- ~@< ~@;~/sb-impl::format-milliseconds/ of real time~%~
- ~/sb-impl::format-microseconds/ of total run time ~
- (~@/sb-impl::format-microseconds/ user, ~@/sb-impl::format-microseconds/ system)~%~
- ~[[ Run times consist of ~/sb-impl::format-milliseconds/ GC time, ~
- and ~/sb-impl::format-milliseconds/ non-GC time. ]~%~;~2*~]~
- ~,2F% CPU~%~
- ~@[~:D form~:P interpreted~%~]~
- ~@[~:D lambda~:P converted~%~]~
- ~@[~:D processor cycles~%~]~
- ~@[~:D page fault~:P~%~]~
- ~:D bytes consed~:>~%"
- real-time
- total-run-time
- user-run-time
- system-run-time
- (if (zerop gc-internal-run-time) 1 0)
- gc-internal-run-time
- ;; Round up so we don't mislead by saying 0.0 seconds of non-GC time...
- (- (ceiling total-run-time 1000) gc-internal-run-time)
- (if (zerop real-time)
- 100.0
- (float (* 100 (/ (round total-run-time 1000) real-time))))
- (unless (zerop *eval-calls*) *eval-calls*)
- (unless (zerop sb!c::*lambda-conversions*) sb!c::*lambda-conversions*)
- cycles
- (unless (zerop page-faults) page-faults)
- (max (- new-bytes-consed old-bytes-consed) 0))))))))))
+ (let (plist)
+ (flet ((note (name value &optional test)
+ (unless (and test (funcall test value))
+ (setf plist (list* name value plist)))))
+ (note :aborted aborted #'not)
+ (note :bytes-consed (max (- new-bytes-consed old-bytes-consed) 0))
+ (note :page-faults page-faults #'zerop)
+ (note :processor-cycles cycles #'zerop)
+ (note :lambdas-converted sb!c::*lambda-conversions* #'zerop)
+ (note :eval-calls *eval-calls* #'zerop)
+ (note :gc-run-time-ms gc-internal-run-time)
+ (note :system-run-time-us system-run-time)
+ (note :user-run-time-us user-run-time)
+ (note :real-time-ms real-time))
+ (apply timer plist))))))))))